HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/18/1982 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board • AGENDA BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1982 -- 5 p.m. I. Regular Business A. Minutes of the July Meeting B. Statistics C. Standing Committees II. Old Business A. Memorial Fund B. Fees and Fines C. Budget • III. New Business A. New flags for library • 02/04/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 56 ' REPORT ID: A103P DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATIONS VS. BUDGET e FUR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 - - -.__. ._.._.__.._ __-_-_ J AS OF 06/30/82 FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL & RECREATLONAL J -- -_ ORGANIZATION: 6020 LIBRARY _-. __ .__. __.__._....____ - -----'ACTIVITY: --- --- ---- --- J --- - - -- CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE' -- -- L OBJECT 1 1 ---------I CURRENT UNOBLIGATED J --- 1 TOTAL I OUTSTANDING TOTAL j BUDGETED BUDGET. CODE-DESCRIPTION I OBLIGATIONS I ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS-] AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT I - ---- 1--------- .. - ----- , J 603 APPR UNIT TOIL 1,159.67 200.00 2,045.95 2,245.95 3,060 814.05 26.6 4400 ELECTRIC SER 4,488.56 0.0U37,975.92 37,975.92 60,000 22,.024.,08 36.17 4 4402 WATER SER 11.78 0.00 _.. 192.61 192.61 400 2u1.39 51.,8 $ " �, ., 4403 WW SERVICE 8.04 0.00 115.26 115.26 300 184.74 61.6 4 4404 GARBAGE 8.50 0.00 68.00 68.00 102 34.00 33.3 4 --440-5-CDMM--SERV10E 116.37 0.00 1;556:07 1,556.04 2,311 8111:)3s4s I 4422 EQUIP RENTAL 0.00 0.00 679.19 679.19 680 0.81 0.11 4 ,.. . [ 4441 TRAVEL 0.00 0.00 1,064.59 1,064.59 , 1,500 435.41 29.0 4 -4442 0 TRAINING 10.00 0.00 331.00 331'.00 700 369.0- 52.Z - 4445 I TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 U.00 200 200.00 1u0.0 x J 4450 LIABILITY IN 0.00 - 0.00 641.59 641.59 642 0.41 0.1 Z --; 4451--FIRE-IN-S- 0.00 0.00 6,820-.00 2,820.00 2,820 u«Ou -:k 00 4455 INS AND LNSP 0.00 0.00 501.20 501.20 735 233.80 31.18 4 ,j 4458 ASSOC DUES 0.00 0.00 441.27 4.41.27 476 34.173 7.3 4 4460 CAR-CLOTHES 32.90- 0.00 74.60- '74.60 2u0 125.40 62.1 ;� 4463 SPECIAL STDY 117.60 0.00 1,553.80 1,553.80 3,000 1.446.120 48.2 4 4474 PR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0U 50 50.00 100..0 4 „ 4411 MSC CHARGES 45.95 O.UU 88.43 88.13 - . 115 86.ZL 49.3 Z 604 APPR UNIT TUTL 4,899.70 0.00 48,103.83 48,103.83 74,357 26,253.�L1 35.3 I4524 LIBRARY IMPR 1,602.32 6,288.52 25,495.46 31,783.98 33,292 1,5 08.02 4.5 Z , j � 4544 OFF MACH/EQ 0.00 1,232.88 0.00 - 1,232.88 1,650-_ - -_ - 417.12 25.3 4 .J 605 APPR UNIT TOIL 1,602.32 7,521.40 25,495.46 33,016.86 34,942 1x925.14 5.5 ,,, ACTIVTY TOTAL 29-,200:92 8,637.22 261;359.61 27+9,996.83 364;772 94n175rI7. 26.0 - y ,, 6020 ORG TOTAL 29,200.92 8,637.22 261,359.61 269,996.83 364,772 94,.775.17. 26.0 V I J J a., j i I .) 09/04/82 CITY OF BRYAN PAGE 55 REPORT ID: A103P DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATIONS .VS. BUDGET \,:. FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 f AS OF 06/30/12 __ `. if FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL S RECREAILONA11 - ORGANIZATION: 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL YEAR-TO-DATE , �, OBJECT 1 1 . ---- --I CURRENT UNUBLLGATED 1_..._------TOTAL 1 OUTSTA.NDINC TOTAL.__---- J BUDGETED BUDGET. _________ CODE-DESCRIPTION 1 OBLIGATIONS 1 ENCUMBRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS 1 AMOUNT BALANCE PERCENT ... 