HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/09/2017 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - Parks Board 1 � � wr PARKS AND RECREATION ADviauKY BOAR1 AGENDA, CITY OF COLLEGE 3TATION r, TUESDAY Flay uy, Zuii REGULAR MEETING i:uuPlal FITF Builainy 1603 G,al•1am KuaQ COliey0 Stca;u,t, IA ii346 1. Call w order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concert Ling requests tor absences or members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the April 11, 2017 meeting. 5. Presentation, discussion and possible action reyaraing update on Lick Creek Park. 6. Update rrcm ...embers on assigned parks. 7. Strategic Planning: Short and Long term. > Parkland Dedication Subcommittee report. r Set the neAt meetiny date for Parkland Dedication Subcommittee. 8. Report, possible action, and discussion cuncerniny tile current Parks ProjeCTS Summary and Dedications or Less than Five Acres from Rusty War ncke. > 402 Poplar Nayle Site Plan > Per,hiny Phase 1 > Summit Crossing Phase 3 y. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future ayenda items: A Board Member may inquire abut a sol5ject ror which notice has not been given. R statement or specific tactual inrormation or the recitation of existing policy may be yivell. Any aeliDeration shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an ayenda tor a subsequent meeting. > next Meeting: June 13, 2017 10. . Adjourn Mils bedding Ib-heeleh.lr_ue.:e1b1:.P_rsons with disabilities who plan to attcnu tills meech-,g And who m..y need aQern-edatle..e,r_.-.ili.q.Ids,or services such as hrteppreters,readers,or large print are esRcu to contact the City Secretory':Offlce at(979)764-3541,TDD at 1-800-735-2989,or email,. w,,taxt",S„, s.:upy.,w:le...:-o Rosiness gay.prier w the tweeting oe that.ppupplate arrangements can be made.If the City goes not rk clvc no:Ifleo.Eoa,c least two beoiwo d.;=prkc to th_meeting,the City-111 r,.�ku a reasonable attempt to provide tRe necessary acc..mmodadons PROJECT arms *ler--'---41141 Parxs Recreation Department I City of Lollege 3tabon PROJECT U PDA"1'E AS OF May 2. 20ii FMRR3 PROJECTS FOR FY17 Total Number of Park Projects this Fiscal Yr. 5, Number of Projects in Progress 35 Number of Projects Completed this Fiscal Year 22 nark rrojects managed by Capital Projects-5 p►QAmwA Dru017.41 • Aluminum Deck Replacement-COMPLETE Baby Pool Decr Repairs-EDIOIr[ET! - Electrical-Wurk in pro5ress. CDIOIrEETE • Frog Slide and Spray Feature Replacement--%DMrEETE • stump Slide Replacement-COMPLETE COMPLETE QMRRACKS PARKS • Addition of three new parks, alon5 with LED Ii5Rts to the existing parks. • Construction moving forward.The contractor has 275 days to complete this project. Construction started March 20, 2017. Project Scheduled to be complete!! ey Mia-uecember Lull. BEE CREEK PARK • Pickle Ball-Contract in routing for signatures. BRIDGEWOOD PARK • Installation of concrete sidewalk and parR amenity pals. • Concrete is COMPLETE.Staff is in the process of getting quotes for the amenities. we Rope to nave all quotes in by the middle of May. Installation of the two picnic units and two Beadles will be installed by city staff soon after delivery. Bi DI RERa FIND rMRR • Replacement of play unit and surfacing. o Currently in the process of getting sealed construction drawings for the playgrouna. Contract was signed at the end of April.They have 60 days to submit 100%drawings. Eemontree_ Edelweiss Gartens,Woodland Hills and Art and Myra Bright are part of tills contract. Page I PROJECT OPuATc Perin&Recreation Department 1 City of College statIon CASTLEGATE PARK • Swing set surfacing.