HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/01/2003 - Report - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board • Tax-Aide District VII,TX2,AARP Bryan Library 1999 - Tax returns prepared 587 Assistance provided 867 2000 - Tax returns prepared - 534 Assistance provided 829 2001 - Tax returns prepared 611 Assistance provided 827 2002 - Tax returns prepared 732 Assistance provided ------- ----- 970 • College Station Library 1999 - Tax returns prepared 32 Assistance provided 56 2000 - Tax returns prepared 245 Assistance provided 418 2001 - Tax returns prepared 321 Assistance provided ------------------- 470 2002 - Tax returns prepared 423 Assistance provided 560 . Note: Assistance provided includes preparing a tax return, checking a tax return prepared by the tax payer, answering a tax question, and etc. Prepared by: Tom Whatley District Coordinator District VII, Tx2, Tax-Aide ID . . , . ' • ' * - , :... . - .., , . . . . . : . ..-.... . , . , . , . , , N - . , . . . , . - " March 28,2003 : . . - . -:-.•_ . . .. Clara Moance . Director,Bryan Public Library : . . . 1 . , • . . , , _ ,, . , • Dear ivii.'Mounce, . - • . „ , ' . . . . . • " • .. , ., ,. _ , . ,, - , : - - My name is Jim Simmon.J am the assistant managing editor of The Eagle and aBryan library patron - On March 16 through 201 vacationed with-my.family,MCOzurnel,Mexico,and Mak ilotig4inirple of books from the lihrary.In the slip jacket of one of them I tucked n'eonSidernble'arnount of cash-hi_aneffort toconceal money while I was out of our hotel room.Before returning home,I was sure I had retrieved all Of the money from - inside the bac*jacket. But,as it turned out,I had not. .. ' 1),fit-cr r-i-4-y- , . On the evening of Wednesday,March 26,I returned the book in the drop-off bin o ide the library.The next morning I received phone messages at home and work asking me to call either rgirr:or Tina at the library. I made contact on Friday morning wi dilial omas,who told me the message pertained tosomething I had left in the book. "Was it cash?"I guessed. She said it was. Later that day,I went to the library and,upon showing ID,was given the$200 I had unknowingly left in the book.I had the opportunity to meet Ms.Thomas and thank her,but I wanted to write to you to commend her for ioher honesty and diligence in seeing that the money was*returned. - Hers was one of those._small acts of-kindness that seem to come along out of the blue and help sustain one's faith ... .. _ in the essential decency of humankind. Again,I appreciated her actions and wanted to make sure they came to your attention. , Sincerely, N, ,:•" . . Jim Simmon 300 E. 31st.St.,Apt. 302 . Bryan,TX 77803 .. _ • _ . . .. ... ....... ‘. 1111 . . . e• .• , . . . . . . ; * Seinzp 00/ue mg &de.- 660deoard Oyem?4 gicras, 776V2 411 April 6th, 2003 Mrs . Clara Mounce Bryan Public Library 201 East 26th Street Bryan, Texas 77803 Dear Mrs. Mounce: As per our conversation in October, 2002, I am formally submitting, on behalf of the L. S. Ross. Chapter #100, United Daughters of the Confederacy, a proposal to present to the Carnegie Library building, site of the Carnegie Center of Brazos Valley History, a plaque commemorating Hood' s Brigade. As you know, many years ago, a white marble block was installed in the building ' s facade naming it as the site of the final headquarters of Hood' s Brigade. It does not, however, give any other de- tails . Today many of the descendants of the brigade still live in Brazos and surrounding counties . The members of our organization agree that we shOuld share, both with students of history and the gener- al public as well, basic information in tribute to this illustrious group of Texans . This is an appro- priate time to do so as 2003 marks the 100th anni- versary of the Bryan Carnegie Library Building. The proposed plaque would be _20" x 24" , of aluminum with black background ( in keeping with several other existing markers on the building) to be mounted on the brick wall right of the entrance near the white marker mentioned above. Our local organization would pay the cost of the marker . I enclose a copy of the text for your consideration. Please share this letter with the Library Board and those City of Bryan offi- cials whose approval would be necessary for the ac- ceptance of this gift . If you have any questions , please free to call me at 822-0854. Si cerely, 011/1 . ;/ 010'4 . 0( HOOD'S BRIGADE *ORGANIZED IN VIRGINIA, 1861 *COMPOSED OF MEN FROM THREE TEX- *AS REGIMENTS EVENTUALLY UNDER THE COMMAND OF JOHN BELL HOOD 1831-1879 DISWINGU%SIED GENERAL OF THE CONFEDERATE ARMY 1861-65 - *PARTICIPATED TN 'MANY BATTLES-- ELTHAM' S LANDING, SECOND MANASSES, ANTIETAM, GETTYSBURG AND CHICKAMAUGA *FORMED THE REUNION' ASSOCIATION IN 1872 MEETING IN TEXAS TOWNS UNTIL 1919 WHEN BRYAN BECAME ITS ANNUAL MEETING PLACE L.S. ROSS CHAPTER #100 UNITED DAUGHTERS' OF THE CONFEDERACY . 