HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/12/1982 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board AGENDA BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1982 -- 5 p.m. I. Regular Business A. Minutes of the March meeting B. Statistics C. Standing Committees II. Old Business A. Texas Library Association annual convention III. New Business A. CTLS membership meeting B. Sunset Commission x��^ ��� ��� _ - ���� ���� ���� -�' �~- ~�� ~ ' > 4 _' -_ _ - _ ' ____'_--_-____�-____- -- �� _-_-_- _-_-__--'--- _--_ ' � . "a / m -- --------- - ' - _---� .� |1 �� '( / i {' m ww ' !/ [--ua/2:ruz c/ OF BRYAN PAGF s^ REPORT 10; A103p DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATIONS VS. BUDGET « 4 .'! FOR bUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1*82 1 / _ _ _ - AS OF 02/28/82 L 4 \ FUND: 100 GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CuuJxAL u RECREATIONAL ;., 4 | | --- ��- -- -- ' -_--_'_-_-_- --- - '--_----_-.-___-'_-- _--_ nn»xnzz r/ow; 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: '� ~ * ! °m / ---- ---- 1 -_-_1 . - CURRENT PERIOD FISCAL � YEAR-TC-ou|c ' ^mi | uuJco | | | CURRENT UNOBLIGATED | | ^ i ' - | orAL I cursIxxo/uo '-- - TOTAL _L3uoocrEu- _-eOOssT-_-_--_ ' _'-___ - __---,1 coos-OsscKar/nm | OBLIGATIONS ) sNcu*axANcs expcxnouxEs cuLIaATIuxS | AMOUNT 3ALANCE pc"LENr , 4 « ---- ------'-----/ I I ---- ----- ------- i� - -- - ----' ------' - - --- - - -- -------� 4160 SUPERVISORY 3.230.00 o.00 e.395.94 14,395.92 44,424 30,028.08 o7.6 % * ' 4102 FULL TIME 5,943.60 0.00 56.960'92 56,960,*2 153,596 96,635.08 62.9 % 4 4103 PART TIME 602.60 0.00 7,829.61 .3,829.61_ 32,370 240:340.39 (o,s /x -'_--_-_- - 4109 HOLIDAY PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.uu 0 u.uo o.a % -- - - - _- - w 4110 SICK PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 o 0.00 0.0 % ;-- 4111 « |` 4111 v«curIoN PAY 0.00 0.00 o.uu u.ou o _ .uu o.o � ' � +/12 TERMINAL PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 u.on U u.uu 0.0 % .' 40 +113 INJURY PAY 0.00 u.oc 0.00 o.uu U o.uo 0.0 .T., « ' _ 4114 MISC PAY 0.00 'o.oc 0.00 __o,uo 3 0.33 _ _--��.o� % '--_--___ _-- ' 4/15 MERIT PAY 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 o.uu o.0 x 4 mzu RETIREMENT 533.7u 0.0G 2,763.61 2, /63.61 5,u28 6.264,39 69.+ % ( *121 FICA /,089.31 0.00 5.284.16 5,282,16 15,058 9,775.84 64.9 % _ --- . 4122 HEALTH IN, 435.11 0,00 2,242.49 2.242,*9 5,623 3,380.51 ^J.1 x � 4 ^123 LIFE INS ru,n 0.00 3/6'38 3/6.38 asz -.55.02 54.8 % 4124 ALRKERS COMP 37.14 _ u.on 1/5,70 175.70 351. _-175./o +9.p z -_- +/zn UNEMP CCMP 40.00 0.00 192.00 1*2.00 432 240'0o 55,6 Z u re ' 601 x,px UNIT TOIL 1/,902,68 0.0, 96.218.79 90,218.79 261,614 1/4,595.21 65,5 - ______ - wW 4200 OFFICE SUPP 8/.81 0.00 212.40 212,40 2,500 2,287.60 91.5 % . . d � � +201 Eoocx SUPP 0.00 0.00 _ - 161.88 -_-161.88 /, __- 500 338,12_ 47.6 _ -__----___� , - 4202 pxorcu SUPP 0.03 0.00 G.00 0.00 141 1+1.00 loo,u % . 