HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/07/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION July 7, 1969 Members Present: Chairman Codie Wells; Commissioners Wendell Horne, Jim O'Brien, Everett Janne, Jim Gardner, and Joseph Baur; City Planner LeeRoy George; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Phillip Steen Visitors Present: Mrs. T. O. Walton, Jr. , Norma Miller, Edward Miller, Perry Ramsey, Richard Patrick, B. R Craig, N. B. Bardell, W. D. Fitch, Raymond Reiser, Joseph McGraw, Jay D. Belford, Karl Patton, Kate Thomas, Bill Fitch and Bill Cooley The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. There was one correction noted in the Minutes of the June 16 meeting. • Commissioner Baur asked that his name be deleted from those members present, since he did not attend the meeting. The secretary was directed to make this correction. Otherwise, the Minutes were approved as written. Mr. Ed Miller, a citizen in the audience, asked that the Minutes of the last meeting be read. He stated that he felt someone was in error -- either the Minutes were incorrect or the Bryan Eagle. The newspaper had carried headlines regarding the last Planning & Zoning Meeting on June 16 which pertained to discussion of the proposed extension of Welsh Street. He stated that there was nothing in the Minutes relative to Welsh Street. There was considerable discussion regarding the newspaper item with respect to the Minutes. The Chairman called the meeting back to order and stated that the Commission had business to transact. The first item of new business on the Agenda was the consideration of a preliminary subdivision plat of Briar Rose Addition on the east side of Munson, north of Francis. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Gardner moved that the plat be approved subject to obtaining additional R. O. W. of 5 five for Munson and the necessary drainage easements to the east. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Horne. Motion carried. Commissioner O'Brien abstained from voting since the plat in question was submitted by him. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Meeting Page 2 July 7, 1969 The Commission then considered a preliminary subdivision plat of the Glade East, located on the South side of Holleman, approximately 150 feet east of Glade. Mr. Buford Craig, developer of the property in question, came before the Commission and answered questions concerning the plat. There was some opposition from citizens in the audience. They were opposed to more apartments or duplexes being built in the area because they felt it would be a higher density area and would cause more flooding in Bee Creek, which is creating a flooding problem when it rains for some of the property owners in that area at present. Several citizens urged the commission not to act upon this plat until the Council had taken action regarding a drainage plan for Bee Creek, which they had promised to do. Commissioner O'Brien moved that the plat be recommended for approval. Motion failed for lack of a second. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Horne moved that the Commission defer action on the Glade East preliminary plat until the next Planning and Zoning meeting. Commissioner Gardner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner O'Brien asked to be recorded as voting no. • The next item of business was the subdivision regulations. Several members of the Commission stated that they were not technically qualified to participate in the rewriting of this ordinance and requested that a small sub-committee be appointed to complete the review of the proposed revision of this ordinance. After further discussion, the Chairman agreed to appoint a sub-committee to complete the Subdivision Regulations, and another sub-committee to work on the Zoning Ordinance, so that both could be in progress at the same time, with better coordination. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. APPROVED: �ha Alan- ATTEST: c4ty j City Secretary S L AGENDA PLANNING ANL ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS July 7, 1969 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Room, City of College Station 1. Approval of Minutes of June 16, 1969 meeting. 2. Old Business: Further .$t'.idy of a revision of the Subdivision Regulations. 3. New Business: Preliminary Subdivision Plats - (a) Briar Rose Addition on the east side of Munson, north of Francis (the old Baye property) (b) Glade East - on the south side of Holleman, approximately 150 feet east of Glade. Finalt Plat: Southwood, Section 5. 4. Hear visitors. • 5. Adjourn. CD W:las cc: City Council News Media w