HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/17/2014 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board BRYAN COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING • WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 17,2014 5:15 PM Carnegie History Center 111 S.Main St. Bryan,TX 77803 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES—AUGUST 2014 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS—AUGUST 2014 6. OLD BUSINESS A. RINGER EXPANSION—DAVID SCHMITZ 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT-DR.LARRY KOENINGER,LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR • 9. REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR NOVEMBER 19TH MEETING AT THE LARRY J. RINGER LIBRARY 10. ADJOURN Please notify the Adm.Asst Laura Mills,209-5614 if you are unable to attend. College Station Board Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the College Station City Secretary one week prior to the meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION,TDD,OR OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILTIY INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR,LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. MEETING DATES FOR 2014—ALL MEETINGS ARE ON WEDNESDAYS JANUARY 15,2014 Mounce Public Library MARCH 19,2014 Carnegie History Center MAY 21, 2014 Ringer Library JULY 16, 2014 Mounce Public Library SEPTEMBER 17, 2014 Carnegie History Center 1111 NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Ringer Library • Library Advisory Board Called Meeting Directors Report August 20, 2014 1. New Ringer Branch Manager—Jessica Jones 2. Intergovernmental Agreement a. End date of current contract? b. Changes incorporated from the Ringer Performance Audit 3. Summer Reading Program Registrations a. Kids —2803 b. Teens— 896 c. Adults — 608 4. Union Pacific Grant a. $5,000 for Mounce Children's furniture • b. C. 11. • • I CLARA B.MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: August,2014 This Year Last Year SERVICES: I Hours Open 244 249 I Meeting Room Usage 9 10 Patrons Registeredfil 310 352 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 15,207 15,870 Overdue Notices 1,737 1,834 Holds Filled 1,767 1,945 #of People Visiting Library 18,555 20,150 #of Checkouts 23,600 25,338 I #of Checkins 24,424 25,886 In House Use 3,549 4,179 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 0/0 2/81 Teen Program/Attendance 6/70 4/105 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0 0/0 Special Programs/Attendance 2/39 0/0 Reference Transactions 1004 620 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 0 0 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 1685/789 1902/715 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance 6/42 1/20 Interlibrary Loan Received 14 28 Interlibrary Loan Sent 13 0 Reference Transactions 1,279 595 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 2/9 0/0 Volunteer Hours 187 0 'COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): I Adult Books 449 681 I Juvenile Books 174 278 Adult Media 23 63 Juvenile Media 7 3 Videos 5 34 Microforms 1 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other I TCILL 1,975 2,240 I Books 7,672 10,416 8,335 10,126 IPeriodicals 201 35 196 35 IPaperbacks 620 1,013 Media 776 327 878 358 DVDs 3,526 4,366 I Videos 4 'Online Services 1,713 I Internet Computers 4,110 4,275 27 28 1ILL Reference 9 18 15 8 TOTAL 10,991 10,796 9,638 10,437 10,527 10,913 •GRAND TOTAL 31,425 31,877 Prepared by Approved by LARRY J.RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: August,2014 SERVICES: This Year Last Year Hours Open 276 292 Meeting Room Usage 10 22 Patrons Registered 389 375 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 15,023 15,145 Overdue Notices 1,535 1,975 Holds Filled 3,186 3,669 #of People Visiting Library 18,544 17,080 #of Checkouts 30,437 30,416 #of Checkins 31,866 32,601 In House Use 4,073 4,966 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 1/12 0/0 Teen Program/Attendance 2/31 3/47 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Special Programs/Attendance 5/859 0/0 Reference Transactions 764 372 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 0 2/253 