4 4/03 posTxc 33.58 u.cc 503.17 503.17 1,850 1.346.83 72.8 Z ` 4 4204 PRINTING 6.38 0,00 30.97 30 97 - - 2 00 1,969.33 - 98.5 % - � 4219 OTHER OFF 21.2s 176.5S a»,u9 _ 4s1.uz 1"500 1,008.36 u7.2 : � 441 4220 HER VEH SUPP 7/.82 0.00 248.63 248.63 1,600 1.351.37 c54.5 I ' 4222 TOOLS cu SUP 3'80 o.cc -16,/6 ___16.18 ___-- a» ____--_-- u.u2_-3».x -% - - - - '-____-' ^ 4242 JANITOR SUPP 6./2 0.00 8,75 8.75 ,J 31 .25 70.1 % � *� 4251 BOT SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 o.00 zou 200.00 100.0 % . i / 4281 FIRST AID n.00 0.00 0.00 0.03 10 10.00 100.0 Z _- ----- 4zoo o/ CREW SUPP 0.00 0.00 0.00 u.uu u 10.00 luu.0 % 0 ; 4) 602 APPR UNIT /un �oa.uu 176.53 �"+p7.m �"�rs.vu 1u"�l�--___- _0,Iox.^o_--x»^» __- ' ' - - -- - | 4N � �aoo wm VEH MTN 186.09 0.00 353.07 353.07 nsn 1+6.93 29.4 x ' ; +»oa OFF FUR/Ed o.00 o.on 109.00 _ 109.00 /00 591.00 u+.4 _% -'- - -_--__---- 4304 FIRE AP MIN 0.00 0.00 0.00 u.uJ +u 40.00 100.0 % � O ���v x�c*/co x/m o.ou 0.0i, 3o.;a 35.00 17U 135.00 /*.. % 5 ----- _---------- - - - • • • l ie 1 - - t ------------- - --- - ---- - - - 9 14 03/25/82 CITY OF BRYAN .-- -. - -----.-------_-.._- ._.-_-_---------- _.-- .- .- PAGE-------55---- 'i REPORT I0: A103P DETAIL LISTING OF OBLIGATIONS VS. BUDGET Cil FOR BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 1982 14 I ' - - - - - - AS OF 02/28/82- - --- l ?y • FUND: 10U GENERAL FUND AGENCY: 600 CULTURAL E RECREATIONAL i1 ORGANIZATILN: 6020 LIBRARY ACTIVITY: I CURRENT PERIOD, FISCAL YEAP-TC-3AIE ✓ OBJECT 1 1 1 CURREivr UNi7BL10ATEJ ' c _ 1 ICTAL 1 CUFSTANDING 1LTAL .____-1. B000EIEO .________ BUDGEL__ I ' CO0E-DESCRIPTION 1 UBLIGATICNS 1 ENLU`!BRANCES EXPENDITURES OBLIGATIONS 1 AMUUNT BALANCE PERLEN1 • 603 APPR UwiT TOIL 202.2v 0.00 578.99 578.99 3,060 2,481.01 01.1 ' i V 41 4400 ELECTh1C _SCR_. 4,t91.3v O.Ct. 14,81.4.74,. _ .__14,804. 14.___ -4G,00u 2.J.1195.26 63.i0 . Z -_-- - ----- ___-- ----_--._j i 4402 nATER SLR 33.20 0.00 111.83 111.63 400 288.17 12.0 % id 9 4403 Hn SERVICE 20.27 0.00 67.01 67.01 300 232.99 77.7 z ',Hifi _ 4404 GARBAGE _ _ 8.50 0.00 __. - 34.00 _ _. _ 34.00_.__-_____102.__-_____. 68.00 ___66.7 % i 4405 COMM SERVICE 173.16 0.GC 874.44 874.44 2,200 1,325.56 60.3 % HI V ; 4422 EQUIP RENTAL 0.00 0.00 679.19 679.19 680 0.81 J.1 % L _- 4441 __TRAVEL _ _---- 0.00__-- _ ____ 0.00._..__- 40.40_ 40.40 . --1,s00_ 1,45.9.60__--97.3__-I ' ' 4442 0 TRAINING 0.00 0.00 50.00 50.00 700 650.00 92.5 I ; V : r 4445 1 TRAINING 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 200 200.00 100.3 % ' 4 ' -4450 LIABILITY 1N _ - _ 0.00 ._ _ u.00 - _ 641.59 _ _ ____ 641.55_-----___642____._____._._ __0.41 __-__0.1 _ T _.__. _. __ ____ _ 1,1 4451 FIRE INS 0.00 0.00 2,820.20 2,820.00 2,820 J.uJ 0.0 % , 1 V 4455 INS AND 1NSP 0.00 0.00 501.20 501.20 735 233.6) 31.8 % ht 1 __ 4458_ASSOC OUES__-_ _ __ _ 0.00 0.00 431.27 -_____ 431.27_______ -__476 __44.73 -_.9.4___.L__._-___ ___._______I ' 4460 CAR-CLOTHES C8.d0 0.00 28.80 28.6J 20J 171.20 65.6 % • 4453 SPECIAL STOY 295.40 0.00 873.20 873.20 3,000 2,120.8J 70.9 % iii I 4474 PR SERVICES 0.00 0.00 _ 0.00 ___ _ 0.00 __.