HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/18/1995 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board • AGENDA BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1995 Meeting Place - This meeting will be a walk through of the Bryan Public Library building at 5: 15 p.m. It is the responsibility of each board member to notify the library if unable to attend. 1 . Presentation by Dr. Fred Heath, on behalf of Friends of Sterling C. Evans Library 2. Presentation by Jim McClelland, author of poem "The Helper" 3. Tour of the building to view work in progress for the restoration of the Bryan Public Library due to damage by fire on March 28, 1995. • Please notify the secretary Laura Mills . 361-3668 . if you are unable to attend. A auorum of four members is required for a meeting. to take place. For information on TDD, sign language interpretation, or other translation or accessiblity information, please contact Clara Mounce at 361-3668. Please try to contact the above person at least 48 hours before the scheduled time of the meeting so that your request may be completely fulfilled. NOTE: PLEASE ENTER THROUGH NORTH DOORS. 1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD MAY 16, 1995 4111. On the 16th of May 1995 the Library Board of the City of Bryan, Texas convened in a regular session in the Council Chambers Municipal Building, 29th at Texas Ave. at 5:15 p.m. and the following members were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Member Present/ # of meetings # of meetings Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Mrs. Victoria Bienski, Pres. P 24 21 Mr. Bill Barzak P 6 6 Mr. Neil Bockelmann, V. Pres. P 24 18 Mr. Don Gilman P 6 6 Mr. Auston Kerley P 6 6 Mr. David Moore P 6 5 Mrs. Mary Evelyn Tielking P 8 7 Also present was Mrs. Clara B. Mounce, City Librarian and secretary Laura Mills. Librarians present were Ms. Kathleen Dill, Ms. Ann Moore, Mrs. Nan Ross, Ms. Catherine Ezzell, and library assistant Cathie McQuistion. 3. Visitors present were Fire Chief James Bland; Asst. Police Chief Gary Wentrcek; Roger Dempsey, Maintenance and Project Coordinator, Facilities Services; Lt. Freddie Komar, Police Services; Cindy Kirk, Risk Manager; Mary Evelyn Tielking, President, Friends of the Library; Joe Brown, Public Information Officer; Michelle LaVigne, Water Services Asst. ; Dr. John Blackburn, Community Services; Elizabeth Miller, Main Street Project Manager; Loyd Deen, Computer Services; NationsBank Representatives, Bob Weston, Rodney Hodges, and Larry Beaumont. Brent Amk Zwerneman from The Eagle, and a cameraman from Channel 3 TV was present. 4. Minutes from the last meeting were unavailable. 5. The statistics were also unavailable due to the fire. 6. The nominating committee recommended that Mary Evelyn Tielking be elected President and David Moore, Vice President for the next term. They were elected. 7. In the librarian's report, Kathleen Dill reported that there will be two large Summer Reading Club activities to be held at the Palace Theatre instead of weekly ones due to the fire. Joe McDermott will appear June 23rd at the Palace Theatre. A second date is not yet confirmed. 8. There was no unfinished business. 9.A. In new business, status reports on the fire that damaged the library on were given. Cindy Kirk, Risk Manager, began the report stating that the City's insurance through Texas Municipal League had a $25,000 deductible and that some costs were not covered by the policy. Gary Wentrcek, Assistant Police Chief, gave a capsule summary of the incident. At around 3:00 a.m. on March 28, a man who delivered the Houston Chronicle newspaper to the library reported a fire to the police department. The police believe that it was started intentionally along with vandalism that occurred at the Masonic Lodge and property destruction to six City of Bryan vehicles. Over 1200 hours of investigation and $11,000 in overtime funds spent produced evidence that led to the arrest of two suspects, Clyde Settles and Ronald O'Neal , currently being held in the Brazos Countyjailwithout bond. A third adult is also a suspect. A juvenile was also present with the suspects at the scene of the crime and has cooperated with the police investigation. The child is in the custody of his mother according to police records. Police believe that Settles who was arrested in Bryan in 1984 for disorderly