HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/07/1969 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS April 7, 1969 Members Present: Chairman Codie Wells; Commissioners Jim Gardner, Jim O'Brien, Joseph R. Baur and Wendell Horne; Councilman C. H. Ransdell, Liaison for Planning and Zoning Commission; City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Phillip Steen and Everett Janne Visitors Present: Pat Lester, William Tokler, Bill Fitch, Joseph McGraw, Bill J. Cooley, Allen Swoboda and Mr. Sykes The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. The Minutes of the March 17 meeting were approved as written. Chairman Wells informed the Commissioners that there were several things which should be brought to their attention. Chairman Wells stated that the Preliminary Plat of University Park had been withdrawn by the developer. The Final Plat of Culpepper Plaza has not been approved because the final Guarantee of Completion has not been submitted. Chairman Wells also informed the Commission that there had been three bills introduced in the Texas House dealing with the Brazos County Airport Authority. The bills have been sent to a sub-committee for study consisting of Messrs. Ray, Cruz and Palmer. It was recommended to the Commissioners that if they could offer any information to these men, it would be most helpful to them. Chairman Wells stated that the developer of University Arms Development had offered a small park of 1.7 acres in the University Arms Development, and that the City Council had approved the preliminary plat with the understanding that this park will be added to the plat and revised to show an entrance to the park. Mr. Wells asked for the opinion of the Commissioners relative to an access walk in the area to be developed. After some discussion, the Commissioners decided to hold this in abeyance until the Parks and Recreation Committee meets and Mr. Gardner will discuss it with them at that time and ask their opinions regarding the matter. Commissioner Gardner presented a map showing the streets to be renamed ( 29th and Wellborn Road ). He explained the streets as they were outlined and named on the map at the present time. He stated that he expected to have a final suggestion to make to the Commission at the next regular meeting. nonsimmimpw... Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission • April 7, 1969 Page 2 Mr. Fitch asked for further information on his preliminary street plan for the area between the Southwest Parkway and the West Loop of Highway 6, pointing out that certain street locations might be agreed upon before a detailed description could be drawn up on the areas to be zoned for apartment, commercial, etc. After considerable discussion, Chairman Wells told Mr. Fitch to go ahead with the plat and leave everything as it is presently drawn. The next item on the Agenda was the consideration of zoning in the new area to be annexed south of the city. Mr. Gardner moved that this matter be deferred to the Long Range Planning Committee to do the following: 1. Collect and review available land use. 2. Hold discussions with owners as to their needs and plans. 3. Based on the foregoing two statements, develop an interim plan as a school plan, utility plans, highway plans, etc. 4. Complete the foregoing in four weeks to be presented at the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting in May. Commissioner O'Brien seconded the motion. There was discussion among the Commission members before the question. There were three Ayes and two Noes. Chairman Wells voted no and Commissioner Horne voted no. The motion failed for lack of a majority of the Commission. Chairman Wells stated that one of the tracts of land under the proposed annexation was owned by Butler and Jones and that at this time, they did not wish for their land to be zoned in any way. Councilman Ransdell tried to explain to the Commission why the City Council had asked for their consideration of the proposed annexation. He stated that the Council would like to bring in as much of the proposed annexation property as possible to be zoned for the use it was intended for and not to have to go through the process of rezoning requests, public hearings, etc. The Council felt this would be beneficial to everyone concerned; especially to people who might purchase property in an area zoned R-1 and then a few months later, a land owner might request it be zoned for apartments. The Council was trying to prevent some of this from happening. After considerable discussion among the Commission members as well as from citizens in the audience, Mr. O'Brien moved that all of the area considered in the proposed annexation be brought into the city as R-i and any property owner of the area could appear before the commission and request the zoning they desire for their property. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Gardner. Motion carried. The vote was unanimous. Chairman Wells then asked the Planning Sub-committee to carry out Mr. Gardner's plan previously suggested. L_ A r Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission fai April 7, 1969 Page 3 Chairman Walls stated that there would be a Planning and Zoning Meeting in two weeks and if anyone in the proposed area to be annexed desired a zoning change, it should be requested at that time. He informed members of the audience that the statement or request for rezoning should be described by metes and bounds and the type zoning desired should be requested. The Chairman stated that in order for the Commission to approve a Mobile Home Ordinance, an amendment to Zoning Ordinance No. 38 by adding a Mobile Home Park District would have to be written. The chairman passed out copies of a draft of the proposed ordinance for this amendment. On motion by Mr. Gardner, seconded by Mr. Horne, adoption of the ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 38 by adding a Mobile Home Park District was recommended. Motion carried. Chairman Wells directed some questions to Mr. Allen Swoboda, who is building a Mobile Home Park in the area to be annexed. He gave Mr. Swoboda a copy of the proposed Mobile Home Ordinance for him to read and asked for his comments if he had any. Mr. Wells asked the members of the Commission to give him their comments on the draft he had mailed them by the last of the week so that final typing can be done and ihk copies presented to the Council before their next meeting. Mr. O'Brien stated that he felt the ordinance should be changed to read a density of 8 trailers per acre instead of 10. In other action, the Commission approved an extension of time to Mr. Bill Fitch, developer of Glade, Section XI, which is located immediately east of the South Knoll Elementary School. The preliminary plat of this Section has been approved by the Council. Commissioner Gardner presented a detailed study which includes his recommendations to be incorporated into the Annual Report to be made to the Council by the Planning and Zoning Commission. It was agreed that this report would be completed at the next meeting. Chairman Wells complimented Mr. Gardner upon his presentation of this report. Councilman Ransdell stated that he would like to see some type of an industrial type park area brought into the overall plan for the City of College Station. On motion by Commissioner O'Brien, the meeting was adjourned. APPROVED: `—CFi-airman • , ATTEST: • City ecretary las L