HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/13/1970 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board May 13, 1970
The Bryan public Library Board of Trustees held its regular meeting
I/ on May 13th at 5:00 p. M. in the Library.
Present were Mrs. Julia Casarez, Mrs. John McIntyre , Mr. W. D. Dunn,
and Judge W. T. McDonald. In the absence of both president and vice-
president , Judge McDonald presided.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. An examination
of the statistics revealed that the oirculation 'for April Was up 6,090 over
April of 1969. '
Mr. Dunn moved the approval ofthe 'May book orders. Mrs. McIntyre
seconded it. The motion carried.
Reports on the Nine Point Program:
Mrs. Richardson reported that fourteen had attended. the Great Books
discussion group on Monday 'night, May 11th. The last meeting until September
Owill be Monday night, May 25th.
Mrs. Mclntrye reported a fair attendance at Fiesta Night, Family
Night at the Movies.
On floral arrangetents by the Garden Clubs, Mrs. Richardson reported
that another Club,, I Have A Dream Garden Club, had asked to be included
in the program.
The Librarian reported:
1. That the budget committee of the Board had met and gone over the
final budget and that the Librarian had delivered it to Mr. Evans, the
City Secretary,
2. That she had as yet found no one to take over the Rountree Room
when Mrs. Hanna retires on July 1.
3. The Librarian and the Board discussed the advisability of the
Library'.s having, stationery with its own letterhead, instead of the City
;III Mrs. McIntyre's Family Nights at the Library were excellent. One of
her programs which brought Astronaut Major Donald H. Peterson to the Bryan
Civic Auditorium was attended by an estimated 1000 people. Her program on
Christmas in other lands was outstanding.
Dr. Walton's Great Books Discussion Group meets one night each month.
This group, attendance which averages from ten to fifteen, is led by Dr.
Jay Martin. Enthusiasm is high, the membership is varied, the discussions
stimulating. We will begin on the second series of books in October.
Mrs. Casarez's special interest has been the record collection. She
with the help of Dr. Jay Martin, has ordered many new records for the col-
lection. They are being cataloged and processed and will in the next few
weeks be ready for circulation.
Mr. Dunn and Dr. Crawford have been in charge of the continuous slide
collection, United States and International. The Library now has a fine col-
lection. The slides are used constantly in the auditorium and on our rear
projection theaters.
In the two years Judge McDonald was on the Library Board we received
the best possible legal advice. He was of the greatest service to us in these
and financial matters.
For their many contributions, their advice, their untiring vigilance, I
wish to thank the Board. They are indispensable to the smooth running of
the Library.
City Government
We havebeen fortunate in the last two years in having a City Com-
mission which has taken a concerned interest in the Library. They have been
0 ,1 generous in the Library budget. supplementing the book budget when we needed
Bryan Public
Adult Juvenile Adult Juvenile
Non-fiction 4500 2788 3769 2556
Fiction 6277 7795 5254 7086
Pamphlets 277 0 65 0
Periodicals 341 104 232 93
Framed Prints 75 41 69 0
Pictures 0 50 0 2
Records 51 0 0 39
Films 0 0 0 0
Total 11521 10778 9389 9776
Grand Total 22299 19165
Days open 26 27
New borrowers 311 269
II Reference questions 2152 1681
Story hour attendance 1517 820
Book reviews, radio programs, talks 33 24
Classroom collections 350 221
Evening visitors 2145 1009
Evening circulation 3365 2190
Overdue notices 707 814
Trips made 31 50
Books carried to schools, parks 5 599
Books circulated to schools, parks 25 3663
Crestview 100 100
Redmond Terrace 449 550
Ridgecrest 126 304
Millican 33 30
Wellborn 6 0
Steep Hollow 4 20
Harvey 5 26
Cedar Grove 110 167
A & M Methodist Church 78 0
Books purchased - Adult 202 84
Books purchased - Juvenile 159 374
9 Memorial books 15 11
Other gifts 38 7
Total additions 414 476
Books repaired in library 216 366
Books withdrawn 0 49
Books rebound 173 347
Magazines bound - 10 0
In memory of Miss Emma Montgomery:
V $3.00 from Mrs. B. H. Dewey, Sr. and Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr.
14.17 from Mrs. Baldwin Montfort
$5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Atkinson
$7.50 from Jack and Betty Jo Conlee
$3.50 from Mr. and Mrs. Pete palasota, Jr.
$2.00 from Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cardwell
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John C. Martin of Cameron, Texas
In memory of L. P. Newton:
$5.00 from Mr and Mrs. B. H. Dewey, Sr. and Mr. B. H. Dewey, Jr.
In memory of Pete palasota, Sr. :
A book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry Harrison, Jr.
In memory of Dr. Dan Russell:
$7.50 from Mr. and Mrs. George 'E. Adams
In memory of Dr. George Summey, Jr. :
$10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd B. Keel
In memory of Robert V. Thurmond:
$5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. William B. Roman, Jr.
In memory of Mrs. A. M. Waldrop, Sr. :
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sharp
$5.00 from The Woman's Club
$5.00 from Mrs. E. W. Bullock and Quentin S. Bullock
In honor of Mr. and Mrs. John B. Beckham: -
$10.00 from IJIr. and Mrs. Harrison Hierth
$6.00 from Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Krenek
111/ 13.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Mit Dansby
$5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Richardson
$10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Allister M. Waldrop
In memory ofzA. M. Joe Dillard:
$5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. William B. Roman, Jr.