__ ____.__ 50.___-___ ---_ 5U.0U 100.0 % _ - - . 4477 MISC CHARGES 7.511 0.00 42.78 42.78 175 132.22 15.6 % V i ® ' `__604__APPR_UN17_TOTL_._- _5,058.17 - _ _-.__ 0.00_ _ _22,000.45 .22,00.0..45 5.4., 180 3.2.,1.79.55_-_'39.._4_-____-_-________ - 41 ; , i 4524 LIBRARY IMPR 4,532.71 12r3bJ.10 9, 78;.82 22,169.92 33,292 11,122.C3 33.4 % 14 . 4544 OFF MACH/E9 0.00 1,232.88 _ _ 0.00 _ 1,232.88 _. _ __1,650 _ ________ •17.12 .25.3 % _ 11605 APPR UNIT TOIL 4,532.71 13,612.98 5,789.82 23,402.80 34,942 11, .'39.20 33.0 I .; 4 ACTIVTY TOTAL 21,959.68 13,789.51 124,085.12 137,874.63 364,372 226, f97.37 62.2 j,I .1 6020 DRG TOTAL 21,959.68 13,789.51 124,085.12 137,874.63 . 364,372 _ ___ 226,497.3' 62.2 ! j ' _ e 1 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • FINANCIAL REPORT ON COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS MARCH, 1982 CITY FUNDS Books: $ 3,847.36 CONTINUATION SERVICE: 858.45 MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS: 6,284.51 RECORDS: 7.39 AUDIO-VISUAL: 896.00 F. LAW HENDERSON: Texas Books 104.68 LSCA GRANT: Federal: 394.89 State: -0- RESTRICTED GIFTS: REGULAR FUND: 2,953.42 41, COLLEGE STATION FUND: 20,895.27 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS: 101.31 HEDGCOCK ESTATE: 2,241.95 TODERO ESTATE: 3,035.78 TOTAL MONIES AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES $ 41,621.01 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 2 LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS • MARCH, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM: Books -City 4,100.00 1,303.02 4,096.62 3.38 Records-City 379.51 273.35 372.12 7.39 Books-State 5,937.00 -0- 5,937.00 -0- BOOKMOBILE: Children-City 2,900.00 .12 1,028.92 1,871.08 Adult-City 700.00 154.55 700.00 -0- Children-State 2,000.00 -0- 2,000.00 -0- REFERENCE 400.00 -0- -0- 400.00 GENEALOGY 1,000.00 136.45 598.45 401.55 LARGE PRINT 800.00 -0- 480.00 320.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Young Adult, Etc. • STATE MONEY: 2,284.00 -0- 2,284.00 -0- FEDERAL MONEY 5,653.00 809.37 5,258.11 394.89 CITY MONEY 8,103.03 -0- 8,103.03 -0- CITY DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 2,460.26 109.52 1,608.91 851.35 TEXAS BOOKS 164.38 -0- 59.70 104.68 STANDING ORDERS 6,550.00 64.16 5,738.54. 811.46 DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS 46.99 -0- -0- 46.99 ADULT RECORDS 516.49 360.67 516.49 _ -0- DISCOUNTS & CANCELLATIONS AUDIO-VISUAL 896.00 -0- -0- 896.00 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR FEBRUARY., 1982 3 CASH ON HAND $ 15.00 • COLLECTIONS FINES $ 288.90 LOST & PAID BOOKS 62.02 REFUNDS ON PAID BOOKS -0- LIBRARY FEES 6h.nn TOTAL $ 416.92 RESTRICTED GIFTS BEGINNING BALANCE $ 35,772.in REGULAR $ 3,627.38 COLLECTIONS 234.07 EXPENDITURES 420.36 ENCUMBRANCES