HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/19/1968 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission • MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION March 19, 1968 Members Present: Burns, Chairman; Horne, Smith, 'J'anne, Cooper, Parker and Preston. Guests Present: Ran Boswell, City Manager; and North Bardell. The meeting was called to order at 7:15 p.m. in the College Station Council Room. Chairman B el: ed statements from the audience. E. C. Klipple read a statement concerning 0 .is 555, urging action toward repealing the above ordinance. Brooks Cofer made a statement concerning the same rater. He requested Lots 5 and 6 be rezoned to # 1 residential. Hershell Burgess made a statement concerning the deed restrictions in Oakwood Addition. John Barger made a statement concerning the maintenance of property values in Oakwood Addition. Dan Russell made a statement concerning apartment influence on neighborhoods. Marshall Miller requested withdrawal oi`his request of February 23, 1968. The Commission recommended to the Council the attached map showing proposed street extension guidelines. Motion made by Cooper, seconded by Janne. Unanimous. The Commission recommended to the Council the attached map showing proposed business and industrial zoning, noting that additional commercial service areas serving residential areas should be considered as the City develops. Motion made by Preston, seconded by Cooper. Unanimous, The Planning and Zoning Commission recognizes that extreme drainage problems still exist in the present City and attention must be given to them. Request by Woodson Lumber Company for rezoning a 2.43 acre tract in Woodson Village. • 2 s Motion made by Janne, seconded by Smith, recommendation to Council that Woodson application be refused in view of the disregard for the preliminary plat of record on this area and the existing residential nature of the area. Unanimous. Request by J. C. Culpepper for approval of preliminary plat of University Oaks. Motion made by Janne, seconded by Parker, recommendation to the Council the approval of the preliminary plat of Univerisity Oaks contingent upon a 60' right-of-way for Ashburn and University Oaks drive being extended to Highway 6 to connect with John Millif Road. Unanimous. Motion made by Smith, seconded by Cooper, that the Commission recommend to the Council that the request of D.B. Cofer for rezoning Lots 5 and 6, Block. 1, Oakwood Addition to let residential be approved. Unanimous. As a statement for the record, the Commission appreciates the opinions of the citizens appearing to protest Ordinance 555, but has no authority to hear public protest or to hold public hearing in this concern and therefore refers to the Council the attached statements for consideration. • As a statement for the record, the Southwest Planning Associates have not, at any time, contacted this Commission concerning existing plans or planning and no statement of the Southwest Planning Associates reflects any thinking or approval of the City of College Station Planning and Zoning Commission. The meeting adjourned at 11:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, North B. Bardell Acting Secretary NBB/lc • l ?Iv e: deA44/144^ March 19, 1968 411 To The City Planning and Zoning Commission Gentlemen : This is to review recent developments concerning Ordi- nance No. 555 : 1) At a recent meeting of the City Council, a protest group from the Oakwood Addition was heard, and the City Council voted to refer Ordinance No. 555 back to the City Planning and Zoning Commission. 2) On March 4, 1968 we stated to the City Planning apd Zoning Commission that the opposition to Ordinance No. 55 by the residents of Oakwood Addition was 100%, or near 100%, and we requested the City Planning and Zoning Commission to use their influence to have Ordinance No. 555 repealed. No formal action was taken at this meeting, but Dr. Burns expressed the hope that conversations would take place between the Cofers and the protesting group. • 3) Last week Mr. Brooks Cofer called me (E. C. Klipple) to express willingness to talk to the leaders of the protest group, and I told him I would transmit his message to the lead- ers. In this conversation I told Mr. Brooks Cofer that I was not a leader or a negotiator for the group, but I was certain they were united in seeking repeal of Ordinance No. 555. When Mr. Brooks Cofer said " --- but repeal would put us back where we started" I answered tykes, this is true, but the group feels that any compromise should constitute new business, and this would have the advantage of being carried out in the open." 4) I then carried Mr. Brooks Cofer's message--along with a report of the above conversation--to Mrs. Mabel Barger, Mr. & Mrs. Joe T. Sanders, Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Badgett, Mr. & Mrs. H. L. Heaton, Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Couch, Mr. & Mrs . J. W. Sorenson, Mr. & Mrs. Allan Madeley, Mr. & Mrs . R. H. Mitchell, and Mrs. S. W. Bilsing. 5) Each of the above families stated anew that Ordinance No. 555 should be repealed. Sincerely, k.t+Fee.. • E. C. Klipple I Proposed Changes in Traffic Pattern for College Station South of Jersey and West of Highway 6 1. Propose that all parking be eliminated on Anna from Holick Dr. to Timber Street. 