HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA PLANNING ANL ZONING COIviNMZSICN CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 15, 196S at 7:00 p.m. 1. ZCNING RECUESTS Case No. 25-69 - A request to rezone a 5.728 acre tract of land from ristrict No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 5, second business district. This tract is located north of Holleman Lrive, adjacent to the city's elevated water storage tank. Case No. 26-6S - A request to rezone a 1. S85 acre tract from ristrict No. 1, first dwelling house district to ristrict No. 5, second business district. This tract is located south of Holleman r rive and north of proposed Anderson. Case No. 35-69 - A request to rezone a 27.234 acre tract of land from ristrict No. 1, first dwelling house district to ristrict No. 3, apartment house district. This tract is located between Park Place and holleman Lrive, north of proposed Anderson Street. Case No. 36-6S - J request to rezone an 18.448 acre tract of land from ristrict No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. This tract is located south of Holleman r rive and north of proposed Anderson Street. 2. Presentation by Er. R. J. Baldauf regarding Beautification Program. 3. And other business. 4. Hear visitors. 5. Adjourn. CEW:ias cc: News media City Council .r.— Illhk—i I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on _ _ /0 L /96 ., at ___. _Q Q_,010_.•Ll") - • szr Ly a Swoveland City ecretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this /a day of O4) ---- , 19 '_f— ------- -,(9- -e__.-- ,P,1/40'__.r,.e4------ Notary Public, Bra os Count(Texas 111. MINUTES • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 15, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners Wendell Horne, R. R. Rhodes, J. D. Lindsay, Douglas Stone, Everett Janne, Carl Tishler, and Jim Gardner; City Planner Lee Roy George; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Carl Landiss Visitors Present: J. W. Wood, Antone Dobrovolny, C. A. Dobrovolny, and R. J. Baldauf Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. He introduced Dr. R. J. Baldauf, who presented a most interesting program of color slides on "Beautification in Brazos County". On motion by Commissioner Rhodes, seconded by Commissioner Horne, the Minutes of December 1, 1969 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried. • Mr. Wells briefly explained the history of the Dobrovolny zoning requests which were on the Agenda. It was explained that the owners had previously requested zoning changes No. P&Z 25-69, 26-69, 27-69, 28-69 and 29-69, all having been given a public hearing, and that the requests had been tabled. The owners, having withdrawn P&Z 27,-69 , 28-69 and 29-69. P&Z 25-69 and 26-69 were withdrawn from the table by motion of Commissioner Gardner, seconded by Commissioner Tishler and approved by unanimous vote of the Commission. Thus, the cases for consideration were P&Z 25-69, P&Z 26-69, P&Z 35-69 and P&Z 36-69. A lengthy discussion followed concerning the rezoning requests. Questions from P&Z members were directed to Mr. Wood, who is the architect for the Dobrovolny Estate. Some of the questions were whether a neighborhood business district would not be acceptable instead of District No. 5, second business district. The question of whether the Dobrovolny's had negotiated for additional right of way (for proposed Anderson Street extension) with the Catholic Church and whether the question of right of way with the owners of the school property had been discussed. City Engineer Lloyd James stated he would prefer the zoning.request be governed by the alignment of the street (Anderson) rather than having the zoning determine the alignment of . the street. Mr. Wood explained that the developers were going to try and create a buffer zone by having apartment, duplex and single family eventually in the area. The question of what type of drainage the developer planned to use in the area was also raised. r Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 • December 15, 1969 Mr. Calliham from the audience stated that he wished to go on record as feeling the Dobrovolny's had worked out a very fair and equitable compromise and he would be in favor of granting their zoning requests. City Planner Lee Roy George stated that at present, the city had 540 acres zoned for apartments and of that amount, only 41 acres were being utilized at present. Mr. Wells asked if there was any objection by commission members to deferring action on the zoning requests until the January 5, 1970 meeting. He explained that since the developers had not officially withdrawn their other zoning requests until December 10, the city officials (engineer, planner, public works departments), had not had sufficient time to study the requests in depth. Since there were no objections, the developers and their architect, Mr. Wood, were told that a decision would be made at the January 5, 1970 meeting. Lee Roy George passed out copies-of the Annual Report Draft of the Planning and Zoning Commission activities for 1969, which will be submitted to the City Council. Commissioner Stone moved the meeting adjourn. APPROVED: Codie D. Wells, Acting Chairman ATTEST: 4_.-2,>ee�'%C� L - City ecretary CDW:las i