HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/11/1968 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board September 11, 1968 The Carnegie Library Board held its regular meeting on September 11, 1968 at 5:00 P. M. in the Library. Those present were Mr. Edsel J. -Burkhart, President, Dr. Paul Crawford, Mr. C. B. McGown, Jr. and Mr. Bookman Peters. Mrs. Hazel Richardson, the Librarian, was present. The minutes of the last meeting were approved as read. In an examination of the monthly statistics Dr. Crawford asked the minutes to reflect that the circulation was up 15% over August of last year. As all members of the Book Committee were absent, Dr. Crawford moved,' and it was seconded and passed, that the book orders be approved, subsequent to the approval of at least two of the members of the Committee. In the absence of Dr. King, Chairman. of the Building Committee, Mr. Burkhart reported on the progress of the new building. Thebidson the furnish- ings have been opened and indicate several low bidders in an aggregate amount of $56 ,000. Mr. Burkhart explained that this figure , below the amount allocated for furnishings, was possible because of deletion of half the steel shelves in the second floor stack area and •planned usage of refinished existing wooden shelves in the Rountree Room. It is anticipated that awards for the furnishings will be made by the City Commission shortly. Dr. Crawford, who represented the Library Board at 'a Legislative Work- shop held in the Medallion Room in the morning (followed by lunch at Clayton's Restaurant) on September 11th explained the purpose of the workshop. Mr. Mendell Morgan, Assistant Field Services Director of the Texas State Library, conducted the workshop. Present were twenty-one librarians and library officials from Bryan and adjacent counties. The legislation proposed has I been authorized by the Legislative Committee of the Texas Library Association. The proposed Act , which will call for state financial aid, will make library service in libraries with less than 100,000 volumes, meet A.L.A. standards. This will be done by the development of Library Systems throught the state, Library Systems meaning the cooperation of two or more independent libraries making their resources accessible to all residents of the area which member libraries collectively serve. The Librarian presented two problems: She asked the Board if they would set a policy regarding volunteer help. After the matter was discussed fully as to the handling of , time consumed in training, and problems re- lative to, advantages and disadvantages to having; the Board agreed by common consent that setting a definite policy at this time would not be advisable. She reported that the shelving of the overflow of books was now almost impossible and asked if there would be a possibility of getting and using now some of the stacks we will have in the new Library. Mr. Burkhart ex- plained that the terms of the bids on the new furnishings would make this impossible. It was noted further that there would be no place to put more stacks if she had them without sacrificing what little space we have left for readers and students. Most feasible suggestion made was shelving the books on tops of the stacks. The meeting adjourned at 6:20 P. M. President Secretary IIP Approved: LIBRARY ACCOUNT 113 SEPTEMBER 1968 ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND UNEXPEND ADMINISTRATIVE 7,680.00 1,890.00 5,790.00 SKILLED LABOR 17,917.00 5,094.27 12,822.73 LABOR OPERATIONS 21,774.00 6,637.03 15,136.97 