HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/27/1964 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINIM OFMOLAR MMUTIJIS • July 37. 1204 Members Pramual Miayor Langford; Councilmen *sspria, Swett. *bodes, Molt. IIollomas; City Attorney Saadat.dt. City $0aag.r Doswell. Visitors Pr s.ata J. D. Leutorsttia, A. W. Davis,oLawrense Hole . Charles S. Druat. Tema IIighway D.partaoat. Minutes of previous meetings were approved. Casettes by Ceuncilmru. Rhodes, seooatd.d by Coraailws Lospria. Cwasil- maa Orr and City 4.er.tary MMsraiag wore moused fro; this meeting. The Coaaissioaers Court of *rases Comity met with the e.raail for a brief disaosstsn of the gaieties of the court•a partioipatiea is the soot of right-of-way for the proposed grade separation at lie SO sad 21*4. Be terms/ sotto, ye takes, it being agreed to toot *gala she* mare informatics is available. Oa motion by CsuasilmsaSoll.taa, amended by Counoilaaa Solt, Ordinano. No. 414, an ordinans* authorising the issues* of rights-of-mop Use marraats. was passed sad approved. Orr untie* by Couaeilasa Doyett. swaadsd by Ce asilaan isopria, Ordi- aames No. 416, an mediums* resaaiag Lets 1, 3, southwest 15 feet of 3 sad a strip of land 7i foot by 116 feet along southeast .ad att said Lots 1, 3 sad 16 feet of 3, Mock 1, College Park Additiom, pr aestly sowed as District Me. 1, First Dsllliig Lasse District. to District Be. 3, Apaartaent Mesas District, ova passed sad approved. Mu. Doswell vas iaatrust d to seater with the Aighu y Department ..meraiag the type of sigaai they would approve at the iatrsestioa of Mlighemy 30S sad Man 00 if the traffic viral* was removed. Mir. Doswell Ls to disease with Marion. Pugh eertais street improvements shish he has requested. Oa metier by Csuasilasa Mhyett. s.osaded by Ceuneilman Holt, the city manner, wee asttherisod to pressed with the improvements to Meltek Drive aseerdiag to the sposifisatians of sad under the supervisias at the city atgineer, provided A Mt Cs ssolidatod Sehcol will participate to the snout of pay the cost of the curbs and getters. Oa motion by Cosaeilaaa Doyen. sss.adsd by Cwaeilaaa ihodes, the bid of Nelson si.etrie Supply Cea easy is the amount of $6,421.67 for the • electrical supplies which will be used to serve flsiaiad Tonne. Shopping Castor, was sasopted. fir. Jack Upham appeared before the mammal as a repsoseatativo of the • Collage Station tosreatiesal Csuasii. Re discussed plats of the asuma l to mho a laeg-rangestir eaasrssing the reoraational seeds and laeilltios of the 5T1 'aity for a period of id years. On motion' by Councilman Rollem a, seooa dSd by Cewreilaaa Bolts the ' College Statism toereatietal Ca asil was autharisod is praised with a loaag- anage,stag' whisk ray include approacinately SA Serer of land hahiad tit` aeaetery as a ale location for a eity park sad other ressratioaal fasilitios. l e asursil aasniaissly oapreesed to fir. Upham its appresiatioa of the work of the Aaoreatiosel Cauaeil and eeaaraded the ooa►isil for the work it is dolts. Mr. D.'A. Andorra* was appoiatad to saoaesd Dr.' Chariot; bRetto as a neakeir of the Plcasiag said Soling Ci aissioa. fho email adjourned mObjact to sail. APPICURDs Wryor ATOM: City /eoraotary •