HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/15/1984 - Regular Minutes - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board 411MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD August 15, 1984 1. On the 15th of August, 1984, the Library Board of the City of Bryan, Texas, convened in regular session in the regular place in the Reading Area of the Library Building, at 5 p.m. with the following members present. ATTENDANCE Member Present No. of meetings held No. of meetings since appointment attended since appointment Mrs. C. J. Allen X 105 85 Mr. Ed Madeley, Vice President X 12 12 Mrs. Willie Pruitt, Treasurer X 105 76 Judge Carolyn Ruffino X 12 11 Mr. Vic Paulos X 34 20 Mrs. Wayne Gibson X 12 8 Mrs. Willie Bell Bogard X 34 26 Also present were Mrs. Clara B. Mounce, City Librarian, Mrs. Jerilynn Williams, • Associate City Librarian, Ms. Robbin Olsen, Children's Librarian, Mrs. Glenda Duncan, Children's Librarian, and Mrs. Mary Ann Montoya, secretary to the City Librarian. 3. There were no visitors. 4. The minutes of the July 18th meeting were approved as mailed. 5. In a discussion of the monthly statistics, Ms. Mounce stated that the air conditioning bill was down for the month, but the water consumption was up. Circulation of materials increased, mainly in the Children's Department. The adult section is holding its own and the Bookmobile circulation is up. The new Polaroid cameras are very popular. 6. There were no committee reports. 7. In the Librarian's Report, Ms. Mounce mentioned that the salaries for city employees will increase at least 5% for 1984-85. The city employees will also receive one additional floating holiday for a total of two. Insurance premiums for city employees will increase approximately 15%. Merit pay will be a part of the new budget. The Bookmobile driver/clerk position will be upgraded. Ann Watkins, Bookmobile Clerk, has resigned so it will be possible to advertise the position with the new job description and better pay. A part-time librarian position was increased to full-time. Reference Librarian Nan Ross is putting together a business bibliography and Reference Librarian Sue Sommerfeld is putting together a senior English bibliography that students in high school will find beneficial. Phone bids are in and Centurion has been awarded the bid. In less than 30 days the Library should have the new electronic key system. The Friends of the Library donated $2,700 to help pay for the system, which includes a paging option. 8. Unfinished Business: Microcomputers and the Library. The bids for a microcomputer project have been sent out by the Central Texas Library System and will be approved by August 31. Central Texas Library System will purchase one for the library, along with the extended warranty and software. Texas Instruments has been donating computers locally and the library board plans to request that one be donated to the library for public use. The public would have access to the computer for a specified amount of time after orientation. Repair and maintenance could possibly be supported by the Friends. Mr. Vic Paulos will get in touch with Texas Instruments as a board representative. Unfinished Business: Literacy Program. The Texas State Library grant is still not official, as final vote will be September 14. Plans are being made to start as soon as funds become available. Ms. Jeri Williams has already had several meetings with Maija Weimer of Huntsville who has agreed to train volunteer tutors and act as a consultant at no cost to the library. Plans are to start tutor training in late October. For six weeks the student-tutor pair will work together and at the end of that time they will be able to evaluate the team and decide if they will continue. The first session would end before Thanksgiving. There will be a second six to eight week session starting in early January and the third session will end in May. During the month of June there will be an evaluation, paperwork processed, and a decision made whether to continue the program in the fall. The Library Board will act as ambassadors recruiting students and tutors andact as an advisory board. The Board gave official approval of this