HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS • August 18, 1969 Time: 7:00 p.m. Place: Council Room, City of College Station 1. Approval of minutes of August 4, 1969 meeting. 2. Old Business: Consideration of location of Welch Street from County Road South. 3. New Business: Rezoning a. P&Z No. 25-69 - Consideration of rezoning a 5.728 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Park Place, on the east by the City of College Station property, and on the south by Holleman Drive. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolnys and is a request for change in zoning from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 5, Second Business District. b. P&Z No. 26-69 - Consideration of rezoning a 1.985 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Holleman Drive and on the west by proposed Anderson Street. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolnys and is a request for change in • zoning from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 5, Second Busniness District. c. P&:Z No. 27-69 - Consideration of rezoning a 6.53 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Park Place, on the South by the Catholic Church property and A&M Consolidated School property, and on the west by Leacrest Subdivision. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolnys and is a request for change in zoning from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District. d. K2 No. 28-69 - Consideration of rezoning a 50.580 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Holleman Drive and ACE Consolidated School property, on the east by F. S. Kapchinski and Morgan Smith property, and on the west by Bee Creek. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolnys and is a request for change in zoning from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District. e. P&Z No. 29-69 - Consideration of rezoning a 33.234 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Wolf Pen Creek, on the south by Holleman Drive and on the west by Anderson Street. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolnys and is a request for change in zoning from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House .flL tract. 1111 4. Hear visitors. 5. Adjourn. CDW:mg cc: News Media City Council MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS August 18, 1969 Members Present: Codie Wells, Chairman; Commissioners Phillip Steen, Everett Janne, and Wendell Horne; City Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; City Planner Lee Roy George; City Engineer Lloyd James; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioners Jim O'Brien, Jim Gardner and Joseph Baur Visitors Present: J. W. Wood, A. J. Caporina, Don R. Stafford, J. Phil Kirby, Bill Cooley, Mrs. J. Phil Kirby, Mrs. W. S. McGinnis, Kate Thomas, Everett Benignus, Katherine M. Colley, D. E. Colley, Karl H. Dulum, Mrs. Verna Terral, Mrs. R. Fredericksen, Mr. R. Fredericksen, Richard L. Patrick, Mrs. Richard L. Patrick, Mrs. Daniel C. Pfannistiel, Mrs. C. S. Van Doren, B. D. Stone, Jr. , Mrs. John Smith, J. Neal Pratt, J. S. Van Doren, Bill Blessing, B. R. Craig and • Edward H. Miller The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. Chairman Wells read a letter from the Dobrovolny's stating that in regard to their zoning requests on Zoning Cases 25-69, 26-69, 27u69, 28-69, they would like to ask for a continuance of the requests at the next Planning and Zoning meeting in September. Their reasons for requesting deferrment was insufficient time for study because of the late date of submission of material by their planners. Chairman Wells stated, however, that since letters had been sent to property owners regarding the zoning requests, they would be given a chance to voice their recommen- dations relative to each zoning case. The first case was P&Z No. 25-69, a 5. 728 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Park Place, on the east by the City of College Station property, and on the South by Holleman Drive. The request for change in zoning is from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 5, Second Business District. This property was located on the map by Lee Roy George, City Planner. Mrs. Van Doren, a citizen in the audience wanted to know what District No. 5, Second Business District was. Chairman Wells stated that District No. 5, Second Business District was more liberal than First Business District and that Second Business District would allow small or light manufacturing firms. • Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission August 18, 1969 Page 2 The next request was P&Z No. 26-69, a 1. 985 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Holleman Drive and on the west by proposed Anderson Street. This request is submitted by the Dobrovolny's also and is a request for zoning change from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 5, Second Business District. There were no comments from the audience relative to this request. The next request was P&Z No. 27-69, a 6. 