HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/02/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 2, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Carl Tishler, J. D. Lindsay, Douglas Stone, Carl Landiss, R. R. Rhodes, City Engineer, Lloyd James; City Planner George Eby; City Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioner Wendell Horne Visitors Present: Kenneth Schroeder, Hipolite Cavales, J. W. Wood, Leatrice Alani, Robert Simibish, Frank Griffis, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Davis, A. J Buck, Harrison E. Hierth, Mrs. C. O. Sprigg, E. R. Musick, Russell Maddox, W. R. Lowery, Bill Cooley, Edward Miller, Mrs. V. J Boriskie, Bill Fitch and Frank Coulter Acting Chairman C. D. Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room at the City Hall in College Station, Texas. On motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Rhodes, the Minutes of February 19, 1970 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried. The first item on the Agenda was a rezoning request from Mrs. V. J. Boriskie, P&Z Case Numbers 1-70, 2-70, 3-70 and 4-70. Chairman Wells explained that since Mrs. Boriskie had submitted four requests, they would be considered as a package. The requests were for commercial zoning. City Planner George Eby pointed the areas out on the map. Mrs. Boriskie was asked to come before the Planning and Zoning Commission so that they might ask questions pertaining to the proposed rezoning of her property. Mrs. Boriskie stated that at the present time, she had no definite plans for these lots but that if the zoning were granted, she and Mr. Scarmado might possibly combine their areas and provide a sizeable commercial area. She stated that she did not feel the property was suitable for anything but commercial since it - is located where it is. Commissioner Rhodes stated possibly additional right of way for Park Place might be needed. Acting Chairman Wells stated that an easement would be necessary for Wolf Pen Creek which runs through Mrs. Boriskie's property. Mrs. Boriskie stated that she was aware of this. Chairman Wells opened the public hearing. There was no response from citizens in the audience so the hearing was closed. Commissioner Gardner moved that P&Z Case Numbers 1-70, 2-70, 3-70 and 4-70 be recommended to the Council to be denied because there was enough commercial zoning, in the city at present which was not being used and because from a traffic standpoint, commercial zoning on that property would be hazardous. Motion failed for lack of a second. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 March 2, 1970 • Commissioner Landiss then moved that P&Z Case Numbers 1-70, 2-70, 3-70 and 4-70 (Mrs. Boriskie's requests) be recommended to the Council for approval for commercial zoning., conditioned upon dedication of an easement for straightening of Wolf Pen Creek. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no. The next case under consideration was P&Z Case No. 5-70 (Mrs. Alani), which is a request to rezone Lots 6, one-half of 7 and a 3-foot strip on the rear of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, of the College Park Subdivision, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. City Planner George Eby showed the area under consideration on the map. Chairman Wells asked Mrs. Alani to come before the Commission so that she might answer any questions they might have concerning her request. City Planner Eby explained that all of the property in the area where Mrs. Alani lives is zoned as R-i at present, but most of the property on the block has duplexes built on it, because the duplexes were constructed before our present Zoning Ordinance No. 38 went into effect. The lot on the corner, located behind Mrs. Alani's property, is zoned commercial at present. Mrs. Alani stated the size of her property is 69 x 125 feet. She stated that . she had definite and immediate plans for the future if the apartment zoning were granted. Chairman Wells opened the floor for the public hearing. Frank Coulter stated that he wished to go on record as being opposed to the apartment zoning. He stated that although the house he was living in was built as a duplex, he did not think the area should be crowded by apartments. He said that he was not in favor of "spot" rezoning and he felt this was what this would be. Dr. Hierth stated that he was also opposed to the apartment zoning being granted. He stated that he had bought his home 24 years ago and improved the property and he felt that Fairview was definitely a residential street. Mrs. Davis Fleming stated that she lives at 103 Fairview and her main objection was the traffic an apartment unit would bring. She stated that some mornings it takes her 30 minutes to back out of her driveway. Mrs. Lola Thompson stated that she planned to move to the duplex she now owns in that area and remodel it as her home in the very near future and .she was opposed to the apartment zoning because of the garbage pickup problem it would create. She stated that she had complained for years to the city about the garbage pickup in the alley behind her property but it had never done any good. Mrs. Alani asked to speak in defense of her case. She said that if the people who had spoken object to more than one family living in a house, then their property should be converted to residential rather than duplex, as it is at present. She stated that she did not feel she could improve her property as a single family residence when none of the property around her was actually being used as single family residential use. She stated that she did not want to be discriminated against. J Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 March 2, 1970 Chairman Wells pointed out that the people who had spoken against the rezoning, had all had their duplexes built in that area before the zoning ordinance went into effect; therefore, their properties were considered a non-conforming use under the zoning ordinance. City Planner Eby stated that strictly from a planning standpoint that since this area is so close to the University, he could not see why this property in time should not all become apartment area. Mrs. Alani pointed out to the Commission that she did not plan on building "unattractive apartments". She stated that she had taken more or less a "slum" area in Bryan and turned it into a very attractive apartment area that was worthwhile. Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt the area needed a change of zone, to, at the very least, duplex. After considerable discussion among commission members, Commissioner Rhodes moved that P&Z Case #5-70 (Mrs. Alani), a request to rezone Lots 6, one-half of 7 and a 3 foot strip on the rear of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1, of the College Park Sub- division, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, . Apartment House District, be recommended to the Council to be denied. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Landiss. Motion carried. Commissioner Stone asked to be recorded as voting no. Commissioner Gardner then moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend rezoning all of Block 1 with the exception of Lots 10 and 11 and Lots 1, 2 and 1/2 of 3, to duplex zoning. Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. Chairman Wells pointed out that advertisement for public hearings would be necessary. On the question, Commissioners Tishler, Lindsay, Wells and Landiss voted no. Commissioners Stone, Gardner and Rhodes voted yes. Motion failed. The next item under consideration was P&Z Case No. 8-70, from Area Progress Corporation, to rezone a 10. 84 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of Welsh Street and Southwest Parkway from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. Mr. Fitch came before the Commission to answer questions concerning his request. There was considerable discussion concerning the request among commissioners and Mr. Fitch. He stated that he planned to use the area for possibly a community super market because he definitely felt one was needed in that area. Chairman Wells opened the public hearing. One lady in the audience stated she felt the supermarket would be in a better location if it were down off of the By-pass • nearer the school. Mr. Fitch then explained the p lanning principles behind his site selection. L Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 March 2, 1970 Commissioner Landiss moved that P&Z Case #8-70 (Area Progress Corp. ) be recommended to the Council for approval. This is a 10. 84 acre tract located at the southwest corner of Welsh Street and Southwest Parkway from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. Motion carried. The request was unanimously approved. The next item under consideration was P&Z Case #9-70 (Area Progress Corporation), which is a Preliminary Plat of the West Knoll Subdivision, Section 2. City Planner George Eby pointed out the area on the map. After much discussion among Commissioners and Mr. Fitch and Mr. Searcy Babbitt, Commissioner Rhodes recommended the West Knoll Subdivision be annroved as a Master Preliminary Plat, with the southeast 1/2 (Section 2) designated as the first unit of construction & the northeast 1/2 (Section 3) designated as the second unit of construction to be separated by a "greenbelt" area. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. The next item on the Agenda was Runaway Acres Subdivision, which falls within the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction and is approximately one mile west of the airport. This is P&Z Case No. 6-70. This plat was submitted by Mr. W. Davis. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Stone moved that the Runaway Acres 411 Preliminary Subdivision Plat ( P&Z Case No. 6-70) be recommended to the City Council for approval, subject to street right of way width on Mary D. Street being increased to 56 feet. Commissioner Lindsey seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Rhodes moved the meeting adjourn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lindsay. Motion carried. APPROVED: et�n a ATTEST: ( y7141,A) Y444Adet74-- • City Secretary las • l AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 2, 1970 ZONING REOUESTS: 1. P&7 Case #1-70 (Boriskie): A request to rezone Lot 7, Block 2 of the Kapchinskie Subdivision, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. 2. P&Z Case #2-70 (Boriskie): A request to rezone Lot 1, Block 2 of the Kapchinskie Subdivision, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. 3. P&Z Case #3-70 (Boriskie): A request to rezone Lot 8, Block 2 of the Kapchinskie Subdivision, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, First Business District. 4. P&Z Case #4-70 (Boriskie): A request to rezone Lot 6, Block 2, of the Kapchinskie Subdivision, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. • 5. P&Z Case . #5-70 (Alani) : A request to rezone Lots 6, one-half of 7 and a 3' strip on the rear of Lots 4 and 5, Block 1 of the College Park Subdivision, from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. 6. P&Z Case #8-70 (Area Progress Corporation): A request to rezone 10. 84 acres of land located at the southwest corner of Welsh Street and Southwest Parkway from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District. PRELIMINARY SUBDIVISION PLATS: 7. P&Z Case #9-70 (Area Progress Corporation): Preliminary Plat of West Knoll Subdivision, Section 2. 8. Discussion of P&ZCase No. 6-70 (W.B. Davis), Runaway Acres Subdivision. 9. And other business. 10. Hear visitors. • 11. Adjourn. las PLEASE NOTE: This meeting will be in the old Council Room at 101 Church Street