1 1 -- 1------- ----- ---- --T- , J • 4100 SUPERVISORY 3,298.00 0.00 27,451.92 27,451.92 38,420 10,.968.08 28.5 4 ' 4102 FULL TIME 12,313.25 0.00 113,096.49 113,096.49 152,996 39,.899151 26.11 4 ',, J 4103 PART TIME -_ 29204.54 0.00 14,450.73 14,450.73 20,526 6,.075.27 29.6 A, 4109 HOLIDAY PAY 0.00 0.00 U.00 0.00 U 0100 0.0 4 ' 4110 SICK PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0U 0 01UU 0.0 % J • 4111 VACATION PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.100 4o...0 4 ' 4112 TERMINAL PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.;00 U.0 4 d 4113 INJURY PAY, 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.0 • ) '14114 MISC PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 - U.00 0.0 -$ 4'. -,C 4115 MERIT PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.10.0 0.0 A • 4120 RETIREMENT 673.86 0.00 6,414.66 6,414.66 7,739 1,324.134 17.1 4 ", J ,• 4121 FICA 1,193.65 0.00 12,034.71 12,034.71 14,881 29.846.29 19.1 4 4122 HEALTH INS 502.05 0.00 4,685.80 •- 4,685.80 5,690 1,004.120 17.6 4 _ " ' 4123 LIFE INS 79.90 0.00 767.72 767.72 877 109.128 12.5 Y, i 4124 WORKERS COMP 40.69 0.00 349.46 349.46 460 110.154 24..0 4 s 4125 UNEMP COMP 36.00 0.00 336.00 336.0) 448 112.00 25.0 $ 601 APPR UNIT TOIL 20,341.94 0.00 179,587.49 179,587.49 242,037 62,.449.51 25.8 J I ' 4200 OFFICE SUPP 442.41 76.74 2,282.16 2,358.90 2.500 141.10 5.6 -2 I''' J 4201 EDUCA SUPP 8.00 142.55 ' 263.18 405.73 500 _ 94..,22 18.9 % 4202 PHOTOG SUPP 31.55 0.00 31.55 31.55 141 109.45 77.6 4 ,.. ,,j 4203 POSTAGE 203.99 0.00 1,149.70 1,149.70 1,850 700.130 37.9 4 J I 4204 PRINTING 20.76 264.55 951.91 1,216.46 2,000 783.,54 39.2 - j't- I, 4219 OTHER OFF 362.54 431.98 804.16 1,236.14 ,500 263.;86 17.16 Y I,I .1 4220 MTR VEH SUPP 116.84 0.00 588.04 588.04 1,600 1.011.96 63.2 -4 J 4222 TOOLS EQ SUP0.00 0.00 16.18 16.18 25 •8.82 35.3 4 j 4242 JANITOR SUPP 11.20 0.00 40.00 40.00 40 U..00 0..0 4 ,”1 4251 801 SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.100 100.3 4 J 4281 FIRST AID 0.00 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 10 _ 1010U 100.0 7G -'I 4289 OT CREW SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 10 10.!00 100.0 A �' i�,i Ii 602 APPR UNIT TOTL 1,197.29 915.82 6,126.88 7,042.70 - _10,376 3,333.30 32.?1 h.: 4300 MTR VEH MTN 0.00 0.00 381.80 381.80 500 118.20 23.6 3 1 2 OFF FUR/EQ 398.00 200.00 406.00 606.00 7u0 94100 13.4 4304 FIRE AP MTN 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40 40.00 100.0 4 ,,� ' 1 4319 MACH/EQ MTN 50.45 0.00 107.40 107.4U 170 62.60 36.8 4J . , 4346 BOOKS MTN 711.22 0.00 1,150.75 1,150.75 1,650 499.25 30.3 4 i' J • • + J 1 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 411 FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS JULY, 1982 CITY FUNDS: Books $ 904,61 CONTINUATION SERVICE: 702.56 MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS: 2,087.42 RECORDS: 15.49 AUDIO-VISUAL: 32.62 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT: 33.92 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books .03 LSCA GRANT: Federal: - 0 - State: - 0 - • RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 3,255.89 COLLEGE STATION FUND: 16,984.77 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 1,106.96 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 191.98 TODERO ESTATE: 2,653.52 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $ 27,969.77 • 2 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS III JULY, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM: Books -City 4,096.62 -0- 4,096.62 -0- Records-City 379.51 -0- 377.16 2.35 Books-State 5,937.00 -0- 5,937.00 -0- BOOKMOBILE: Children-City 2,898.20 -0- 2,898.20 -0- Adult-City 700.00 -0- 700.00 -0- Children-State 2,000.