In memory of Mrs. Sam Downard:
A book from Dr. and Mrs. William B. Roman, Jr.
$3.00 from Mrs. Dona Coulter Carnes
$3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby
In memory of Ralph M. Echols:
$2.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lewis
I/ $3.50 from Mr. and Mrs. Pete J. palasota, Jr.
In memory of Mrs. Bertha R. Ellis:
x$4.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr.
$3.00 from Anderson Company
In memory of Jack 0. Harrington:
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Clifford B. Hunter
In memory of Mrs. C. Egbert Jones:
$10.00 from Lt. Gen. and Mrs. R. W. Colglazier, Jr.
$3.50 from Mrs. Jack Howell
In memory of Mrs. Ethel Lackey:
$3.00 from Dr. and Mrs. H. A. Luther
In memory of Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth McNew:
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sharp
$5.00 from Roman Pharmacy
Fines 211.80
Lost and Paid Books 4.09
Library Fees 8.00
TOTAL 243.89
TOTAL 5,197.15
BALANCE JUNE 1, 1970 5,197.15
TOTAL 320.00
BALANCE JUNE 1, 1970 295.00
In memory of Mrs. Pency Baker:
$10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Mickle
In memory of Mrs. Annie Byrd:
A book" from Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cardwell
In memory of Tom H. Chambers:
$10.00 from_ Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson
$10.00 from Margie and -Don Franks; Betty and Bud Brady
In Memory of Mrs. T. A. Collie:
$7.00 from Mrs. North B. Bardell, Jr.
In memory of Jess Conlee:
$3.00 from Anco/The Anderson Co.
$5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Richard Grant
$5.00 from Firs. _John Seeley Caldwell
$19.00 from Office Staff at Conlee Brothers
$7.50 from Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kutzschbach
$7.50 from Business Mems Bible Class of The First Baptist Church
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lawrence, III
$10.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Ford D. Albritton, Jr.
;$4.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Oliver
$3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby
$5.00. from Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Langford
In memory of Hendrix Conway, Jr. :
$4.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Oliver
In memory of Ralph M. Echols:
$10.00 _ from mr. and Mrs. Ford D. Albritton, Jr.
In memory of Dr. H. W.- Hooper:
$3.00 from Dr. and Mrs. Tofu B. King -
ing -In memory of Mrs. C. Egbert Jones:
A book from Mr. and Mrs. R. '•J. Cardwell
In memory of Dr. J. E. Jones:
A book from. Mrs. B. A. Lardon
In memory of John G. McHaney:
A book from Miss Nena Roberson
In memory of John Maniatis:
$4.00 'from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. ; Mr. and Mrs. Brownrigg Dewey, Sr.
In memory of Kirk Metzer:
$2.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lewis
In memory of Miss Emma. Montgomery:
$5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Henderson of Waco, Texas
In memory of J. J. Nemec:
$5.00 from Roman Pharmacy
In memory of Michael Gordon Powell:
13.00 from Mrs. John G.- McHaney
In memory of Alvin Syptak:
$3 50 from Mr.. and Mrs. J. W. Hall, Jr.
$3.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson
X6.00 from Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Krenek
In memory of Agnes Kinnard Tardy:
$3.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson
$4.00 from Brownrigg H.- Dewey; Mr. and Mrs. Brownrigg H. Dewey, Sr.
$3.00 from Mrs. Dona Coulter Carnes
$5.00 from Mrs. J. H. Todd; mrs. J. D. Chapman
$3.00 from mr. and Mrs. R. J. Cardwell
ADMINISTRATIVE 8,064.00 7,370.00 694.00
SKILLED LABOR 37.,260.00 34,828:14 - 2,431.86
LABOR OPERATIONS 22,537.00 18,483.26 4,053.74
OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,000.00 2,210.17 789.83
FUEL SUPPLIES 35.22 35.22 CR
WEARING APPAREL 200.00 -46.80 153:20
MOTOR VEHICLES-GAS,OIL,GREASE - 600.00 177.07 422.93
MINOR APPARATUS 300.00 189.67 110.33
LAUNDRY & CLEANING - 700.00 457.69 242.31
OTHER SUPPLIES 500.00 348.24 151.76
COMMUNICATIONS 1,074.00 800.47 273.53
HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 470.00 301.00 169.00
COURT CuT:S, DAMAGES .50.00 50.00
TRAVELING EXPENSES 1,000.00 545.33 454.67
UTILITIES 12,000.00 12,135.51 135.51 CR
MISCELLANEOUS 150.00 36.25 - 113.75
AS SOC I ATIONAL. DUES 200.00 107.00 93.00
BUILDING & GROUNDS 800.00 988.24 188.24 CR
FURNITURE & FIXTURES _ 6,210.00 - 5,758.69 451.31
MOTOR VEHICLES-TIRES, TUBES 500.00 - 449.37 50.63
BOOKS & MAGAZINES - 4,000.00 3,331.53 668.47
• NMISCELLANOUS- 100.00 100.00
SUB-TOTAL 99;715.00 88,599.65 11,115.35
FURNITURE & FIXTURES 3,100.00 4,651.14 1,551.14 CR
MACHIdERY, TOOLS - 1,400.00 1,293.51 106.49
BOOKS 9,000.00 9,685.88 685.88 CR
MAGAZINES & NEWSPAPERS 4,500.00 3,743.65 756.35
TOTAL- - - 117,715.00 - 107,973.83 . 9,741.17