conduct is , responsible for the fire. While jailed, he assaulted a peace officer and was convicted of aggravated assault and served jail time. Asst. Chief Wentrcek said that Settles and O'Neal will appear before the Grand Jury by the end of May with a trial date set within the next few months. Fire Chief James Bland summarized the actions of the Fire Department. The fire department received a call at about 2:45 a.m. on March 28 and dispatched fire trucks to the scene of the library fire. He stated that the fire had been started near the windows on the north side of the building in the •''magazine and newspaper section. Tremendous heat buildup dislodged asbestos on the ceiling. The fire destroyed the entire current periodical section; however, considering the inventory in the library, further fire damage was contained to the talking book section, a small paperbook section, and five chairs near the fire. Smoke damage was extensive and a layer of soot covered every square inch of the building and items therein. The fire was put out with chemicals rather than water in minimal time, and without further damage to the building. Because of the asbestos contamination, special gear was used by firemen and police to investigate the crime. He commended the cooperation between the police and fire departments of both cities in handling the fire and during investigation procedures last month. Roger Dempsey, Maintenance and Project Coordinator, Facility Services, handed out copies of the Project Schedule and Cost Projection for the Bryan Library Restoration (attached and made a part of these minutes) Major areas of concern are additional expenses for asbestos abatement, asbestos consulting, replacement of light fixtures, smoke detection system, fire escape relocation, carpet replacement and ceiling spray-back. The staff of facility services, and Texas Department of Health recommended total asbestos abatement rather than encapsulation. This expense will be about $130,000 over the $151,000 allowed by the insurance company for the procedure. The replacement of light fixtures will provide 60% more lighting. The schedule for final move-in is sometime mid-August. Almost 9,000 boxes of books have been cleaned and ozoned along with 1,000 boxes of desk contents and stored in a warehouse on 29th Street. Computers are in the process of being decontaminated, cleaned and repaired and completed by the end of May. ary Evelyn Tielking, President of the Friends of the Library, reported that over $38,000 had been raised to help cover the deductible and other expenses not covered by insurance. NationsBank presented a check for $2,000 for library rehabilitation with commendation to the City Librarian and staff and all those involved in the fire tragedy. Efforts to continue the fund- raising will continue with the Friends taking the leadership role. Joe Brown, Public Information Officer, recounted the early moments the fire was reported and stated that he began alerting media outlets around 4:35 a.m. March 28th. Radio stations broadcast the news of the fire immediately. There was on-site coverage from the Eagle and Channel 3. His job as public information officer was to make sure that the information dispatched was factual and commended the media for expressing the hurdles that needed to be faced with the fire tragedy. Clara B. Mounce concluded discussion of the fire with appreciation to all those involved, from the early reporting to the intensive investigation by the police and fire departments to the staff who helped at the cleaning facility and other areas of involvement. She recounted the numerous outpourings of sympathy from citizens and school children who wrote letters to her. B. Michelle LaVigne reported that the Xeriscape project for the Carnegie was underway and should be completed by the first of June, 1995. The Friends of the Library are holding the funds from Water Services for the project. JoAnn Powell, Community Development Project Coordinator, was unable to be present but provided a summary (attached and made a part of these minutes). The report stated that due to some delays in the grant administration process the project will not officially start until City Council approval probably in lune; then the process of selecting an architect will take approximately 3 months with 2 or 3 more months spent developing plans and