cR7 nR BALANCE $ 2,759.01 COLLEGE STATION $ 25,880.12 DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 106.66 ENCUMBRANCES 4.814.54 BALANCE $ 20,958.92 FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY $ 986.87 • DEPOSITS -0- EXPENDITURES 90.71 ENCUMBRANCES 135.00 BALANCE $ 761.16 HEDGCOCK ESTATE $ 2,241.95 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- BALANCE $ 2,241.95 TODERO ESTATE $ 3,035.78 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -n- BALANCE . $ 3,035.78 RESTRICTED GIFTS ENDING BALANCE $ 29.756.82 ROUNTREE ACCOUNT BEGINNING BALANCE $ 875.14 DEPOSITS 264.06 EXPENDITURES -0- ENCUMBRANCES -0- ROUNTREE ACCOUNT ENDING BALANCE $ 1,139.20 PETTY CASH $ 35.00 I 4 • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY FUNDS MARCH, 1982 TOTAL REPORTING YEAR TO DISCOUNTS BEGINNING QUANTITY MONTH DATE & ENDING CATEGORY BALANCE PURCHASED EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE CANCELLATIONS BALANCE BOOKS 17 271.25 296.95 7.31 COPY PAPER-REGULAR 2 70.00 70.00 COPY PAPER-LEGAL 2 -0- 70.00 TONER 2 60.00 120.00 DISPERSANT 3 72.00 108.00 COPIER SERVICE CONTRACT 1 -0- 450.00 CHILDREN'S PROGRAMS 2.10 90.74 • INVESTMENT -0- 818.90 CTLS WORKSHOP -0- 11.43 RECORDS 24 112.50 112.50 DRUM/COPIER 1 72.00 72.00 TOTAL 2,314.52 659.85 2,220.52 7.31 101.31 • 1 5 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY 411 LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1980-81 FISCAL YEAR MARCH, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 4,499.03 -0- 4,499.03 -0- BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,200.11 -0- 2,200.11 -0- - CHILDREN 3,100.00 -0- 3,100.00 -0- GENEALOGY 700.00 -0- 669.00 31.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, 9,500.00 -0- 9,500.00 -0- Young Adult, Etc. Discounts & Cancellations 5,600.57 -0- 5,600.57 -0- 411 BALANCE 25,599.71 -0- 25,568.71 31.00 410 6 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY • LIBRARIANS INDIVIDUAL BOOK ORDER BUDGETS COLLEGE STATION FUNDS 1981-82 FISCAL YEAR MARCH, 1982 REPORTING YEAR TO BEGINNING MONTH DATE ENDING DEPARTMENT BALANCE EXPENDITURE EXPENDITURE BALANCE ROUNTREE ROOM 6,500.00 -0- -0- 6,500.00 BOOKMOBILE - ADULT 2,500.00 160.75 456.25 2,043.75 - CHILDREN 3,000.00 -0- -0- 3,000.00 GENEALOGY 800.00 -0- -0- 800.00 ADULT: Fiction, Non-Fiction, 12,200.00 1,115.99 4,708.63 7,491.37 Young Adult, Etc. Discounts & Cancellations 1,029.15 -0- -0- 1,029.15 • BALANCE 26,029.15 1,276.74 5,164.88 20,864.27 7 BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH, 1982 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR • Days Open 27 26 Auditorium Usage 68 66 New Borrowers 443 411 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 16 Overdue Notices 529 353 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 423 548 Saturday Program 213 134 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 31/544 26/602 14�8' Ki REFERENCE 7/4'0 , Interlibrary Loan 50 54 