HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/01/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 411 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS June 1, 1970 Members Present: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Carl Tishler, Carl Landiss, Joe Orr, Douglas Stone , Council Liaison Bill J. Cooley; CityEngineer Lloyd James; and City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioner George Boyett Visitors Present: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kramer Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station, Texas. On motion by Commissioner Tishler, seconded by Commissioner Orr, the Minutes of the May 18, 1970 meeting were approved as written. Chairman Wells called to the attention of the Commissioners a packet of ordinances that George Eby had collected which were pertinent to Planning and Zoning. 41 On motion by Commissioner Landiss, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Minutes of the joint Parks and Recreation Committee and Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on May 27, 1970 were approved. A motion by Commissioner Landiss and seconded by Commissioner Stone, was made to include in the Minutes of May 18, 1970, a special section of the proposed Subdivision Regulations concerning development in the area of extraterritorial juris- diction as approved by the Commission at this meeting,. Motion carried. This section is made a part of these Minutes in the original Planning & Zoning Minute Book. The first item on the agenda was P&Z Case No. 23-70, a request from Harry Seaback, for rezoning 13.736 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is located at the intersection of Highway 30 and the East By-pass. Chairman Wells asked if Mr. Seaback was present and he was not. Mr. Wells explained that it was not normal procedure to consider a zone change request without the person making the request being present but, because the public hearing had been advertised and there were people present for the purpose of attending the public hearing, that it would be held. • George Eby explained how the original zone change request for 15. 8 acres had been changed to reflect the present zone change request, in order to conform with the objections that had been made toward the previous request. A Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission, June 1, 1970 Page 2 Mr. O'Connell, a citizen present, stated that he was concerned as to why Mr. Seaback had not submitted his zone change request in accordance with the plan which the City Planner had submitted for consideration at the last Planning and Zoning meeting. Mr. O'Connell stated that he felt the developer should try and comply as nearly as possible with the plan drawn by Mr. Eby, City Planner. For the benefit of citizens present, City Planner Eby showed the recommendations he had made at the last Planning and Zoning meeting. It substantially showed only 4 acres of commercial. He stated that he could see no reason for 14 acres, as requested now, of land to be located at the particular spot where the developer was requesting commercial zoning because some of the other areas were better for commercial use. Several other citizens present spoke pertaining to the zone change request stating that they preferred to see the City Planner's recommendation followed, rather than to zone the entire tract as commercial. On motion by Commissioner Orr, it was recommended to postpone action on this zone change (P&Z Case No. 23-70) until Mr. Seaback could be present. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion was made by Commissioner Landiss that P&Z Case No. 23-70, a request from Harry Seaback for rezoning 13.736 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district, located at the intersection of Highway 30 and the East By-pass be disapproved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Stone asked that the Commission review a memorandum that he had sent to Planning and Zoning members concerning tax assessment on property that was rezoned to a lower classification and for non-conforming uses. He moved that this memorandum be recommended to the City Council for their action. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. There was considerable discussion concerning this motion. Commissioner Landiss raised the question of how this would affect farm property and property that had been zoned involuntarily. He stated he did not feel, in these cases, the land owner should be assessed a higher tax rate. Commissioner Orr stated this would apply to the land only and not the building. He further asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the memorandum, because he could see several technical implications. Mr. Orr further stated that if this was not a pressing matter, he would recommend the Planning and Zoning Commission wait until the City Attorney ruled on the memorandum. Commissioner Tishler withdrew his second and Commissioner Stone withdrew his motion and it was decided to send the memo to the City Attorney for his opinion and to have the matter placed on the Agenda for the next Planning and Zoning meeting. Dr. Charles Pinnell of Texas A&M University, presented various conceptual ideas 41110 of future development of Texas A&M with slide projector, which showed various drawings, etc. , as to how the University would look about the year 1980. Minutes of Planning & Zoning Commission, June 1, 1970 Page 3 • Dr. Roger Feldman said he would like to go on record as appreciating the joint meeting between Parks & Recreation Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission. On motion by Commissioner Stone, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: -Kairman ATTEST: ) >lefLel-e-&-t-L City Secretary • las S �_ J s ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES - June 1, 1970 - P&Z Commission Planners Brief on P&Z Case # 23-70 This case is a request from Harry Seaback for Commercial Zoning at the intersection of Highway 30 and the East By-pass. It is nearly identical to his previous request. The only exception is that a strip of land 110 feet long on the South side of Willow Drive has been deleted from the request of May 4, 1970. GENERAL All of the undesirable features of the previous request remain except that the commercial request now is 110 feet further removed from Dominik Street. Consequently, there is now no access to the Commercial tract from Willow Drive. Direct access to the Subdivision consequently has been reduced from very poor to completely non-existant. Access can only be gained via the access roads on the freeway and from Highway 30. DRAINAGE Drainage of neighboring subdivisions and the University Arms Subdivision passes through the commercial tract request. It is the lowest point in the area. A major sewer line is exposed to the surface of ' the ground at a creek crossing near the Freeway r-o-w. There is a large drainage structure draining the area under the freeway. The freeway itself is over 20 feet above the average elevation of the area under consideration. NEIGHBORING -AREAS Presently the commercial tract request backs onto the University arms Subdivison on tyo