HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/20/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr � MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 20, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Carl Tishler, Carl Landiss, J. D. Lindsay, Wendell Horne, and R. R. Rhodes; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Planner George Eby Members Absent: Commissioner Douglas Stone and Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell Visitors Present: Allen Swoboda, Sandra Swoboda, Harry Seaback, Sharon Van Doren, Mary Bryan, W. D. Fitch, Richard Patrick and Lt. Col. HugOO Krenek Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. Corrections to the Minutes of April 6, 1970 meeting were as follows: On Page 2, the first paragraph and third paragraph motions should be underlined, since this was a practice instituted several months ago of underlining the motion and the second. In the last paragraph on Page 2, the wording "and 12-70" should be added after "11-70" on the motion, since these two tracts were being considered together. On Page 3, the second paragraph wording should be changed from "outside" to "inside" in the 4th word on the second line. Commissioner Gardner said he did not receive a copy of the Minutes of April 6. Commissioner Horne moved the Minutes be approved as corrected. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Lindsay. Motion carried. The next item on the Agenda was reconsideration of P&Z #11-70, a zoning change request to change a 2. 987 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. Also, P&Z #12-70, a zoning change request to change a 2. 988 acre tract (Tract No. 11); a 2. 988 acre tract - (Tract No. 12); and a 2.990 acre tract - (Tract No. 13) from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. These two requests were considered together. It was pointed out that the two requests had been considered at the last meeting and had been deferred until this meeting. There was a discussion over the flow of traffic in this general area. City Planner Eby and Mr. Swoboda, the option owner of the proposed tracts were asked questions by the commissioners. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 • April 20, 1970 Commissioner Landiss moved that P&Z #11-70 and P&Z #12-70 be recommended. to the Council for approval, conditioned upon dedication of a north-south bound street located approximately 1,000 to 1,200 feet east of and parallel to Highway 6. Commissioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. The next item on the Agenda was the reconsideration of a revision of the Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms Subdivision. Chairman Wells gave some background on the plat and explained about the two acre park in the northeast corner and elimination of the park next to the Baptist Church property. He stated that upon the recommendation of P&Z, the Parks and Recreation Committee met to decide upon the shape of the park. The Parks and Recreation Committee, however, after meeting, did not comment upon the shape of the park because the shape had already been pre-determined by the location of streets. Commissioner Landiss stated that the plat at the time did not pre-determine the shape of the park, but Chairman Wells explained that immediately after the last meeting, the developer brought in the revised plat, and this was the one that the Parks and Recreation Committee saw. City Planner Eby stated that the road in Carter's Grove (Merry Oaks) that ties into Dominik is not paved at this time, even though the right of way is dedicated. There was some discussion concerning the size of the park site among commission members. Chairman Wells pointed out that the proposed park was a gift from the developer and is 110 not required by ordinance. Commissioner Landiss stated he would encourage the Council to act on an ordinance that would require the developer to give park land to the city. He does not, however, feel that the plat submitted by this developer should be held up at this time because of non-compliance of a non-existing ordinance. Chairman Wells pointed out that the developer had submitted a request for commercial zoning as well as duplex zoning in this proposed subdivision, but because it was not submitted in time, it would be coming up at the May 4 meeting. There was some discussion concerning cross-streets in the subdivision. Commissioner Gardner asked about the extension of Dominik. Chairman Wells then asked the developer, Harry Seaback, to answer some questions for commission members. Chairman Wells suggested calling the duplex and commercial area as Section 4 to avoid confusion on the Master Preliminary. There was also a question about the street going north (Merry Oaks) not being paved. He further stated he did not feel the city was under any kind of obligation to pave this street. Mr. Seaback stated it does not belong to him, but if he has to, he will pave it. When questioned about an unplatted portion in the northeast corner of the tract, Seaback stated that at one time the owners on Dominik wanted that strip, but now they have backed out. He will extend, on the final plat, the two lots straight on back to make extra large lots. Commissioner Landiss asked about how the existing ordinance for block length would affect the block size. Commissioner Landiss explained on the map the extra long block length in the area and • how difficult it would be to get access out of the area. Seaback said that this came up a year ago and that on the loop shown, he had cul-de-sacs proposed and the Planning and Zoning Commission made him change it to the way it is now. The question now is the desirability of having one of the streets, either Berkley or Westover, tie into Dominik. Mr. Seaback said that he has no objection to Berkley coming through into his subdivision. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 April 20, 1970 • Mr. Seaback further stated that the Council suggested that Willow Drive go all the way to the by-pass. Commissioner Gardner then asked City Planner Eby in his opinion, what kind of park the proposed facility would make. Eby said he had not walked back that far. However, he stated that the contour lines are such that it would not make a baseball diamond but would make a good natural park. Commissioner Gardner asked if any sidewalks would be planned in this area. Seaback stated he would prefer not to have sidewalks, but he would put in whatever the ordinance called for. Seaback also said there are some lots right across from the proposed park site now that he would be happy to sell to the city for a park, at the price he paid for them. Chairman Wells asked that the area shown as duplex and commercial on the plat be shown as Section 4 for future development. He then asked Mr. Seaback if he would be willing to project Merry Oaks Street through to Dominik and to pay construction costs and also be willing to dedicate a street that would tie into Berkley. Seaback stated that he would be willing to do this. Commissioner Horne brought up the point that action had already been taken on this plat, contingent upon dedication of the 2-acre park and it appeared that the developer had complied with this. He asked what additional action would be needed. Chairman Wells stated that this is a revised plat and the original action taken needed to be rescinded. Commissioner Landiss moved that the action of April 6 taken by the Planning and Zoning Commission on the Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms be rescinded. Commissioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. Chairman Wells stated that the floor was now open as to what to do with the new revised Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms. Commissioner Landiss moved that the Revised Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms ( P&Z Case No. 14-70) be approved, subject to: (a) opening of Merry Oaks, and Berkley Street and (b) that the commercial area be shown on the plat as Section 4 and as a reserve. Mr. Seaback then interrupts and says that he will dedicate and pave that part that he owns, but that the other one-half of the block will have to be done by the city. This motion, Chairman Wells stated, should be subject to paving of Merry Oaks from Dominik to Willow. Seaback asked if he would be too much out of line to ask the city to participate in the cost. Seaback questioned paving of Merry Oaks because of a portion being outside of his subdivision. Chairman Wells stated that the lots facing Dominik are already served by a paved street and that the paving of Merry Oaks would not benefit them. There was considerable discussion between Seaback and the Commissioners about this paving of these two streets. Commissioner Gardner stated Puryear is the same situation. Chairman Wells stated he was not trying to impose his thinking on the Commission. He then asked Commissioner Landiss if he would reword his motion. L. r � Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 April 20, 1970 410' Commissioner Landiss then moved that the revised Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms be approved subject to: (a) the developer paving to his property line on Merry Oaks Street and on Berkley Street. (b) That the portion as shown as Commercial and Duplex be designated as Section 4 for future development. Commissioner Horne seconded the motion. Commissioner Landiss stated to Mr. Seaback that he felt he and Mr. Culpepper should get together and try to finish the street (Merry Oaks) so that the street be joined together. The Commission does not require that it be paved, but he would like to encourage the city, Mr. Culpepper and Mr. Seaback to get together and get the street paved. Seaback says he will be glad to talk to Mr. Culpepper. Seaback says he needs some assistance on paving the property he does not own. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no. A question was raised as to whether the people that back on to Berkley will be assessed for the paving of this street. Mr. Wells answered that it will be by standard city policy. Commissioner Rhodes says there will be some concessions on the cost. Chairman Wells corrected this by stating there will be some concessions on the time that it takes to pay the cost. Commissioner Gardner stated that he would like to know how the city keeps track of new billboards. He noticed one that has been built rather recently near the 110. Cemino Trailer Parks and he stated it was in the newly annexed portion of the city. He feels this is an important interest to the city. Chairman Wells explained that under the Southern Standard Building Code, it falls under the Building Administrator. He has the responsibility to see that they are properly licensed and if not, that they be removed. If he receives a written complaint, he must immediately investigate. Commissioner Gardner says the City Engineer is responsible for administration of the code. Lloyd James, City Engineer, explained that the building code was being administered by Mr. Dulaney and the sign board had been brought up at a recent staff meeting. The next question Commissioner Gardner raised is whether a driving range is suitable use for District No. 4. He referred to the golf driving range across from Redmond Shopping Center and questioned whether it was permissable in a commercial area. He questioned whether it would be worthwhile for someone to check into this. Chairman Wells stated that he assumes they took out a permit for this. Commissioner Gardner requested that they have Mr. Dulaney put on the Agenda to describe how he issues these permits. Commissioner Gardner stated that there were visitors from the Bryan Planning Commission present at this meeting and since they have not been able to get together on a joint meeting date, he would like to suggest that they meet tonight after the Planning and Zoning Meeting. Chairman Wells passed out copies of the new draft of the proposed Zoning • Ordinance for review by the Commission. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 • April 20, 1970 Commissioner Landiss moved the meeting adjourn, seconded by Commissioner Horne. Meeting adjourned. APPROVED: 0 Acting Chairman ATTEST: L� J, L City Secretary S las S L. • AGENDA • PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 20, 1970 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of April 6, 1970. ZONING REQUESTS: 2. Reconsideration of Planning and Zoning Case No. 11-70, a zoning change request to change a 2.987 acre tract from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. 3. Reconsideration of P&Z Case No. 12-70, a zoning change request to change a 2.988 acre tract - Tract No. 11; a 2.988 acre tract - Tract No. 12; and a 2.990 acre tract - Tract No. 13 - from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3-A, Mobile Home Park District. SUBDIVISION PLATS: 4. Reconsideration of Revision of Master Preliminary Plat of University Arms • Subdivision. 5. And other business. 6. Adjourn. GE:las cc: Local news media City Council members • 4414 • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on _ _L 1 7d at 02 , v -op m . Ly da Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 70_• • 21,0".".-4 Notary Public, Bros Count; Texas •