-CGIDIPLE I t. Tennis Court Light Fixtures-Requesting quotes to have ail y lien fixtures and poles replaced with LED fixtures.All quotes are due May .i. h. CASTLEROCK PARK - Rerno;al or pea gravel surfacing anu replace with bonded rubber.COMPLETE. CEN i FIRE PARR • Playground-blew playground unit is now COMPLETE • bitiewalic Repairs to orrice=D days to complete. New sidewalk and brick path have been remozea anti re-poured. Contra[tor working on drainage issues. Proje !is to be completed by June.& . - Softball Bleacher Cover-Replacement or all Tour shale covers.currently on hold. hew contractor submitted a much loner price on Antierson ana Bachmann. vvaiting to see the quality of work before going with this 7enaer. • ADA Improvements along front pond.-30 percent drawings where subrnitteti May ��`, anti are currently under staff review. Once review is com1lete, firm has 30 days to submit 8D* drawings. CRESCENT POINT PARK Design firm working on construction drawings Tor acmitionai amenities to the park using Parkland Dedication funds.The drawings will be seomittea to Planning anti Development Services later this month. CY MILLER PARK - New metal roof for gazebo.Current pricing is too high to move forward with at this time. Waiting to see if any other projects come in under budget before requesting new quotes. vve will have a better understanding as to where we stanti nnancially, miti-June_ early July. EDELWEISS PARK New Swing and surfacing.COMPLETE EDELWEISS GARTENS PARK - Removal of pea gravel surfacing, replace with one rubber. o Contract for sealed drawings in progress.Contact was signed at the end of April.They have 60 days to submit. Page 2 PROJECT OPDATE -4111111 Parke&RecToation Oep.rtrnent I Cit,or Cone&station FOR FOR MCC PARR • Firm making changes to the 95%drawings. New meetin5 set for May 16‘h to review new drawings. GEORGIE K FITCH PARK - New playsround and surfacing.COMPLETE • Basketball court resurfacing.Contract in routing for signatures. G.K.FITCH/ RINGER LIBRARY TRAIL - Concrete path connectin5 Fitch ParR to the Ringer Eihrary. 0 30%drawin5s where submitteti May rt, an are currently under staff review. Once the staff review is complete, de3ign team will then have 513 nays to submit oD%drawings. JACK AND DOROTHY MILLER PARR Watkins Path -new surracing on tracR.CDI01PCE�� - Gazebo-New metal roof-Quotes receive 'earlier this year were out of budget.staff will wait to see if any other projects come in under budget Rerore requesting new quotes.staff will revisit this project in July. JOHN CROMPTON PARK Replacin5 current park light fixtures witn [ED fixtures. Requesting quotes currently.All quotes are due May 19th. LEMON i RtE PAR • Parking rot-Removal and replacement.COMPLETE - Play Unit-Replacement or play unit anti surfacing. Design firm currently working on sealed drawin5s for the new playgrounti. Drawings are due June .tarn LICK CREEK PARK • Nature Center-Construction moving along. Contrartor expectb to be finished June/July 2017. LINCOEN CEfl 1 ER - Expansion-vvorlt continues as scheduled. Interior work flab started.Contractor expects to be done in August. - Swin5-NEW oval,wins and surfacing to go in ey spiash pati.scheduled to be complete by April 21s. LIONS PARK ▪ Play Unit-New piny unit and surfacin5 is in. CORVETTE Page 3 PROJE�a GPM i c or-AN Parks Fe Recreation uepar ment I Cliy of CoIIeee Station MEMORIAL