HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/17/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 17, 1969 Commission Members Present: Codie Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Everett Janne, Jim O'Brien, Joseph R. Baur and Phillip Steen, Jr. Commission Members Absent: Commissioner Wendell Horne Visitors Present: Messrs. Don Dale, Jesse Henton, Bill Fitch, Bill Cooley, William B. Takler, Jr. , Leroy George and Charles Coleman The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. The Chairman called on the Commission for approval of the Minutes of February 3, 1969, which was a joint meeting between the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission. There were no corrections or additions to the Minutes by any of the members. The Chairman stated the Minutes would be approved as written. • Commissioner Gardner reported that he had not met with the City of Bryan in regard to the naming of streets but that he would try and do so at an early date. Chairman Wells stated that the Culpepper Plaza Plat was in the same condition as it was before and that Guarantee of Completion had not been received. Chairman Wells named the following Commission Members to serve on various committees of the City as liaison: Zoning Sub-committee Everett Janne and Wendell Horne Subdivision Committee Jim O'Brien and Joseph R. Baur Airport Zoning Board Jim O'Brien Parks & Recreation Committee Jim Gardner Commercial Development Wendell Horne Cemetery Committee Everett Janne The first item of business on the Agenda was the request for rezoning a tract of land of 2. 6 acres on the south side of Holleman Drive, beginning approximately 350 feet east of Glade Street and fronting 263 feet on Holleman Drive, from District No. 3, Apartment House District to District No. 4-A, Neighborhood Business District. Chairman Wells called on Jesse Henton to speak in behalf of this request for rezoning. LIP Mr. Henton presented his views to the Commission in regard to this rezoning request. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting February 17, 1969 Page 2 The Chairman then asked if anyone in the audience would like to speak either for or against this rezoning request. After questions from the Commission members were directed to Mr. Henton, the Commission decided to defer action until the March 3 meeting. The reason for this deferment was so that the Planning and Zoning Commission could talk to the School Board in regard to this request. The second item on the Agenda was the request for preliminary plat of University Park Subdivision (Commercial) facing Texas Avenue and South of Highway 30. Mr. Don Dale was called on to speak in behalf of this request. After much discussion among the commission members and questions directed to Mr. Dale, the Chairman asked that Mr. Dale re-submit his plat and check with the City Engineer before he had the final preliminary plat drawn up. The Chairman asked the Commission if they had any more business to be discussed. Mr. Gardner stated that he felt the Agenda should include items of Old Business, New Business, Calling on visitors from audience, rezoning requests, etc. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. • APPROVED: r an ATTEST: Ci Secretary las/2-19-69 •