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,800.00 383.64 1,416.36 FUEL SUPPLIES 150.00 150.00 MOTOR VEHICLES-GAS,OIL, GREASE 600.00 61.13 538.87 LAUNDRY & CLEANING 300.00 13.18 286.82 OTHER SUPPLIES 100.00 5.32 94.68 COMMUNICATIONS 600.00 131.64 468.36 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 150.00 150.00 COURT COSTS, DAMAGES 50.00 50.00 TRAVELING EXPENSES 500.00 58.17 441.83 UTILITIES 700.00 259.64 440.36 MISCELLANEOUS 100.00 10.00 90.00 ASSOCIATIONAL DUES 100.00 100.00 BUILDINGS & GROUNDS 500.00 254.99 245.01 FURNITURE & FIXTURES 250.00 250.00 MOTOR VEHICLES-TIRES, TUBES 500.00 57.74 442.26 BINDING BOOKS & MAGAZINES 4,000.00 196.32 3,803.68 SUB-TOTAL 57,771.00 15,053.07 42,717.93 11/ CAPITAL OUTLAY FURNITURE & FIXTURES 1,500.00 98.00 1,402.00 BOOKS, MAGAZINES, PAPERS 12,000..00 2,352.88 9,647.12 TOTAL 71,271.00 17,503.95 53,767.05 V CARNEGIE LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 1968 . Cash on hand $ 20.00 Collections Fines 93.62 Lost and paid books 10.33 Library Fees 6.00 TOTAL 129.95 RESTRICTED GIFTS 3,837.94 Collections 53.00 TOTAL 3,890.94 EXPENDITURES BALANCE 3,890.94 111, UNRESTRICTED GIFTS Collections TOTAL REFUNDABLE DEPOSITS 325.00 Collections 5.00 TOTAL 330.00 Refunds 15.00 BALANCE 315.00 PETTY CASH 30.00 S , . . - tliRA' R.Y nCOMT il 3 - SEPTEM3r.I1 I96f1 CCOU:a I:lkiIE fri.ICIEWT EXPKI":;0 UNEX PEN 0 Atim)MI STRAT I VE 7,4 E. 0.01) 1.,t)c!.,0,00 5,710.00 f.11‹I LLED LAOlt L AOR OPER AT I ONS 21,7.74.04) ' 6.f.) 37,03 1.5.136'417 FF1C ; ,zUPPLICS I,E,IC.1-.00-0' • 3,`,:.',3.624, ff LIU,- SUPPL ICS 1 9 OA i), 150.,00 MqTail VOA CLES&LIAS*0 I L ofIREASE 60-0.00 6143 ..53%i:-.17 4 An i?-11Y & CLE RI I c:46i 300490 13.1.9 286.82 411Eil 1311P FL I S. C17.TA,I5i: C'ATOS 6-00.00 13164 - 4 .•.‘*-T.).36 P.E.. Or L Wi rimai T isaioo- 15.o.or.) ,c.ouat i'. inTsg. DAMAGES 50.” 50.00 TR AV EL NCI EXPEN S'-'.,S 500:0.3 5i3.17 441.33 UTILITIES 700.0-0 259.64 4 2+0.3 6 MI SCELLANEOUSI.,00.00 1 f1.0.0 ‘ 0.00 ASS%I AT I TOL fUF t3 1 a 0:00 100.00 SUILDI NI:1S 'tit GROUNOS 5O0,00 254..99 245.01 cORNI I TURE eo '...7'I XTURES 2-50.01) 250.00 MOt8 VE,HiCLEsIbilfiEso TLICES 500.00 57.74 442,26 t'31C-,IDI.Nai BooKs st NiAciAZV4E$* t4.0oo.oe,) 13.,!.3-‘,,?. fb4OT AL 57,771,0-0 S 15.053.q.7 S 47,7,17,43 I- - CIAP T AL OUTLAY -F URN I TURE & ..I XTURES 14500,00 q0..00 1,41;)2,0.0 t MACIU I NEs, pApEfis 1z00040 243.52,;. 0 q,6 itf 7.12 TOTAL 11.271.00 '14' 17,503A5 t: 5 $,767,05 • 0 , - r CARNEGIE LIBRARY MONTHLY RLPOiel SEPTEMBER 1968 IIICIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Adult Juvenile Non-fiction 2165 6310 2220 6730 Fiction 4833 16045 4736 17636 Pamphlets 50 4 37 1 Periodicals 284 46 137 41 Framed Prints 75 0 42 Pictures 68 188 Records 42 18 Films 8 Total 7407 22523 7172 24614 Grand Total 29930 31786 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days open 24 25 New borrowers 184 198 Reference questions 1118 933 Story hour attendance 164 208 Book reviews, radio programs, talks 26 23 S Classroom collections 630 928 Evening visitors 686 487 Evening circulation 2060 1554 Overdue notices 311 351 Bookmobile Trips made 25 26 Books carried to schools, parks 2886 3348 Books circulated to schools, parks 15560 16425 Crestview 100 100 Redmond Terrace 573 630 Ridgecrest 209 165 Millican 23 0 Wellborn 40 0 Harvey 0 0 Steep Hollow 2 0 Boy's Club 82 0 Cedar Grove 144 0 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books purchased - Adult 342 22 Books purchased - Juvenile 182 210 Memorial books 41 7 Other gifts 6 2 Total additions 571 241 Books repaired in library 106 110 `0 Books withdrawn 513 71 Books rebound 0 0 Magazines bound 0 0 • MEMORIALS AND OTHER GIFTS FOR SEPTEMBER 1968 - In memory of 0. A.