HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/16/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning CommissionrP7 v _ MINUTES • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 16, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Carl Tishler, Jim Gardner, B. Douglas Stone, J. D. Lindsay, Wendell Horne, and R. R. Rhodes; City Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell, City Engineer Lloyd James, and City Planner George Eby; City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioner Carl Landiss Visitors Present: William B. Davis, Tim Kable, Edward Miller, W. D. Fitch, Don Dale, Frank Griffis and David Mayo Acting Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Room in the City Hall at College Station, Texas. There was one correction to the Minutes of February 2, 1970. Commissioner Stone stated that he was not among those present and desired that his name be taken from the list. The Secretary was directed to make this change. The Minutes were then IP approved as written. Commissioner Stone moved that the Final Plat of Southwood, Section 8, be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. City Engineer Lloyd James stated that all construction plans had been approved with one minor correction and the Guarantee of Completion had been submitted. Motion carried. Consideration of the Final Plat of Sweet Briar Addition was the second item of business on the Agenda. There was some discussion relative to the status of this plat. Commissioner Gardner stated he still would like to know why the Council had not gone along with the Planning and Zoning Commission's recommendation of an additional five feet of right of way on Munson. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Horne moved that the Sweet Briar Final Plat be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner voted no and Commissioner Tishler abstained from voting. Chairman Wells explained that they had an unusual plat to be discussed, which was submitted by Mr. W. B. Davis. He explained that the plat is within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city and Mr. Davis had submitted it to the County and they told him they would need a statement from the City of College Station stating that it was all right. After some discussion, Chairman Wells asked Mr. Davis to meet with the City Engineer and City Planner to discuss the plat in more detail and to look the land over. He stated 41111 that the city attorney was to furnish him some information in the next few days concerning the plat. The Subdivision is entitled "Runaway Acres". J • Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 February 16, 1970 The next item on the Agenda was the revision of Subdivision Regulations. The commissioners and chairman went over the proposed ordinance and made all the revisions they felt were necessary. After all the revisions were incorporated, Commissioner Tishler moved that the Subdivision Regulations proposed Ordinance be recommended to the City Council for their review and approval. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. The vote was unanimous. Commissioner Gardner asked what the zoning case number was on a small strip of property just off Highway 30. George Eby, Director of Planning, was asked to research this property for Mr. Gardner. Commissioner Gardner asked that it be noted in the Minutes that east of the city, there is a "dump" ground starting. He stated this was located east of Tarrow Street. He wondered whether the city might place some signs there such as "No Dumping". Also, Commissioner Gardner asked about the location of a Sanitary Landfill. He stated that he felt the Planning and Zoning Commission might be of some assistance in helping the Council to determine a proper location for one. Councilman Ransdell explained that the Council had a site in mind, but that finances were going to be limited and this would definitely be a big consideration. 111. Bill Fitch recommended to the Commission that the city consider an ordinance which would stipulate a severe penalty for anyone who removed the lot markers on a plot of land after they had been set. He stated this removal of markers had caused a lot of problems in the past and felt that possibly, some type of ordinance could be enforced. On motion by Commissioner Rhodes, seconded by Commissioner Stone, the meeting adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: Acting Chairman ATTEST: i )edf.69-aL-&-Li_ City Secretary las 411. Attachment J ATTACHMENT TO MINUTES of February 16, 1970 ( PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION ) To : Planning and Zoning Commission 410 From: Subdivision Committee Re : Revised Subdivision Regulations Subsequent to the last meeting of the Commission, the subdivision committee has met with the City Engineer and the City Planner to consider changes recommended by subdividers and utility representatives, including suggestions received by mail. The following changes are recommended to be approved by the commission. Page 8; 6-C.5 .7. Delete the last sentence and substitute the following: "In the case of pipelines carrying flamablei:gas„-- or:!fuel, the approximate location, size of line, design pressure and product transported through the line shall be shown." Page 8; 6-C.7.1. Add: "and utility companies". 411 Page 11; 6-D.5.3.1. In the second line , after utilities , add: "that he, is required to install" , Pages 8-G.10. Opposite sidewalk, delete , the asterisk and the reference below. Also delete the words optional at the bottom of the first two columns and substitute therefor "required" Page 15; 8-H.2. Delete the first sentence and substitute therefor: " Alleys shall generally be paralel to the street , shall be not less than twenty (20) feet wide and shall be paved under City Engineering Standards. Page 18; 8-P.l. The two figures 10 to be changed to "5" . Page 18; 8-Q.1. Delete and cased , at the end of the sentence. r Page 18; 8-R.1. Delete , and substitute the following: " High pressure flamable gas or fuel lines are defined as those which are operated or may be expected in the future to operate at a pressure of over 60 pounds per square inch. High pressure flammable gas or fuel ,lines , installed on public property, shall be buried with a minimum cover of thirty (30) . inches, and ,shall be marked by an all weather type sign, inst- alled at each street crossing and at1inter*Ain ptf `rot ,more than 300 feet. The sign shall that the_` ,3ne is high /�or praduct-s 1 pressure, and shall name the _roduct/ t'ransported therein. " e 71/t e G� � (� t y Co m pill.y; Page 18; 8-S.1. Delete , and substitute the following: "Street lights, of a design approved by the City Engineer', shall be installed at all street intersections and access ways , and at not more than 400 foot interval along streets. Street lights consisting of pole , luminare and wiring within the pole shall be installed by the subdivider. Cul-de-sacs more than 300 feet in length shall be' lighted . " Page 18; 8-T .1. Delete , and substitute the following: . " All single phase electric lines and all communication lines shall be installed underground , see 9-F.1. for division of • responsibility and cost on the electric lines. The City will construct the high voltage system as an aerial installation, at locations indicated in the Comprehensive. Plan for Devel- . opment of the City, and the subdivider will :be required to' provide a utility easement in the approximate location as indicated. Page 19; After 9-F.l. Add; - "9--G. STREET LIGHTS: 9-G.1. The subdivider shall supply and install street lights as required in section 8-S.1. , and electric service as required in section 9-F.1. , and the City will -complete the install- ation. . Page 19; Change 9-G to ,9-H; 9-G.1. to 97 H.1. 9-.h. .to 9-1. ; 9-H.1 . to :9-I.l. ; 9-H.2. to 9-1.2. Page 20; 10-A. Change R-E to R-0, and delete .AW-P, C-1, C-2, and C-M. Page 20; 10-C.1. Add: " , unless each is in excess of one (1) acre in s area. " ' 'Page 21; 13-A.1. After utilities add: "required to be installed by the subdivider." ('orrects`o,vs /" ride Ay mi%C.3 6n/ •J • • • • • • • • O I 1 • AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 16, 1970 at 7:00 p.m. 1. Consideration of Minutes of meeting of February 2, 1970. 2. Final Subdivision Plats - Consideration: (a) Southwood, Section 8 (b) Sweet Briar Addition 3. Final consideration of Revised Subdivision Regulations. 4. And other business. 5. Hear visitors. 6. Adjourn. • CDW:las cc: City Council Local News Media A • • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on ©l- /0- 70 at .L1-62. /j-I. . Lyn a Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 7a • Notary Public, B azos Coi(ty, Texas •