Questions 963 1,203 203 Reserves Notified 194 158 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND Regular Print 20 112 Large Type Print 315 449 BOOKMOBILE • Trips Made 28 36 Adult Books Non-fiction 100 235 Fiction 397 491 Juvenile Non-fiction 366 1,983 Fiction 3,888 12,188 ** Redmond Terrace 656 705 Oak Hill-Johnson school area 293 * Humpty Dumpty 470 295 Collier Nursery 340 300 K-Mart 589 161 French's Nursery I thru V 1,910 932 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 425 340 Culpepper Plaza 302, * Calvery Baptist Church Day School 0 * * Not a scheduled stop at this time. ** Reflects school stops no longer scheduled. • • a • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR MARCH, 1982 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE ADULT JUVENILE BOOKMOBILE Non-fiction 6,254 1,698 466 5,976 1,911 2,218 Fiction 3,791 5,692 4,285 3,708 6,555 12,679 Pamphlets 14 8 0 70 1 0 Periodicals 726 25 0 576 8 0 Framed Prints 48 4 0 66 18 0 Picture File 0 4 0 0 7 0 Records 225 145 0 249 178 0 Slide Sets 0 6 0 0 12 0 Sculpture 3 0 0 3 0 0 Paperbacks 3,867 531 190 4,411 331 107 Bound Periodicals 440 0 0 468 0 0 TOTAL 15,368 8,113 4,941 15,527 9,021 15,004* GRAND TOTAL 28,422 39,552 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books Catalogued - Adult 370 540 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 465 114 Memorial Books Catalogued 2 6 Other Gifts Catalogued 57 122 Total Additions 835 654 Books Transferred 63 34 Books Repaired in Library 29 11 Books Withdrawn 110 57 Books Rebound 0 0 Magazines Bound 0 0 Records Catalogued 0 0 Records Withdrawn 5 0 * Reflects school stops no longer scheduled. , BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTH OF MARCH,_ 1982 411 CIRCULATION-Adult Juvenile 8,113 Bookmobile 4.941 GRAND TOTAL 28.422 • SERVICES Days Open 27 Auditorium Usage 68 New Borrowers 443 Book Reviews, Radio & TV Talks, Newspaper 29 •8 Overdue Notices 529 ROUNTREE ROOM Story Hour Attendance 423 Saturday Program 213 Class Visits & Tours/Attendance 31/544 Books Checked Out By Teachers 148 Books Circulated In Classroom 740 REFERENCE' Interlibrary Loan sn Questions Reserves Notified 194 ELDERLY & HOMEBOUND 111 Regular Print 20 Large Type Print 315 BOOKMOBILE Trips Made 28 Redmond Terrace 656 Oak Hill-Johnson school area 293 Humpty Dumpty 470 Collier Nursery 340 K-Mart 589 French's Nurserys I thru V 1.910 A&M Methodist Church Day Care 425 Culpepper Plaza 302 Calvery Baptist Church Day School 0 BOOK STOCK Books Catalogued - Adult 370 Books Catalogued - Juvenile 465 Memorial Books Catalogued 2 Other Gifts Catalogued 57 Total Additions 835 Books Transferred 63 Books Repaired in Library 29 Books Withdrawn 110 Books Rebound Magazines Bound 0 0 Records Catalogued 0 Records Withdrawn 5 The Bryan Printing Co. - Bryan, Texas 77801 • 7Q VENDOR'S COPY . • J •7 '; / BOOK PURCHASE ORDER SHOV�yirH15�N MS I p ,ti, ' 41 x 'IINsvo gggi"PAG 1 AG 1' E fis " • 41 Telephone 713/823-8021 CA?fio '„r* l ` ' I PURCHASE IU ,Ji , BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY” ORDER NO." 