HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/10/2009 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (2) Sor A�qy, PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD o►lAr"�iaRA iff CITY OF COLLEGE STATIONMINUTES ` r 5:00PM GOALS WORKSHOP, REGULAR MEETING AND SKATE PARK PUBLIC HEARING AT 7:00 PM, Tuesday, November 10, 2009 College Station Conference Center, Room 127 1300 George Bush Drive College Station, TX 77840 STAFF PRESENT: Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; Marco A. Cisneros, Director; David Schmitz, Assistant Director - Operations, Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent, Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; David Wood, Park Planner; Venessa Garza, Greenways Coordinator BOARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Glenn Schroeder, George Jessup, Douglas Becker, Jon Denton, Jody Ford BOARD ABSENT: Gerard Kyle, Donald Williams, David Scott VISITORS PRESENT: Brett McCully, 1722 Broadmoor, Bryan Kevin Cowan Kevin Subik, 1201 Harvey Road Ed McDonald, 400 Marion Pugh Dr. #2403 Mark Savarino, 1722 Broadmoor, Bryan Adam Sylvester, P.Q. Box 3221. College Station Kenneth Bell Amy Clough Chuck Ellison, 2902 Camille Dr., College Station Chuck Gilman Angie Thomas Barbara Rush, 2801 Camelot Dr. Michael Goodwin Coby Eichler Nicole Minicone Rebecca Powell, 3014 Windswept Dr. Steven and Katrina Wilke, 1402 Rescue Court Clint Wean Kara Schoenemann, 6020 Augusta Circle David Besly, 1722 Broadmoor Micah Shapiro, Grindline consultant Board Goals Workshop r. 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to order and Roll, Call: The meeting was called to order and roll was taken with a quorum present at 5:05PM. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members: Donald Williams and David Scott had sent in requests for absence. Jody Ford made a motion to accept the absence requests submitted, and Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the setting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY10. The Board referenced their Goals with City Council's Goals. Discussion followed. Jon Denton mentioned that some of the specific strategies should be labeled as ongoing and some of them updated annually. Glenn Schroeder said that we need to continue to update the goals annually, because things can change rather quickly. Discussion followed. Break for Dinner — 6:20PM ", 4. Reconvene for Regular Meeting and Roll. Call 7:00 p.m: The Regular Meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m., and Roll Call was taken with a quorum present. 5. Pardon and , possible action concerning requests for absences of members: Donald Williams and David Scott had sent in requests for absence. Jody Ford made a motion to accept the absence requests submitted, and Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously 6. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 7. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of October 13, 2009: Douglas Becker reminded Staff that he asked for language to be placed in the Policy for the fitness boot camps to minimize interference with public's activities and for the sound level of their activity not infringe on the surrounding areas and neighborhoods. 2 November 10, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory'Board Minutes Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes reflecting the change, and Jody Ford seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 8. Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning Proposed Skate Park project, Micah Shapiro, Grindline consultant, explained the concept drawings that Grindline had designed as possibilities for the Skate Park. Discussion followed regarding certain aspects of the Skate Park. The Board asked if lights were included in the current budget for the Skate Park. - No, not at this time, lights are not in the budget Lights need to be placed there when necessary. Public Questions and Comments Kenneth Bell - Where are the Restroom Facilities for the Skate Park? - There is a restroom at the Exit Teen Center, and also restrooms at the Pool facility. Katrina Wilke,1402 Rescue Court - Will bikes have access to this park? - No, because of insurance/liability issues the Skate Park will be limited to skaters and skate boarders. Adam, on Campus - What type of drainage is there for the Skate Park? What about the settling of the concrete? - The bowls are a little challenging to drain, but the designers will do their best...gravity flow system for drains. There will be over excavation of the soil of at least 5 feet and select fill will have to be brought in to build up the site. - We will have to over excavate the soil also for the settling of the concrete, to complete a firm base for the concrete used in the skate park. Clint Weber 1665, Navasota, TX - When will the project be built? - The project will be built next summer. Rebecca Powell, 401 Windswept, College Station - Giving her Thanks 3 November 10, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes - Her son was an avid skate boarder that died four years ago. She would like to thank the City and the Board for the Skate Park project. She explained that she knows it is a hard job, and is thankful. Travis Wiesner, Southwest Parkway, Woodlands Apt. - Is there any room to hang out in the park? - Yes there is some room on the street elements portion of the Skate Park to hang out and for spectators. Are there any roll - ins? - No there are not any roll -- ins because it was not requested, so the element was not placed in the design. Adam, On Campus - What is the location of the Skate Park? - Southwood Athletic Park, in between the Med Center and the Tennis Courts. What is the response time for an ambulance? - 3 minutes Coby Ackler, 3645 Wellborn Road - What are the State Laws for Bikes not being allowed in Skate Board Parks? - State Law changed to specify only skating activity for skate parks due to liability issues. Some other cities that allow for BMX use in their parks are allowing at their own risk. Mr. Acker explained that it is a big concern of the bike riders. He explained that this Skate Park is going to be a great park, and they would like to be included in the park also. How can we change for this park for BMX riders to be able to enter into the park as well as skaters? - Staff, Board and Grind Line explained the State Law as it applies to skating activities. Marco A. Cisneros explained that it would have to be a State Law change to include bikes in skate parks. 