HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/12/2010 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board FRIENDS OF THE BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM AGENDA : January 12, 2010 I. Welcome and Introduction A. Presentation by Brandon Slough, Dreamboat Books IL Approval of Minutes III. Reports of Officers, Members, and/or Standing Committees : A. Treasurer's Report : Larry Ringer B. Membership: Jan Folse C. Book Sale : Jeanne Mitchell Spring Book Sale April 24-25 D. Alternative Funding : Childrens Book Sale - Anne Orrell Saturday March 6 9 :00 - 3 :30 Scholastic Book Fair Saturday June 5 9 :00 - 3 :30 First Friday Book Sale at Carnegie Library March 5,-April 2 (Good Friday), May 7, 5 :30 - 8 :30 E. Publicity-Ashley McCollum IV. Old;Business : Grants V. New Business : Sign Up Sheet for Spring and Summer events VI. Community Librarian Report : Larry Koeninger VII. Adjournment TAMU Textbook Recycling Program—Mary Fran Troy and Helen Kunz gave an overview of a program proposed by Dreamboat Books. No action was taken. Dreamboat Books—Jeanne Mitchell. No report on receipts was available. Childrens Book Sale—Anne Orrell. The book sale is set for March 6, 2010 at Ringer. E. Publicity—Ashley McCollum. There are two free Eagle ads left and it was decided to use them as a thank-you for Clara Mounce and a welcome for Larry Koeninger. IV. Old Business: Summer Reading Program Reports were distributed. Bylaws Amendments: It was decided these were not necessary. V. New Business: Clara's Reception. A sign-up sheet was passed out for FofL members to greet attendees and direct them to the Conference Room. Newsletter: Helen Kunz is writing the newsletter and requested ideas and suggestions. Trip to Waco—Mary Fran will attend the Waco FOL Coliseum Book Sale for ideas and would be happy to have others accompany her. Clara's luncheon : Elizabeth reminded FofL members that the luncheon for Clara is Tuesday,November 17, at Christopher's, from noon until 2:00 p.m. VL Community Librarian Report: Clara Mounce The Carnegie staff would like to be notified a month in advance of First Friday book sales so they can accommodate it on their schedules. The new Librarian,Larry Koeninger is on his way to town. Larry Ringer and Clara will take him to the College Station City Council to introduce him. Clara reported visiting with architects for the Ringer Library addition. She also noted that the Central Texas Library System will be having a virtual meeting on November 12th at 10:00 a.m.; anyone who is interested can join her in her office for this. VII.Adjournment—5:15 p.m. Submitted by Susan Irza, Secretary Friends of Bryan+College Station Library System Meeting Minutes November 10,2009 L Welcome and Introduction Elizabeth Pool,President, presided. Present: Priscilla Benjamin,Judy Childs, Jan Folse, Susan Irza,Helen Kunz, Wendi Lamphear,Ashley McCollum,Jeanne Mitchell,Anne One11,Faye Pound, Larry Ringer, Charles Smith,Mary Fran Troy; Clara Mounce. Absent: Carol Maxson IL Approval of Minutes The minutes of the October 13,2009 meeting were approved as distributed at the meeting. III. Reports of Officers,Members, and/or Standing Committees: A. Treasurer's Report: Larry Ringer Financial statements, a summary of book sale receipts from 1995 to present, and member/Life Member dues from 1995 to present were distributed. Two CD's