HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/06/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 11111 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 6, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners R. R. Rhodes, Jim Gardner, J. D. Lindsay, Carl Landiss, Wendell Horne, and Douglas Stone; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioner Carl Landiss; Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Visitors Present: Michael D. Dirmeier, Mina Akins, Chip Brees, Frank Griffis, Mr. & Mrs. William B. Davis, Bill Cooley, Lt. Col. Hugh Krenek, Richard Patrick, Allen Swoboda, Sandra Swoboda, Gregory Wade, Grant W. Halter, W. D. Fitch, E. R. Musick, Sharon Van Doren, Mary Bryan and Joyce Haden Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station, Texas. • Commissioner Rhodes moved that the Minutes of March 2nd be adopted. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. Motion carried. un approved Chairman Wells explained that at the last Council meeting, the Council had pp oved the West Knoll Subdivision Preliminary Plat and had also approved the Preliminary Plat of Runaway Acres. The first item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 11-70, a request to change 2. 987 acres from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home District. City Planner George Eby showed a sketch of the proposed site and explained its location. Chairman Wells suggested that Case No. 12-70 be considered with Case No. 11-70, since the two cases were similar and related. It was brought up that there is a high pressure gas line through the site. A citizen in the audience, Mr. Patrick, who has land in the area adjacent to the proposed mobile home site, said he had not received proper notification of this Planning and Zoning meeting. He explained that the city had the proper information concerning the ownership of this land and had been notified in a prior zoning case, but in this case I that he had not been notified. Mr. Wells asked Mr. Patricwhether or not he knew if the people who had not been notified would object to this zoning case. Mr. Patrick said that he could not speak for all . of them, but one of the owners was his wife and he did not feel she would have any objection. Commissioner Rhodes asked if there were any legal implications concerning this lack of notification that had bearing on the Planning and Zoning consideration. Mr. Wells restated the law as it pertains to zoning cases. nsnssmmmmnmimsiommmommmnom.RNN "'—'--------- Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 2 April 6, 1970 411111 Commissioner Landiss moved that P&Z Commission withhold action on P&Z Case Numbers 11-70 and 12-70. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Stone. The owner of the existing Mobile Home Tract, Mr. Allen Swoboda, stated that he had an option on the land, and would like to have action now, if possible. Commissioner Landiss asked how many of the people who had not been notified were in the audience; there were two. He then asked if these two people would have any objection and the answer was no. Mr. Wells explained the portion of the Mobile Home Ordinance which states that there shall be a fence between mobile home parks and single family residences. On a question from the audience of whether or not the fence would be put up until residences were actually built, George Eby, City Planner, read the ordinance verbatum, to clarify the question. There was then some discussion between Mr. Eby and Mr. Patrick con- cerning the technicalities of notification of property owners. Mr. Patrick stated a problem he was having with the people from the mobile home park coming on to this property. He stated he would like to see a fence put in now. Mr. Wells informed Mr. Patrick that if he would write a note to Mr. L. P. Dulaney at City Hall that some action could be brought to prevent the present residents of the Mobile Home Park from going on to his land. It developed that not all of the people who weren't notified were within the required 200 foot limit and those that were within the limit had no objection. Commissioner Rhodes stated that because of the past experience that the Commission had had concerning lack of notification, that he did not want to raise a controversy. Commissioner Landiss asked if there were any legal ramifications by lack of notification. Commissioner Landiss then moved that his original motion to withhold action on the zoning request be withdrawn. Commissioner Stone withdrew his second. Commissioner Gardner asked George Eby what planning implications were involved in this zone change request. Eby explained that Krenek Lane was a graveled county road and that because of increased density in this area, the road should be paved. Commissioner Gardner then asked if there were any proposed major streets adjacent to this mobile home site. Eby explained that the closest major street would be the Southwest Parkway and it would not serve this area. Commissioner Gardner stated that his concern was about planning, such as schools and traffic. He said that a study of off-site improvements should be the obligation of the Planning and Zoning Commission and requested that the staff be given time to study this problem more. Commissioner Gardner then made a motion that the zoning on this property be postponed until the staff could have approximately 2 weeks to study the planning in the area. This was seconded by Commissioner Stone, with the statement that he seconded mainly on the needs f" r _ study of traffic. Motion carried unanimously to defer action on P&Z Case No. 11-70. r. woboda, the owner of the Mobile Home Park site asked what particular information the staff would require. He explained the deed restriction stated that nothing could be built within 100 feet of Krenek Lane. His next question was would this delay getting the zone change request to the Council. The Chairman explained the laws as they pertain to advertising -- 15 days advertising was irequired before a council hearing. Commissioner Rhodes asked if it would not be appropriate to have the informal street design and the paving of Krenek Lane. Chairman Wells said he would like to have a pencil sketch at the next meeting, which Mr. Swoboda agreed to provide. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 3 April 6, 1970 The next item on the Agenda was the West Knoll Subdivision, P&Z Case No. 10-70, which was a Final Plat. Mr. Wells explained the changes that had been made in the plat, which were that a 10 foot utility easement had been added back of the curb on Southwest Parkway, to include a storm sewer, and that the sewer lines ran through an easement in the back yard rather than in the pavement behind the houses as originally intended. City Engineer James explained that the construction plans had been approved and that the owner had submitted a suitable Guarantee of Completion. Commissioner Stone moved that the Final Plat of West Knoll Subdivision, P&Z Case No. 10-70 be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. Motion carried unanimously. The next item o�ie Agenda was Runaway Acres, P&Z Case No. 13-70, a sub- division which lies iffltal.de the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city. Commissioner Wells explained that this plat had been approved by the City Council at their last meeting. He (also explained that there had been additional street easement dedicated as requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission. He further stated that after checking with the attorney, he was told that the easement was satisfactory as to right of way. Commissioner Stone moved approval of the Final Plat of Runaway Acres Subdivision, P&Z Case No. 13-70, and motion was seconded by Commissioner Landiss. Motion carried unanimously. • The next item on the Agenda was P&Z Case No. 14-70, a revised Master Plat of University Arms Subdivision. Chairman. Wells explained the past history of this plat -- that it had been approved by both the Council and the Commission in the form that was now presented to the Commission but this prior approval had expired and the plat was now presented as a Master Preliminary Plat. City Planner George Eby showed a plat of this area to the audience. There were several questions from the floor concerning the size of the park and the size of the apartment tract. Commissioner Gardner stated that he voted against this plat when it was first submitted for the reasons that the Park shown was of token size only and he did not feel the plat complied with the ordinance and he would like to have a re-design on the subdivision. He also stated that one of his criticism's on the plat was that the townhouses along Highway 30 would destroy the trees in the area. He said that because it had been more than 6 months since the developer had gotten his original approval, that he did not think the developer was in a hurry. The owner of this property, Mr. Seaback, explained that at the time of the original submission of this plat, there was a tight money market and that the situation has improved. He now has available financing and is ready to go ahead. There was considerable discussion between Mr. Seaback and Mr. Gardner concerning the size and location of the Park sites. • Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 4 April 6, 1970 4111/ Seaback said he would like to have zoning considered on this tract at this time. Chairman Wells, however, explained that there had not been a formal zone change request made at this time and that the Commission should confine itself to the consideration of the Master Preliminary Plat only. Mr. Seaback was then told the procedure he would need to follow to submit a zone change request on the commercial tract to the east of the property. There was a question from the audience concerning the location of this proposed sub- division in relation to the rest of the city. City Planner Eby showed on the map the area and explained the existing and proposed roads. There was some discussion between Mr. Eby and the audience*.bout this plat. Commissioner Rhodes asked whether the developer would entertain giving a larger park site. Mr. Seaback said that he would prefer not to. Commissioner Landiss stated that he did not think the Park Site by the Baptist Church was suitable. Commissioner Gardner stated that he had been at meetings with the Parks and Recreation Committee and they did not think too highly of the parks as proposed on the subdivision plat. Mr. Gardner then asked if Sections 2 and 3 of the proposed subdivision would not fall under the new Subdivision Ordinance, which requires a dedication by the developer for a park site. Mr. Seaback stated that the park sites he has proposed would exceed the requirements of the proposed new subdivision ordinance. A new question was brought up at this time by Mr. Wells that the property immediately adjacent to the By-pass was privately owned and that the development of commercial property would not have access to the By-pass at this point. Mr. Seaback stated that there were negotiations in progress • to obtain this property, but whether or not they did, it would still not have any direct bearing on the commercial property. Commissioner Stone asked about the time limitation on the Master Preliminary Plat. Chairman Wells explained that the developer could request an extension of time on Sections 2 and 3 and that it would be merely a formal matter of course and there would be no re- submission required to extend the time limit on the plat. The question from the floor was asked if there would be sidewalks in the area. Commissioner Wells explained that the old ordinance did not require sidewalks; therefore, there would be no sidewalks required in this area. The question was also asked if the people on Dominik were not aware of the subdivision. Chairman Wells explained the people on Dominik had been well aware of this proposed subdivision and that he felt their only objection had been to the commercial property and not to the residential subdivision. Commissioner Horne moved that the Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms be approved. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. The vote was two for: Horne and Rhodes. The vote against was: Landiss, Stone and Gardner. Motion faied. The developer asked what he would be required to do to have this plat approved. He restated the past history of this sub- division, that it had been approved by both Planning and Zoning and the Council and he could not understand why the Commission would not ire favorably on it at this time. There was then some discussion between the Commission and the audience concerning the size of parks -- whether one large park or two smaller ones are desirable. Commissioner Rhodes stated that he was in favor of parks, but that he did not believe • that the Commission could make these recommendations, based on an ordinance that had not been passed, and make them apply to the developer at this time. Commissioner Gardner stated that that may be true but that the city could buy these park sites. Seaback said that he had anticipated this subdivision plat being approved at this meeting and had made arrangements to close his loan the next morning. Councilman Cooley, who was in the audience, was asked if the Council was not supposed to take up the new Subdivision Ordinance Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 5 April 6, 1970 410 at their next meeting. Wells, Eby and Seaback, held a discussion concerning probable new location for parks. After this discussion, Wells asked the Commission, if, in light of the information that the developer was going to close his loan the next day, would the Commission not reconsider their vote. He further stated that we could make modifications and approve the plat conditionally. Seaback said that he would be willing to increase the size of the park site in the northeast corner of the Subdivision from 1 acres to 2 acres. Commissioner Landiss moved that the Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms be reconsidered and approved subject to the developer increasing the size of the park site in the northeast corner of the subdivision to 2 acres, the shape to be determined by the Parks and Recreation Committee and to eliminate the park site by the Baptist Church property. Commissioner Stone seconded the motion. Votes for: Wells, Horne, Stone, Rhodes and Landiss. Commissioner Gardner voted no. Motion carried. Chairman Wells then asked if there was any other business before the Commission. Mr. Gardner asked that a draft of an ordinance legally creating a Planning and Zoning Commission for the City of College Station be reviewed by the Commission members and be taken up at an appropriate time. The discussion was then directed toward the renaming of 29th Street in Bryan and Tarrow Street in College Station to General Rudder Drive. Wells stated that Tarrow Street • is a commerative name now and that this would have to be taken into account in the renaming of the street. Gardner then stated that as he understood it, the Planning and Zoning Comm. had suggested an alignment and right of way width for Tarrow Street Extension and had recommended this to the Council. This alignment is the alignment that was submitted by Spender Buchanan and Associates. He suggested that the Planning and Zoning Commission try to rectify the alignment that is now proposed before contracts are let. There was general discussion between the Commission concerning the alignment of the proposed 29th Street extension. Chairman Wells explained that the street, as proposed now, meets the requirements of the Street Ordinance and stated that the location of the highway inter- change at the by-pass, plus several other reasons, dictated the present alignment. He further stated that he thought the street would make a good entrance to the City of College Station. Mr. Buck, a citizen present, stated he would like to see a Master Comprehensive Plan for the City of College Station put into effect. He said he felt the lack of a plan was a disadvantage to the City, as well as to the developers. Commissioner Wells stated that the Highway Department was doing a traffic study and that aerial photographs were being made at this time. He further explained that the plan would include the location of such things as parks, school, business areas, and would be almost a comprehensive plan. There was then some dis- cussion with the audience concerning parks and the equipment for such. Commissioner Stone moved for adjournment, seconded by Comm. Horne. Meeting adjourned. 0 APPROV • c ing ai an AT EST: ,(44,_,,,,...6„..L., Fay Secretary AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION S CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 6, 1970 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of March 2, 1970. ZONING REQUESTS: 2. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 11-70, a zoning change request to change a 2.987 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. 3. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 12-70, a zoning change request, to rezone a 2.988 acre tract - Tract No. 11; a 2.988 acre tract - Tract No. 12; and a 2.990 acre tract - Tract No. 13, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. SUBDIVISION PLATS: 4. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 10-70, a Final Plat of the West Knoll Subdivision, Section 2. • 5. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 13-70, a Final Plat of Runaway Acres Subdivision, which lies within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city. 6. Consideration of P&Z Case No. 14-70, a Revised Master Preliminary Plat of the University Arms Subdivision. 7. And other business. 8. Adjourn. GE:las cc: Local News Media Planning and Zoning Commission Members City Council • 1