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- REFERENCE 410.74 -0- 410.74 -0- GENEALOGY 1,000.00 55.20 985.29 14.71 LARGE PRINT 636.00 -0- 636.00 -0- ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. iSTATE MONEY: 2,284.00 -0- 2,284.00 -0- FEDERAL MONEY 5,653.00 -0- 5,653.00 -0- CITY MONEY 8,103.03 -0- 8,103.03 -0- CITY DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 3,692.65 94.84 2,966.75 725.90 TEXAS BOOKS 164.38 -0- 164.38 -0- STANDING ORDERS 6,550.00 -0- 6,550.00 -0- DISC. & CANC. 1,098.55 287.55 395.99 702.56 ADULT RECORDS 516.49 -0- 516.49 -0- DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 52.83 39.69 39.69 13.14 AUDIO-VISUAL 896.00 -0- :_893.67 2.33 DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 30.29 -0- 30.29 30.29 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 FINANCIAL REPORT FOR JUNE, 1982 COLLECTIONS FINES $ 435.94 LOST & PAID BOOKS 47.72 REFUNDS ON PAID BOOKS <2.86> LIBRARY FEES 78.00 TOTAL $ 558.80 RESTRICTED GIFTS BEGINNING BALANCE $31,619.44 REGULAR $ 4,030.55 COLLECTIONS 346.00 EXPENDITURES 603.01 ENCUMBRANCES 465.28 BALANCE $ 3,308.26 COLLEGE STATION $ 21,783.70 DEPOSITS - 0 - EXPENDITURES 2,434.32 ENCUMBRANCES 2,280.96 BALANCE $ 17,068.42 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY $ 524.76 DEPOSITS - 0 - EXPENDITURES 282.80 ENCUMBRANCES 135.00 BALANCE $ 106.96 411 HEDGCOCK ESTATE $ 2,241.95 EXPENDITURES ENCUMBRANCES 2,049.97 BALANCE $ 191.98 TODERO''ESTATE'_ ' $ 3,035.78 EXPENDITURES - 0 - ENCUMBRANCES 382.26 BALANCE $ 2,653.52 RESTRICTED GIFTS ENDING BALANCE $ 23,329.14 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1,139.20 DEPOSITS - 0 - EXPENDITURES 959.38 ENCUMBRANCES 153.00 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT ENDING BALANCE $ 26.82 F. LAW HENDERSON BEGINNING BALANCE $ 31.08 DEPOSITS 2.55 EXPENDITURES 33.60 ENCUMBRANCES - 0 - F. LAW HENDERSON ENDING BALANCE $ .03 CASH ON HAND $ 15.00 • PETTY CASH $ 35.00 4 I III BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS JULY, 1982 TOTAL REPORTING YEAR TO DISCOUNTS BEGINNING QUANTITY MONTH DATE & ENDING CATEGORY BALANCE PURCHASED EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE CANCELLATIONS BALANCE BOOKS 17 -0- 300.42 85.42 COPY PAPER-REGULAR 4 -0- 140.00 COPY PAPER-LEGAL 2 -0- 70.00 TONER 4 -0- 240.00 DISPERSANT 5 -0- 180.00 COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT 1 -0- 450.00 CHILDRENS PROGRAMS -0- 107.93 110'INVESTMENT -0- 818.90 CTLS WKSHP -0- 11.43 RECORDS 24 -0- 112.50 COPIER DRUM 1 -0- 72.00 CALCULATOR 1 -0- 169.00 20 yr.ENPLOYEE= HONORED -0- 20.80 DEPOSITS 1,400.00 BALANCE 3,714.52 -0- 2,692.98 85.42 1,106.96 • 5 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY III LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1981-82 FISCAL YEAR July, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 6,500.00 113.24 113.24 6,386.76 BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,500.00 -0- 1,089.70 1,410.30 - CHILDREN 3,000.00 122.82 2,338.04 661.96 GENEALOGY 831.00 -0- -0- 831.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, 12,200.00 127.64 7,111.60 5,088.40 Young Adult, Etc. Discounts & Cancellations 2,606.35 -0- -0- 2,606.35 0 BALANCE 27,637.35 363.70 10,652.58 16,984.77 Ili 6 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR July, 1982 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR • Days Open ; 26 25 Auditorium Usage 65 30 New Borrowers 389 428 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 27 Overdue Notices 375 426 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 514 552 Saturday Program 215 2-84 g Special_Programs, -Tours/Attendance 8/66 * REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 47 60 Questions 922 1,762 Reserves Notified 235 251 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 74 62 Large Type Print 214 316 BOOKMOBILE 410 Trips Made 44 48 Adult Books Non-fiction 103 148 Fiction 541 440 Juvenile Non-fiction 410 560 Fiction 4,697 