have matured so Larry will convene the Investment Committee regarding their reinvestment. A motion was made and seconded to donate$500 to the Jim Beard Memorial for the purchase of Western books. Signatory authority for the Edward Jones account was changed from Priscilla Benjamin to Jan Folse and the advisor for the account has changed to Shauna Elliot. Larry reported$500 has been received from Research Ramblers and$1000 from the Brazos Genealogical Society. B. Membership: Jan Folse It was decided to print legal-size newsletters with a color logo ($200 extra)and include a membership form and return envelope for 1000 renewals and prospective members. It was also decided to print a two-year supply(2000)of both envelopes to save money. The costs for printing and postage will be about $1100 and will appear in next year's budget. Mailing will be in mid-January 2010. C. Book Sale: Jeanne Mitchell The October Book Sale took in$2244 on the first day and$873 on the second day. Help is needed to put the remaining books on the free shelves and to sort newly donated books. The dates for the next book sale were set for April 24-25, 2010. D. Alternative Funding: Brazos Valley Bank Investment Recycling—Mary Fran Troy passed out flyers handed out at the book sale to encourage people to vote for Foil. Friends of the Bryan +College Station Public Library System Statement of Financial Position Balance Sheet Dec. 31, 2009 Dec. 31, 2008 Dec. 31, 2009 Assets Current Assets Citibank-Checking $13,362.01 $6,347.25 Citibank-Money Market $43,837.46 $39,001.44 BVSCU-Savings $100.43 $101.37 CD First Victoria-checking $100.01 Interest YTD BVSCU-CD $96,037.13 $99,730.89 $3,693.76 Commerce Bank-CD $15,089.94 $15,456.11 $366.17 First Victoria-CD $35,000.00 $0.00 Guaranty Bank-CD $15,157.14 $0.00 $445.45 Spirit Bank-CD $5,774.54 $0.00 $160.88 Subtotal $189,358.65 $195,737.07 $4,666.26 Other Assets Investments Ed. Jones- Life Members $40,331.44 $43,381.44 Ed. Jones-Young Rders $6,442.14 $11,220.13 Total Assets $236,132.23 $250,338.64 Friends of the Bryan +College Station Public Library System Statement of Revenue and Expenses Eleven Months ending Dec. 31,2009 Revenues December Year to Date Book Sales Regular $6,966.77 Dreamboat $637.54 $5,097.62 First Friday $313.55 Copier $33.00 $12,801.40 Donations $870.00 Donation-Young Readers $100.00 $1,250.00 Research Ramblers $50.00 $600.00 Carnegie $1,381.00 Grant $3,407.99 History Books $50.00 $950.00 Income-Life Member $421.18 $1,648.46 Income-Young Readers $97.62 $250.96 Member Dues-Regular $235.00 $7,220.00 Member Dues-Life $2,750.00 Reading Program $2,100.00 Interest-Checking,MM&Savings $12.74 $199.61 Interest-CDs $349.58 $4,666.26 Miscellaneous $329.60 Total Revenue $1,986.66 $52,803.22 Expenses December Year to Date Book Sale $116.84 Copier $587.14 $10,214.21 Investment-Life Members Acct $3,050.00 Investment-Young Readers Acct $100.00 $4,777.99 Madeley Estate $7,669.79 Membership Drive $176.00 Printing, Postage, etc. $50.00 $238.68 Miscellaneous $750.00 $865.38 Donations to Library Capital Equipment $1,264.04 DVD Collection $1,129.76 Holt Foundation $4,096.15 $4,603.10 Reading Program $10,599.89 Staff Christmas Dinner $250.00 Beard Memorial $500.00 ID sleeves, etc. $855.84 State Sales Tax $113.08 Total Expenses $5,583.29 $46,424.60 Edward Jones Accounts Additions Life Members $3,050.00 Mounce Young Readers $4,777.99 