recommendation. It will take six weeks to recruit tutors and for Continuing Education in Bryan and College Station to contact the students. This program is funded with a grant from Texas State Library. In our system the four libraries receiving grants will be Waco, San Marcos, Round Rock and Bryan. Mr. Ed Madeley made the motion that the Library Board approve and advise the Literacy Program in any way, Mrs. Willie Belle Bogard seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous. The guidelines for students in this program is that they be 16 years or older, out of school, or with the permission of the school. This program will not interfere with Continuing Education or with the school. This program is aimed at the adult who cannot read, and will be held in the library when possible. In Bryan/College Station 20.3% of the population has no high school diploma and an additional 10% has no eighth grade education. Texas State Library will furnish us with a shelf for supplemental material. We plan to develop the literacy collection and display material and identify it with the library symbol so that students can recognize it immediately. There will be a Texas Library Workshop held here in October. 9. New Business: Tour of._the Children's Section. A tour of the Children's section was conducted by Librarians Robbin Olsen and Glenda Duncan. Ms. Duncan focused on areas such as the picture file which includes pictures and illustrations gleaned from magazines; encyclopedias which can be checked out; the growing Texana collection; and new browsers for picture books. She also pointed out framed art prints, which can be checked out for six weeks; paperbacks, records, and magazines which can be checked out for three weeks and noted that there is no limit on the number of books that can be checked out in the children's section. The collection of filmstrips are popular with day care centers because they are pre-school oriented and teachers may check them out for three weeks. Ms. Duncan explained that September is the month set aside to register children ages three to five for storytime, which starts in October. Day care centers and kindergartens will receive letters describing library services. Ms. Olsen explained that for puppet shows, a book will be selected and a show put together demonstrating the book. Classes visit in large groups and children listen to puppets more than to adults. Storytime will be limited to particular age groups. Three to five year olds have attention spans of about thirty minutes. Ms. Olsen pointed out that the summer reading program was very successful. There were movies every other week; magic show, magic workshop; crime prevention, etc. ; program were varied. When children complete reading program, they receive a certificate, McDonald's certificate, and a sticker. The index was also pointed out. Children's has two check out machines. The point is to get children interested in reading early so that they can continue as they get older. The Children's Section strives to have 4101 a very good attitude toward children and make them have happy memories of the library. 10. Request for items for agenda: next month Judge Ruffino will conduct a tour of the law library, and the new microfilm reader-printer will be demonstrated. 11. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 6)/NAst /21641 C--"e 07k Ms. Clara B. City C. J. Alen, PresidentMounce, Librarian • ilIl r1111A. ,I (- I 08/29/84 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 50 Jr REPORT IDp A103P _ DETAIL LISTING CFOBLIGATICNS VS. - BUDGET _ -- 1 - FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1984 l')AS OF 07/31/84 , I c'' FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 COMMUNITY & SUPPORT SERVICES a ORGANIZATION: 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: °I ' et'. () 1.1 CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-IC-_DATE _ • ,I OBJECT I I- I CURRENT UNOBLIGATED ---- I TOTAL 1 OUTSTANDING TOTAL I BUCGETEC BUDGET ,5 ' CODE-DESCRIPTION I OBLIGATIONS I ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS I AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT 4100 SUPERVISORY 3,553.42 0.00 38,527..68 38,527.68 49,547 