HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/05/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission • MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 5, 1970 Members Present: C. D. Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners R. R. Rhodes, Carl Landiss, Carl Tishler, Douglas Stone, Wendell Horne, Everett Janne, Jim Gardner and J. D. Lindsay; City Engineer Lloyd James; Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: None Visitors Present: Roosevelt Moore, Jay Goode, Kate Thomas, J. W. Wood, B. J. Mahoney, C. A. Dobrovolny, Alphonse L. Holik, Jr. , R. J. Bading, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Miller, Mrs. C. S. Van Doren Acting Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room at the City Hall in College Station, Texas. • On motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the Minutes of the December 15, 1969 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried. The first item of business on the agenda was the reconsideration of a request from the Dobrovolny's (P&Z Case No. 25-69), to rezone a 5. 728 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. This tract is located north of Holleman Drive, adjacent to the city's elevated water storage tank. Commissioner Gardner moved that the request (P&Z 25-69) be recommended for disapproval to the Council. His reasons for recommending disapproval were: (a) poor access from a standpoint of general commercial use, (b) size of the tract, and (c) the commercial zoning was not really needed at present because there were already some 300 acres zoned commercial in the city, of which only 60 are developed at present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Janne. Motion carried. Commissioner Janne suggested it would be more fair to the developers to consider the zoning requests for apartments before the zoning request for neighborhood business district was considered. The Commission was in agreement on this. Consequently, the next item considered was P&Z Case No. 35-69, a 27.234 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district, located between Park Place and Holleman Drive, and north of proposed Anderson Street. • Chairman Wells asked the developers of the property how their negotiations stood with the Catholic Church for a swap in property in order to obtain the necessary right of way on proposed Anderson Street. Father Mahoney stated that he had talked with the Bishop and he said that as long as the square footage in the area traded were the same, he would be agreeable to reshaping the property. r � Minutes of Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 2 • January 5, 1970 Chairman Wells stated that the City Engineer had reported that the alignment of Anderson Street from Park Place all the way through to Holleman Drive would be satisfactory. Chairman Wells asked the developer if progress had been made with A&M Consolidated School concerning right of way through their property. The developer stated that the school board would have to meet and vote on the issue. Commissioner Gardner moved that P&Z Case No. 35-69 be recommended for approval to the Council, conditioned upon the developer providing for the pavement of Anderson Street from Park Place to Holleman Drive (subdivision plat submitted dedicating the right of way and providing for the paving). Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was P&Z Case No. 36-69, a 18.446 acre tract of land, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. This property is located south of Holleman Drive and east of proposed Anderson Street. After discussion, Commissioner Gardner moved disapproval of Z Case No. 36-69, on the basis of no need for more apartment zoning in that area at present and because of it being a smaller tract than P&Z Case No. 35-69. Commissioner • Stone seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. The next item for consideration was P&Z Case No. 26-69, a request to rezone a 1. 985 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4-A, Ne gl*boThood Business District, said property being located south of Holleman Drive and east of proposed Anderson. After some discussion among commission members, Commissioner Landiss moved P&Z Case No. 26-69, a request to rezone a 1. 985 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4-A, Neighborhood Business District, be recommended to the Council for approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Motion carried. Commissioners Stone and Janne asked to be recorded as voting no. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of a revised request from Alphonse Holil5, P&Z Case No. 37-69, a 2. 98 acre tract located south of Holleman Drive and west of proposed extension of Welsh Street, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. Some discussion followed among commission members regarding the proposed extension of Welsh and Neveda Streets being brought through to connect with Welsh. One citizen in the audience asked whether any of the lots backing up to this property would be needed for right of way for an alley. Chairman Wells explained that this alley had previously been suggested by the city planner and that if and when an alley was needed, the property owners in the area would be paid for the necessary right of way. There . were no other comments from the audience concerning this property in question. Commissioner Landiss moved that P&Z Case No. 37-69, a revised request, to rezone a 2. 98 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, -11 Minutes of Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 3 January 5, 1970 apartment house district, be recommended for approval to the City Council, conditioned upon the dedication of Neveda Street and extension of Welsh. Commissioner Horne seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no. Chairman Wells explained that he did not have the Annual Report ready for approval of the Commission at present, but that he would try and have them a copy in the mail by the end of the week. Commissioner Landiss moved that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend to the City Council that someone be hired to replace Lee Roy George, City Planner, who has recently resigned to take a position in another city. Commissioner Gardner suggested that a letter of appreciation be sent to Mr. George on behalf of the Planning & Zoning Commission for all his efforts he put forth, with a copy to the mayor and city manager. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the consideration of the revised Subdivision Regulations. Chairman Wells explained that he would like to defer the subdivision regulations consideration until the zoning ordinance was a little further along because there were some items in the subdivision ordinance that couldn't be resolved until the zoning ordinance was more complete. 