Increase In Net Assets -$3,596.63 $14,206.61 Net Assets-Beginning of Year $236,132.23 Net Assets-Year to Date $250,338.84 Friends of the Bryan+ College Station Public Library System Budget for 2009 Dec. 31, 2009 Total Current Actual as Annual Year to Date Percent Revenues Budget Actual Difference of Budget Book Sales Regular $5,500.00 '$6,966.77 -$1,466.77 126.7% Dreamboat $4,000.00 $5,097.62 -$1,097.62 127.4% First Friday $500.00 $313.55 $186.45 62.7% Copier $13,000.00 $12,801.40 $198.60 98.5% Donations $100.00 $870.00 -$770.00 870.0% Donation-Young Readers $1,000.00 $1,250.00 -$250.00 125.0% Grant $5,000.00 $3,407.99 $1,592.01 68.2% History Books $500.00 $950.00 -$450.00 ' 190.0% Income- Life Member $1,500.00 $1,648.46 -$148.46 109.9% Income-Young Readers $200.00 $250.96 -$50.96 125.5% Member Dues-Regular $7,000.00 $7,220.00 -$220.00 103.1% Member Dues- Life $6,500.00 $2,750.00 $3,750.00 42.3% Reading Program $2,000.00 $2,100.00 -$100.00 105.0% Interest-Chking,MM&Say. $200.00 $199.61 $0.39 99.8% Interest-CDs $5,000.00 $4,666.26 $333.74 93.3% Miscellaneous $100.00 $329.60 -$229.60 329.6% Total Revenue $52,100.00 $50,822.22 $1,277.78 97.5% Total Current Actual as Annual Year to Date Percent of Expenses Budget Actual Difference Budget Book Sale $200.00 $116.84 $83.16 58.4% Copier $12,000.00 $10,214.21 $1,785.79 85.1% Investment-Life Members $3,000.00 $3,050.00 -$50.00 101.7% Investment-Young Readers $6,000.00 $4,777.99 $1,222.01 79.6% Membership Drive $200.00 $176.00 $24.00 88.0% Printing, Postage, etc. $200.00 $238.68 -$38.68 119.3% Miscellaneous $100.00 $865.38 -$765.38 865.4% Donations to Library Capital Equipment $20,000.00 $1,264.04 $18,735.96 6.3% DVD Collection $3,000.00 $1,129.76 $1,870.24 37.7% Reading Program $10,500.00 $10,599.89 , -$99.89 101.0% Staff Christmas Dinner $250.00 Beard Memorial $500.00 ID sleeves, etc. $800.00 $855.84 -$55.84 107.0% State Sales Tax $200.00 $113.08 $86 92 56.5% Total Expenses $56,200.00 $34,151.71 $22,048.29 60.8% Beginning Special Dedicated Accounts of Year Income Expenditures Remaining Carnegie Donations $1,381.00 $1,381.00 Holt Foundation $6,087.60 $4,603.10 $1,484.50 Madeley Estate $63,851.63 $7,669.79 $56,181.84 Mounce Collection $100.00 $100.00 Research Ramblers $695.00 $600.00 $1,295.00 Totals $70,734.23 $1,981.00 $12,272.89 $60,442.34 Total Income to Date $52,803.22 Total Expenses to Date $46,424.60 Friends of the Bryan+College Station Public Library System Uncommitted Funds Dec. 31, 2009 Cash on Hand Citibank Checking $6,347.25 BVSCU Savings $101.37 First Victoria $100.01 Citibank MoneyMarket $39,001.44 Total $45,550.07 CD Accounts Spirit Bank 10/19/09 $0.00 Commerce Bank 03/06/10 $15,456.11 BVSCU 09/18/10 $99,730.89 Guaranty Bank 09/25/09 $0.00 First Victoria 02/20/13 $35,000.00 Total CDs $150,187.00 Total Cash &CDs $195,737.07 Dedicated Accounts Holt Foundation $1,484.50 Life Members not invested $0.00 Madeley Estate $56,181.84 Mounce Collection $0.00 Mounce Young Readers not invested $0.00 Research Ramblers $1,295.00 Donations-Carnegie $1,381.00 Total Dedicated Accounts $60,342.34 Friends Cash $135,394.73 Special Accounts Balances Shelving $16,052.16 DVD Shelves $4,037 58 DVD Collection $1,887.54 Software for Computer System $1,454.00 Membership Drive $507.10 Reading Program-2009 $2,292.11 Staff Thanksgiving Dinner $0.00 $26,230.49 Unbudgeted Funds Available $109,164.24