HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/06/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS October 6, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Chairman; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Carl Landiss, Joe Baur, R. R. Rhodes, Everett Janne, Carl Tishler, Douglas Stone; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Planner Lee Roy George; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioner Wendell Horne and City Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell Visitors Present: Burt Ford, James R. Winkler, Fran Haugen, Jay Goode, Randy Simank, Clifford Broyles, Phillip M. Waldrup, Clay Williams, Gary C. Aven, Mrs. J D Burleson, Janie Wallace, Kate Thomas, Roger Miller, Hank Mills, Kirby L. Bobb, David Romine, John Stratton, Barbara Carpenter, Bill Ely, Ed Dutch, Chas. W. Hale, Joe Ellis, Fred Castrovince, A. J Caporina, Howell Gordy, Henry Cevanta, Jr. , Clyde W. Dickerson, Jay Jarrott, Rand • Silverman, Pat Caporina, Tom March, C. Beak, Dale Watson, Steve Moore, Claude Davis. Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. The Minutes of September 15, 1969 meeting were approved as written. The first item for consideration on the Agenda was the reconsideration of the preliminary Subdivision Nat for University Oaks, Sections. II, III and IV. Chairman Wells gave a brief summary of the background regarding this plat as follows: The original plat was submitted to the City Council on 6-3-68 and was referred to Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation. Subsequently, several hearings were held until on 10-8-68, Block No. 2, Section I of the plat was approved and several conditions were laid down for the remainder of the area. Platting of Dominik street along north side, only Puryear and Munson Streets to be connected to north, and others, all of which had now been incorporated into the new plat. Mr. John Garner, Engineer for University Oaks Plat, appeared before the Commissioners and answered various questions regarding the plat. Commissioner Gardner asked why Munson was only shown as 56 feet wide on the plat. Mr. Garner stated that it was the width requested by the city, which had a 56 foot right of way and • a 38 foot pavement. Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt we needed a much larger street there. City Planner Lee Roy George stated that the construction plans for the plat only show 28 feet. Mr. Garner stated that the plans should show 38 feet. It was agreed that the paving width on Munson should be 38 feet. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission October 6, 1969 Page 2 Commissioner Gardner asked what provisions were made for sidewalks in the proposed plat. He recommended that sidewalks be put in. Chairman Wells stated that sidewalks do not come under the heading of the present subdivision or zoning ordinances. He stated that, sidewalks were required by. Street Ordinance No. 608 to be as shown on the Master Plan of Streets. Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt sidewalks should be called for in the preliminary plat, too. A discussion then followed regarding the sidewalks being torn up while construction was made on the developments. Commissioner Landiss asked about street width. Chairman Wells called on Lloyd James, City Engineer, to give the commissioners his comments regarding the plat. Mr. James stated that there are several construction items that need to be gone over and worked out but that he would accept the concrete box culvert. Commissioner Landiss expressed concern about children playing near the culvert and whether it would be dangerous or not. Mr. James explained that the culvert could have steel hand-rails placed around it. Commissioner Gardner stated that Munson was going to carry a lot of traffic for the area in the plat proposed and that 4 moving lanes with 2 parking lanes should be required. Chairman Wells stated that in the Building Code, the requirement is for off-street parking for apartments. Commissioner Landiss stated that he wished to go • along with having a wider street width on Munson. Chairman Wells asked if any of the citizens in the audience would like to discuss the proposed plat. One young lady stated that she would like to find out what was being discussed because none of the members in the audience could hear what was being said. Chairman Wells then asked Lee Roy George to describe the plat for the benefit of the audience, which he did. Some of the members of the audience asked about drainage ditches shown on the plat and how much water they would hold. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Baur moved that the plat be recommended to the City Council for their consideration with the following stipulations: 1. Sidewalks be provided on Munson and Dominik. 2. Satisfactory right of way from the east boundary of the property to clear the 18-inch water line located on the property. 3. Extension of Dominik through the Culpepper property to connect with Munson. 4. Developer to pay the paving to connect Dominik with Munson. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Tishler. Commisioner Rhodes stated that he wished • to add an amendment to the motion by requesting the street name of Ashburn on the plat be changed to a name not so confusing. r � Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • October 6, 1969 Page 3 Commissioner Gardner recommended the following amendments to the motion: (a) require sidewalks on Munson and Dominik, and, in addition, on University Oaks , which is an east/west street, (b) Munson be a minimum of 70 foot right of may because of potentially high congested area, (c) and using some means other than culvert for flood control on Lot 17. After much discussion, Commissioners Baur and Tishler agreed to have their motion amended as follows: 1. 70 feet of right of way on Munson Avenue. 2. Dedication of Dominik through to Munson. 3. Developer pay for paving to connect Dominik with Munson. 4. Change Ashburn to a street name not so confusing. 5. Sidewalks on Munson and Dominik. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no because he felt sidewalks should be obtained on the other streets. • Mr. Garner, engineer for the property in question, asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission would entertain a replat of the whole area. He stated that he would have to check with the owner first, but he felt sure this would be necessary, since the owner had made a firm deal on the net acreage and since more right of way was needed, etc. , the deal would probably not be closed. Chairman Wells stated that he could if he would do so before the next Council Meeting on October 27. Chairman Wells read some excerpts from the Council Meeting on September 22, which pertained to filing deadline for zoning requests. The deadline date is now set for 20 days. prior to the meeting date. He also informed the commission that the council passed the ordinance they had recommended for the mobile home ordinance amendment. Commissioner Gardner stated that the Planning Sub-committee had met with 6 or 8 property owners on the east end of Dominik and had discussed their problems relating to traffic in that area. He stated that they were to have another meeting soon before he would make a report to the Commission. Commissioner Janne, liaison for Cemetery Committee, stated that the Cemetery Committee had asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to notify them before any action was taken on rezoning requests in the cemetery area. • The Sub-committee on Zoning stated that they had met with the architect for the Dobrovolny's and they are in the process of re-working their plans. Mr. Wood, Architect for the Dobrovolny's, asked that their request be withdrawn so that they could resubmit. Mr. Wood stated that they would furnish a letter stating their desire to be be signed by the property owners. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission October 6, 1969 Page 4 Lee Roy George handed out to each Commissioner, a report he had worked up for the Mayor regarding annexation in the City up to the present. Commissioner Stone stated that he would like to inquire relative to the committee who was to work up a policy guideline for the Planning and Zoning Commission; Chairman Wells stated that he would check into this. A 3rd year architecture student asked if the Planning and Zoning Commission members could meet in an informal type session to discuss the problems relating to the North Gate area. After considerable discussion among commissioners, it was agreed that Lee Roy George would set up a meeting with the students and notify all the commissioners, and those who could attend, would do so. The meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: II/ l Chairman ATTEST: 4414-J 4 City Secretary las • . 1 • AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION October 6, 1969 7 :00 p. m. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS 1. P&Z 69-30 : Reconsideration of the Preliminary Sub- division Plat for University Oaks , Sections II, III & IV. 2. Hear visitors, 3. Adjourn. CDW :las cc : City Council Local news media • K 41 w I' • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on at Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this fp day of • ___ _ 19 C�_� Notary Public, Br os County, exas • 1