4, 125 Redmond Terrace 772 1,124 Oak Hill-Johnson school area 675 235 Humpty Dumpty 1,330 395 Collier Nursery 210 205 K-Mart 804 163 French's Nursery I thru V 660 1,469 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 325316 Culpepper Plaza 201 85 Calvery Baptist Church Day School 0 * Crestview Apartments 25 Raintree 318 203 Memorial Forrest 14 * Steep Hollow 81 209 Carver 226 115 Kurten 23 71 Bonham Park 136 84 Brushy 116 48 LaBrisa 33 161 III Kiddie Castle 140 * Not a scheduled stop at this time ** Not active at this time AllAill • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR JULY 1982 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMiB ILE Non-fiction 4,949 2,473 513 4,722 1,991 708 Fiction 3,854 8,081 5,238 3,798 8,163 4,565 Pamphlets 12 2 0 5 0 0 Periodicals 588 42 4 555 9 0 Framed Prints 79 7 0 55 4 0 Picture File 0 2 0 0 4 0 Records 193 177 0 83 171 0 Slide Sets 0 0 0 0 5 0 Sculpture 13 0 0 3 0 0 Paperbacks 4,459 654 335 5,048 964 167 Bound Periodicals 200 0 0 205 0 0 Cassettes 43 0 0 TOTAL 14,390 11,443 6,090 14,574 11 ,q11 5,440 • GRAND TOTAL 31 .923 - 41 . 25 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 368 406 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 148 79 Memorial Books Catalogued 47 14 Other Gifts Catalogued 116 73 Total Additions 516 485 Books Transferred 20 31 Books Repaired in Library 142 60 Books Withdrawn 296 320 Books Rebound 0 0 Magazines Bound 0 0 Records catalogued 26 1 Records Withdrawn 60 0 V BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Ulet MONTH OF July 1982 CIRCULATION-Adult 14.390 • Juvenile 11 .443 Bookmobile 6.090 GRAND TOTAL 31 .923 SERVICES Days Open 26 Auditorium Usage 65 New Borrowers 389 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 Overdue Notices 375 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 514 Saturday Program 215 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 8/66 REFERENCE Interlibrary Loan 47 Questions 922 Reserves Notified 235 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 74 Large Type Print 214 BOOKMOBILE (Continued on back) Trips Made 44 Redmond Terrace 772 Oak Hill-Johnson School Area 675 Humpty Dumpty 1,330 Collier Nursery 210 K-Mart 804 French's Nurserys I thru VI 660 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 325 Culpepper Plaza 201 Calvery Baptist Church Day School 0 BOOK STOCK Books Catalogued - Adult 368- Books Catalogued - Juvenile 148 Memorial Books Catalogued 47 Other Gifts Catalogued 116 Total Additions 516 Books Transferred 20 Library Material Repaired By Staff 142 Books Withdrawn 296 Books Rebound 0 Magazines Bound 0 Records Catalogued 26 Records Withdrawn 60 ORDINANCE NO. • AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 17, OFFENSES, MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS, OF THE BRYAN CITY CODE OF 1975, BY ADDING A. SECTION MAKING IT AN OFFENSE TO FAIL TO RETURN LIBRARY MATERIALS TO THE BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY; PROVIDING A PENALTY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION; AND PROVIDING AN • EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY OF BRYAN, TEXAS: 1 . That Chapter 17, Offenses , Miscellaneous Provisions, of the Bryan City Code of 1975, be and is hereby amended by adding the following section:. Sec. 17-12.. Failure to return library materials. