HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/03/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS March 3, 1969 Members Present: Acting Chairman Codie Wells; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Jim O'Brien, Joseph R. Baur and Wendell Horne; City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioners Everett Janne and Phillip Steen, Jr. Visitors Present: Charles H. Johnson, W. S. McGinnis, Davis K. Chester, K. M. Charlton, W. M. Sackett, Stephen Rites, Shirley B. Plannstel, Ruby Gough, Caroline Coble, Walter M. Coble and William B. Takler, Jr. The Acting Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. The acting chairman called for approval of the minutes of February 17, 1969 meeting. There were no corrections or additions and the minutes were approved as written. Commissioner Gardner stated that he had met with the new Chairman of the Planning Commission in Bryan in regard to the re-naming of streets and that they planned to meet in the next few weeks to try and come up with some suggestions. Mr. Wells stated that Culpepper Plaza Plat still had not had the Guarantee of Completion submitted. Chairman Wells reported that the Subdivision Committee had met and approved the West Knoll Subdivision Plat. Mr. Wells called for final consideration on a request for rezoning 2. 6 acres of land on the south side of Holleman Drive, beginning approximately 350 feet East of Glade Street and facing 263 feet on Holleman Drive, from District No. 3 (Apartment) to District 4-A (Neighborhood Business District). This request was submitted by Jesse Henton. Chairman Wells stated that he had received a signed petition by approximately forty ( 40 ) property owners who live on Glade, Pershing, Holick, Skrivanek Center, Sunny Court and Orr Streets. Mr. Charles Johnson was spokesman for the group who signed the petition. He stated that he did not originate the petition but that he was probably closest of all the property owners in the area to be rezoned. He objected to the rezoning for the following reasons: (a) The property owners knew the property in question was zoned for apartments when they purchased their property. However, they felt that nice apartments would be built there and the property would be kept up and they did not object to this. (b) They feel a Neighborhood Business District in this particular area will detract from the value of their property, as well as increase the traffic flow. • Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • March 3, 1969 Page 2 Mr. McGinnis from the audience also spoke against this rezoning. He stated that he was at present having a house built in the area, but if the property in question were zoned 4-A, he would probably not buy the house. Col. Coble stated that he had his house up for sale and that the party who had been interested in buying his house had refused to buy because of the possible rezoning to 4-A which had been proposed. Commissioner Horne read the Subdivision Committee's recommendations based upon a series of questions. Their recommendation was that the request for rezoning in this particular area be denied. On motion by Commissioner Horne, seconded by Commissioner O'Brien, the Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to the City Council that the request for rezoning 2.6 acres of land on the south side of Holleman Drive, beginning approximately 350 feet east of Glade Street and facing 263 feet on Holleman Drive from District No. 3 (Apartment) to District 4-A (Neighborhood Business District) be denied. Motion carried. Vote was unanimous. Mr. Wells stated that on the third page of the Statement of Policy for the Planning and Zoning Commission, Paragraph 7, the wording should be changed to • read as "four members, including a chairman". Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt the Policy Statement should have inserted after the second sentence, the following: "No zoning or subdivision decisions should be made except where four or more members voted for or against". The Planning and Zoning Commission requested that this change be made by the secretary. Chairman Wells appointed the Zoning Subcommittee (Everett Janne and Wendell Horne) to study the aspects of the Mobile Home Ordinance and he appointed the Subdivision Committee of Jim O'Brien and Joseph R. Baur to study some of the subdivision regulation aspects of the Mobile Home Ordinance. He also directed Mr. Gardner to feel free to submit any comments or suggestions he might have. These suggestions are due to be submitted the first part of the week to Mr. Wells for his reworking and drafting for the next meeting. Some of the areas which were pointed out that need to be considered are taxes, sewer tapping fees, density and legal aspects of the ordinance. Chairman Wells asked the Commission to read the Subdivision Regulations Draft and make any comments they felt were necessary and to have them ready at the next meeting. • L. r � Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission March 3, 1969 Page 3 Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt having the public invited to the Planning and Zoning meetings would be of great help in regard to rezoning of certain areas, as was shown by the turnout of people at the meeting on this date. He stated that he felt it would save a lot of time if the Planning and Zoning Commission could get the view of the public on these rezoning questions when they arise. On motion by Commissioner O'Brien, seconded by Commissioner Home, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: Ze&e , Acting a man ATT EST: City Secretary • las 3-5-69 � _ J