CEMETERY Jewish Section-Quotes are in.Quote ana layout are currently under staff review. vve expect to so to contract within the next rew weer s. OAKS PARE - Play Unit-flew unit is in and rubber surfacing is in. COMPLETE - Sidewalk Rehab-Protect in progress.Just under Ralf of this project has been completed. Contractor Ras till the enD orJune to complete this project. PENCE CREEK PARR • Lights-Requesting quotes to remove existing park light fixtures and replace with LED fixtures, as well as re-plumQing the existing light poles.HII quotes are due May 19'. RAM RcE/ rN►RK ▪ Play Unit-Replacement of existins unit and surfacing. • Firm working on sealed drawings. Drawings are due June 16'h. • sidewalk-1 his project has been on hold due to funding sources. New direction has been given. we will now re-route a sections of the sidewalk along the creek, provide ADA access to most of the parks amenities_and due some stabilization along the existing sidewalk near the play unit. Design contract is in routing for signatures. RInnlEn El!RMRY EXPANSION • Construction drawings have been submitted to Development Services for review. Once completed, the project will go out for bids.Timeline for review is unknown at this time. REATTA MEADOWS PARK • Development of Park- o Construction drawings will be submitted to Development Services later this month Tor review. Review time is unknown. SANDSTONE PARK • Fitness Unit-New fitness pod.COMPLETE SONOMA PARK Development of Park-One nunrIreD percent construction Drawings will be submitted to Development Services later this month ror review. Review time is unknown.Crescent Point and Reatta Meadows will submitted along with this protect. SOUTHEAST PARK - Ball Field Design-90%PER complete ana reaay to Re Finalize].Currently_staff is looking at how to fund and pha5;this project. SOUTHERN OAKS PARK ▪ Swirls-Replacement of swine and surfacing.COMPEETE Page 4 -4111144 PROJECT UPDATE jot Parka 14 RccToat;. Dopafn+ont I City or CeIi. a station bOO i R wOOD/DA%R IVIHl la PotR R • 6allfields- ■ Backstops— • Cowart in routing for signatures.Work is expected to start late June. Material is on order,six to nine week lead time on material. • naDe Canopies- - Contractor expecte!to start in tie next week or two, material on order. Project is expecteu to tare two Days to complete. Pool—Replacement of supply and return piping • Startin5 September 5'",crews will saw cut the existing pool Decr anD remove the old metal supply and return lines to and from the pool. New PvC lines will Be installed in their place. In addition,the expansion joints within Ole pool will De replaceD. STEEPLECHASE PARK Swing—New swin5 and sulTacing o Project is COMPETE THOMAS PARR Fitness PoD—new poll is in.COIOIP[EfTE Pool—Repair/ replace a section or rence arounD tie pool as well the gate from mechanical room to pool. Material is on order.Contractor as till July ,t"to make the repairs. Tennis Court- ■ Lights—Requestine quotes to remove the existing lights and replace with [ED fixtures. All quotes are due May 19". • Fence- Replacement of existing chain link with a hzavier Gauge and replace existing past. Material is on order.Contractor has till July 21st to finish this project. UNIVERSITY PARK • New surfacing and swing—COMPLETE VETERANS PARK Thi— percent drawings have Been submittef and are under staff review. WAYNE SMITH Shade structures tFaDrici— o Staff is currently RolD orr on AS project. Ioluch like Central, a new contralor submitted a much lower quote tRan tile