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally or knowingly fails to return library materials to the Bryan Public Library which 410 were loaned to the actor or borrowed in the actor's name. (b) The actor's intent and knowledge shall be presumed if: (1 ) Pursuant to agreement, the library materials were to be-returned on a date specified; (2) Actual notice is given or notice in writing is sent • by depositing in the United States mail stating that the library materials were not returned on the date specified, said notice when mailed to be sent to the address shown on the records of the library; and (3) The library material is not returned to the owner within twenty (20) days of receipt of such notice. (c) If notice is sent by mail in accordance with subsection (b)(2) of this section, it is presumed that the notice was received • 411 no later than five (5) days. after it was sent. (d) In prosecution under this section, it is no defense that the actor, though the actual borrower, no longer possesses the library materials. (e) In prosecution under this section, it is an affirmative defense that another borrowed the library material in the name of the actor without his effective consent. 110 41O 2. A person who violates any section of this ordinance is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction is punishable in accordance with Section 1-5 of the Bryan City Code of 1975. 3. The City Secretary is directed to publish this ordinance in some newspaper of general circulation in the City of Bryan once a week for two • consecutive weeks in compliance with the provisions of Section. 9 of the City Charter. . . - 4. This ordinance shall become effective from and after its 'passage ' and publication as required by law. 410 PRESENTED AND GIVEN first reading the day of , at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Bryan, Texas; and given second reading, passed and approved on the day of , , by a vote of ayes and nays at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Bryan, Texas. Richard Smith, Mayor ATTEST: 410 , City Secretary APPROVED AS TO FORM: _ , City Attorney 110 -2- VENDOR'S COPY BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHOW THIS NUMBER ON ALL. INVOICES, PACKING LISTS, A Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS ETC. PURCHASE 1320 ,SYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Do not exceed dollar amount $175.00 ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Date July 1, 1982 TO: - Customer N" L 43736-8 The Baker & TaylorCompanies Contract No P. 0. Box 458 " Commerce, Georgia 30599 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct. LSCA Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved Cr' on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fn n,tA NO,of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE PRICE 1 Act.Chil. T.V Addison-Wes. TV & teens: experts look at the iss es 13.95 1 Althouse. L. Norton You can save your breast: one woman's experience with radiation therapy 12.95 1 Bradshaw, G. S&S Kingdom of summer 12.95 1 . Chapman. E. Grosset Clean your house & everything in it. 6.95 '1 Dean, M. C. Acropolis The stress foodbook 6.95 1 Druse, Ken. Perigee Free things for gardeners 4.95 '-'" 1 Dudley, R. Scribners How to find relief from migraine 12.95 1 Gaddis, J. Oxford U. Strategies of containment: a critical 1 appraisal of postwar Am. Nat. Security 25.00 1• Goldstein, J. Scribner 1 In business for yourself 12.95 1 Howard, R. St.Martin 1 In search of my father 11.95 1 Hunter, B. Houghton I The sugar trap & how to avoid it 10.95 1 Joseph, J.D. Contemporariy Legal agreements in plain English 9.95 1 Krammer, J.J. Bobbs-Merrill The mobile home guide: your affordhble manufactured house 10.95 1 Krantz; S. Macmillan 1 Skycastle 13.95 1 Lagone, J. Addison-Wes. Chiropractors: a consumers' guide 7.95 1. McDowell, J. Campus Crusade Evidence that demands a verdict 10.95 1 Middleton, A. Little, Br. Epilepsy 14.95 1 Osborn, Susan Perigee Free things for teachers 4.95 1 Robinson, H. S. Scribner You asked about rheumatoid arthritis 9.95 1 Salk, Lee Putnam My father, my son, an intimate relatior.