HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/17/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission • AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS November 17, 1969 at 7:00 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes of November 3, 1969 meeting. 2. Zoning Request No. 69-32. Request of Alphonse Hallik for change from R-1 (single family) to Dist. 4 (first business) of 1.43 acres south of existing Commercial district on Holleman Drive, adjacent to proposed extension of Welsh Drive. 3. Zoning Request No. 69-33. Request of Alphonse Hallik for change from R-1 (single family) to R-2 (duplex) of 2.98 acres from Holleman Drive South adjacent to McCulloch Addition and facing on proposed extension of Welsh Street. 4. Hear visitors. 5. Adjourn. CDW:vp cc: City Council • Local News Media • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on __ ___ at . a v 4, erj,. Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this Al ' day of • --- — , 19 61 Notary Public, Brazos 96unty, Tex", • I491 MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION City of College Station, Texas November 17, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Wendell Horne, Carl Landiss and R. R. Rhodes; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; City Planner Lee Roy George; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioner Carl Tishler, Douglas Stone and Everett Janne Visitors Present: Jay Goode, Raymond Brown, Douglas D. Groves, Kate Thomas, Wesley E. Peyton, James L. Greer,III, Pat Little, Alphonse L. Holik, Jr., Bill Cooley, Terry Court, Jimmie Babbitt, Mr. & Mrs. Walter C. Fain, Jr., Jane Goehring, L. P. Cervantes, Roosevelt Moore, Edward Eason, J. D. Belford, Michael W. Daniel, D. W. Kinson, Joe McGraw, Terry Hubs, Thomas L. Dailey, Jerry Heitman, David G. Bordowsky, Kenneth B. Quinbrough, Terry T. Hampton, Brenda Fortenberry, John Bruns, Delmer Woods, Jr., Alan Giles, Eva J. Carrie, Julia Buckelew, Paul R. Davidson, Charles H. • Cogswell, Lyndon McDonald, Curtis Edwards, Luther G. Jones, James W. Divin, D. D. Burns, Jr., Thomas Rains, Jr., Bob Terry, Frank King, Karl Jack, Fred Hazekamp, Ernest Hiller, George Durham, Stevens R. Heath, Mike Hubbard Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. On motion by Commissioner Rhodes, seconded by Commissioner Horne, the Minutes of November 3, 1969 meeting were approved as written. The first item of business on the agenda was Zoning Request No. 69-32, a request from Alphonse Holik for change from R-1 (single family) to District No. 4 (first business) for 1.43 acres south of existing Commercial district on Holleman Drive, adjacent to proposed extension of Welsh Street. Mrs. Divin and her brother, Alphonse Holik, Jr., came before the Commission to answer questions regarding the rezoning request. City Planner Lee Roy George pointed out on the maps placed on the wall, the property in question. The commissioners directed some questions to Mrs. Divin and Mr. Holik. Chairman Wells then opened a public hearing regarding the rezoning of the Holik request. There were, however, no comments from anyone in the • audience. Commissioner Horne moved that Zoning Request 69-32, a request from A - 2 - Alphonse Holik for change from R-1(single family) to District No. 4 (first business) for 1.43 acres south of existing commercial district on Holleman Drive, adjacent to proposed extension of Welsh Street, be approved, contingent upon acquisition of right of way for Welsh Street through the Holik property. Commissioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. All five members present voted yes. The second request on the agenda was a rezoning request from Alphonse Holik (P & Z 69-33) for a 2.98 acre tract located adjacent to McCulloch Addition and facing on the proposed extension of Welsh Street., from District No. 1, (residential) to District No. 2 (duplex). City Planner Lee Roy George located the property in question on the map for the benefit of citizens present, as well as for the commissioners. There was considerable discussion about this rezoning request. Commissioner Rhodes questioned whether there should be some type of break in a block that long for fire protection, etc. Also, the question of the street right of way on Nevada Street was raised. City Planner Lee Roy George stated that he would recommend paving an alley behind the duplexes for access in and out of the area. He stated that in order to have this alley, a 5 to 10 foot easement would need to be obtained. Commissioner Gardner stated that he did not favor the re- zoning of duplexes in that area due to the high density it would create and traffic hazards. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Horne moved that the Holik tract (P & Z 69-33), a 2.98 acre tract, located adjacent to McCulloch Addition and facing on the proposed extension of Welsh Street be rezoned from District No. 1 to District No. 2 subject to dedication of • Welsh Street through the Holik property and dedication of Nevada Street through the rezoned property. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Rhodes. Motion did not carry. Commissioner Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no because he felt there-was not a dire need for Welsh Street at present and that the problems of accessibility with traffic hazards would be doubled with duplexes. City Planner Lee Roy George asked for clarification on Welsh Street spelling. He stated he had seen it spelled Welsh and Welch and would like to know which was correct. Chairman Wells suggested he check in the County Clerk's office on the plats recorded there. Chairman Wells stated that he would like to ask the sub-committees . on zoning and sub-divisions to set meeting dates for their next meeting. He explained that Mr. Janne wished to resign as chairman of the zoning subcommittee due to the fact that he had to be out of town so much. The commissioners stated that they would set their meetings up by telephone. Chairman Wells explained that Commissioner Baur had resigned from the Commission. Chairman Wells brought up the question of additional annexation by the city of the property located south of the west by-pass. After some dis- cussion, as to whether the city could serve the area with sewerage and water, Commissioner Landiss moved that it be recommended to the City 410 Council to annex additional territory south of the west loop between Highway 6 and Wellborn Road for a depth of not less than 500 feet. Com- missioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. Pr- - 3 - Chairman Wells introduced the Government class which was visiting the meeting from the University. Some of the students asked questions re- garding planning, zoning and subdivision requests. Commissioner Rhodes moved the meeting adjourn, subject to call. APPROVED: Actgairman ATTEST: C�i�-cam City Secretary 4110 ilk