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Date_ March 2, 1982 Customer No. T. 439S5-11 TO: The.Baker & Taylor. Companies Contract No P. 0. Box' 458 Mount Olive Road - FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Commerce, Georgia 30599 Fund or Acct.RPGt. (;i f tG—FRT. �_. Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved Cc 100-242.3 on the face and reverse side hereof: , ' Approved Fri nate___ ___. NO.of ','' AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE , I PRICE l COPIES] 1 _ McGraw I Encyclopedia of economics _ , 49.95 I' 1 Gumpert, David Doubleday Insiders guide to small business resouces 19.95 - 1 ' Harrison, Allen F.Doubleday Styles of thinking: strategies for I , asking questions, making decisions,e*c.13.95 ' .SET 2ya k. �1Glliililer' P8 .:�---aa. r cSK. :. gassr�4w `',?�4 ` " . ' —11/1 1 Jenkins, Emyl , , Rawson,Wade Why you're richer than you think,. . 12.95- 1 Kandel, Myron Bobbs - How to cash 'in on the stock market- boom 12.:95. ' - 1L Nauheim, Fred •, VanNostrand Letter perfect: how to write business letters •that work 18.95 'a :Amin Ws'-r Rr AW ' .i't - . Wi2er" , 1 Raphaelson, E. John,Wiley Planning your financial future 19.95 1 , Rubinstein, D.H. IFree Pr.- Invest for retirement: a ,guide to - , „ I, '' financial independence through commo stocks , 12.95 1• ... Sampson, A. . ' , Viking I The money lenders, . 1• 6.95 ' 1 Smith, Randy ' McGraw Hilly Setting up shop: the do's & don`ts , • •- . - , of starting a small business . , 19.95 1 Strassels, Paul Control Dat4. Money,in your pocket 9.95 ,t - 1- Taylor, Harold Scribners Making time work tor' you: a guidebook .. to effective & productive time mgm. 1..1.95 . 1 Vardaman, G. T. AMAGUM Making successful presentations II 18.93 , 1 Williams, G. . , S&S Financial survival in the age or new mfiney 14. 5 - 1. Williams, Larry Regnery How to prosper in the coming good yrs. 14.9P iii , , . , . . . . . , . . ,. . . , . . . . , , . , , , , , , . . , . ,. . , . .. . . . ;. .., . ,,. . I , ., , , , • , . . ,.. • ..,.,,,,.;. . .,..,:, , , . L,,, ., . . . , ... . , , , , , ,. , Ali" ,'.1 '_' ii: VENDOR'S COPY /.: .-.I BOOK PURCHASE ORDER 'SHOW-'4115.140.61:."ri:o' • INVOICES P CKco;r ., Ci, CARTONS,ETC, � I %r Telephone 713/823 8021 4' (1 !-• 0 y 'A.: 4.-x. � :r I PURCHASE 12 C) 6 . RYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY , ORDER NO. 201 E.26th ST. BRYAN,TEXAS 77801 Da' ' March 1, 1982 TO: - , Customer No 43138000 __ Contract No __-r. Bound to Stay Bound Books, ; Inc. , West Morton Road ; Jacksonville, Illinois 62650 FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY Fund or Acct 100=600-6020-0702-5424 Please furnish the following publications in accordance with terms and conditions Date Approved _ on the face and reverse side hereof: Approved Fr, '-)ate__ NO.of COPIES AUTHOR PUBLISHER TITLE , PRICE 746940 ' ? Ahl berg, W&A . ieenciillos4 Funny bQnes 17.90 1 014 2 Alexander. L. Dutton Westmark 19.90 152270 2 Allard. H. Houghton Stupids die 15.90 . . , Bereer. Terry Messner. How does it feel when your parents get - - divorced? ., 6.97 128728 1 Bluestone, W. Lothrop So you want to be a doctor? 