HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/1951 - Regular Minutes - City Councilz CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 14. 1951 The City Council met in regular session May l/+, 1951, with the following present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Badgett, Boyer, Fitch, Halpin and Orr; City Attorney Barger; City Manager Rogers; Assistant City Secretary Boswell, and City Secretary McGinnis. The following visitors were present at this meeting: J. W. O'Brien, J. H. Sorrels, E. C. Cunningham. R. L. Hunt, J. B. Longley, W. R. Horsley, R. H. Rogers, J. R. Motheral, G. W. Price, M. T. Harrington, J. R. Oden, H. E. Burgess, and Joel Austin and Bill Aaberg from the Battalion and Kenneth Irish from the Bryan News. This was a joint meeting of the City -Council and the Directors of the College Station Development Association and Chamber of Commerce. Mayor Langford reviewed the work of the Council for the past year - listing and explaining the major items. Mr. Sorrels, president of the College'Station Development Association, reviewed the activities of the associationfbr the past year and outlined some of the work to be done. Mayor Langford reported on the City's finances. The two groups discussed civic problems for a short while, some of which are: street signs; bus route at the North Gate; dog problem, house numbering; exit from pose office, street lights at post office, and black - topping the street entrances to College Hills Estates from Highway #6. Councilman Fitch made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that the City pay Dr. F. B. Clark $4,200.00 for the water mains in Southeast College Park, payment to be made when the City has available funds, and in accordance with the agreement comprising Page 4 of these minutes. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Fitch made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that the Council accept Dr. Clark's proposition for operating the sewer beds now on his property,:rthe proposition reading as follows: 00402 City Council Meeting May 142 1951 Page Two 4 State of Texas 10 County of Brazos This contract by and between F. B Clark and $1e City of College Station, eM Texas, WITNESSETH �s That for and in consideration of the agreement of the City of Col]q�e fel Station, Texas, to pay F. B. Clark a monthly sum equal to twentyi-five ($.25) 0 cents times the number of sewer connections within the City from which the. 0� sewerage is ultimately disposed of through a sewer line and in a sewerage < disposal plant situated on the property of F. B. Clark and wife, Ruth H. Clark, E' F. B. Clark agrees to assume and.discharge all the obligations, duties, and liabilities of the City of College Station, Texas, with respect to said tj sewer line and sewer disposal plant and its concomitants, including any and all alteration, repair, improvement, enlargement, operation and maintenance. It is understood and agreed. (1) That the property, right of use of said property by the City of College Station, and obligations, duties and liabilities of the City of College Station, Texas, referred to herein are .set forth in a lease agreement between the City of College Station, Texas, and F. B. Clark and wife, Ruth Haines Clark dated March 30, 1940, and recorded in the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume 103, page 162, to which reference is hereby made. (2) That this contract does not supercede or otherwise invalidate said lease agreement, impair or alter the rights of the City of College Station, Texas, to the use of the property for sewer disposal purposes, nor does it impair the title of the City of College Station tothe sewer lines and plant or plants and their concomitants situated on said property. (3) That the City of College Station shall have the right through officers or agents designated by the Mayor to inspect the line and sewer disposal plant and its concomitants at any time to see that the terms hereof are being fulfilled.. (4) That all sewerage discharge into said disposal plant shall first be treated in.septic tanks and shall be derived from domestic and, business or commercial users, and not include unduly large quantities or discharges �LL-- containing poisonous materials from an industrial plant. C-^ C (5) That this contract can not be assigned and shall terminate upon the death or the incapacity of F. B. Clark to perform, and may be terminated " by the City of College Station immediately for cause or with six months 0- notice in event said city should determine to dispose of its sewerage elsewhere. tY� In testimony whereof the parties hereto have caused their signatures.to be affixed to duplicate original copies of this contract and the City of City Council Meeting May 1L„ 1951 Page Three College Station, Tera -s, actin`; ti,rougb its dnly authorized -mayor, and attested by its City Secretary, has caused its corporate seal to be impressed thereon on this the )��A day of May, 1951, A. D. The CDInCil vote on the motion was as follows: For; Boyer, Fitch, Orr; Against; Badget and Halpin. ATTEST: City Secretary City of College Station, Teas AP'ROV.I.+,D : Mayor 00404 9. City Council Meeting w May 14, 1951 Page Four G� LXl . The State of Texas, County of Brazos W Know all men by these presents, that we, F. B. Clark acting both as an 0 individual and as trustee for the Kaskaskia properties, and wife Ruth H. � p P > > Z. Clark, of the County of Brazos and the State of Texas, for and in consideration of the sum of forty—two hundred (4200) dollars, to us in hand paid by the City of College Station, Texas, of the County of Brazos and State of Texas, U) the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do, by these presents bargain, sell_, release, and forever quit claim unto the said City of College Station, Texas, its successors and assigns, all our right, title, and interest in and to all water and sewer lines in that certain tract or parcel of land. lying in the County of Brazos and State of Texas, described as follows, towit: In the Northwest naskaskia or Southeast Collfge Park as platted and recorded in Volume 108, page 515 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas To have and to hold the said premises, together with all. and singular the rights, privileges and appurtenances thereto in any manner belonging unto the said City of College Station, Texas, its successors and assigns, forever, so that neither we, the said F. B. Clark and wife, Ruth H. Clark, nor our heirs, nor any person or persons claiming under us shall, at any time here— after, have, claim or demand any right or title to the aforesaid premises or appurtenances, or any part thereof. Wi.ntess our hands at Texas, this ____day of State of Texas County of Brazos Before me, a notary public, in and for Brazos County, Texas, on this day personally appeared. F. B. Clark and. Ruth H. Clark, his wife, both known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument, y and acknowledged. to me that they each executed the same for the purpose and C. consideration therein expressed, and the said Ruth H. Clark, wife of the said F. B. Clark, having been examined by me privily and apart from (k� her husband, and having the same fully explained to her, she, the said Ruth H. Clark acknowledged such instrument to be her act and deed., and she declared that she had willingly signed the same for the purposes and consideration < therein expressed, and that she did not wish to retract it. 0 Z GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE, this day of May, A. D. 1951• ,9 01)405 `)