previous tllree. we will evaluate their work before signinu another contract witR diem. we expel to go to contra!with some contractor by the end of this month. Page 5 PROJECT U PDA i t P-n s&RecrtiatIon Department I City of College xauon WOLF PEN PARK • Parking Lot Stripins the entire Wolf Pen ParR. o Quotes are being requested. Unfortunately Mere is only one local contraCor.Stan is currently seekins other contractors for quote3. WOODCREEK PARK • Play Onit—Mew unit and surfacing.C l4IPE r w7n5017 l913 MIMS PKRK • aurfacing—Pricing is in to have the existing pea gravel swins pit replaced with bonded rubber. ,ealed drawings have been requested before movins forward with this project. Drawinss are due June ie. Pa Re 6 City of College Statizn Administ,at;ve Approval fui Required Parklama Dedications or Less than F;Ye Acres 1. Applicant name: bluesione Park,ers ABaress: c, 1B West 23ra Street Pnone: ary-rDa-B If; E-Mail: GR`.roenweluesto ro.v. e. i evelopmei t Name: 402 Poplar Project*: rces2017-0001 to Development Location: 40-z Poplar n«B 3. Dwelling Units: single Family Multi-family units, located in Pleigliluorhood ParR Lone 2 Single Family Multi-family Units, iocatea in Community ParR Zone 4. Development Fees an Dedication R.quirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu or rand (Choose One!: ReiallCorhood Community Total Single Family: One(II acre per 1 t r DC's as One ti i)acre per iLa DC,'s pa= ac Multi-fa„„,ily: une t1)ae.e,..er i i r Du's ac one(1)aere per iza DD's ac= ac rO�R� = Acres OR Fee Paid in Cleu of Cand Dedication lleia'borhood Community Singh.Family: L$274.°°Me-uD 274 @$250.°°per Du z3 250 = $ 044 Multi-tprn;ly: @$274.0°,,er uD 3 @$250.0)per Du - $ u AL FEE5 IN CIED yr LAND(AeVMar{lood and Community) = $ 5LZr b. Development Fee: Neiohborlleal Community +oral Single Faroily: @$362.°°per DC 362 @ a375,°°per DO a .375 = $ 737 Meru-ramify: @$i61.°°per DU $ @$,SC.°°per DU$ = $ TO AC aEycrOPMEN7 FEts(Neighborhood onti Community) _ > ray b. Comments: t he City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND i D i AL (Neighbornooa and Community! , Units x 1.261 = i,z61 Cana Dedication None Mame Date City of Colleg;r Station Administrative Approval fop Required Parkland Dedications of LQZa than Five Acres 1. Applicant name: RH Tucker investments. Owner AdB;rnas: 4 r RI. Gary Glen Circle Phone: (z.m1912-8006 E-!Mall: rtuckerfo rhtuckerinvcatments.com L. Development Name: RQauie Student Housing Project#: 16-74 Development Laeatlon: 410 slasnev 5t. 3. Dwelling Units: Single Family 311 Rluid-ramily Bedrooms, located in Neiyf b r!'ioon Parr one 1 Single Family all Multi-family Bedrooms, located In Community Park Zone B 4. Do.lupment Pees and Dedication ReyuiTornenis: a. Cann Dedication or Fee in Eiou or[ands(Choose One): Neiuhborhooa9 Community Total singe ramily: One(1)acry per 11 r Du's ac One(1)acre per 1z8 DO's ac= a. Mulct-family: 0,-.e(1)..ore per-r r r DO's ac Ong(1)sera per rz6 uD's ac= uo rDrAC = Acres -• OR — ree Pain In Lieu of Land Dedication Nelgh6orflooa Community Single Family: @$z(4 O0 per DO @$'45u.00 Ner Du$ _ $ Multi-family: 311 @$11a.°°per Du a 35 765 311@$1i35,"`a per DO 3 az.555 = $ 65 4izD ID r AC(rielgifaornooe and Community) _ $ 55 445 b. Do.eropment Fee: R leiafl ornood i_.ommunity r oral Single Family @$i6z:'per Dv 51.:y1a FQn+3,@$ara 00 per Du$_ _ = $ Multi-iamiiy a E u@$152.