HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/11/1950 - Special Minutes - City CouncilMIETTES OF SPECIAL COUNCIL December 11, 1950 The City Council not in a Wlod s620on Yonday, December 11, 1950, at 6:30 p.m. with the following present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Badyett, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr; City Attorney Bar Ler; City Anrineor Ben— son; City Secretary NeGinnis; City Anager hogers; Assintant City Secretary Boswell. Visitors present: R. h. Baker of RowlesWinston ConTany; Elmer Hall of the Bryan News; and Earl Cunningham.. The purpose of the ionting was to decide upon amounts and perfect arrangements for -the R-evenve Bond Kane to be submitted to the citizens for ballot on January 8, 1951. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that the Council subwAt to the qualified voters of the City, the proposition to issue 1 1200,000.00 W revenue bonds, to be retired from earnlnEs of the water and 8ewor departnienQ of tho City, to be us& as follows: 120,000.00 to be used for the City's water systems improvenents; $70,000.00 for the City's electric system improvements; and 1110,000.00 for the City's sewer s�isteyn.s improvement. The votes on the motion wnre: For the Ation, Councilmen Ames, Radgett, Fitch, and Orr® Councilman Halpin did not note* Councilman Orr introduced a resolution and order and Raved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Councilman Fitch, The motion, carrying with it the adoption of the resolution and order, prevailed by the following vote: AYES: Councilmen Arens, QdEett, Fitch, and Orr NOES: Slone Councilman Halpin did not vote The resolution and order is as foilows; V,J11EP,,E'AS, the City Council of the City of College Station, Texas, deems it advisable and to the best interest of said City to submit to the resident qualified proporty taxpaying voters of said City the proposition for the issuance of J70,000.00 revenue bonds of said City for the purpose of securing funds with which to build and purchase,, i'mprovements and extensions to the electric light system of said City, the proposition for the issuance of 020,000.00 rnvanue bonis of said City for the purposo of securing funds with which to construct improvements and extensions to the waterworks system of said City, and the proposition for the issuance of 11110,000.00 revenue bonds of said City for the purpose of securing funds with which to construct improvements and extensions to the sewer system. of said City; WEPEPOPE, BE IT PESOLVE1 AND 00DUED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATIOR, TEXAS: That an election be hold in the City of College Station, Texas, on the Ott day of January, 1951, at which election the following propositions shall be submitted to the resident qualified property taxpayinF voters of said City, tub.o own tax -able property in said City and who have duly rendered the same for taxation, for their action thereupon: 0 il-'k t U364 Page 2 -I'Viinutes of Special, ffjaetiri, bece-aber 1-1, 19150 PROPOSITION No. Shall the City Council of the City of C; ,01 Station, Tnxae, b6 authorized to issue %70 000.00 revenue bonds of said City, maturing sorially over 'R period of years not, to exceed thirty '30) years from their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three and one-halp (3-1/' f) 2 , per cent per annum, for the jmrpo6e of securing funds with which to build and purchase improvements am extensions to the electric light system of said City, and to provide for 111W payment of the principal of and interest on such bonds solely by pled AL the net revenues derived from the opo ratior o! the waterworks system vnd the sewer systew of said City, or, in th,xW oven vL that t1le City Council be authorized to issue the laterworks System Avenue Bonds qs submitted in Proposition No. 2 and the Sewer System. Revenue Bonds as submitted in Froposi"Llo.Y! 1'0- 3, to issue combinsd Electric Light, Wotervorko and Sewer System Revenue 9ond6 A the maxinmm amount of 1200,000 ,00, and to pledge golcily tlh�-- net revenues of thj(,7 and Be"twor System to the payMeDt Of UO principal of and interest on said combined Electric Light, !in d Sever System Revenue Bonds,, EROPOSITION 10- 2 Saha_ 11 the CMG'�� u MO Gity of Golloge btation, Texan, be authorized to issue 120,000-00 revenue bonds of said City, mgturing over a poriod of years not to exceed thirty (30) years from their 6ate.9 benring interest at a rate not to onceed Wee and one-half col so P I W) per cent per annum, for the purpove of securing funds with Wich to consnro'j, improvampnts and extersions to the wa!nrVMrkn systom of said city, and to provide for the payn-M-Urt W., the principRl of Rnd intere8t on such bonds solely by plcOEing the net revenuwas deoiv& from the operation of tha waturworkr, syrtem. and the sewer aystom of Wd City, or, in tNe event the CiUy Council be authurA30 to issue the Electric Light System Revenua Ponds as submitted in Proposition Ho. I and the SuNcr System Munue Bonds as submittoo in Proposition No. 3, to issue combined Electric Lipht, Alterworks and Sawer System Revenue Bonds in the maximum 9mount of 1200,000,00, and to pledge solely the- net revonu.oc of the combined Wstarwoi.