sides . Single family cul-de-sac lots are directly affected by the proximity of the proposed commercial site. Across highway 30 there is a completely treeless hill that is an extention of the ridgeline passing through. University Arms , Woodland Estates and Woodland Acres. The r as ,ern frontage of the East by-pass is similar to the Western frontage with the northern portion being low and the southern portion being higher. SITE The site is approximately 14 acres in size. Of that 14 acres approximately 10 acres are covered 'with' some of the most beautiful old Oak trees in College Station. The .4 acres that are open are located immediately off highway 30 at the intersection with the freeway. These four acres are also higher in elevation than the average elevation. RECOMENDATION OF CITY PLANNER In consideration of: -potential and eventual encroachment of commercial tract upon single family cul-de-sac lots -no access for residents of the subdivision (of which the declared purpose of the commercial request is to serve) -inadequate ciientel for a 14 acre commercial site -difficult to .rair.. -natural beauty of area -not best use of land -more suitable site for a large development available on South corner of same intersection. (--which is higher, flat, well drained , treeless and would not encroach upon ;.he backs of single family cul-de-sac lots. ) RECOMEND: ' Deny 13.736 acre commercial request. Promote a zone change request for about 4 acres of commercial at corner of Highway 30 and t . : • Highway 6 East by-pass. _ 7 SECTION 10. PARKS AND OTHER PUBLIC USE: (Revision of 5/27/70) 10-A. One acre of land shall be dedicated to the public for 41, parks, for each two hundred (200) dwelling units , or part thereof, with the number of dwelling units calculated on the following basis : In Districts R-0 and R-l. , each lot shall be considered one dwelling unit. In District R-2. , each lot shall be considered two-dwelling units. In District R-3. , one acre shall be considered twenty (20) dwelling units. 10-B. In lieu of dedication of land , at the discretion of the City when such land dedication would not be in conformity with the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City, the subdivider shall make a cash payment to the City in the amount of equivalent value . Equivalent value is defined as the appraised value of the land or the cost of the land , whichever is greater. Such cash payment to be deposited by the City in a restricted account , to be used only for purchase of park land to serve • in which thc subdivision 1eeatcd, atd ncighborhsed te-i-ng defined f milc of thc subdivision. the subdivision. 10-C. SPECIAL CONDITIONS: 10-C.1. Play areas within an apartment complex shall not be classed as parks , unless each is in excess of one (1) acre in area. 10-C.2. Drainage easements may be classed.;as a part of a park if the channel is constructed in accordance with City Engineering Standards , and there is park land not less than two hundred (200) feet in width adjacent to and outside of the channel. 10-C.3. Each park must be located adjacent to a public street. 10-C.4. Parks as used in this ordinance are defined . as "Play- grounds" or "Playfields" where they are located by plan or requirements in the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City. , • 10-D. Land shown as reserved , on the Comprehensive Plan for Development of the City, for a major recreational center, reserva- • tion, school site, park,, or other public use , shall be reserved for` A • a period of one year from the date the plat is filed for record, for purchase by the interested governmental authority at land IIIappraisal value at the time of ,purchase. NOTE: The above revision of Section 10. of the proposed Subdivis- ion Regulations was approved at a joint meeting of the Parks and Recreation Committee and the Planning and Zoning Commission on May 27. 1970. Words struck out were deleted and words added are underlined. The vote of the Parks and Recreation Committee was 7 for and one opposed . The vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission was 4 for and none opposed. Certified as correct. • C. D. Wells. Chairman • Planning and Zoning Commission. • • • • • • The attached "SECTION , SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN AREA OF EXTRATERITORIAL JURISDICTION" was approved by unanimous vote of the Planning and Zoning Commission in their regular meeting of May18, 1970, to be added to the previously submitted draft of the Subdivision Regulations. It is proposed that this section be numbered 12, and that the following sections be renumbered in sequence. Certified as correct —C. .D. Wells. Chairman Planning and Zoning Commission. • • • • • S A SECTION /a , SPECIAL CONDITIONS IN AREA OF EXTRATERITORIAL JURISDICTION: /,2-A. GENERAL: The requirements of this ordinance shall apply to . subdivisions in the area of extrateAtorial jurisdiction, with the following modifications: ,Q-B. STREETS , shall be in conformity with the requirements of Section 8-G, except that the Urban-Rural section, as defined in City Engineering Standards , may be used. This section does not require curb-and-gutter, but requires an all weather (gravel or crushed stone base) road surface with not les than a two course inverted penetration asphalt surface , and/not less than twenty four (24) feet in width, with a ten (10) foot shoulder on each side. If this section is use& the minimum right-of-way width shall be seventy (70) feet , and if a major street , as shown on the Master Plan of Streets, crosses or forms a boundary of the subdivision, the right- of-way width shall be as required in the Street Ordinance. III /a/.2_,-C. LOT WIDTH: If the subdivider . constructs streets under the Urban-Rural section as authorized in B. above , the minimum lot width shall be one hundred (100) feet. /, -D WATER SUPPLY: Fire hydrants are not required. The water supply system shall comply with the requirements of the State Department of Health. SANITARY SEWERS: The sanitary sewer system shall comply with requirements of the State Department of Health. /A-F. DRAINAGE may be by surface channels. /L-G. STREET LIGHTS are not required. ,'`-H ELECTRIC SERVICE will not be supplied by the City. • / -I. CITY PARTICIPATION: The City will not participate in the cost , of the subdivision or utilities outside of the City Limits, including garbage collection and street maintenehce. A- •- A AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS . June 1, 1970 7:00 p.m. 1. Consider Minutes of previous meeting. 2. ZONING CHANGE REQUESTS: (a) P&Z Case No. 23-70: A request from Harry Seaback for rezoning 13.736 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This area is at the intersection of Highway 30 and the East By-pass. 3. Hear presentation of the University Master Plan of Development by Dr. Charles Pinnell, Director of Planning and Analytical Studies at Texas A&M. 4. Other business. 5. Hear visitors. 6. Adjourn. CDW:las • • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on L e_if aU 1970 at .2 - 1 c,4e ''7 • .Z:02_4( L nda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 19 70_. • Notary Public, 3r4os Count Texas