HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/1950 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilMINUTES OF R-,,'GULAR MEETING June 12, 1950 The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 p.m. June 12, 1950 with the following present: Mayor Langford; Councilmen Ames, Badgett, Fitch, Halpin, and Orr; City Attorney Barger; Ci-bj Secretary McGinnis; City Manager Rogers; and Assistant City Secretary Boswell.. The following visitors were present at this meeting: -Erwin Smith and Coulter Hoppess from the Bryan -College Traction Company; Tom Taylor, Lloyd D. Smith, John L. Sandstedt, and Joel Austin, City Editor. of The Battalion. The Council accepted for record, and ordered filed, a proposal from the Garrett Engineering Company, represented by Mr. A. L. Hogan, Jr. to perform certain engineering services for the City pertaining to water, sewerage, and electric improvements. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that the City accept the proposal of Mr. Nelson D. Durst to make a complete audit of the city's affairs as of June 30, 1950, for $400.00. The Council vote was unanireous in favor of the motion. The Council authorized Mayor Langford to confer with representatives of the Bryan -College Traction Company as to modified service on the Southside Shuttle Bus. The Mayor read a letter from the census supervisor for this district in which he stated that the tentative census count for the City of College Station is 7265. Mayor Langford read a. letter from the Good Neighbor Commission, Austin, in which they requested the Mayor to appoint a Human Relations Council for the City. The Mayor appointed the following citizens on the council: Dan Russell, chairman, L. D. Trevino, and Rev. 0. G. Helvey. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Badgett, that the following Resolution be incorporated as a, part of the minutes of this council meeting. RESOLUTION The City Council records with deepest sympathy the death of Dr. .John H. Binney. Familiarly known as John, in his passing the community has lost a kindly disposed and public-spirited citizen. His like will not be seen among us soon. The Council reckoned John Binney as one of its most loyal supporters. He was never too busy when his advice was needed. As the first mayor of the city and in subsequent years he gave freely.of his time and energy to the end that the City of College Station might be a better place in which to live. 00334 \cXf June 12, 1950 page 2 This Resolution is adopted unanimously this 12th dey of June, 1950, and it is ordered that a certified copy shall be sent to Mrs. Binney and a copy spread on the minutes of. the Council. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that Mayor Langford be authorized to renew a note for $4 598.81 at the College Station State Bank. The vote of the Council was unanimous in favor of the motion. The Council referred a request of Mr. Mills P. Talker for a change in the zoning of a certain tract of land on Highway # 6 to the zoning Commission. Mr. Tom Taylor appeared before the Council to discuss a possible solution, or solutions, to the parking problems at the North Gate business area. Pursuant to this discussion the following action was taken by the Council: Councilman Orr made a motion, seconded by Councilman Badgett, that the Council request the City Attorney to prepare an Ordinance for parking meters at the North Gate area. The meters on the north side of Sulphur Springs Road, and Ngrth Main Street, shall permit parking twelve minutes for one cent and a ma.ximura of one hour for five cents. On the south side of Sulphur Springs Road, the meters will permit two hours parking for five cents. The meters will be installed on the north side of Sulphur Springs Road for parallel parking from the College Station State Bank to just west of Lipscomb Pharmacy, and angle parking from there to the Boyett Apartments. One brick on North Main Street shall be parallel parking on both sides of the street. The meters on the south side of Sulphur Springs Road shall be installed for angle, or head -in, parking from the College Station State Bank to the Campus Theatre. The metersshall not be in operation between six p.m.. and 7 a.m. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Messers. C. A. Kelsey and J. H. Brendlen, of Houston, representing Gilbert Associates, Inc., appeared before the Council and discussed the City's engineering needs. The Council requested that they file with the City Manager a proposal for their doing the City's required engineering work. Councilm&n Orr.made a m6tion, seconded by Councilman Fitch, that Ordinance # 145, an'Ordinan ce requiring registration for soliciting end- taking ndtaking orders or subscriptions for out-of-state goods and publications, prescribing method of registration, and providing a penalty, be passed. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. 00335 \()I June 12, 1950 page 3 Mr. John L. Sandstedt appeared before the Council and stated he would like the job of re -working all the City's ordinances as authorized by the Council at the regular May meeting. He was told to discuss the proposition with the City Attorney. Petitions for annexing of two tracts of land to the City were received and action on the petitions was deferred until additional information could be obtained by the Council. Mayor Langford announced a. budget -making meeting to be held in the Director's Room of the College Station State Bank at 2 p.m. June 14, 1950. The Council set Jun@ 27, 1950, for the public hearing on the 1950-51 Budget for the City. The hearing will be at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. The Council authorized Mayor Langford to request recommendations from the pastors of the North Gate churches as to traffic control on ,Sundays. Councilman Halpin made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that the City Manager advertise city owned Lot # 1, Block # 8, College Hills Estates, for sale to the highest bidder. The council vote was unanimo»s in favor of the motion. Councilman Badgett made a motion, seconded by Councilman Orr, that notice be given that the delinquent tax roll will be published on September 1, 1950. The Council vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. APPRO tR,D: Ernest Langford, Mayor ATTEST: N. M. McGinnis, City Secrot�i.ry 00336 �6q