­ks and Sewer System to the paymani; of the principal of and interest on said cuslined Electric Light, Waterworkr; and bower System Revenue Bonds. PROPOSITION VD. 3 Shall the City Council of the City of College Stntion, Texas, he authorized to issue 3110,000.00 revenuo bonds of said City, maturing serially over a period of years not to exceed thirty C30) xarE from. their date, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed three and one-half per can -'c per anav, for the purpose of securinL funds with which to construct improve- ments and extensions to the sewer system of said City, and to rrovdeie for "Cho payment of the principal ef and interest on such bonds solely by, pledging the net revenues derived from the operation of the wsterworks system, and the sewer system of said City, or, in the event the City Council be authorized to issue the Electric Light System Revenue Bonds as submitted in Proposition No. I and the Naterworks Systesibovenue Bonds as submitted in Proposition Wo, 2, to issue combined Electric idEbt, Waterworks and Sewer System Reands Ronw� pale 3 Brutes of Special 510ting" Lecember 11, 1950 in the mexhawn anuunt of 110- j ->v,? �,>jj lye jnt of the combined lAterworks and Sswer hstem to the payment of the principal of and interest on said conhined Electric, Light, 101e1works and Sewer System Levenue POW. The said election shall be hold at the following places in the .i.. 'y of College Station, Texas, and the following named persons are hereby appointed, managers thereof, to wit: 'Lt 'che Griesser Electric Shop Building, with E. C® .Berke as FremidlnE Judge, Vrs. Ernest Lau ford, so Associate Judge, and W. 2. L. Anderson and 2- 1i- PriSWI B8 CIC-rk,3. At the '31,ack Pharumcy Building, with J. B. Lauterstein as PresidinE Judge, His. F. L. Thoune, Sr, as Associate JudZe, ard his. A. 9. Steena vs nd Mrse R. to Burns us Clorkse, Ab the City Dull Building, with L. D. Smith as Presiding Judge, Mrs. W. R. Clements ao Associota Judge, and Ers. W. 3,. i,': -!+.ch, tct-id A, F. Boyp'tt, as Clerks. The said election shall be hold under the provisions of the constitution and Laws of the State of Texas, and only quali-f('.i, 0, voters, ov,,'n t'axabl� property in said City, and who have duly rendered the some for taxation, shall be allowed to voW The ballots for said election chall have written or printed Berea] the following: OFF.CC IA! BALLU' 'Ii -OR 7141,,'; OF ELECTRIC LIGHT RE'T1--','RUE BONDS WD TIN PIADGE OF BET KEVENUj--,,,r,1 PAY'�'0EVT THEREOF, AS SUnFUTTED IN PROPOSITION No. I? "ABAIPST IPE ISSUAMCt OF ELECTRIC LIGHT SYSTMU PWVXVUE BONDS AND '.i' el' PIRDGE OF NET REVE08S YX TW 00110 TWREOY, AS SUPMITTED 1P PROPOSITION NO. I," "DUP THE ISSUANCLE O:(,SYSTEM REVE'P(T,; R01',1DS' ATNID TIT,4,FLINJDGE; 01' NET REVENUES 'i UA; T11E, TPEPEOV, AS SURMITTED IN PROPOSITION NO. H APAIVST THE IS,2�10jiWCE OF -1,-TATNT,.NORKS SYSTEM REVENUE T� N' FLEDGE OF NET FEVERUES D'ORTNE PAYTIENT THEPEOF, AS SURNITTED IM PROPOSITION NO- 2? "POR TEM; 01 SWR SYSTEM PSVOlUE RONDS AND TBE PLEEGE OP NET REVENUES FWk' 1111TE THEREOF, AS SUBMITTED IN PROPOSITION W. Q1 OAGAINST TQ ISSUAVOE OF SEW S%TW FEWPE qOWDS AMD TEE PLEDGE OF i, I 'T (`-t,tr[ iv UL' ]-"0,11. THE PAYMENT TqEPEOF, W SUPI11TED IM YhOWITION NO- 36" As to each Of the WeKuing WOPOKWOUS, each voter shall nmrk out wit!) black pencil or black ink one of the above e7pree0ons, thus leaving the otler as indicating,his vote on the three propositions, reepectively. 003SG page 4 Minutes of Special meeting December 11, 1950 The manner of holdinC said election shall be governed by the laws of the a State of. Texas regulating general elections. A copir of this resolution and. order signed by the Mayor of the City of O College Station, Texas, and attested by the City Secretary of said C1.ty, shall r serve as proper notice of said election. C The Mayor is authorized and directed to cause said notice of the election to be posted at three public places within said City, one of which shall be at the City Hall, for at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of said election. ( The Mayor is further authorized and direetad to have said notice of ® election published in some newspaper of general circulation published in said City, and which notice shall be published on the same day in each of two (2) Z successive weeks, the date of first publication being not less than fourteen �.,s„ (14) full days prior. to the date of the election. (0? PASSED AMID APPROVED this 11th day of December, 1950. ATTEST: JMW ERIK �KZUANMI� TUMR, CITY OF' C -G L5GE STATION, TEXA,, 003-7 xk