HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/02/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr � MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 2, 1970 7:00 p. m. Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners George Boyett, Carl Tishler, Douglas Stone, Joe Orr and Bob Evans and City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioner Carl Landiss Visitors Present: Mr. W. D. Fitch, Jane Howell On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the Minutes of the October 19, 1970 meeting were approved as written. Commissioner Stone stated that he did not receive the enclosure of the proposed policy statement. On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Boyett, the Ponderosa Place Preliminary Subdivision Plat was approved (P&Z Case No. 41-70). There was some discussion. Motion carried. Mr. Fitch, developer of Area Progress Corporation, asked for the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission on an additional right of • way on the west side of Hwy. 6 being granted in order to widen the narrow area between the west and east by-passes. The P&Z Commission felt it was commendable of the Area Progress Corporation and that the city needed the extra right of way. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Tishler, the Resolution or Policy on City Planning was recommended to be sent to the City Council for consideration. Motion carried. The proposed changes in the Subdivision Regulations made by Commissioners Orr and Evans were postponed, until the City Engineer could be present to discuss the matter with the P&Z Commission. The City Planner made a presentation of the TOPICS Program. He placed emphasis upon inter-city cooperation. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Tishler, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. APPROVED: Chairman ATT ST: >eZ Ci Secretary rt6 Planner' s Brief on November 2, 1970 Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Adgenda Items 411 2. P&Z Case No. 41-70 Consideration of the Preliminary Plat P of "Ponderosa Place" Subdivision. As may be seen on the a;.• enclosed copy of the plat, "Ponderosa Place" is only a division of part of the Area Progress Corporation land south of the west bypass. It segements off two parcels along highway 6 immediately across from the East bypass and at the point where the East bypass and highway 6 join. The plat provides an additional 46.7 feet to the existing highway 6 right-of-way to even up the existing right-of-way along highway 6. The primary purpose of adding r-n-w is to allow the developer at a latter date to add a frontage road paralleling highway 6. Another r-o-w, 70 feet wide, is provided on the northern boundary of the subdivision to provide future access into property behind the subdivision. The two parcels mentioned above areabout 4 acres and 2 acres each. The 70 foot wide r-o-w is located so that it would be an extention of the northbound lane of the east by-pass. (see map attached) . 4 There are no residential lots on the plat. It is platted to facilitate:: the commercial sale of the parcels and to provide the right-of-way addition for highway 6. 3• 4. Consideration of proposed Subdivision Regulation revisions. Item 1, changing the r-o-w of city residential streets frorrs 50 to 60 feet is UNNECESSARY. It becomes necessary ONLY �, hn sid walks are to be provided on residential streets. It le prof gyred that the City Planner review and study the proposed _. .s.division plats to determine the technical feasibility or the location of collector streets in residential areas and . ; provide for them then at the time of the pre-submission eenference. A note about determining the classification oT' streets. Transportation PLANNERS Should plan the location of collectors , arterials and overall street patterns. At the completion of the planning phase, Transportation ENGINEERS should take over the project. I would recommend that residential streets surrounding apartment areas be 60 foot -o-w and 38 foot paved sections provided rather than the blanket 50 foot r-o-w and 28 foot paved sections, if it is felt that 50 feet r-o-w widths for residential streets would by definition include apartment complexes. j. T. O.P.I.C.S. means Traffic Operations Program To Increase Capacity and Safety. It 1s a federal program. . The federal 6roverninent and the Texas Highway Department share 50-50 in the cost of the plan and installation of the plan. I have prepared a 3 to 4 minute report to be shown on the opaque • projector related to this item. D. D. Williamson, T.H.D. Transportation Planner may discuss TOPICS at the meeting ` .f he is in town. • \ ...,) : \., .. Itit\c„. 2 tchi L......„,.. r \., .411 )...._.„ ----) ---\ , ...) . 4 \ , _ 1 ` } r 1 \ ) , , amity/ \\,kc--) 0I I k 11 l s \ ,..us:, , ,/( , ,., ,, \ All 3j . ) .._ .,„,\ . ,,, ,., 4,, ,,,i, 7l‘i , 1.--N, \., , - y ) r ( ----...-..--*,,: '; -- I/7 ---\\ \..<.:. . s (\ \L4 1 i �\ r' f/r \ \�JC -\ \„, , . ,5rAT •'•kitql-'' - 6- '''''''''','"-',.............e_ ( - ... _ fi PONDEROSA -'� \ _Pl ACE Z. IV C . ;,;- \ , _. / „- s? . .._,, ., - ) (J.? __ _._, _.... ,, .„ \ ,, \?A,.(\, r , y �� \ r .. 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