HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/19/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION May 19, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Chairman; Commissioners Phillip Steen, Jim Gardner, Jim O'Brien, Joseph R. Baur, Everett Janne and Wendell Horne; City Planner Lee Foy George; Councilman C. H. Ransdell, Liaison for Planning and Zoning Commission; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: None Visitors Present: Mr. Edsel Jones, Mr. Harry Seaback, Mr. John Garner, Mr. Bill Cooley, Mr. Dorsey McCrory, Mr. C. I. Miller, Mr. James Hurt, Mr. L. J. Kirkpatrick, Mrs. John Simek, Mrs. V. J. Boriskie and Mr. James O. Freeman Chairman %tells called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station. The Minutes of the May 5, 1969 meeting were approved as written. The first item on the Agenda was old business. The Chairman passed out copies of a proposed draft of the Annual Report to be presented to the City Council. This Annual Report covers the activities of the Planning and Zoning Commission for the past year and briefly covers what they hope to accomplish in the coming year. Several of the commissioners were in agreement that Items #3 and #4 should be deleted from the Annual Report. Item 3 stated that a joint effort should be made to begin the construction of Welsh Street from Jersey Street to the Southwest Parkway. Item #4 stated: "Begin the construction of the Southwest Parkway from its present east end to Highway No. 6". The first zoning request on the agenda was from C. I. Miller, who requested commercial zoning on his property in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract #46, Brazos County, Texas. His request for commercial zoning covered approximately 26 acres. Mr. Miller stated that at the present time, he had no planned development for his land, but that if the opportunity arose, he would like to be able to sell the property and he felt this would be easier if it were zoned commercial. His property is in the area under consideration for proposed annexation into the city. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Horne moved that commercial zoning be recommended to the Council for a 300 foot depth and full frontage on Highway 6, unless a large commercial development such as a motel complex desired the property. Commissioner Steen seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner voted no and Chairman Wells voted no. The next request was C-8 from Mr. Bardin Nelson. Mr. Nelson was requesting illcommercial zoning for a 2.53 acre tract of land out of a tract conveyed to C. I. Miller by Mrs. Emma Stasney Barta by Deed dated September 11, 1939, duly recorded in Volume 115, page 431, Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas in the Morgan Rector Survey. On motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Baur, • Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission May 19, 1969 fib Page 2 it was recommended that the request for commercial zoning be denied. There were 2 ayes and 5 noes. The motion failed for lack of a majority of the commission. Commissioner Horne then moved that the property be recommended for zoning as commercial for a 300 foot depth. The motion failed for lack of a second. After some discussion, the chairman stated that because of lack of a motion, the request would be considered at the next meeting. Mr. Gardner presented an outline to the Commission of policies that he felt the Planning and Zoning Commission should strive to followiin granting zoning requests. ' The next request was for C-9, from Mr. L. J. Kirkpatrick, for commercial zoning for his property of 422 feet of frontage on Highway 6. At present, he has a Drive-in Grocery and Service Station located on this tract. On motion by Commissioner Baur, seconded by Commissioner O'Brien, this property was recommended to the Council for approval to be zoned as commercial. Motion carried. The next request was C-10 from Mr. and Mrs. James Hurt. They requested commercial zoning on their 1/2 acre tract. On motion by Commissioner Steen, seconded by Commissioner Horne, this property was recommended to the Council for approval of commercial zoning. Motion carried. • The next request was C-11 from John Simek for commercial zoning on a 4-acre tract of land. On motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Janne, this property was recommended to the council to be denied commercial zoning. Motion carried. The next request was C-11 also from Mrs. John Simek for commercial zoning on 73/100 acre tract of land. On motion by Commissioner Janne, seconded by Commissioner Steen, this property was recommended to the Council for approval to be zoned commercial. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner was recorded as voting no. The next request was C-12 from Mrs. V. J. Boriski for commercial zoning on a 39.39 acre tract in the Morgan Rector League. On motion by Commissioner Baur, seconded by Commissioner Horne, this property was recommended to the Council for commercial zoning, with a depth of 300 feet from the highway only. Motion carried. Commissioners O'Brien and Gardner asked to be recorded as voting no. The next request was C-13 from James O. Freeman for commercial zoning. Mr. Freeman's property contains 5.79 acres in the Morgan Rector League. Mr. Freeman stated that he had no definite plans for the property at this time, but he had thoughts of it being an ideal location for a motel complex. After discussion by commission members with Mr. Freeman, Commissioner O'Brien moved the request be recommended to be • denied to the Council. Commissioner Horne seconded the motion. Motion carried. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission May 19, 1969 • Page 3 The next request was C-14 from Edsel G. Jones. Mr. Jones' request was for commercial zoning. This property contains approximately 30 acres of land and lies in the territory to be annexed into the city. Mr. Jones stated he felt this property was most undesirable for residential because it would be located so close to the underpass in the area. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Janne moved that this request for commercial zoning be recommended as denied to the Council. Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next request was for apartment zoning on a tract of approximately 48 acres from Mr. Edsel Jones. This tract also lies in the area to be considered in the proposed annexation. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Gardner recommended the request be denied without prejudice because of the drainage in the area, no access and lack of planning. Commissioner Janne seconded the motion. Motion carried. C-15 for commercial zoning was requested by Lorsey McCrory. Mr. McCrory stated that his property contained approximately 48 acres and that at the present time, he felt this land was best suited for business purposes because of flooding of Bee Creek in the area. He stated that approximately 7 to 8 acres on either side of the creek could be developed. After some discussion, Commissioner Janne moved the request be denied without prejudice. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Baur. Motion carried. • The next request was from Area Progress Corporation for Commercial zoning in the property in the southwest line of 166.57 acres in the Crawford Burnett League. The area requested for commercial contains approximately 16. 642 acres. After discussion among the commission members, Commissioner O'Brien recommended the request be denied without prejudice. Commissioner Janne seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Prelim nary Flat of University Arms was the next item considered. Chairman Wells explained that the original Preliminary Plat which had been approved by the Commission and the City Council made no reference to sectional development; whereas it now develops that the owner desires to develop by sections, so has now presented a duplicate of the original plat, but with sections outlined and numbered in sequence, as it is their desire to develop them. This requires Commission approval and Council approval. On motion by Commissioner Baur, seconded by Commissioner Janne, the Commission recommended to the Council that the developer be allowed to submit his final plats into sections, as shown on their revised preliminary plat. Motion carried. Commissioner Gardner asked that Mr. George's duties be clarified more as to how he will assist the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Wells appointed the sub- committee on planning to work up a recommendation on this to be presented to the council. APPRC?VEL: • ai an A EST: �/ Sec ea ui las