11,019.32 22.2 2 ` 1r] 4102 FULL TIME 19,345.87 0.00 143,716.30 143,716.30 192,465 48,148.70 25.3 2 " 4103 PART TIME 2,529.44 0.00 14,231.58 14,231.58 24,454 10,222.42 41.8 I I;; ,al 4109 HOLIDAY PAY 862.90 O.CC 5,435.40 5,435.40 0 5,435.4C- 0.0 1 1, t 4110 SICK PAY 247.17 0.00 5,289.33 5,289.33 0 5.229.33- 0.0 . S Irs 1 4111 VACATION PAY 1,878.01 0.00 7,106.33 7,106.33 0 7,106.33- 0.0 1 , 1:, I:; 4112 TERMINAL PAY 0.00 0.00 289.64 289.64 0 289.64- 0.0' 1 1,5 '' i;,' 4114 MISC PAY 275.19 O.CO 1,165.23 1,165.23 0 1,165.23- 0.0 » 1 4115 MERIT PAY 0.00 0.00 4,453.00 4,453.00 4,919 466.00 9.5 1 . "; 4120 RETIREMENT 915.99 0.00 7,450.59 7,450.59 9,361 1,910.41 20.4 1 ni 1,a. 4121 FICA ' 2,008.28 0.00 15,244.35 , 15,244.35 18,,257 3,012.65 16.5 1 . ' 51 c:i 4122 HEALTH INS . 791.10 0.00' 8,438.40 8,438.40 10,126 1,687.60 16.7 1 - ' ,:, 4123 LIFE INS 80.32 O.CO 798.72 798.72 • 962 163.2E 17.01,°I 4124 HCRKERS COMP 39.32 0.00 299.39 299.39 544 244.61 45.0 X I. 1 4125 UNEMP COMP 88.40 0.0C 853.06 853.06 962 108.94 11.3 2 4126 DENTAL INS. 91.35 O.00 974.40 974.40 1,169 154.60 16.6 3 1,i I • 601 APPR UNIT TOTL 32,706.76 0.00 254,273.40 254,273.40 312,766 58,452.60 18.7 " 4200 OFFICE SUPP 49.84 0.00 984.73 984.73 1,048 -1137.27-10.3 S I"' ! ,,t! °j 4201 EDUCA SUPP 0.00 303.65 6.12 309.77 650 340.23 52.3 X 4202 PHOTCG SUPP 0.12 0.00 54.60 54.60 100 45.40 45.4 2 j:: ;;. 4203 POSTAGE 67.76 0.00 1,405.32 1,405.32 2,000 594.68 29.7 # 1,0 • 4204 PRINTING 14.54 177.34 1,112.81 1,290.15 1,600 309.85 19.4 2 - S1 4219 OTHER OFF 385.35 432.8E 3,256.34 3,689.22 3,838 148.78 3.9 2 ' ,5, 4220 MTR VEH SUPP 100.93 0.00 686.24 686.24 1,540 853.76 55.4 I .„ I:, 4222 TOOLS EQ SUP 0.00 0.00 25.00 25.00 25 0.00 0.0 2 4242 JANITOR SUPP 0.00 0.00 4.83 4.83 40 35.17 87.9 155 4251 BOT-SUNK 25.70 O.00 73.66 7366 75- 1.34 -1.8 I 4281 FIRST AID 0.00 0.00 2.02 2.02 10 7.9E 79.8 € I„� • 4289 CT CREW SUPP 0.00 0.00 4.73 4.73 10 5.27 52.7 1 71 v.,1 602 APPR UNIT TOIL 614.92 913.87 7,616.40 8,530.27 10,986 2,455.73 22.4 f •„ 1 ' 4300 MIR VEH MIN 12.76 (Farb 505.42 505.42 ' 1,000 494.5E 49.5-2 • - e5 4302 OFF FUR/EQ 99.00, 0.00 544.50 544.50 920 375.50 40.8 F �', C, 4304 FIRE AP MTN ' 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 -, 20 ` 20.CC 100.0 1 „i 4319 MACH7EQ IiN 0.00 83.00 16.91 99.9) 100 0.09 U.1 I 69 ,I 4320 BLDG MAINT 1,581.00 0.00 1,581.00 1,581.00 20,000 18,419.00 92.1 2 °0 (. rz n 410 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS AUGUST, 1984 CITY FUNDS: $ 230.83 books, continuation service, newspapers; magazines & g records, audio-visual ROUNTREE ACCOUNT: 387.76 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books '5.22 LSCA GRANT: State: -0- RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 8,494.75 COLLEGE STATION FUND: 3,433.89 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 494.28 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 311.98 TODERO ESTATE: 2,317.97 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $15,676.68 MEMORIAL & GIFT FUND DONATIONS RECEIVED FOR THE MONTH $ 7n_nn • PREPARED BY / 4,, REVIEWED BY 64104 ;1/lorig441. BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1984 1 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days Open 27 27 Auditorium Usage 17 19 New Borrowers 386 362 Renewed Borrowers 356 247 Replacement Borrowers Card 68 65 Overdue Notices 597 751 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hours Attendance * 69 Saturday Program 169 115 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance - * Special Programs 8/447 3/170 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 48 53 Questions 1,123 1,037 Reserves Notified 276 237 411 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 90 48 Large Type Print 187 226 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 34 31 Adult Books Non-fiction 100 103 Fiction 544 618 Juvenile Non-fiction 378 346 Fiction 1,882 1,558 Redmond Terrace 761 658 Oak Hill-Johnson School area 493 351 K-Mart 938 1,079 Crestview Apts. 20 31 Raintree 312 411 Steep Hollow 93 15 Manor East Mall 132 99 Brushy 0 0 Bonham Park 175 68 1110 La Brisa/Rockwood 135 139 Carver 53 78 * Not scheduled at this time PREPARED BY4,06 ‹ REVIEWED BY � --K /5. 72/04Aux-- V p