4 November 10, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes Clint Weber, Navasota, TX - gave a suggestion that BMX riders and the City of College Station start planning for a park that is directed primarily for bike riders. Adam Bester, On Campus - What kind of enforcement will be at the park for BMX riders? A lot of the enfprcement will be self policing of the park by the skaters. However, police officers will be available if needed. Clint Weber - Navasota, TX - What about electrical outlets in case someone wants to clean out the bowl with a shop vac? That is certainly something to look at for the future. It's a good idea. Public Hearing closed at 7:45PM Glenn Schroeder made a motion to direct staff and consultants tomove forward with the general concept and drawings of the Skate Park, and Jody Ford seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning a proposed postponement of construction for the Creek View School Park Project: Marco A. Cisneros explained that the funding for the operations and maintenance for this park is not available at this time. He reported that the park can be built, however the monies for maintenance are not there. Douglas Becker asked if the School District would be willing to pay for the maintenance of the park if the park is built. Discussion followed. Douglas Becker asked Staff to speak to the school district regarding the maintenance. Jon Denton made a motion to postpone construction of Creekview Park for one year and direct staff to speak to the School Board to maintain the park for two years. The vote was called, The motion failed with a vote of 2:3. Jon Denton and George Jessup approved the motion with Jody Ford, Glenn Schroeder, and Douglas Becker in opposition. 10. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Student Housing and Mixed Use Development at Northeast corner of Wellborn and Harvey Mitchell Parkway: Venessa Garza, Greenways Coordinator, explained the location of the Student Housing and Mixed Use Development. Mr. Chuck Ellison reported on the project, and his client's proposal to the city. Mr. Ellison explained that the total park fees for this development are $781,000. He said that his client and he are in the phase of realigning the trail for a proposed bike trail. The proposal to the city was that his client is willing to build a bike trail at this location to include benches, water fountains, and lighting. For building the 5 November 10, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes trail, he would like for the City to not charge him the park land dedication fee for neighborhood and commercial park development. A bridge may also be necessary to have to be built, however they are still researching if it is necessary. If the bridge is necessary, the cost for the client will increase. Mr. Ellison's client would also like to dedicate the trail to the City after completion. This area is in a floodplain, so Venessa Garza explained that they are working on the alignment. Venessa Garza explained that the Public Works Department is in charge of maintenance for this area. The Board discussed this and asked if exercise stations might be a good addition to this trail. In doing so, this project would serve more as park, so it would be justifiable to label this area as a park rather than a Greenways. Glenn Schroeder made a motion to consider the proposal of the trail system construction using the park land dedication neighborhood park development portion of the funds, and adding possible exercise stations. George Jessup seconded the motion. The vote was called. Jody Ford was in opposition. The vote carried 4:1. Jody Ford left at 9:02PM 11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning an update on the Wolf Pen Creek Festival Area and Water Feature Project: Gary Erwin explained the status of the Wolf Pen Creek Festival Area and Water Feature Project, and the WPC Oversight Committee's direction with the project. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 12. Discussion and possible action concerning Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals: The Board will continue with this item at the next board meeting discussing the last three Strategic Goals to be included in the Board Goals. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 13. Discussion of upcoming year's meeting dates: Discussion followed. This item will be brought to the Board in a December meeting. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 14. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements Program: ▪ Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of November 2009: Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner, reported on the current Capital Improvements Program list. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. ▪ Dedication of Less than Five Acres: Pete Vanecek, Senior Park Planner, reported on the Dedications of Less than Five Acres. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 6 November 10,2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes - Eisenhower - Park Zone 2 - Wolf Pointe Centre — Park Zone 3 15. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting: • Joint Council Meeting, November 16, 2009, Council Chambers, 4PM la Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Sub-committee Meeting, November 19, 2009, 4PM, PARD Conference Room • Christmas in the Park VIP Reception and Sponsor Recognition Ceremony, December 4, 2009, 5:30PM • Next Regular Meeting — December 8, 2009, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 16. Adjourn: Douglas Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:42PM. 7 November 10, 2009 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Minutes