HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/14/1948 - Regular Minutes - City CouncilITTINUTES OF REGUIAR T.IEETING April 14, 1948 Members present; Councilmen Ames, Badgett, Brown, Halpin and Orr; City Secretary IucGinnis and City Manager Vaughn. Mayor Langford was absent and Councilman Orr, Mayor pro tem, presided. Visitors present: W. M. Sparks, F. B. Clark and Norman Abrams of the Badger Ivieter Company. Nx. Sparks came before the Council and asked for the clarification of an oral agreement made in 1941 between Mr. Sparks and the then Mayor Anderson pertaining to utilities on two blocks, owned by Mr. Sparks, adjacent to !Vest Park on the South. Councilman Broom made a motion that action be deferred until the next council meeting and at that time Itr. F. G. Anderson and IGr. Sparks would be asked to be present and discuss this agreement. This motion was seconded by Councilman Badgett and the Council vote was unanimous in favor. Councilman BrmTa made a motion to defer action on Dr. F. B. Clarkts proposal to the City Council at its February meeting until_ Dr. Clark sub,nits a detailed proposition, and then only after it has been approved by the city attorneys. Councilman Badgett seconded the motion and the Council vote was unanimous in favor. Councilman Brown made a motion that the City designate "No Parking" zonos in front of theatres and bus stops; that these be marked plainly by the City and the provisions be enforced by the City 1,Iarshall;that this action be declared an "emergency." Councilman dimes seconded the motion and the Council. vote vras unanimous in favor. Councilman Badgett made a motion that the City approve the change in zoning ordinance, as advertised for hearing on April 14, 1948, and as it pertains to all lots facing on Main Street in Block 4 and Lots 1 to 10 inclusive in Block 5 of the Boyett Addition. These lots were in District 2, Residential District, to District 3, Apart-mnt District. This emotion was seconded by Councilman Ames and the Council vote was unanimous in favor. Mr. Abrams of the Badger Neter Company gave the Council a short talk pertaining to the history and development of metering devices. Approved: Attest: b*_7y g �' or Pro Tom City Se ore terry ' `I-3 6054 1'a