2003 • • BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: April 2003 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR - - - ' SERVICES: Days Open 29 30 Meeting Room Usage 58 34 Patrons Registered 307 265 • Total Active Patrons 21,907 24,617 Overdue Notices 1,430 1,122 Holds Filled 626 503 #of People Visiting Library 15,350 15,652 #of Checkouts 20,042 22,267 #of Checkout Sessions 10,260 11,735 #of Checkins 19,918 20,545 In House Use 4,187 3,083 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour Attendance 10/134 4/66 Saturday Program/Attendance 3/26 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 10/321 9/157 Special Programs/Attendance Reference Transactions 553 417 Summer Reading Club Registered this month Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 'ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Interlibrary Loan Received 36 51 Reference Transactions 1,043 1,124 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance Technology Classes/Attendance 9/23 2/7 (COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: • Adult Books 361 912 Juvenile Books 229 359 Adult Media 47 21 Juvenile Media 0 9 Videos 2 47 Microforms 2 6 CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCILL 1,128 1,058 INon-Fiction 3,627 2,979 4,273 3,253 (Fiction 4,352 6,547 4,194 6,418 (Periodicals 1,057 92 835 93 Framed Prints 4 7 Sculpture Paperbacks 1,153 1,821 Adult Media 471 527 !Juvenile Media _ 192 160 Videos 1,3871,393 Audio/Visual Equipment _ Vertical File - !'Internet Computers 1,878 1,803 'ILL 36 51 ` Reference 396 30 516 55 (TOTAL 11,060 9,840 4,429 12,173 9,979 4,305 • 1GRAND TOTAL 25,329 26,457 j Prepared by' // 4 / / Reviewed by (VL "`- I/1) h i o �, Note:Beginning ay 2000 In H, se Ke Statistics kept by system.Total Circulation now includes all items used in house. (COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR. April 2003 THIS YEAR LAST YEAR - I SERVICES: Days Open 26 26 Meeting Room Usage - 73 31 Patrons Registered 258 273 Total Active Patrons 21,457 24,168 • Overdue Notices 1,054 1,034 I Holds Filled 1,177 1,035 #of People Visiting Library 8,6571 9,402 #of Checkouts 21,5221 22,169 #of Checkout Sessions 6,6781 5,447 #of Checkins 22,8491 23,626 In House Use 3,960 4,847 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: I Story Hour Attendance 1761 4/113 Saturday Program/Attendance - Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 9/362 3/38 Special Programs/Attendance Reference Transactions 167 172 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 1 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 1 1 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Interlibrary Loan Received 31 41 Reference Transactions 692 805 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 1/12 Technology Classes/Attendance `COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 143 440 Juvenile Books 49 284 • Adult Media I 65 35 Juvenile Media 0 2 Videos 63 3 Microforms 1 21 7 'CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR I Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other I TCILL 414 400 INon-Fiction 3,763 3,014 4,460 3,568 Fiction 4,589 8,639 4,519 9,349 Periodicals 737 61 756 78 Framed Prints I Sculpture "Paperbacks 702 6861 Adult Media 672 609 Juvenile Media 227 284 Videos 1,305 931 Audio/Visual Equipment Vertical File Internet Computers 1,471 1,318 ILL 31 41 Reference 178 60 359 99 TOTAL 10,641 12,001 3,221 11,3891 13,378 2,690 • (GRAND TOTAL 25,863 27,457 r ... / Prepared by qReviewed by l I' /.�—/1/ C i //5 J174. v ,-4--_ Note:Beginning liday 2000 In House ti'se statistics kept by system.Total Circulation now includes all items use in house. y e CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: April 2003 YEAR YEAR • SERVICES: Days Open 21 22 Patrons Registered Total Active Patrons 73 18 #of People Visiting Library 1,063 1,341 #of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) 73 40 #of Checkout Sessions 71 40 #of Checkins 70 39 REFERENCE/GENEA LOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received 3 2 Reference Transactions 131 126 Visits&Tours/Attendance 79 2 Special Programs/Attendance Outside Programs/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 75 116 Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms 10 • IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 20 40 CD-rom Computers 32 43 Books 515 884 Rare Books 9 18 History Books 30 31 Files 25 36 Photo Files 11 7 Microfilm 22 206 ILL 9 3 History Lab Maps TOTAL In House Use 673 1268, Prepared by 1 ./( r 4 Al/ Reviewed by �` /� . ��"'U