(10 per DU $ 4r Zr4 141uui-family.11, @$315.x'per DU$ ar e55 = iwa.zar I OTAL(NelahburRov0..n8 Community) = $ 145.237 5. Comments: The applicant provided information on existing units ont9 Bedrooms. r here were 80 bedrooms in the previously existing 3 structures. I ne total number of bedrooms in the new structure Is as r. 391-80 is 311.The total credit is for$54.960. The City of College Statlan agrees to accept: GRAND TOME tNeignnorRoon and Community) Ballrooms x$ear = $ 213.657 [anal uerlication 4.e,,i'LL lame Date City ‘ f CCIIegz Station Administrative Appic val for Required Parkland Dedications of Lass Mall Five Acres I. /Applicant Name: safelu Enai,eerino EEC Address: 911 Sautl west Parlfwav East College aiet,on.TX 77840 Phone: 979-764-3900 !-,vialr: eno(5Zscriulizeno.com 2. Development Name: PersRina rolnte villas Phase 1 Project#:Pr40 ,-uuou-rx Development Location: 41,50 Holleman Drive South College St.aiiin. I A r rsro a. Dwelling Units: 94 Single Family Multi-family Units, located in Neighbo,nooa Fail cone ,5 94 single Family Multi-family, Unit, iocatea in Community Park Zone 8 4. Development Fees and Dedication Kequlrements: a. Land Dedication or Fee in Cum of Land (Choose One): Flelonoomootl Community Total Sinvle Famil,: Dna(i)acre per i i r Du's ac One(1)a.ro per iz8 Du's ac= ac Malta-r.nily: One(I)acre per +. DU's ao One(1)here per ize DO's ac= ac i D i wC = Acres - OR — Fee Paid in Lieu of Lana Deatcauon Nveiphoorllooa Community single F.mliy: @ aztrr.°°per MD $ 25 756 @$z50 oe per DO a) 43 500 = $ 49.256 FAeui-rosily: @ yz r 4.00 per DU $ @ teal.per Du$ = $ TOTAL FEES lie CIEQ OF CARD(Neigalarllootl ant,Community) = $ 49 z56 D. Development Fee: Neighborhood C.ommunity Total single aaaz.'x'per I5U $ 34.028 @$sr5.°°per DO a as cal, = $ 69 278 IOlulii-family: @$362,°'per DO $ @ a,5 °0 per DU$ = $ TOTAL QEvtCOPIRtR i rEEs(Aelgh6ortlood and Community) _ $ 6a z rs 5. Comments: the City of College Station agree.,to accept: GRAND TOTAL(Nelyhborfiooa anti Community)yw Units x 1.261 = 115 5 Land Dedication ' Name Date City of College Station Admiuiisttetive Approval for Required Pal Wand Ddlcations of Less than Five Acre 1. Applicant Name: RME Consunina Enoineers Atlflress: PO Box 5z5a rolleae Station.Teas rr8Rz Alone: 979-764-0/04 E-Mail: rabon0ir,,,anai;aar.aom 2. Development Name: summli Crossina Phase 3 Project#:PPzUi6-OOOOzz Development rocatlon: J. uweiiing Units:97 Siniie ramdy v Multi-family Units, iocateD In Neighborhood Park Zone 4 97 Single Family 0_ Multi-family Units, loeatei:i in Community Park Zone C 4. Development Fags an uealcailon Requirements: a. Lana Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Lana(Cfloose One,: Neighborhood Community Total Siralc Family: One(1)acre per 117 DO'a 0 ac One!1)acre per 128 OO'a 0 ac= 0 ac IOluni-ramify: One(1)acre per 17 t Du'.. 0 ac One(1)acre par iz5 DO's 0 ac= 0 c,o TOTAC = Acres — OR — Fee Paid In Cleu oi rand Dedication ,veiahborhood Community single Family: t$274 0°per DO $ 0 is$250°°per DU$ 0 = $ 0 IGluhl-Tamely: @$274,D0 per DO $ 0 @$250.°°per 03$ 0 = $ 0 I D 1 AC F,E5 IA EMU OF LAND(Net06or11,.ce ana Communhy) = $ 0 1!. Development Fee: Neighborhood Community Total Slagle Family: g$358.°0 per DO $ s4 i 40 @$3750°per DO$ 0 = $ 34 726 INluI i.family: @$66z'°per ODD v ai $r5O°°per DO b 0 = $ 0 iDis+C DEvEZOPMENT FEEs(Nali110.rnooe anti Community) = $ 34 rz6 S. Comments: Project ve.tea to pay Tees for 2007 Master Plan. Oralnance z0002-2546 he City of Colieye Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL(Neigi10orllood and Community;ur (inks x 0 -- :.izt 145 Land Dedication None G¢� er L // Name Date