HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/12/2006 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks BoardOrff' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING N 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 12, 2006 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy; Eric Ploeger; Pamela Springfield; Pete Vanecek Members Present: Jodi Warner; Jody Ford; Shawn Rhodes; Joan Perry; John Crompton; Gary Erwin Members Absent: Kathleen Ireland; Gary Thomas; Harry Green Visitors: None Present 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jodi Warner, Chair. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. Kathleen Ireland, Gary Thomas, and Harry Green had submitted requests for absence. Jody Ford moved to accept the requests submitted. Shawn Rhodes seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 4. Consideration. possible action. and discussion of minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 14. 2006. John Crompton moved to accept the minutes from the November meeting as presented. Joan Perry seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 5. Report, possible action and discussion concerning draft of Board Goals for 2007. A draft of the Board's proposed goals, which had been incorporated into the City's Strategic Plan, was distributed. Staff was not ready to bring forth a final document. Some of the goals on the list would be accomplished, while others would not. The Board needed to determine priorities and move forward from that list. Discussion regarding the delay in getting the revisions to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance approved by Council was discussed. John Crompton moved that the City Manager be urged to process the revised park land dedication ordinance with all speed, in the very near future. Gary Erwin seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Steve stated that he would pass this information on. 6. Presentation. possible action. and discussion regarding Section ll: Goals and Objectives. of the Recreation. Park and Open Space Master Plan. A draft version had been included in the packets. The section needed significant revisions in order to proceed with the update of the plan. Discussion took place on several items. Steve stated that changes would be made to the section to include the comments received. No action was required. 7. Report, possible action. and discussion concerning Departmental Goals and Objectives, and Citv Council Strategic Plan. Discussion on this item had been incorporated into items #5 and #6 above. The department goals had been completed but were subject to additions and changes. No action was required. 8. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning Capital Improvement Program: There were no specific updates. Once the Board goals were put together it would be appropriate to have a joint meeting with City Council. No action was taken. • Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists: Updated lists had been included in the member's packets. • Dedications of Less than Three Acres: Forms for the Brazos Gateway Place development and Autumn Chase Fourplex, Phase 3 had been included in the board packets. 9. Presentation. possible action. and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • January 9, 2007, 7:00 p.m. - Regular Meeting Jodi Warner requested information regarding cities of similar size showing how their staffing numbers compared to College Station's. Staff would forward the information requested to her. No action was taken. 10. Adjourn. John Crompton moved to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was seconded by Gary Erwin. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. *ff 1'544 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOAR AGENDA REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, December 12, 2006 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible action, and discussion of minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 14, 2006. 5. Report, possible action and discussion concerning draft of Board Goals for 2007. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Section II: Goals and Objectives, of the Recreation Park and Open Space Master Plan. 7. Report, possible action and discussion concerning Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. 8. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the Capital Improvement Program: • Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists • Dedications of Less than Three Acres: - Brazos Gateway Place Development Park Zone 2: $35,256 in land and development fees accepted in lieu of .624 acres. Autumn Chase Fourplex, Phase 3 - Park Zone 3: $9,040 in land and development fees accepted in lieu of .16 of an acre. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • January 9, 2007 -r Regular Meeting 10. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.aov. Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 1 2tn day of December, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the EXIT Teen Center at 1520 Rock Prairie Road in College Station, Texas. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of , 2006, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas BY: Connie Hooks, City Secretary 1, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, www.cstx.aov. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at , and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of , 2006 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY STATE OF TEXAS ) COUNTY OF BRAZOS ) Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of . 2006. Notary Public — Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: Orff' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING N 7:00 PM Tuesday, December 12, 2006 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road • College Station, Texas Staff Present: Steve Beachy; Eric Ploeger; Pamela Springfield; Pete Vanecek Members Present: Jodi Warner; Jody Ford; Shawn Rhodes; Joan Perry; John Crompton; Gary Erwin Members Absent: Kathleen Ireland; Gary Thomas; Harry Green Visitors: None Present 1. Call to order. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Jodi Warner, Chair. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. Kathleen Ireland, Gary Thomas, and Harry Green had submitted requests for absence. Jody Ford moved to accept the requests submitted. Shawn Rhodes seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 4. Consideration. possible action. and discussion of minutes from the Regular Meeting on November 14. 