HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/04/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 4, 1970 Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Douglas Stone, Carl Landiss, Carl Tishler, Joe Orr, Bob Evans, and George Boyett; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Planner George Eby Visitors Present: Mrs. Paul Kramer, Paul R. Kramer, Vernon Files, Kay Files, Jack & Anita Tofey, E. J. Zoch, Clara Sandstedt, Robert Wimbish, Mary Bryan, Sharon Van Doren, A. B. Hobson, S.M. McConnell, Mrs. S. M. McConnell, C. B. Ryan, James A. Woford, James R. Gardner, Mrs. C. W. Alworth, Mrs. C. B. Haden, Mrs. R. J. Krenek, John S. Hendershot, Dietrich Beyes, Bob Horton, Bryan Garner, W. A. Haveron, Swayne Richardson The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station, Texas. On motion by Commissioner Tishler, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Minutes of the April 20, 1970 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried. Chairman Wells then read Ordinance No. 682, as passed by the Council May 1, 1970, which creates a Planning and Zoning Commission. It was decided that a vice- chairman and a secretary would be elected later in the meeting. The first item on the Agenda was a request to rezone 1.543 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 2, second dwelling house district. This area is approximately 600 feet long and 113 feet wide, along Merry Oaks Street extension, parallel to and south of Dominik, near the East By-pass. City Planner Eby pointed this area out on the map and briefly explained the location. Chairman Wells opened the floor for discussion. Mr. Paul Kramer read a letter from Dr. H. O. Hartley, who was not able to be present in opposition to this zoning. Mrs. Sandstedt also stated she is opposed to the zoning. There were other comments from citizens in opposition to this zoning and considerable discussion between citizens and Mr. Seaback. Chairman Wells then closed the public hearing. He explained to the citizens present that the Planning and Zoning Commission only makes recommendations and that the final decision on zoning rests with the City Council. Commissioner Landiss suggested a compromise; if the area for duplexes was single family, could they build a strip of duplexes directly across the street facing the new single family area. Mr. Seaback, the developer, said he would prefer not to and again, would like to state that he did not see how the Duplexes could hurt the value of Dominik Drive. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 May 4, 1970 40 Chairman Wells had to call the meeting to order at this point. Commissioner Landiss asked for a reaction from citizens present concerning his recommendation. There were some people in agreement with this proposal. Commissioner Landiss moved that the rezoning request of 1.543 acres (P&Z Case No. 18-70) , a request to rezone this tract, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 2, second dwelling house district, be tabled at this time. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. Commissioner Stone asked to be recorded as voting no. The next item was a rezoning request (P&Z Case No. 19-70 ) for 15. 874 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is north of Highway 30 and adjacent to the East By-pass. There was a proposal from the floor that the city consider buying the area as proposed for duplex zoning, for a park. Chairman Wells answered that this was something the Commission could consider, as a recommendation to the Council. Councilman Orr moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend this 1.543 acre tract proposed as duplex, be purchased by the city as a park. Motion failed • for lack of a second. Commissioner Orr moved that the rezoning request (P&Z #19-70) be recommended for approval, which is a 15.874 acre tract, to be rezoned from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. City Engineer James asked the developer, Mr. Seaback, about the drainage easements on the cul-de-sacs. Mr. Seaback stated he would go underground or over, whatever is required. Mr. James also asked about the design head on the box and Mr. Seaback said there were no permanent structures proposed at this time. City Planner Eby suggested placing townhouses as a buffer zone between the single family residential and the commercial. He feels the commercial area is too large. There was considerable discussion among the developer and commissioners about this proposed plan. Commissioner Orr then withdrew his motion, as stated above, and Mr. Tishler withdrew his second to the motion. Commissioner Orr asked if Mr. Seaback could have his zoning request arranged as Mr. Eby had presented it. He stated that he probably could. Commissioner Landiss moved that the request of P&Z Case No. 19-70, a request to rezone 15. 874 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, 4111 first business district, be tabled, and that Mr. Seaback meet with the City Planner and come back with a more acceptable request. Mr. Seaback then asked what he should do with the duplex lots. Chairman Wells answer to this was that the City Council would have to consider the park proposal that was made by Mr. Orr. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Vote was unanimous. Motion carried. r � Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 May 4, 1970 Access to this commercial area along the by-pass was questioned. It was suggested that the developer meet with the City Engineer and the Highway Department to discuss access to this area. John Garner, Engineer for Mr. Seaback, asked if he could submit the Final Plat on University Arms, Section I, and Chairman Wells stated that he would not accept the final plat unless it had the Guarantee of Completion, Construction Plans and all the other documents concerned. The Subdivision Regulations were then reviewed, particularly as it pertains to extra-territorial jurisdiction. Chairman Wells passed out a copy of a proposed addition to the subdivision ordinance as it concerns subdivisions in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. Due to the fact that there are new members on the commission, Chairman Wells stated this would be postponed until the new members had had time to review it. Chairman Wells briefly outlined the various classifications of zones in the new proposed ordinance. There were various questions from citizens concerning different areas of the zoning ordinance. Chairman Wells explained that the draft they had before them now was strictly a working draft and it was in the process of being reviewed by the City Attorney. There was a discussion about billboards in the city also. Chairman Wells appointed Douglas Stone and Carl Tishler to work up a Rules of Procedure for consideration at the next P&Z meeting. Commissioner Boyett nominated Commissioner Stone for vice-chairman, and motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. Commissioner Evans nominated Commissioner Landiss as secretary. Chairman Wells interrupted and states that anytime a member is serving as recording secretary, he does not have time to listen to the discussion. He further explained that the secretary's duties in this case would only be signatory because the Council had promised to provide a city employee as Recording Secretary. Commissioner Landiss declined the nomination. Commissioner Landis&'then moved that Commissioner Tishler be appointed as secretary. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Orr. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. A citizen in the audience asked if the city could be more explecit in their descriptions of where zoning was requested. Chairman Wells asked City Planner Eby to add an explanatory note at the bottom of the legal notice sent to the property owners, which would more clearly describe the property to be zoned. There was a discussion between Chairman Wells and • Mr. Eby that lots and block numbers cannot be used in describing a zone change request unless it is from a recorded plat. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 May 4, 1970 • Commissioner Landiss moved the meeting adjourn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. APPROVED: CC./ 1:-/,?\ edYa • Chairman ATTEST: Q-ada ti& City Secretary las AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 4, 1970 7:00 p.m. ZONE CHANGE REQUESTS: 1. P&Z Case No. 18-70: A request for rezoning 1.543 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 2, second dwelling house district. This area is approximately 600 feet long and 113 feet wide, along Merry Oaks Street extension, parallel to and south of Dominik, near the East By-pass. 2. P&Z Case Nc. 10-70: A request for rezoning 15.874 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is north of Highway 30 and adjacent to the East By-pass. OTHER BUSINESS: 3. Reconsideration of the Subdivision Regulations. 4. Consideration of the proposed Zoning Ordinance. CDW:las O I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on at gsfn.04) Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this 00�� day of , 19 Notary Public, B zos Couy, Texas -- IIII 1