specifications. Construction could begin as early as the first of 1996 with project completion by years' end. Mrs. Vickie Bienski Mrs. Clara B. Mounce President City Librarian • VOTER REG: 7 COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH 1995 SERVICES T=his Year Last Year Days Open 27 27 New Borrowers 197 216 Renewed Borrowers 185 225 Replacement Borrowers Card 24 39 Overdue Notices 50 115 Attendance 9313 8141 REFERENCE/ INFORMATION/READER ' S ADVISORY TCILL* Requests Filled 122 151 Reference Transactions 911 874 Reserves Notified 71 81 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance --- 2/11 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT New Adult Books 218 251 New Juvenile Books 242 65 This Year Last Year CIRCULATION ADULT JUVENILE ADULT JUVENILE Non-Fiction 2740 1846 2580 1489 Fiction 2445 4171 2194 3411 Pamphlets --- --- --- Periodicals 616 85 633 80 Paperbacks 740 129 754 130 Videos 688 --- 774 --- Video Player --- --- --- --- Camera 1 --- --- --- Tax tape 1 Total 7230 6231 6936 5110 TOTAL ADULT/JUVENILE 13, 461 12 , 046 410 Prepared by A,AVAL 3.0.J (ACX Reviewed by 4, *Twin City InterLibrary L an milk VOTER REG: 1 COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY IV MONTHLY REPORT FOR APRIL 1995 SERVICES This Year Last Year Days Open 25 26 New Borrowers 239 194 Renewed Borrowers 214 235 Replacement Borrowers Card 35 31 Overdue Notices 299 132 Attendance 10891 8607 REFERENCE/ INFORMATION/READER ' S ADVISORY TCILL* Requests Filled--Due To Fire -0- 121 Reference Transactions 1559 993 Reserves Notified 80 75 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance --- 1/8 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT New Adult Books 808 107 New Juvenile Books 662 109 • This Year Last Year C I RCU! AT I ON ADULT JUVENILE ADULT JUVENILE Non-Fiction 3861 2458 2875 1702 Fiction 3421 5363 2139 3536 Pamphlets --- --- --- Periodicals 554 174 414 69 Paperbacks 1773 162 796 113 Videos 720 --- 662 --- Video Player --- --- --- --- Camera --- --- --- -- • - Total 10329 8157 6886 5420 TOTAL ADULT/JUVENILE 18,486 12, 306 Prepared by i�� ati-- Reviewed by III D *Twin City InterLibrary Loan SRC REG: B: 51 COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY • CS: 133 X: 5 MONTHLY REPORT FOR MAY 1995 T: 0 SERVICES This Year Last Year Days Open 27 26 New Borrowers 226 138 Renewed Borrowers 309 246 Replacement Borrowers Card 42 25 Overdue Notices 329 156 Attendance 11 , 120 7127 Summer Reading Club Registration 189 90 REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY TCILL* Requests Filled N/A 67 Reference Transactions 1261 647 Reserves Notified 147 60 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance** 3/1500 4/2015 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT New Adult Books 336 156 New Juvenile Books 123 101 1 1110 This Year Last Year CIRCULATION ADULT JUVENILE ADULT JUVENILE Non-Fiction 3677 2348 2181 1149 Fiction 4026 6389 2148 3274 Pamphlets 1 --- --- --- Periodicals 632 195 412 77 Paperbacks 1747 228 663 110 Videos 879 --- 641 --- Video Player --- --- --- --- Camera 1 --- 1 --- 10,963 9160 6046 4610 Total TOTAL ADULT/JUVENILE 20, 123 10,656 **School visits for the Summer Reading Club. VOTER REG: 0 Prepared by �a 1A � ! 41.4,/ Reviewed by ��� 2""�— I,_ • AO *Twin City InterLibrary Lan . SRC: B: 145 COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY CS: 431 X: 25 MONTHLY REPORT FOR JUNE 1995 VOTER REG: 2 SERVICES This Year Last Year Days Open 26 26 New Borrowers 353 212 Renewed Borrowers 427 315 Replacement Borrowers Card 39 38 Overdue Notices 172 100 Attendance 12,151 8119 Summer Reading Club 601 506 REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER' S ADVISORY ILL 69 req. - 68 filled TCILL* Requests Filled N/A 133 Reference Transactions 1210 641 Reserves Notified 188 96 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance -/- -/- COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT New Adult Books 300 239 New Juvenile Books 40 123 411 This Year Last Year CIRCULATION ADULT JUVENILE ADULT JUVENILE Non-Fiction 3721 2869 2360 1758 Fiction 4450 8621 2914 5346 Pamphlets 1 --- --- --- Periodicals 766 257 451 117 Paperbacks 1649 230 862 181 Videos 956 --- 906 --- Video Player --- --- --- --- Maps 1 --- --- --- Total 11 ,544 11 , 977 7493 7402 TOTAL ADULT/JUVENILE 23,521 14,895 Ii WP- ,_,A_i Prepared by �• /� Reviewed bye *Twin City InterLibrary Lo-n