- . ship 13.95 1 Stamberg, S. Pantheon Every night at five 9.95 1 Sweeney, J.B. Crown A pictorial guide to the military museums, torts, and historic sites of the U. S. 19.95 1 Weiss, Jeffrey Perigee tree things tor campers: and others who love the outdoors 4.95 1 NO BOOK PURCHASES ARE VALID UNLESS COVERED BY THIS FORM AND SIGNED BY THE LIBRARIAN. ,,i By l(�.9 `a h f . 6 • W\cruwt_e -- - VENDOR'S COPY BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHOW THIS NUMBER ON ALL ,INVOICES,•PACKING LISTS, WI Telephone 713/823-8021 CARTONS,ETC. 1 PURCHASES 1321 *RYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY Do not exceed dollar amount $366.90 ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Date July 1. 1982 - Taylor Companies Customer Ni' L 43736-8 TO: The Baker & Ta Y p Contract N P. 0. Bo; 458 Commerce, Georgia 30599 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY , Fund or Acct. LSCA Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved rr on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fri nat. NO.of COPIES AUTHOR I PUBLISHER TITLE PRICE 1 Al exan<<er, L. Dutton The Kestrel 11.17 1 Allen. C. L. Revell Victory in the valleys of life 7.95 1 Bennett. H. Z. Sierra Bk. Complete bicycle commuter: the Sierra Club guide to wheeling to work 8.95 1 Berezin, N. S&S After a loss in pregnancy: help for families affected by a miscarriage 6.95 1 Bragonier, R. Hammond Incl. What's what: a visual glossary to 1 the physical world 30.00 1 Branfield, J. , Atheneum 1The fox in winter 9.95 1 Canter, R. Dutton I Diabetes and exercise � 1 Carr, TerryPncker Rk s-_, R'sr Science firtinn stories of the yr_ 3 95 1 Carvil l - J. Butterworth Famous names in engineering 91.95 1_ Chilton Chi lre'n'c a11tU nai r ri nu 1 l964-1974 18 00 1 fagrlPmanr H. McGraw N. Watching TV-four decades of American television 22.95 1 Cohen, W.A- Wiley Building a mail order btsine s 17.95 2 Corley. G.F. Arco Riding and schooling the western performance horse 39.90 1 IDepar. H. McGraw-Hill The discoverers : an encyclopedia of explorers and explorations 29.95 I 1 ( Goldstein. Marc Houghton M. The vasectomy book, a complete guide 10.95 1 ( Grimm. Tom . Nal/Plume Good guide for bad photographers 7.95 1• Harrop. D. Facts on fiL.e World paychecks: who makes what. when and why 12.95 1 Holmes. John Arco Looking after your dog: training & care 10.95 I 1 ( Hoover, H.M. Viking Another heaven, another earth 10.95 I 1 ' Johnston, Norma Atheneum The days of the dragon's seed 10.95 I 1 IKelley, L. P. Doubleday Luke Sutton: gunfighter 10.95 1 IKonigsburg, E. Li. Atheneum Journey to an 800 number 9.95 1 ( Kramer, J. Abrams 1,000 beautiful house plants 24.95 1 ' Lamb, G. Hippocreme Magic, witchcraft and the occult 10.95 1 ' Lee, R. Little, Br. Ireland: a history 19.95 1 ' Lester, J. Dial This strange new feeling 10.95 - 1 ' MacLeod, S. Schocken The art of starvation 12.95 1 IMalory, T. Irvington Moste D'Arthur 8.95 1 Mazer, Harry Crowell I love you, stupid! 9.95 1 Nadler, Bob Basic illustrated color darkroom. Book: vols. 1 & 11: 1 bound volume 22.95 1 Noorberger, Renu Pinnacle Nostradamus predicts the end of the world 2.95 1 Regenstein, L. Acropolis America the poisoned 16.95 1 Rogers, Bill 1 S&S Marathoning 11.95 1 Rosengweig, Sandra Har-Row Sports fittness for women 14.95 1 Sonnenburg, D. Michael Kelend Understanding pacemakers 21.95 1 Thomas, D. M. Academic Pr. Effective reference librarian 1/.5U 1 Upfield, Arthur Scribners Death of a swagman 2.95 1 1 Urdang, L. 1 Wilson Twentieth century American nicknames 18.UU -- -- 1 --Wallace, Carol-Dell- - - - Fabulous nails- ---- -- ----b.9D - - - 1 S&S Way things work: book of the body 14,9.5 IIA !I I NO BOOK PURCHASES ARE VALID