HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/01/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 1 , 1969 7:00 p. m. 1. New Business: Sub-Division Requests : None Zoning Requests : No. 69-34 (P&Z ) - Request from V. H. Litchford to rezone from District No. 1 , First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, a parcel of land approximately 110 feet wide and 790 feet long, along the south city limits between Highway 6 and the East By-pass. C 11-24-69 cc : City Council • News Media • 41 I hereby certify that the attached Not ice was posted on 02S1_ta at 1_: . L nda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this ,e73-2 day of Notary Public, Brazo County, "ea • MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS December 1, 1969 Members Present: C. D. Wells, Acting Chairman; Commissioners Carl Landiss, J. D. Lindsay, Jim Gardner, Carl Tishler, R. R. Rhodes and Wendell Horne; City Engineer Lloyd James; City Planner Lee Roy George; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland • Members Absent: Commissioners Douglas Stone and Everett Janne; Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell Visitors Present: James M. McGlaun, Nelson C. Lee, Frank Spencer, Hugo Gutierrez, James Huchanek, Terence Lee Rockett, John M. Scaife, D. D. Burns, Jr. , Mary Ann Perry, Linda Wilson, W. Lewis Borbow, Lucio V. Varela, C. W. Nixon, Alan G. Young, Bret E. Matthews, Alfred J, Tomacek, Michael B. Walsh, Richard • A. Young, Kevin Shaw, and V. H. Litchford Acting Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. On motion by Commissioner Rhodes, seconded by Commissioner Tishler, the Minutes of the November 17, 1969 meeting were approved as written. Motion carried. Chairman Wells stated that J. D. Lindsay was officially appointed by the City Council at their November 24 meeting to replace Dr. Joseph Baur as a member of the Commission. Mr. Wells stated he was hereby appointing Commissioner Lindsay as a member of the Subdivision Committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Following is a list of other appointments made by Mr. Wells: Wendell Horne, Chairman of the Subdivision Committee. Douglas Stone, Chairman of the Zoning Committee. Commissioner Carl Landiss - Vice Chairman of the Commission to serve in Mr. Wells' absence. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission December 1, 1969 Meeting Page 2 Mr. Wells stated that a report of the work of the Commission over the past year needed to be drafted to be submitted to the City Council. This report will be used in the Annual Report to citizens. Lee Roy George stated that he was already working on the data for the report and he was asked by Mr. Wells to prepare a draft for the January 5 meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The first item of business on the Agenda was a request (P&Z 69-34) from V. H. Litchford to rezone from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 4, First Business District, a parcel of land approximately 110 feet wide and 790 feet long, along the south city limits between Highway 6 and the East By-pass. Mr. Litchford stated that his plans at present were indefinite as far as use for the property. He did say, however, that he had had several offers for the land but had not sold it. After discussion of the property in question by commission members with the petitioner, Commissioner Gardner moved that action be deferred with the con- currence of the owner, and with no prejudice on the part of the Commission, until a study could be made to investigate the possibilities of land use in that area and the study to be completed in not more than a two months period. Commissioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Wells stated that the Subdivision Committee of the Planning and Zoning Commission had completed the draft of the Subdivision Regulations and a copy had been sent to the City Attorneys for their review. No action will be taken until the attorneys have made their review. However, Mr. Wells pointed out that he would like each of the Commissioners to review it and make their comments. Mr. Wells pointed out to the Commissioners that the Subdivision Committee had been working on the Subdivision Regulations for over three months once each week and he wished to compliment them on their diligence and time spent. Commissioner Gardner stated he felt the Commission should try and meet with the Highway Department as to the Transportation Plan they are going to be making for Brazos County. Chairman Wells asked Commissioners Gardner and Landiss to arrange a meeting with the proper person from the Highway Dept. to obtain information regarding this plan. Lee Roy George stated the man they would need to contact would be D. D. Williamson. Commissioner Landiss moved the meeting be adjourned. Motion was seconded • by Commissioner Horne. Motion carried. APPROVED: A-ctfin hgn , TT EST: ity Secre arlas