12.95 72129 1 Burch. R. Viking Ida Early comes over the mountain 8.95 - 79865 2 Byars. Betsy ' Viking Cybil War 17.90 83885 2 Callen. 'L. • • Little Sorrow's song , 15.90 '16825 2 Clark. M. :1. Dodd Barney and the UFO - 13.90 P.21103 1'- Cleary. B. ' - Morrow ' Ramona Quimby, 'Age 8- , , , 7.95 9.29550 1 Cole, J. Morrow Horse's body - ,7.95 235 2 Conford._ Ellen Little Revenge of Incredible Dr. Rancid and his assistant Jeffrey 15.90 286005 2 Donnelly, E. Crown So long, grandpa 15.90 314322 1 Erickson, RusselLLothrop - Warton and the traders 7.25 '3596251 2 Fritz, 'J. Putnam Traitor (Benedict 'Arnold) ' •, -• '19.90 799791 2 Gilson, J. Lothrop Dial Leroi Rupert, DJ , , 15.9U 4176251 2 Hancock, Sibyl Putnam Old Blue • 15.66 434479 2 Heide, F.P. Holiday Treehorns's treasure . , -15.90 , 505800 2 Kalan, R. Greenwillow Jump, frog, jump 15.90 527430 1 Knudson, R.R. Farrar Rinehart lifts8.95 ' 532818 2 Krementz, J. Knopf How it feels when a parent dies - , 19.90 532828 2 Krementz, Jill Knopf Very young circus flyer , , .. 21.9u -" 542435 1 Langton, Jane Harper Fledgling y..30 54818 1 Lauber, P. Crown Seeds: Pop-stick-glide y.95 - •---- 565542 2 LeShan, Eda Four Winds What's going to happen to mel •• - 13.9u 575394 1 Lindgren, B. Greenwillow Wild baby - 7.93 581810 1 Lobel, A. Harper Uncle elephant 7.23 602893 2 Marcuse, K. ' Abingdon Devil's workshop 13.00 607832 3 Martin, Les Random Raiders ot the Lost Ark i6.85 641355 2 Michel, A. Knopf The story ot Nim 13.90 ' 6506041 2 Modell, F. Greenwillow one zillion valentines , 17.70 6686731 1 Naylor, P. R. Abington Getting along in your gamily 3.30 6773571 ,2 Nixon, J.L. - Warner if you say so, Liauue 199-0 --- 749560 , 1 • Rice, E. Greenwillow Benny bakes a cake 8.35 --' 751160 -2 Richards, Arlene McKay I tiow to get it together Waco you, 1,dLrwLe are coming apart 15.90 T� Z Rounds, Glen Holiday I Blind outlaw - 17.30 8T5 6 1, Shura, M. Dodd I Chester 6.95---`-'--" 819200 1 Silverstein, S. Harper Light in the attic - 11.40 I 82UU86 1 Simon, S. crown Animal facLiau1maL iaJfLe - 0.95 8.138;12 Sobol, D. your winds Encyclopedia Brown LaLtleb uu ---' 8338/21 1 Sobol, H. L. nacmiiian my other-mocueL, my uLlL�L -faLl<eI. .�,."`. 8403512 Spillane, M. Windmill Day the sea roiled back .13.n --- 893752 Turkle, B. Dutton uo not open 23.00 -89T 'LU`- _L-- _Udry; J.---M. - - - -harper--- --- ---Thump-&--g unk---- -- = - - ---- -_ 15-.00 . - -- -- - 9U22.25 2 Van Allsburg, Y. ,doughton Jumau j 119,98--------• 91b//L L waiiace, b. Holiday A dug Lalled :iLLy 0 -- , 9/9b9L , L Leiinsky, r. b. 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