HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/18/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING 411 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 18, 1970 7:00 p.m. Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners George Boyett, Carl Tishler, J. A. Orr, Carl Landiss, and Bob Evans; Bill Cooley, Council Liaison, Lloyd James, City Engineer; and George Eby, City Planner Members Absent: Commissioner Douglas Stone Visitors Present: Bob Reese, Dorsey McCrory, Glen Meador, Gene Hodges, Mark Gasway, Mary Margaret Chilen, Jim Mueler, Benjamin Acosta, Joaguin Acosta, Robert Lamm, Herb Brevard, Daniel Davis, Al Borman, Jr. , V. H. Litchford, Ben Franklin, John Culpepper, Jr. , and Frank Griffis Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station, Texas. Councilman Boyett made a correction to the Minutes of the May 6, 1970 meeting. On page 3, he stated that he did not nominate Commissioner Stone for vice-chairman. Commissioner • Landiss stated that he did. The Minutes were corrected. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Orr, the Minutes of May 6, 1970 meeting were approved as corrected. The first item on the Agenda was a zone change request from Charles Cemino, P&Z Case No. 16-70, a 3.5 acre tract, asking for rezoning from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is on Highway 6, south and is bounded on the north side by Bernadine Estates. Chairman Wells asked if Mr. Cemino was in the audience. He was not. Chairman Wells then stated that it was not standard practice to consider the request of a person who was not present at the public hearing. The second item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 17-70, a zone change request from August Nitschman, for rezoning an area of 3.5 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area lies immediately east of the area in Case No. 16-70, described above, and is bounded on the north by Bernadine Estates. Chairman Wells asked if Mr. Nitschman was present. He was not. Chairman Wells stated that the request could not, therefore, be considered. The next item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 20-70, a zone change request from Virgil Litchford to rezone 1.4 acres, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area lies immediately south of P&Z Cases No. 16-70 and 17-70, and has frontage on Highway 6 and the East By-pass. Mr. Litchford 11101 was present at the hearing. Mr. Wells stated that because the three cases were so similar and the public hearing had been advertised, he would hear from the audience concerning the zone change request. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 2 May 18, 1970 City Planner Eby showed the location of the property on the opaque projector and explained the various facets of the land as it pertained to the zone change request. Mr. Ben Franklin, who resides in Bernadine Estates, stated that he was not necessarily opposed to commercial zoning, but that anything done on the land should be done from a plat and not just grant an over-all zone change request. Mr. Bill Fitch, who was also present and owns land across Highway 6 from the proposed zone change request, was asked for his comments. He stated that he could not see any other use than commercial for this particular piece of property. He stated that he might even ask for commercial zoning on his property in that area, but had no plans to do so at the present time. Mr. Herb Brevard, a resident of Bernadine Estates, pointed out an error on the map shown concerning a creek being located more on a property line in Lot 7, than that shown on the map. He further stated that at the time he purchased the two lots he owns in Bernadine Estates, Mr. Cemino had told him that there would another street to the south of Bernadine Estates and that this would be a residential development. He further stated he was dissatisfied with the trailer park in the area and feels a need for all city facilities to be in place before anything is built on the land. He stated he had no objection to Mr. Litchford's zone change request but did want to go on record as objecting to the Cemino and Nitschman requests. At this point, City Planner Eby suggested that possibly a compromise between the Litchford-Cemino- and Nitschman request could be worked out in such a manner that there would be ample area for a commercial establishment but still some sort of buffer strip between the commercial area and the back of Bernadine Estates . Commissioner Boyett asked Mr. Litchford what the intended use of his land was. Litchford said the only plans he had at present was for a drive-in grocery on the corner, but had no plan for the remaining part of his property. Access to Mr. Litchford's property from both the By-pass and Highway 6 was questioned. Planner Eby stated he had talked with the Highway Department about the access problem and showed on the map, the general traffic plan for that area. He further stated there would be some problem with south bound traffic getting into the Litchford tract. Chairman Wells and Commissioner Boyett both stated that it would be bad planning to back a commercial establishment on to residences. Mr. Litchford stated that he had originally thought it would be best to consider the three tracts together, because he had been refused a recommendation for zoning for having a tract too small, and therefore, if LIII the commission would, he would like to have his tract considered alone. Commissioner Orr suggested that Mr. Litchford get with the other two owners who were not present and try and work out a compromise. Commissioner Boyett moved that P&Z Case No. 20-70, a request from Virgil Litchford for rezoning an area of 1.4 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district (which lies immediately south of P&Z Cases 16-70 and 17-70, and has frontage on Hwy. 6 and the East By-pass) be tabled for the time to reconsider with the other property owners some sort of compromise. Commissioner Orr seconded the motion. Motion carried. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Page 3 May 18, 1970 City Planner Eby was directed to contact Mr. Nitschman and Mr. Cemino and try and find an alternate which would be suitable to all concerned. The next item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 21-70, a Subdivision Plat request from D. E. McCrory, for consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of Sections 1 and 2, Camelot Addition. This area lies south of Southwood Addition, Section 1, or between the Southwood addition and the West By-pass. City Planner Eby pointed this area out on the map. Chairman Wells asked Mr. McCrory what his plans were for Langford Street, which would border the east side of the Camelot Addition. Mr. McCrory explained that he was only one of a group and that the owner persons involved were Mr. Peese and Mr. Hervey. He stated that he had no answer as to what should be done with Langford Street at this time because of some unanswered questions about sewer service and drainage. City Engineer James answered several questions about the engineering report he had given to the Planning and Zoning Commission concerning the two requests from McCrory and Fitch. The recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Committee was that the area along Bee Creek be reserved as a Park, because it was too low to serve with sewer. • Mr. Fitch explained that the reason Langford Street was dedicated but had not been built, was because the actions of a former P&Z Commission had demanded assurance that there be a route from the elementary school to the area of the two proposed subdivisions. Mr. McCrory explained that the extension of Guadalupe Street into their subdivision had been planned by his group. There was considerable discussion about the desirability of a thru street and how to provide access to the high school site. Commissioner Orr moved that the request of P&Z Case No. 21-70, Camelot, Sections 1 and 2, Master Preliminary Plat, be approved upon the following conditions: (a) When the property south of the proposed Sections 1 and 2 is platted, it should have a connecting road from Langford Street to an extension of Guadalupe Street (b) McCrory and Associates will furnish necessary drainage easements as required by the City Engineer, and (c) McCrory and Associates will furnish a pedestrian-way with a four foot sidewalk from Lancelot Drive along the Sanitary Sewer Easement by Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, of Section 1, to the rear property line of Lot 10. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Boyett. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. • Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 May 18, 1970 • Upon a question raised by David Mayo, Engineer for McCrory & Associates, the Commission stated there was no need to dedicate Guadalupe Street until Section 2 was submitted. The next item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 22-70, a request from the Area Progress Corporation for consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of Southwood, Sections 6 and 7. After some discussion, Commissioner Landiss moved that the Master Preliminary Plat of Southwood, Sections 6 and 7, be approved with the same conditions as placed on the Camelot Addition. These conditions are as follows: (a) Area Progress Corporation will furnish necessary drainage easements. (b) A pedestrian walk-way with a four foot sidewalk will be provided. Commissioner Orr seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. The next item on the Agenda was the reconsideration of the Subdivision Ordinance. Chairman Wells explained that he and Mr. John Denison had been directed by the City Council to consider new recommendations on the underground electric installation provisions as originally recommended by P&Z. He further stated that he had not had time to meet with Mr. Denison and make these recommendations. He was further directed by the Council to hold a joint meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the • Planning and Zoning Commission, and suggested Monday, May 25, 1970 as a suitable meeting date. Commissioner Boyett stated that he could not be available at that time and suggested the meeting be postponed until Tuesday, May 29. This date of May 29 was agreeable. The next item the Council had directed the P&Z Commission to consider was the section concerning subdivisions within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city. After some discussion, it was decided that open ditch streets should be used only in those areas where the lot width exceeded one hundred front feet and if the developer so desires them, he may construct the open ditch type section. Commissioner Orr asked Councilman Cooley for the Council to reconsider the use of plastic pipe in lieu of copper pipe for yard service lines. Commissioner Boyett said that his experience with plastic pipe shows that it is as good as copper pipe and it was cheaper and saves on labor time. A discussion followed. Commissioner Orr moved, seconded by Commissioner Tishler, to recommend the special conditions for subdivisions, within the extraterritorial jurisdiction. Motion carried. The proposed Zoning Ordinance was reviewed briefly by the P&Z Commission and some changes were made in the master draft. This ordinance was returned to the Zoning Commission for final revision and preparation of the Zoning Map. • The following sub-committee's were appointed from the P&Z Commission: Joe Orr Subdivision & Transportation (C. D. Wells, ex-officio Bob Evans Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 May 18, 1970 • Douglas Stone Zoning ( C. D. Wells, Ex-officio) Carl Tishler Carl Landiss General Planning (C. D. Wells, Ex-officio) George Boyett Mr. Fitch stated that he would like to commend C. D. Wells, Chairman of Planning and Zoning, for his work in behalf of the Economic Development Administration Grant which the City had recently received for water and sewer line extensions. Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, moved the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. APPROVED: Chairman • ATTEST: 4ZAJ2 ( cretary las • L AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS May 18, 1970 7:00 p.m. 1. Consideration of Minutes of previous meeting. 2. Zoning Change Requests: (a) P&Z Case No. 16-70: A request from Charles Cemino for rezoning 3.5 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling bailee district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is on Highway 6, south and is bounded on the north side by Bernadine Estates. (b) P&Z Case No. 17-70: A request from August Nitschman for rezoning an area of 3.5 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area lies immediately east of the area in Case No. 16-70, described above, and is bounded on the north by Bernadine Estates. (c) P&Z Case No. 20-70: A request from Virgil Latchford for rezoning an area of 1.4 acres, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to Ilk District No. 4, first business district. This area lies immediately south of P&Z Cases 16-70 and 17-70, and has frontage on Highway 6 and the East By-pass. 3. Subdivision Plats: (a) P&Z Case No. 21-70: A request from D. E. McCrory, for consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of Sections 1 and 2 of Camelot Addition. This area lies south of "SOUTHWOOD ADDITION, SECTION 1", or between the Southwood Addition and the West By-pass. (b) P&Z Case No. 22-70: A request from the Area Progress Corporation for consideration of a Master Preliminary Plat of Southwood, Sections 6 and 7. This area is east of the future high school site. 4. Other Business: (a) Reconsideration of proposed Subdivision Regulations. (b) Reconsideration of Zoning Ordinance. 5. Hear visitors. • 6. Adjourn. CDW:las A i I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on YJ2 /97 at Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this .2 - day of • 19 7a . Notary Public, razor ty, Texas