2006. John Crompton moved to accept the minutes from the November meeting as presented. Joan Perry seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. 5. Report. possible action and discussion concerning draft of Board Goals for 2007. A draft of the Board's proposed goals was distributed, which had been incorporated into the City's Strategic Plan. Staff was not ready to bring forth a document that was ready. Some of the goals on the list would be accomplished, while others would not. The Board needed to determine priorities and move forward from that list. Discussion regarding the delay in getting the revisions to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance approved by Council was discussed. John Crompton moved that the City Manager be urged to process the revised park land dedication ordinance with all speed, in the very near future. Gary Erwin seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Steve stated that he would pass this information on. 6. Presentation. possible action. and discussion regarding Section ll: Goals and Objectives. of the Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan. A draft version had been included in the packets. The section needed significant revisions in order to proceed with the update of the plan. Discussion took place on several items. Steve stated that changes would be made to the section to include the comments received. No action was required. 7. Report. possible action. and discussion concerning Departmental Goals and Obiectives. and Citv Council Strategic Plan. Discussion on this item had been incorporated into items #5 and #6 above. The department goals had been completed but were subject to additions and changes. No action was required. 8. Report. possible action. and discussion concerning Capital Improvement Program: There were no specific updates and no action was taken. Once the Board goals were put together it would be appropriate to have a joint meeting with City Council. No action was taken. • Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists: Updated lists had been included in the member's packets. • Dedications of Less than Three Acres: Forms for the Brazos Gateway Place development and Autumn Chase Fourplex, Phase 3 had been included in the board packets. 9. Presentation, possible action. and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • January 9, 2007, 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Jodi Warner requested information regarding cities of similar size showing how their staffing numbers compared to College Station's. Staff would forward the information requested to her. No action was taken. 10. Adiourn. John Crompton moved to adjourn the meeting, and the motion was seconded by Gary Erwin. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m. College Station Strategic Plan 2006 — 2007 Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement Professionals providing a wide range of leisure, recreational, educational, and cultural opportunities. Strategy 1: We will maintain an integrated system of parks and greenways, emphasizing connectivity. > Design and construct Edelweiss Gartens Park; John Crompton Park, Phase II; University Park; and, Veterans Park, Phase II. ➢ Implement hike and bike trails plan. • Complete the Parkland Dedication Ordinance Revisions (1) - Prioritize parkland dedication funds expenditures (1) • Incorporate potential park sites at annexation (3) - Be proactive in acquiring large parcels of land and reimburse by dedication funds (advanced funding) (3) - Develop proposal for acquiring neighborhood park land in advance of development (perhaps jointly with Planning & Zoning Commission) (1) • Parkland dedication projects (1) - Complete improvements at Pebble Creek Park (2) - Complete Crompton Park, Phase II (2) - Complete Edelweiss Gartens Park • Neighborhood park enhancements/support neighborhood park development and improvements (2) - Make progress on planned neighborhood parks (1) - Complete Oaks Park renovation (2) • Improve Lick Creek Park signage (2) • Design Wolf Pen Creek water feature (3) • New Forestry Shop (3) • New Parks Planning (3) • Northgate (1, 3) • Implement the transfer of and hire/configure Greenways program to PARD (1, 2) • Fast track hiring of Greenways Coordinator (2) • Update Greenways Master Plan (2) 1 — Board Priority 1 2 — Board Priority 2 3 - Board Priority 3 Strategy 2: We will provide recreation, leisure, and educational programs and facilities that target a variety of age and interest groups. > Update CS1SD agreements (1, 2, 3) > Develop a twenty-five year plan for Library > Develop a Senior Citizen Center (2, 3) • Complete the master plan for the new cemetery/Aggie Field of Honor (1) • Implement the RecWare on-line registration (1) ■ Develop information system (last comp overview meeting I observed, many complaints/needs requested were for services that we already provide) (1) • Succession planning (2) • Complete the transfer of Library responsibilities to PARD (2) • Water Parks - Identify potential sites for additional splash pads (2) - Feasibility study for waterpark (2, 3) • Develop needs assessment implementation plan (2) • Park PALS program/Expand Park PALS program (2) • Veterans Park and Athletic Complex (3) • NRPA Accreditation (2) • Determine need of facilities not already addressed (skate park, improve dog park, additional sports) (3) Strategy 3: We will promote cultural opportunities. > Design and build improvements at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater > Develop a plan for a "history" walk (American Mile) at Veterans Park Strategy 4: We will pursue regional planning and development efforts. > Promote the regional TMPA Regional Park site > Develop a site plan for the Rock Prairie Road landfill ■ Gamer support, funding and operational resources for TMPA Regional Park site (1, 2) Strategy 5: We will pursue beautification and urban forestry opportunities. • Work with Public Utilities to explore their contribution to potential "Greening the City" (1) • Implement the Urban Forest Management Plan (3) Quality of Life College Station maintains a high quality of Iife through providing and maintaining great parks, open spaces and green ways while sustaining the quality of life enjoyed by its citizens. • Acquire, design, and build a new cemetery (Council Priority A+) • Implement the Parks CIP program for 2006/2007 • Design and construct new facilities for Edelweiss Gartens Park, John