HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/06/1965 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES OF PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION December 6, 1965 The City Planning and Zoning Commission met at the City Hall on Monday, December 6, 1965 and the following members were present: Anderson, Richardson, Burns, Smith, White and Sorenson. City Manager Ran Boswell and Assistant City Engineer North Bardell were also present. Anderson moved that we recommend to the Countil that the 13.92 acres of land owned by W. T. Riedel be rezoned from Residential District No. 1 to District No. 4, First Business District. This tract of 13.92 acres of land in the Morgan Rector and Richard Carter Leagues in Brazos County, Texas, is all of that tract conveyed by Victor Dominik to Sam Richardson by deed dated July 1, 1959 and recorded in Volume 198, page 273 of the Brazos County Deed Records, and a part of that tract conveyed to Lee Richards by Addie Soles by deed dated October 26, 1907 and recorded in Volume 33, page 17 of the Brazos County Deed Records. The said 13.92 acre tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument at the intersection of the northeast right- of-way line of State Highway No. 6 and the southeast right-of-way line of Farm Road No. 30. Thence N 45° 36' E along the southeast right-of-way line of F. M. 30 a distance of 1820.9 feet to an iron pipe for corner. • of a creThence S 4 21' E along a fence line a distance of 373.3 feet to the center ek. 6° Thence up the center of said creek as follows: N 89° 12' W 58.8 feet, S 74° 43' W 191.3 feet, S 40° 06' E 152.8 feet, S 12° 06' E 54.7 feet, S 78° 55' E 28.0 feet, S 64° 12' E 190.8 feet, N 89° 06' W 376.1 feet, N 88° 17' W 170.7 feet, S 5° 08' W 83.7 feet, S 37° 24' E 109.2 feet, S 240 40' W 243.7 feet, S 83° 25' E 34.9 feet, S 29° 02' W 41.8 feet, S 18° 52' W 69.6 feet, S 12° 56' W 28.4 feet, S 100 19' E 69.8 feet, N 9° 13' W 166.5 feet, N 63° 00' W 158.7 feet, N 76° 31' W 110.0 feet, S 16° 07' W 93.7 feet, S 5 19' W 43.2 feet, S 69° 25' E 37.7 feet, S 77° 59' W 145.7 feet, S 42° 11' W 43.3 feet, S 49° 04' W 68.2 feet, S 38° 24' W 123.4 feet, S 52° 24' W 44.6 feet, N 72° 06' W 49.5 feet, S 79° 34' W a distance of 160.5 feet to a fence line. Thence N 46° 32' W along said fence line a distance of 128.6 feet to a fence corner. Thence S 43° 41' W a distance of 192.0 feet to a fence post in the northeast right-of-way line of Highway 6. Thence N 1° 20' E a distance of 54.9 feet to the point of beginning and containing 13.92 acres of land more or less. Motion seconded by Smith. SMotion carried. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission, December 6, 1965, Page 2 1111 White moved that we recommend to the City Council that the remaining lots in Block 4 of the Tauber Addition to the City of College Station be rezoned from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3, Apartment House District. Lots involved are 6 through 15, Lots 1, 2, 3, 18, 19 and 20 of Block 4 of the Tauber Addition. Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried. Sorenson moved that Lot 15, Block 2 of the Tauber Addition be recommended to the City Council for rezoning from District No. 2, Second Dwelling House District, to District No. 3; Apartment House District. Anderson seconded the motion. Motion carried. The A & M Consolidated School Board represented by John Longley, Taylor Riedel, J. 0. Alexander and Pat Wooten appeared before the Commission to outline their tentative plans as regards future development of the school property and expressing their concern over the development of roads and streeets servicing this property. Particular mention was made of the extension of Park Place to Anderson treets and extension of County Road to Highway 6. Their preliminary plans were MIFeferred to the Traffic Committee of the Zoning and Planning Commission for immediate study. This committee is composed of Mr. Robert White, Mr. Bill Smith and will be assisted by Dr. Charles Pinnell and Mr. North Bardell. Anderson moved that the resubdivision of Lots 8 and 9 of Block B, Carter' s Grove, Second Installment be tabled for action at the January meeting of the Commission. Seconded by Sorenson. Motion carried. Councilman Holleman presented information regarding the growth of the various sections of the City emphasizing the need for traffic outlets in the Southside to Highway 6. This information agrees and compliments recommendations which this Commission has made to the Council in the past. APPROVED: Chairman •TTEST: Secretary