53 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Park Place, on the South by the Catholic Church property and A&M Consolidated School property, and on the west by Leacrest Subdivision. This is a request for zoning change from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District. Mr. Frederickson, a citizen in the audience, questioned what access would be used to reach this area. Mr. Wells stated he felt sure either Park Place or Anderson Street would be used as an access. Mr. Frederickson expressed concern for the general population density in that area if this zoning were granted. The next request was a 33.234 acre tract in the Crawford Burnett League, bounded on the north by Wolf Pen Creek, on the south by Holleman Drive and on the • west by Anderson Street. This is a zone change request from District No. 1, First Dwelling House District to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Mr. Phil Kirby, 1400 Skrivanek Court, a citizen in the audience, stated that he was opposed to the overall project or plan which the Dobrovolny's had submitted. He stated that the people in that area purchased their property with the knowledge that it was residential. The architect representing the Dobrovolny's, Mr. J. W. Wood, stated that at the present time, the Dobrovolny's were trying to form a corporation to develop the property as one package, consisting of 100 acres, as a "self-contained community". He stated that their idea was to have overall planning rather than sporadic develop- ment. He stated that because the land was unfit for residential, apartment and duplex zoning had been planned, as well as some commercial. One citizen in the audience asked Mr. Wood if the property in question had ever been made available to a developer for single family residences. Mr. Wood stated that he did not know. Mr. Calliham, a citizen in the audience, stated that he felt 15 or 20 acres of this area could be made into very desirable residential sites. Mrs. Upham, who resides at 203 Redmond, stated that at present, there were approximately 270 apartment units in the Redmond Terrace Addition and that if • more were allowed to go in, the residents in the area would be "hemmed in" by apartments. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission 410 August 18, 1969 Page 3 Mr. Stone stated that if all the proposed apartments were permitted to be built, there would be more than 2, 000 children in the area. He questioned whether the plan had been seen by the School Board. Mr. Wood stated that some of the school board members had seen the proposed plans. One citizen from the audience asked what assurance the citizens or the City would have that the proposed plan would be carried out if the zoning requested was granted. Chairman Wells stated that they had no assurance. He said that under the present laws, the developer could sell the property the following day after it was zoned if he so wished. Councilman Ransdell stated that he felt some type of development in this Dobrovolny property was a good idea, whether this plan was acceptable or not. He stated that for years, the property had been vacant and the city has had to run utility lines around the property, etc. and it had cost the city a great deal of money in having to run extra utility lines around the property, etc. Mr. Carlton Van Doren asked the Commission what the citizens of College Station could do to "force" the City Council to develop a Master Plan and stop the "piece-meal" development which now exists. Mr. Stone inquired about the status of the present 111 zoning ordinance. Chairman Wells explained that the Zoning Ordinance and Sub- division Regulations were being worked on at the present time. Mr. Stone stated that as an interested citizen and one who had had experience in planning, he would like to volunteer to help in any way possible with the plan for the city. Mr. Wells explained that the Council had been considering adoption of a Master Plan for sometime and that they had hoped possibly Bryan would share in a plan and could help defer some of the cost. Commissioner Janne stated that as an interested citizen, who lived in the Glade area, he would like to know if the area under consideration for rezoning had influenced lending institutions in Bryan against lending money in the Glade area for homes. He stated that he had heard that their reasoning behind not lending money was that Glade is a deteriorating area because it is going to be built up with apartment houses. Charles McCandles of 212 Redmond, asked that the Commission consider the citizens in the area by at least protecting them with a buffer zone and developing areas for apartments and commercial zoning away from residential areas. Dr. Calliham stated that he was concerned with the Development Corporation which the Dobrovolny's were trying to form because he felt the principal stockholders might be Dallas or Houston businessmen who would not be concerned with residents in this area. Mrs. Upham questioned the access of fire trucks being able to get into the proposed apartment complexes. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • Page 4 August 18, 1969 Mr. Wood and Mr. Caporina, architects for the Dobrovolny's, tried to explain the plan in full detail to citizens in the audience. Mr. Stafford asked when the commission would consider the rezoning requests again. Chairman Wells stated that the regularly scheduled meeting fell on Labor Day and therefore, another meeting date would have to be selected. He stated that the press would be informed so that the people would know when the meeting was to be. Chairman Wells then closed the public hearing. He asked Lee Roy George to present to the Commission the proposed extension of Welsh Street, which the Commission had asked him to study at a previous meeting. After discussion by Commission members, Commissioner Janne moved that the area suggested by Mr. George be drawn up on a final plat for consideration by the Council. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Horne. Motion carried. On motion by Commissioner Janne, seconded by Commissioner Horne, the Minutes of the August 4, 1969 meeting were approved as written. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. APPROVED: Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary las • L