HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/1966 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION • February 14, 1966 The Planning and Zoning Commission met at the City Hall of College Station on February 14, 1966 at 5 o'clock and the following members were present: Burns, Richardson, Anderson and Smith. Mr. Ran Boswell, City Manager, and Mr. North B. Bardell, Asst. City Engineer, were present at the meeting. Anderson moved that we recommend to the Council that approval of the request of Mr. C. Grady Cates that Lots 4,5,6,7,8 and 9 of Block 1 Tauber Addition be rezoned from #2 Second Dwelling House District to #3 Apartment House District. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommends to the Council that off-street parking be provided for the development of the above property and similar apartment house developments in this area. Smith moved that we recommend to the Council the rezoning of Lots 1,2,3 except for the W 40 feet of Lot 3 adjoining Lot 4 Block 9, West Park Addition for recommended use as requested by W. E. Curlee on January 24, 1966. Richardson seconded the motion. SMotion carried. Anderson moved that we recommend to the Council the acceptance of the Final Plat of the Glade Section 10. Smith seconded the motion. Motion carried. Smith moved that we recommend to the Council the approval of the Final Plat of Post Oak Addition, Lots 8 & 9, Carter's Grove Second Installment, subject to the inclusion of building set back lines. Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Richardson moved that we recommend to the Council the approval of the Final Plat of the Skrivanek Addition Section 2. Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried. • l