- Ashworth: Ill A Book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry Harrison, Jr. In memory of Mrs. 'J. E. Brown: , $5.00 from Alice -and Ivan Langford $3.50 from Mrs. John Seeley -Caldwell In memory of H. Brownlee: - - $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. A._ G. McGill, Jr. $a3.00 from Mr. and- Mrs. Joe` E. Vincent $10.00 from Mr. and-Mrs.' Philip Hamman $10.00 from Members of the Evening Garden Club • $10.00 from Mrs. Henry M. Harris and Families , $3.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. In memory of Ernest Clark: $3.00 from Brownrigg H. Dewey, Jr. In memory of The Reverend Walton R. Cole: $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby $5.00 from,Roman Pharmacy In memory of Jack Doane,: - $5.00 from Nonie and W. T.- McDonald , $5.00 frOm- Mrs. J. M. Gordon and Dr. and Mrs. A. G. McGill, Jr. In honor of Professor John Exley: - - $5.00 from:Oaks Garden Club - In memory of Mrs. Davis A. Fahlquist: $3.00 from Dr. and Mrs., Tom B. King In memory of Chester Higgs: - , A book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry- Harrison, Jr. In memory of T. R. Holleman: IIP $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. A. G. McGill, Jr. $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Ritchey In memory of Daisy Josephine Kent: $3.50 from Mrs. John Seeley Caldwell and Reverend P. T. Ramsey $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Sid Loveless $5.00 from The Brazos Ornithological Society In memory of Hugo Kunkel: $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. E.B. Conway and Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Conway, Jr. In memory of Mrs. J. C. Long: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. W. E. Ritchey from Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Krenek $2.50 from Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Banks In memory of Dr. J. E. Marsh, Sr. : $4.50 from Dr. and Mrs. John J. Hall $10.00 from Brazos-Robertson County Medical Auxillary $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Allister Waldrop A book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry Harrison, Jr. In memory of ,G. F. Peirce:. • $5.00 from Maurine and Bill Vick In memory of Charles Ramsey: $2.00 from Mr. and IMMrs. George K. Mallard $5.00 from Roman Pharmacy $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby In memory of W. W. Scott: $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Noah Dansby Sept . 1968 cont. In memory of Stephen Smith: IP $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. James K. Raatz 2 books from Mr. and Mrs. Darwood French In memory of George Stephan: $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Holland Porter $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Banks A book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry Harrison, Jr. In honor of Professor Norman Ufer: $5.00 from Oaks Garden Club In memory of Benjamin Thomas Yager, III A book from Dr. and Mrs. R. Henry Harrison, Jr. In memory of C. D. Yancy: $5.00 from Your Friends at Conways 4 In Memory of Dr. C. B. Campbell: 18 books from Mrs. C. B. Campbell. One complete autographed, numbered, limited edition of James Branch Cabell. In Memory of Mr. C. D. Boulware: 15 books from Mrs. C. B. Campbell. A complete set of Dickens. From Mr. and Mrs. Carter Litchfield: 22 new books in the field of Science and Nature . I