HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/16/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission 7 1 0 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 16, 1970 7:00 p. m. Members Present: C. D. Wells, Chairman; Commissioners George Boyett, Bob Evans, Carl Tishler, Douglas Stone, Joe Orr, and Carl Landiss; City Planner George Eby and City Engineer Lloyd James Visitors Present: Edward H. Miller, W. D. Fitch, Dorsey McCrory, Marcia Richards and Fran Bicknell On motion by Commissioner Orr, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the Minutes of the November 2, 1970 meeting were approved as written. P&Z Case No. 40-70, the Final Plat of Southwood, Sections 6, 7 and 9, submitted by Area Progress Corporation, was discussed among commission members. Mr. Fitch, the developer of the property, when asked by the Commission what method he intended to use to satisfy the park land requirements of the subdivision ordinance, answered that he was considering the dedication of a large tract outside the proposed subdivision for use as a S, park and was hopeful that credit could be granted when the arrangements for the dedication of the proposed park site were completed. Commissioner Orr moved that the Final Plat of Southwood, Sections 6, 7 and 9 be approved (P&Z Case No. 40-70), subject to the developer furnishing a Guarantee of Performance by one of the three methods as outlined in the Subdivision Regulations Ordinance No. 210 and that a suitable arrangement for dedication of a park site be made. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. The next item on the Agenda was the streets and traffic discussion. Chairman Wells stated that the commission members would be supplied with suitable maps for which they could be thinking about spacing, location, etc. , of the major streets in the area of extra- territorial jurisdiction. Chairman Wells showed a tracing of Church Street to the commissioners. There was some discussion pertaining to this. The Land Use Plan was discussed and the availability of city maps that may be used for a land use plan. After considerable discussion among commissioners, the city planner, and the city engineer, Commissioner Landiss moved that P&Z recommend to the City Manager that advantage be taken of a proposal from a local engineer to have a large scale city map drawn, suitable for the location of utilities, etc. , and for a city map to be made from. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. On motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Tishler, meeting adjourned. 0. APPROVED: Chairman A TEST• Le_cit.,&t...4/ Secretary J