HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/27/2010 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, September 27, 2010 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Anne Hazen, Dorothy Hernandez, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer, Dorthea Robinson, Ron Silvia and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: RE. Burns and Colleen Risinger Visitors: Kate Mason and John Nichols Staff Present: Kelly Kelbly, Teen Center Supervisor and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Joanna Yeager, Chairman H. Welcome guests and visitors Chairman Yeager welcomed visitors John Nichols who is seeking a position on the City Council and Kate Mason with Voices for Children looking for volunteers III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on August 30, 2010 Ron Silvia made the motion to approve the minutes. Frank Duchmasclo seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Presentation, possible action and discussion from the Program Committee (meeting notes attached) Chairman Yeager reported on the meeting and asked the committee for additional suggestions. Jerry Markowich asked if wireless connection was available at the center. Kelly Kelly explained that is being worked on. Ms. Kelbly also explained that starting on October 4th the center would be open for senior programs from 8:00 a.m. 3:00 .m. She listed equipment available for use including the computer lab, Wii spoils and fitness system, sound system, projector and TV with DVD player. A schedule of eventsill be posted in the lobby of the facility. Joanna Yeager mentioned that she had found an exercise instructor willing to lead free classes and book cases for a lending library. Other suggestions included a covered patio with furniture and lobby furniture with comfortable seating for older adults. Anne Hazen made the motion that a wish list for items needed be created and then e-mailed to the committee. Committee members will pursue the community for donations and sponsors. Kelly Kelbly and Hard Rodgers will coordinate the donations. Jerry Markowich seconded the motion... The motion passed unanimously. Frank Duchmascio expressed his appreciation to the sub-committee for coming up with the list of programs and activities. V Discussion, consideration and possible action on Volunteer Training Kelly Keibly is willing to work on Volunteer Training at the Center. Ms. Keibly stated that staff will always be onsite, but that volunteers will be helpful to greet, set up for programs and familiar with storage of supplies and equipment. Emergency procedures could be part of the training as well. VI. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcoming programs and events. (report attached) VII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject o ► an agenda for a subsequent meeting. VIII. Next meeting: Monday, October 25,2010 ® Larry Ringer Library IX. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. r Senior Services Coordinator Report September, 2010 AUGUST Event/Class Enrollment or Location Attendance Free Com pater Class 14 Center for Regional Services Corn• ter Club 30 Carter Creek 42 67 Teen Center Friday Bridge 70 , Teen Center Lunch/Lecture 125 Conference Center CGUG Teen Center S oecial Event- Safety ro ram 14 Villas of Rock Prairie S secial Event-Ice Cream Social 50 . Ringer Library Senior Advisory Committee Mgt. Teen Center Lincoln Center 276 Lincoln Center Total Programs Offered: 8 Individuals Served: Total Special Events Offered:2 668 SEPTEMBER 8, 14,22 Senior World Passport Program 13 .Fall Classes begin(Computer, Living Well with Diabetes, Tai Chi) 28Genealogy 24 * A Matter of alance Class 29 Meeting with Architect Students on Senior Center Design 00/, Looking Ahead! OCTOBER Senior World Passport Program---Caribbean Get Fit with a Trainer Class 7 Digital Photography Class BVSWMA Fall Household Hazardous Waste Collection 7:00 - 2:00 pm Texas A&M University versity Services Building off Harvey Rd wv,irwicsbrihilW. 20 . Senior World Passport Program—Austria 20 . Exploring Lunch Lecture - Patton Third Army Living Historian with Denny Hair as "General Geore S. Patton". 