HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/2017 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board Im PARKS AND RECREATION AD11i50R1! esOaRD AGENDALM 4 ROU TUESDAY FEBRUARY 14 2017 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES - 7:OOPM ,wolf Pen Creek careen Room sui3 a.olgaLe College StiaI.ion, „% iaz+u Staff Present: David Schmitz, Director: Kelly Kelbly, Assistant Director• Rusty Warncke, Project & Asset Manoger: Arlarea Lauer, Board Secretarq: Vanessa Garza, Greenways Protect Manager: Jennifer Paz, Senior Planner: Gene Ballew, Athletic Supervisor: JD Wood, Tourism Manager Board P,anent: Gary I•rwln_ von Mellriegel; Paul Dyson; Relt.h Roberts; Degan Puent-es; Kevin Henderson; Rebecca jacPgon Visitors: College Station Cub Scout Pack 602 1. Call to order and Roll Call. The meeting was called to order with a quorum prebent at 7:05 PM. E. vassible acdory cancerning requests far absences of members. All absence regae3t ..a3 rzcui,rcd from Marc Chul-vopka and Ann Hari. Garp Erin made n motion to approve the absence requebt and Paul Dyton t-econded the motion. The „ate ..a3 culled. All ,,ere in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. Introduction of new Recreation Manager, Hna Romero and rhe College Station Cab Scout Pack 502 wanted to thank David Schmitz fv-r alla.Yiiig them to use i3ee Creek Pavilion. z+. Cvrrsiuerariorr passible approval and discussion of minuLes from January 10, 2017 meet;"g. Keith Rabert3 made a Tvtian to approva the minutc3 03 submirred, and Gary Erwin seconded rhe FiFlUd gin. The voce was called. All were in favor, and the rni-Aivn pzi33ud unanirnvu3ly. 5. Curm;di�ratkirr, F.Vm=;blV ar.r.T�...al, and diNua—vukurr of m>tna{tes from January 24, 2017 Special Meering. Keith Roberts made a motion to apps ove the minatea a3 3ubmittcd, and Mcgum Fuentes seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favour- and the motion pa3�t:d onanimou3ly. 6. Preaentativrr, paaa;ble action, acrd dismiss;au wrrcer";gig waterhrre oazromorrt thy-ough Lick Creek. Bill Mather gave a presentation to the Board and Keith Rubert, and Gary Erwin recommended tu 3end to Planning and Zoning. fLa Doll-ng 13 niteclm.lr a-33106.Rrsons with olmbildre3 mrhe pl..n To oft—d thi:mca4ng..nd-he mry need—var+nmod..tienm,-cAllort..Id:,of eeeh Interpreters,readers,or large print are asked to contact the Qty Secretary's Office at 29791 764-3541,TDD at 1-800-735-2989,or emaienuaessre.m¢ciV� 'uuv at least two 8a31ne33 auys pnor to th.m—zing ae xh.t pp vprf„te..�ngc...cnw epn be m..de.If.hc Cie}dee:net reeel.e netlfledlen of levst t-e besinee=dol:pplep 6 the meeting,the city will make a reasonable attempt to provide the necessary accommodations. 7. Pv_-vs;bIu uct;a.rr and discussion regarding naming a vice Cnair tar rhis Corner;ttee. Keith Roberts nominated Paul Dyson and Gary Erwin �EcomdCd the motion. The vote was callea. Hll were in ravar, and rhe Madan pa55ed ananimoosly. 8. Pi mwentatimi fum" the Plmmirry Dupartmant ury the Parkland Dedication process and requiremunta. Jennifer Pa/- gave a power point presentation. This YYa3 infurmutiunai only, no action was taken. 9. Update by Vanessa Garza an me vicycoe pedesrrian a Greenways Masser Plan. Vanessa Gay -a gave an apdet`. Informatiunal unly. Nu action was Laken. 10. Pres@ntaciOn Orr BraXaa Valley San;vr Games. Gene BallGYv gave a prazamtatiun on Senior Games. Informationai item only. iva acrion was Laken. 11.Update on assigned paras and provide an inspecrion checklisr. The new chacklist Yvas handed out to aach member. 12.Repvrt, pvuz;bl-u u t;b", and di6cassivn .T.ncerning the current Paras r-rajecrs Summary acrd DedicaGurrs Of Lesm, than, Five Acres fr.,,rr Rusty Wal"z*u. Infurmational item only, no action was taRen. Holik-s Restricted Rome5ke5 l-5.rresenrarian passible acrian, and discussion an futurC agenda items: A Board M�mbe, may ingaire abuot a zab�eCt fur YYhiZh notice has not been given. A SLaLEInem of 5pEdfiC factaal information or the rcitat;un of eA6ting policy may bF= given. Any duliburatiun shall be limited to a proposal to place the sal3jecL an an agenda fur a SabtEgaE,,t meeting. r Next Meeting: March izr, Lt)1/ 14.Adjourn. Keith Roberts made a mar-ion La adjoarn Lhe meeLing. and Paul Dybon seconded the motion. Thi vats YYa3 Called. All YYGrG i.. foyer, and the mcctimg aujaarnea az 9:aQ PM.