2. Propose that there be no parking on Holick Dr. or on Timber Street adjacent to school property during school hours. 3. Propose that Anna Street be widened to 32' from Holick Dr. to Glade and eventually to Timber. Maintain one way traffic on Anna during school hours moving from East to West until street widening project is completed. 4. Propose that one way traffic on Timber Street from Park Place to Jersey Street be maintained during school hours. 5. Propose that Stop Sign at south side of the Glade Street Park Place intersection be removed until Park Place extension to the East is open. 6. Propose that steps be taken to negotiate with University officials M to extend Timber Street across Jersey Street then veer to the right and join Bizzell. This would eliminate the short jog on Jersey Street thus allowing a smoother flow of traffic. 7. Propose that sufficient R.O.W. be obtained at southern terminal of Fairview at its intersection with County Road to connect it with Detroit. Then extend Detroit Street through to South West Parkway. This will provide a direct access from S. W. Parkway to the Stadium parking lot. 8. Propose that W. Morgan Smith St. from Caudill Street to the West be abandoned. 9) Propose that Armstead be extended to intersect with East projection of Park Place. 10. Propose that Dexter Drive be extended from County Road south to S. W. Parkway. 11. Propose that Ran Boswell (shown on map as Warren Circle) be extended to West to intersect with Dexter Drive extension. 12. Propose that Haines Dr. be extended East from Glade to Highway 6 and to the West to Dexter Drive extension. J • 13. Propose that Thompson Street be extended westward to Welborne Rd. 14. Propose that Anderson Street be extended to the south as shown on map to intersect with S. W. Parkway. 15. Propose that Glade be extended to the south as shown on map to term- inate at S. W. Parkway. 16. Propose that the hard surface area immediately to the North of Consol- idated A & M School be closed off on the east and west ends and a new access entrance from Jersey Street be made midway between Timber and Holick. This area to be used only as a parking area for the school. This action would eliminate some of the congestion at the Holick and Timber intersections with Jersey. r Everet E Janne Member of Sub Committee on Traffic Control of the Planning and Zoning Com mission. • (/ 'l OIL* RNPOIT BY TRAFFIC CONa?2U, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION The Traffic&Caeesittee of the Commission composed of N. Jenne, R. Schleider, and Chairman N. Smith with assistance and counsel from City Engineer N. Barden, in individual and group effort during the latter part of 1966, developed a general plan to facilitate present and future traffic flow in the City of College Station. Following are the recommendations for the area of College Station generally north of the University campus, between State Highway No. 6 and Farm-Market Road 215b. 1. To install simple stop signal lights at the intersection of University Drive (Farm.Idarket Rd. No. 60) and Nagle and Ireland Streets to slow down traffic along University Drive and facilitate the movement of traffic from the campus on Spence Street. ,'` 4IP i ,.:- i i e at a „ 0 rR N ' r t 'd:wwG•.. . To initiate planning to develop University Drive as an overpass over ' State Highway 308 and the campus thoroughfare provided there is an agreement among the parties concerned to relocate the four lane campus thoroughfare, in as straight a lino as feabible, from University Drive to Bissell Street on the campus. The overpass and relocation of the campus thoroughfare are both essential to hasten the movement of traffic to and from the campus. 3. To urge that the street entrance, in front of the College Station Post Office, intersecting with North Main Street and University Drive, be reopened to facilitate the flow of traffic to and from the Post Office and the campus at this location. Also, to consider Houston Street on the campus from the lIl University Drive approximately 250 feet to the intersection of the Post Office N. 2 ; ate.)" ) + 'ii .�+ .�:a �,;-z:a t p--' d Tt , `�A°`,is street -r-- ._. ,ctig4.,08,-ad o.„1, - :n1.4 4, To improve Nagle Street from the intersection of University Drive to .t the City boundary at Inlov Boulevard with a minimum resurfaced width of 37 feet and curb and gutter. S. Te urge that Msadowland .Street be extended generally northwest to intersect "'`' - with the thoroughfare on the northwest side of Hensel Terrace to provide an s44-r additional outlet to University Drive and State Highway No. 6. P4'. s`. To relocate stop signs on Stasny Street rather than Cross at the tr intersection of Stasny and Cross Streets to stop the traffic at Cross. (Note 4*- this was the recommendation of the Commission members present when the problem ti,v,' was initially considered. ) .1,;'-, 1. To continue Church Avenue in a general northeasterly direction to connect . ,, with the planned semi-circular thoroughfare from University Drive to State Highway or , Ho. 308. „^ � WASsc3 w 1/6/67 k •jlT7r f V.:‘,1 r 47 N hy«