21 , Senior Fall Fest at Veteran's Park 4-7pm Free hamburgers,hotdogs, entertainment, games and prizes Program Committee Meeting Notes September 16, 2010 Members Present: Anne Hazen, Robert Meyer, Joanna Yeagar Staff Present: Kelly K i ly, Teen Center Supervisor and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Purpose of the Meeting: The meeting was called to discuss ideas on senior programs and activities that could be offered at the Center once it becomes a part-time senior center. A fall calendar of events was distributed to show facility usage. Kelly Kei ly provided a list of equipment available for seniors to use. The list contained sporting equipment, table games, Wii Game System, TV with DVD and VHS player, sound system and computers. She also said that staff will be at the center from :OOam-3:OO m Monday thru Friday starting October 4 for the older population to utilize the building. Kelly also stated that a monthly calendar of activities will be posted in the lobby. The calendar will list programs, time and location. Activities discussed included: • Free Exercise Classes Joanna Yeager spoke with Standard Home Health and they are willing to provide an instructor) • Lectures • Horseshoes at the pavilion • Picnics at the pavilion • Ari.classes • Nutritional speaker • Information Services for newcomers • Lending Library (Joanna has obtained a donation for book cases) • Movies • Table Games ▪ Birthday celebrations Membership The committee discussed membership fees and identification cards. The current system at the front desk does have the capability to produce a membership card and gather data on participants. Membership fees were also discussed. The staff will look into this and report back to the committee. The program committee will ask the Senior Advisory Committee for suggestions and will meet again with staff. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD SEPTEMBER 21, 2010 On the 21st day of September, 2010,the Bryan College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station,Texas,met in a regular meeting at the.Clara B. Mounce Public Library, 201 . 26th Street, Bryan,Texas. 1. Larry Ringer, President, called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m.and the following were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present/ #of meetings #of meetings attended Absent held since attended since in last appointment appointment ent months Larry Ringer, President P 7 Sonia Gangotena, V-Pres. 14 100 Katherine Edwards 28 100 Helen Kunz P16 13 100 Carroll Johnson A 33 21 66 Elizabeth Pool P 10 10 100 Charles Smith P11111,111111111111111111111111 100 Mary Fran Troy A 26 11111111113M 66 3, Other attendees were Larry Koeninger,Community Librarian; David Gerling, City of College Station; and Laura Mills,Administrative Assistant. 4. The minutes of the meeting for July 20, 2010 were approved as distributed. 5. The monthly stats forl and August were reviewed. Corrections were noted in the stats for the July and August line items for Summer Reading Club registered/completed. It was noted that the Carnegie is now closed three days a week due to vacant part-time positions that cannot be filled at this time. Dr. Koeninger stated that the system may lose the capability of counting wireless users. 6. A. In old business, Dr. Koeninger reported the Inter-Local Agreement is under review by the legal departments of the two cities. David Gerling stated that the legal department of College Station had made some changes. Dr. Koeninger er reviewed the proposed changes with the board, David Gerling will provide a copy of the revised proposed agreement to Dr. Koeninger. The City of Bryan has not finished the review of the document. B. Dr. Koeninger stated the 200-20 budget has been read once at the Bryan Council meeting. It will be read another time before it is approved. It is expected that the vacant youth services librarian position and the part-time clerk position at Mounce can be filled October 1, 2010, C. In the Mounce renovation project, Dr. Koeninger said the project was on hold due to a complaint made by one patron that disliked the color choice. The group toured the library and observed the samples of the blue and light gray color choices. Helen Kunz made a motion to have the Board President write a letter to the Bryan City Mayor and Council stating the Board supports Dr. Koeninger's choice of colors for the project. The Board will ask for urgency in resuming the paint project. Seconded by Sonia Gangotena,the motion carried. D. On September 28, 2010 at the Bryan Council Workshop session, President Larry Ringer will make a presentation on the mission of the Library Board. Dr. Koeninger encouraged other Board members to attend. E. Dr. Koeninger asked for the Board's input on revising the bylaws to change meeting dates, He stated that