HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/15/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES 4111 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS September 15, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners Wendell Horne, R. R. Rhodes, Joseph Baur, Carl Landiss, B. Douglas Stone, Carl Tishler, Everett Janne and Jim Gardner; City Planner Lee Roy George, City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: None Visitors Present: Kate Thomas, Bill Cooley and Jay F. Goode The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room in the City Hall of College Station. The Minutes of September 2, 1969 meeting were approved as written. The first item of business on the Agenda was the consideration of Welsh Street from County Road to Southwest Parkway. Lee Roy George, City Planner reported that Holick's, who owned the property in that area, had requested a decision not be made until they had time to submit a rezoning request, due to the fact that some of the land which would be needed for right of way would use the commercial zoning they had at present. The Commissioners were all in agreement to postpone a decision. Mr. Wells stated that the Mayor had asked him to accept the position of Acting Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission until a chairman could be appointed. Mr. Wells stated that since the Commission now has 9 members rather than 7, the question of what or how many members constitutes a quorum needed to be resolved. The Commissioners were all in agreement that the number for a quorum should be 5 members and a decision for recommending or disapproving a zoning request or a subdivision plat, etc. , would take the majority of the commissioners for approval or disapproval. This would mean that if there were only 5 commissioners present at a meeting, all 5 would have to vote for an item before it could be approved. The question of meeting dates of the first and third Monday in each month was brought up. All the Commissioners were in agreement that these dates were satis- factory to leave as regularly scheduled meeting dates. The question of a deadline filing date for zone change applications or subdivision plats was raised. At present, the deadline is 10 days prior to the Planning and Zoning • Meeting on Monday. Lee Roy George, City Planner, stated that this was really not sufficient time for the city staff to prepare notices to be sent to property owners affected by the requested zoning change. After discussion among commission members, Commissioner Stone moved that the deadline filing date for planning and zoning requests be moved to 14 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Meeting. Commissioner Landiss L —T Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • September 15, 1969 Page 2 seconded the motion. Motion carried. The vote was unanimous. This item will be recommended to the City Council for their action. The format for the Agenda for Planning and Zoning meetings will be as follows: 1. Approval of Minutes. 2. Old Business. 3. New Business. 4. Hear Visitors. 5. Adjourn. The following commission members were appointed to the various sub-committees on the Planning and Zoning Commission by Chairman Wells: Sub-Division Committee Commissioner Joseph Baur, Chairman Commissioner Wendell Horne Commissioner Carl Tishler At present, the Sub-Division Committee will meet on Thursday afternoon at 4:00 p.m. for two hours each week. Zoning Sub-Committee Commissioner Everett Janne, Chairman Commissioner R. R. Rhodes Commissioner B. Douglas Stone This Zoning Sub-Committee will meet at 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons each week at present. City Planning Sub-Committee Commissioner James (Jim) Gardner, Chairman Commissioner Carl Landiss Chairman Wells stated that Commissioner Gardner would remain as liaison for Parks & Recreation Committee. Commissioner Rhodes will be liaison for Airport Zoning Committee; Commissioner Horne will be liaison for the City Health Committee; and Commissioner Stone will be the liaison for Beautification Committee. L. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • September 15, 1969 Page 3 Chairman Wells recommended that when an ordinance is proposed, the appropriate sub-committee will complete a preliminary draft of the ordinance and send to the Planning and Zoning Commission for their approval or recommendations. The ordinance will then be sent to the City Council for appropriate action. The Commissioners were all in agreement on this item. Chairman Wells stated that he had received communication from the Assistant City Attorney which stated that we are operating under Chapter 4, Title 28, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, which includes Article 1007 through Article 1025. This does not include Article 974. a, which is the article for sub-division platting but does include 1011a through 1011k, which is our power for zoning. Commissioner Gardner asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission were to hold public hearings. He stated that since the City Council had asked the Commission to send out notices to property owners of a requested zoning change, that the Commission was in effect holding a public hearing. He also raised the question as to why notices were not posted in the area to be rezoned, as was specified in the Zoning Ordinance No. 38. Chairman Wells asked Mr. George to check on the public hearings and to • give a report to the Commission regarding same. 1- Commissioner Gardner asked for clarification of whether Dominik would connect to a service or frontage road of the East By-pass. He said that in the Master Plan of Principal Streets, it showed it as connecting. Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt this was something the Planning and Zoning Commission should discuss. Chairman Wells then asked the City Planning Sub-Committee to study this question and present a report of their findings to the Commission. Lee Roy George, City Planner, brought up the question of naming of streets in the newly annexed area. He stated that this needed to be done so that postal service could be more expeditious and location of residences in the area could be clarified. Chairman Wells asked Mr. Gardner, Chairman of the City Planning Sub-Committee to check into possible names for the newly annexed area. Commissioner Gardner stated that he did not wish to burden Lee Roy George with any more work, but he was wondering about the high pressure gas pipe lines in College Station and whether a catastrophe might happen here that happened in Houston. After discussion, Chairman Wells asked Mr. George to write a letter to the Urban League asking for information as to what other cities are doing relative to this problem. Commissioner Gardner then expressed some views and statements concerning 411 the report which was prepared and sent to Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council by Lee Roy George. His questions relative to the report concerned the following items: (1) Greater degree of reliance should be placed on the city staff; (2) Staff should be allowed to make out the Agenda since all applications are Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • September 15, 1969 Page 4 processed directly through the city offices(any member on the Commission may add an item to the Agenda); (3) Conditional Zoning; (4) Taping of meetings; (5) More professional presentations should be encouraged. After discussion of these items by commission members, Chairman Wells stated that he felt the report should be studied in detail by each member and their recommendations be brought to the Commission. Commissioner Gardner brought up the question of zoning with annexation. There was some question among commissioners about the ordinance passed by the Council back in May which amended a previous ordinance regarding property being zoned as residential when it is annexed into the city. Commissioner Gardner briefed the Commission on a report prepared by his students this summer regarding the rental housing for incoming students at Texas A&M. He stated that copies of this interesting report would be furnished to each Commission member soon. Commissioner Stone said that he felt a member of the Planning and Zoning Commission should be appointed as liaison to the University Housing Office so that • the two bodies could work together. Chairman Wells stated that this would be done soon. The meeting was adjourned subject to call. APPROVED: Acting Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary • las