HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/21/1966 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission CITY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION College Station, Texas • October 21, 1966 Present: Ed Burns, Chairman; W. A. Smith; Tommy Preston; Wendell Horne; D. H. Goehring; and North Bardell. The commission met jointly 7:30 with the Bryan Zoning Commission in Bryan. After brief discussion Horne made a motion that it be recommended to the College Station City Council that the boundary lines of Bryan and College Station, as set out in the extra-territorial limit map dated October 20, 1966, be approved. Seconded by Smith. Motion passed. After further discussion, Briggs made a motion that both commissions make a written recommendation jointly to the city councils of both Bryan and College Station. Goehring seconded. Motion passed unanimously. There being no further business with the Bryan Commission, Chairman Burns reassembled the commission together on the corner of Stasney and Cross Streets to discuss stop signs and parking problems. After a lengthy discussion, on a motion made by Smith and seconded by Preston, the commission recommends • to the City Council for its inclusion in revision of Ordinance 38 that off-street parking on public property should not be closer than 50' from extended lines of street intersections. Motion passed. On a motion made by Horne and seconded by Preston the commission recommends to the council that Nagle and Tauber Streets remain collector streets, and further recommends that stop signs be set on Stasney Street at the intersection of Cross; also stop signs be set on Cross Street at the intersection of Tauber. There being no further business the meeting adjourned from the intersection of Stasney and Cross Streets at 9:15. Respectfully submitted, Dennis Goehring, Secretary dgs •