11) Commissioner Gardner favored deferrment of the subdivision regulations on a basis of a memorandum which he gave to commission members listing his reasons. He felt the developers should be given a chance to make their comments. Mr. Wells stated the subdivision committee wanted it in as near final draft as possible before giving to anyone else, and that they wanted the Planning and Zoning Commission to go over it first. Dr. Ransdell suggested a "listening session" which was being contemplated by the City Council. Chairman Wells suggested that possibly a selected group of subdividers should be pulled in and given copies of the ordinance and ask them for their comments. He said the subdivision committee was in agreement that copies should be made of the subdivision ordinance and given to the developers. Commissioner Horne suggested the meeting be done by agenda item. Chairman Wells stated that it would probably be too lengthy to accomplish by agenda item. Commissioner Janne suggested notices be mailed out to interested subdividers or developers saying copies of the subdivision regulations were available at City Hall if they would like to review it and give their comments or suggestions. iCommissioner Gardner stated he felt the present draft should be revised and the subdividers or developers given a chance to make their comments. Chairman Wells then stated he would like each member of the commission to review and prepare their comments of the subdivision regulations. He said he would Minutes of Planning & Zoning Meeting Page 4 January 5, 1970 put it on the Agenda for general discussion at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on January 19, at which time the Planning and Zoning Commission will make any necessary changes. The developers would be given a chance to review the subdivision ordinance after Planning & Zoning members had incorporated all their comments into it. Commissioner Stone suggested the City Attorney be invited to attend this meeting. Chairman Wells stated that the city attorneys felt a specific ordinance setting up a separate fund for acquisition of park land should be separate so that codification of the ordinances could be handled in an easier manner and this particular ordinance could be classed with the fiscal ordinances. However, this will be discussed at the next Planning and Zoning meeting. Chairman Wells stated that he would have Mr. Rhodes memorandum be taken up by the Zoning Committee of the Commission before being brought before the entire Planning and Zoning Commission. Mrs. Van Doren asked whether zoning changes will come up for a public hearing by the Council. She was told yes. She also asked whether there was any way citizens could have a copy of the new zoning ordinance being worked up. Chairman Wells said that a number of public hearings would be held in a large auditorium where all the people • could attend. He stated this would be done before the ordinance was recommended to the Council by the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mrs. Van Doren suggested that copies be furnished to people who are anxious to have the zoning ordinance done and that neighborhood discussion groups could be held. Mrs. Norma Miller stated that she would just like to have the assurance that citizens were being included in things and know what was going on in the city. Kate Thomas of the Daily Eagle asked if she could have a copy of the Subdivision Regulations Draft. Chairman Wells stated that when the P&Z Commission made their final draft, before meeting with subdividers and developers, she would be furnished a copy, but at present, the draft was very preliminary and had only been done by three men and not the P&Z Commission as a whole. Mrs. Thomas stated that she was just trying to get this information to the public and she felt there would be no harm in having a copy of the draft now. There was considerable discussion from audience participants as well as commission members. Mrs. Miller stated that she had not known about any of the sub-committee meetings that had been held to work on the Subdivision Ordinance. She stated she would like to be informed about some of the things that were going on. She stated that Mayor Anderson was doing a fine job trying to keep the citizens informed but he could not do it alone. • Minutes of Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 5 • January 5, 1970 Commissioner Landiss tried to explain why the commission wanted to review the proposed Subdivision Regulations as a Commission before releasing a draft. He said they were not trying to be secretive but that they wanted the draft to include all the comments by Planning and Zoning members and not just the sub-committee. Then, after Planning and Zoning comments were given and changes made, the developers and subdividers would be invited to give their comments and then it would go to the public for their discussion. Then, it will be sent to the City Council for their action. He pointed out that at the public hearing, the public would be allowed to give their comments and ask questions. It was then decided to give a copy of the preliminary draft of the Subdivision Regulations to Kate Thomas of the.Daily Eagle. Commissioner Landiss moved the meeting adjourn. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. APPROVER: • C. D. Wells, Acting Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary las • 1-8-70 AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 41111 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 5, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. 1. Consideration of Minutes of meeting of December 15, 1969. 2. ZONING REQUESTS: A. Reconsideration of P&Z Case No. 25-69: A request to rezone a 5.728 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 5, second business district. This tract is located north of Holleman Drive, adjacent to the city's elevated water storage tank. B. Reconsideration of Case No. 26-69: A request to rezone a 1. 985 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 5, second business district. This tract is located south of Holleman Drive and north of proposed Andersor C. Reconsideration of P&Z Case No. 35-69: A request to rezone a 27.234 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. This tract is located between Park Place and Holleman Drive, north of proposed Anderson Street. • D. Reconsideration of P&Z Case No. 36-69: A request to rezone an 18.446 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. This tract is located south of Holleman Drive and north of proposed Anderson Street. E. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 37-69: A revised request ( P&Z 33-69) to rezone 2.98 acre tract of land from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. This tract is located south of Holleman Drive and west of the proposed extension of Welsh Street. 3. Consideration of Annual Report for 1969. 4. Consideration of revised Subdivision Regulations. 5. And other business. 6. Hear visitors. 7. Adjourn. CDW:las cc: News Media City Council • a I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on at /71 oc_./ )424-e-e-e-ic- Ly a Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of • , 19 ‘.2 . Notary Public, Br os County exas