with so many projects in progress,meeting every other month did not seem adequate. President Ringer will review the bylaws to consider monthly meetings. Mr. Ringer then stated there will be a called meeting for October 19, 2010 at the Carnegie History Center,The topic of bylaw revision for monthly meetings will be on agenda. . Dr. Koeninger asked the Board's thoughts on the issuance of institution/group library cards. He had a request from a staff member of Allen Academy who lived out the county and asked if the school could be issued a library card. It was the consensus of the Library Board that institution/group library cards could result in materials not being returned or problems with the collection of fines on overdue materials. The Board agreed that they would not support a change in the policy on issuing library cards. Dr. Koeninger will communicate the Board's decision to the requestor. . Librarians report: See attached report from Dr. Koeninger. 9. The next meeting is scheduled for October 19th 2010 at the Carnegie History Center. 10. Meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. Approved by: Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Community Librarian Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater Guest/Event Summary Rain Year #of Events Outs Attendance ::Rooms: 1 998 18 ORO 28,760 1994 15 ORO 32,513 1995 22 21,813 ............ ....... ................ 1996 24 38,869 1997 21 20,218 1998 19 , 1999 16 21,700 2000 11 ORO 18,900 ......:. .: .::....:...:..:...:....:.:.......::...:......:.:.. .............::..::.:::....:...:....... . 2001 6 ORO 16,700 .:.......:........... ::total:2002 18 2R0 48,800 .........:.....:.... 2003 22 • ORO ..........:........ . ...........:... .......:...:.::......................:............... ........... . . ................. .............. ...... 53,855 2004 25 450 ORO ---------- ----- - . ... ......................... . . . .. 2005 28 63,861 2007 19 ...................... .. .....:..........::. . ................ ............. 250 44,360 :::..:.. .. ..........:..:... 2008 21 'i i 33,6282009 .........: 26 ORO 58,1 ::.:.::...:............ ............ .....:......:............:...... ............ .....................::::. Total Seasons Total v is Total Guests :: t r ::: :'.:: :........:...................:..:............:...................................:..........::.:.............:.....::...:.:.. ...:.....:...:........:n ..::.:...::......:.:............:...:..�.....:.:.........:......:.:....:..:.::.....:..:.......:.......:.:.�.:.......�:.........:�..........................:......:...................:�......:�........,........:......:..: 18 351 676,561 ........:.... eta. Spans of time are accounted for in unlessnoted. ` :.....::.:. calendar years # ..... ......... .... ... ... There are 10 more events currently on the calendar for this season which will make 2010 a record breaking season for the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater in number of events! Additionally,The Green Room is also lining up to have a record setting year in number of bookings! 10/6/20104:11 PM ; ryM1 -" a ��k',.rL..{.may,.vLw���#s;.Y`{.,..�.�'S.`;.7v'':r`',x'5 •' 3'..`T}.+,"°',.a;,.S'-.... >} µ;c. :}'ktr :: ei.- at -:`.: ' '',.- i''''. 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Charlotte's votes slowed to a trickle, while Longview rolled in, Longview ended up defeating the much larger Charlotte by over '12,000 votes. Getting the votes to become Tea Town USA is an amazing accomplishment, considering Logi w is a much smaller city than Charlotte. Based on the 2009 census information; Charlotte has population of over 709,000, while Longview only has just over 78,000. Charlotte has seven McAlister's Delis and Longview only has one. There were more than the bragging rights of being named Tea Town USA on the tine for Longview and Charlotte. McAlister's Deli is donating money to all of the top ten vote getting cities to go towards park improvements. For receiving the most votes and being named Tea Town USA, Longview will receive $5,000 and huge party in raid-August. For coming in second, Charlotte wilt receive $2,000. The third through fifth place cities will each receive $1,000 and the sixth through tenth will receive $500 each. Here are the final votes: 1. Longview, TX 35422 2, Charlotte, NC 23317 3. Clinton, MS 8408 4. College Station, TX 8208 5. Springfield, MO 4780 6. Tuscaloosa, AL 4516 7. Bessemer, AL 3272 Moore, OK 2652 9. Bartlesville, OK 2516 10. Tyler, TX 2371