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 1558/786 1598/670 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance 8/43 6/10 Interlibrary Loan Received 7 11 Interlibrary Loan Sent 9 0 Reference Transactions 1349 1207 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 3/7 3/5 Volunteer Hours 292.75 0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): Adult Books 276 383 Juvenile Books 81 23 Adult Media 18 14 Juvenile Media 3 1 Videos 25 57 Microforms CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCILL 901 851 Books 9,314 14,706 9,763 14,243 Periodicals 251 75 266 61 Paperbacks 814 627 Media 925 449 851 524 I DVDs 3,893 3,974 Videos 88 Online Services 1,712 Internet Computers 2,471 2,640 ILL 11 Reference 8 7 TOTAL 13,024 15,230 7,265 11,514 14,828 7,564 i SGRAND TOTAL 35,519 33,906 Prepared by Approved by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: August, 2014 YEAR YEAR O SERVICES: Hours Open 135 144 I Patrons Registered I Total Active Patrons 1 1 # of People Visiting Library 848 960 # of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) #of Checkins REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received 13 3 Reference Transactions 47 50 Visits &Tours/Attendance 80 127 I Special Programs/Attendance 1 of 4 1 of 15 Outside Programs/Attendance 0 3 of 50 (COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 13 Juvenile Books Adult Media • Microforms 9 Periodicals IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 13 39 CD-rom Computers Books 309 305 Rare Books 3 11 History Books 14 Files 6 Photo Files 4 Microfilm 45 49 ILL 4 6 History Lab 2 Maps 4 Microform Machine Use 18 27 Periodical Use 2 CD's Not in Database New Scans 26 57 Photo Collection Use 5 • Wireless Internet TOTAL In House Use 444 505, Prepared by Reviewed by • BCS Lib•System • Online Stats 2013-2014 2013-2014 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep TOTAL eAudiobooks(RB) 458 435 420 425 413 576 504 529 577 596 644 5,577 TexShare 674 621 485 861 714 2,256 704 1,093 610 635 819 9,472 Ancestry 1,350 951 222 774 605 989 592 695 271 298 286 7,033 Fold3 16 8 24 7 4 4 4 0 0 0 0 67 Legal Forms 39 33 17 17 44 34 28 46 36 47 33 374 I Overdrive 1,001 979 988 1,293 1,122 1,313 1,219 1,369 1,500 1,610 1,628 14,022 Project Gutenberg 14 6 7 23 7 37 13 5 47 9 15 183 0 TOTAL 3,552 3,033 2,163 3,400 2,909 5,209 3,064 3,737 3,041 3,195 3,425 0 36,728 2012-2013 Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep TOTAL eAudiobooks(RB) 291 392 291 325 400 371 340 359 472 484 372 359 4,456 TexShare 991 1,347 1,869 1,105 952 774 1,877 129 233 891 1,106 1,402 12,676 Ancestry 678 529 358 324 1,353 603 1,341 1,522 1,098 1,505 656 9,967 Fold3 12 0 2 4 11 7 5 12 5 14 14 12 98 Legal Forms 25 22 15 14 37 20 53 36 47 68 28 37 402 Overdrive 478 472 695 787 612 729 627 850 983 1,156 1,114 1,058 9,561_ Project Gutenberg 8 21 45 34 27 75 37 55 40 31 5 14 392 0 TOTAL 2,483 2,783 3,275 2,593 3,392 2,579 4,280 2,963 2,878 4,149 3,295 2,882 37,552 • Library Advisory Board Called Meeting Directors Report September 17, 2014 1. Summer Reading Program 2014 Registered Completed % Complete Mounce- Children 1228 598 48.70% Mounce- Teen/Tween 453 193 42.60% Mounce Adult 356 169 47.50% Ringer-Children 1566 791 50.50% Ringer- Teen/Tween 441 196 44.40% Ringer-Adult 253 100 39.50% 2013 Registered Completed % Complete Mounce- Children 1350 536 39.70% Mounce- Teen/Tween 552 179 32.48% Mounce Adult 535 74 13.83% Ringer-Children 1218 542 44.50% Ringer- Teen/Tween 380 128 33.69% Ringer-Adult 77 65 81.41% 2. Intergovernmental Agreement a. CS City Council-9/22/14 b. Bryan Council-10/14/14 c. Changes i. 1.04 CS will evaluate the cost/benefit of contracting Ringer • janitorial services ii. 2.04 Library System Director will work with CS towards possible implementation of the recommendations from the audit iii. 4.02 Van costs will continue to be split between the cities (replacement costs, fuel, maintenance) iv. 11.01 One year extension with one additional year, the contract will end on October 1, 2016 3. Dates a. October 3-Possible Open House for the Mounce renovation. i. Invitations will be mailed. b. November 8-9-Friends Book Sale c. November 21-Libraries closed for staff training and Thanksgiving lunch •