UNLESS COVERED BY THIS FORM AND SIGNED BY THE LIBRARIAN. LIM By a I • ' Y V�/ "lJ� - • MEMORIALS AND GIFTS CATALOGUED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY, 1982 The best of Smithsonian: an anthology of the 1st decade of Smithsonian Mag. Images of the Mexican American Complete step-by-step cookbook: by Better Homes and Gardens The widows of Broome: by Arthur Upfield Bushranger of the skies: by Arthur Upfield The Genealogical Reader: by Noel C. Stevenson Nebraska Pioneer: by Melda H. Shippey Acadian Church Records 1679-1757 : by Sinston DeVille Ohio Valley History: by Daniel L. Bolin Petunia, I love you; by Roger Duvoisin The story of Babar: by Jean de Brunhoff Just like Daddy; by Frank Asch (2c) Summer of the monkeys; by Wilson Rawls Snoopy's fact and fun book about planes; by Charles M. Schulz Snoopy's facts and fun book about farms; by Charles M. Schulz • Snoopy's fact and fun book about seasons; by Charles M. Schulz Where the red fern grows; by Wilson Rawls Veronica; by Roger Duvoisin The story of Ping; by Marjorie Flack Miffy's dream: by Dick Bruna Petunia; by Roger Duvoisin (2 copies) Who's a pest; by Crosby Bonsall Cowboy Andy; by Edna W. Chandler (2 copies) Early bird; by Richard Scarry Tommy's pets; by Edward & Marguerite Dolch Carrot seed; by Ruth Krauss Sesame Street bedtime storybook Sesame Street ABC storybook Three Billy Goats Gruff; by Paul Galdone I'll show you cats; by Ylla Fredrick; by Leo Lionni Madeline; by Ludwig Bemelmans (2 copies) Goodnight moon; by Margaret Brown Two little bears: by Ylla Lonely doll; by Dane Wright (2 copies) Richard Scarry's busiest people ever; by Richard Scarry (2 copies) MEMORIALS AND GIFTS CATALOGUED DURING THE MONTH OF JULY, 1982 page 2 Rolling Harvey down the hill; by Jack Pelutsky Good morning, chick; by Mirra Ginsburg Monkey friends; by Edward Dolch Stuart Little; by E. B. White Monster tracks; by A. Delaney Petunia beware; by Roger Duvoisin Bedtime for France; by Russell Hoban Thomas Jewett Goree Letters • • MEMORIALS AND GIFTS TO THE LIBRARY FOR THE MONTH OF JULY, 1982 Given in Memory of Joyce Kirkland Baen $5.00 from Marjorie C. Hillier Given in Memory of J. Marshall Bullock $40.00 from the Lions Club of Bryan Given in Memory of Lionel Todd and Mamie Todd Burns $10.00 from Marjorie Goebel Given in Memory of Thurston D. Cargill $20.00 from Elaine C. Gregg $15.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. Given in Memory of Zella Court $20.00 from H. K. and Linda Odom Given in Memory of Mrs. Gladys Blanton Edge $5.00 from Judge and Mrs. W. T. McDonald, Sr. $10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Jim Nichols Given in Memory of Mrs. Nonie Mason Field $15.00 from Mrs. Emily Adams Lyne and family Given in Memory of Mr. J. K. Francklow Before Barbed Wire; by Mark H. Brown: from Mrs. Lyndal Higgs $5.00 from Nonie and W. T. McDonald Given in Memory of Mrs. Ruth J. Gordon $25.00 from Stuart and Minnie Cole Given in Memory of Lovey Jewell Hammond $15.00 from B. H. Dewey, Jr. Given in Memory of Edna Harris $5.00 from Marjorie Hillier Given in Memory of Mrs. Adelaide Lewis The Best Plays of 1980-81: the Burns Mantle Theater; from Marjorie Blank, Freda The Best Short Plays 1981 Kozik, Trudy Folweiler, Ruth Calhoun, Mary The secret of abundant living; by Charles Allen Frances German, and Given in Memory of Mr. A. L. (Andy) Ogg Leonore Russell $25.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John H. Foy $5.00 from Judge and Mrs. W. T. McDonald, Jr. 411 Given in Memory of Mr. A. L. Schiller $5.00 from Judge and Mrs. W. T. McDonald, Jr. Given in Memory of Mrs. Anne Wallis $5.00 from Nonie and W. T. McDonald *$20.00 subscription gift from the League of Women Voters of Brazos County