Crompton Park Phase II, University Park, Woodland Hills Park, Cresent Pointe Park and Veterans Park & Athletic Complex Phase IIa • Implement the hike and bike master trails plan • Update CSISD joint use agreements • Develop a long range plan for Library services for College Station • Develop a multipurpose Senior Citizen Center • Complete the improvements at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater • Develop and implement a plan for a "history" walk (American Mile) at Veterans Park & Athletic Complex • Develop a master plan for the Rock Prairie Road landfill and adjacent property • Update the Parkland Dedication Ordinance • Promote the TMPA regional park concept in Grimes County • Update the Parks and Recreation and Open Space Master Plan • Implement the "Park Pals" program to enhance citizen communication for neighborhood park issues • Restructure the greenways program and revise the Greenways Master Plan CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Goals & Objectives N Workshop Results N November 9, 2006 Priority 1 • Parkland Dedication Ordinance revisions. X X X X X X • Implement the transfer of and hire/configure Greenways Coordinator position. X X • Make progress on planned neighborhood parks. • Prioritize parkland dedication funds expenditures. • Parkland Dedication projects • Garner support/funding for TMPA Regional Park site. • CSISD Joint Use Agreement • Cemetery Master Plan • RecWare on-line registration • Northgate • Work with Public Utilities to explore their contribution to potential "Greening the City" • Develop proposal for acquiring neighborhood park land in advance of development (perhaps jointly with P&Z). • Develop information system. (Last comp overview meeting I observed many complaints/needs requested for services that we already provide.) X N Represents multiple responses. Approved by Parks & Recreation Advisory Board: Updated: December 5, 2006 1 Priority 2 • Succession planning. • Complete improvements at Pebble Creek Park. • Complete the transfer of Library responsibilities to PARD. • Complete Crompton Park Phase II. • Complete Oaks Park renovation. • Establish potential sites for splash pads • Feasibility study for waterpark. • Neighborhood park enhancements/support neighborhood park development and improvements. • Develop needs assessment implementation plan. • Park PALS Program. • Expand Park Pals Program • Transfer of Greenway program to PARD. • Fast track hiring of Greenways Coordinator. • Update Greenways Master Plan. • Improve Lick Creek Park signage. • Greenways Plan update. • Facilitate capital and operational resources for the TMPA Park. X N Represents multiple responses. 2 PRIORITY 3 • Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. • NRPA Accreditation. X • Complete the update of the CSISD Joint Use Agreement. • Design Wolf Pen Creek water feature. • New Forestry Shop. • New Parks Planning. • Northgate. X • Waterpark feasibility study. • Urban Forest Management. • Incorporate potential park sites at annexation. • Senior Program and building. • Determine need of facilities not already addressed (skate park, improve dog park, additional sports). • Be proactive in acquiring large parcels of land and reimburse by dedication funds (advanced funding). X N Represents multiple responses. 3 4-4 Crry OF COLLEGE STATION II. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES A. City Comprehensive Plan COLLEGE STATION RECREATION, PARK, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2006 - 2016 The principal goals and objectives related to parks, recreation, and open space are found in Section 2.08 (Parks and Recreation Goals and Objectives) of the Comprehensive Plan which was adopted in 1997. Three other sections of that document relate indirectly to the provision of parks, recreation, and open space: Section 2.03 (Land Use Goals and Objectives), Section 2.05 (Community Appearance Goals and Objectives), and Section 2.07 (Transportation Goals and Objectives). Appendix 5 lists these related goals and objectives. Appendix 6 lists the Parks and Recreation Board's annual goals for FY 2006. These annual goals were developed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Department staff and in response to public input (see Section III of this Master Plan for a description of the process by which these goals were developed). Subsequently considered and approved by the City Council, these goals address both the (2rry of COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION RECREATION, PARK, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2006 - 2016 city's Comprehensive Plan and strategic issues identified by the Council, and reflect current activities and concerns. In addition, the comprehensive Needs Assessment Study, adopted by the City Council in 2006, provides further support for these goals and objectives. As discussed in Section III, a separate Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was deemed necessary in order to provide a greater level of detail than is included in the Comprehensive Plan. As such, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board recognized that the Comprehensive Plan provided strategic goals and general objectives, while this Master Plan provides implementation guidance for the goals and specific objectives with an action orientation. B. Specific Goals Related to Strategic Goals and General Objectives Listed below are the specific goals as they relate to the Comprehensive Plan's strategic goals and general objectives for parks, recreation, and open space. These specific goals are ordered by priority within the framework of each General Objective. Specific objectives related to these goals will be discussed in Section VII, "Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation" of this plan. SECTION 2.08 - PARKS AND RECREATION STRATEGIC GOALS AND OBJECTIVES Strategic Goal #1 - College Station should continue to develop a comprehensive system of parks, recreation facilities. open space, and leisure services to meet the needs of an expanding community. General Objective #1.1 (Facilities) - College Station should continue to develop the high quality and wide variety of park and recreation facilities available to residents and visitors. Specific Goal #1 - Implement the approved Capital Improvement Program for park projects. Specific Goal #2 - Implement the approved Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Master Plan. Specific Goal #3 - Implement the approved Lick Creek Park Master Plan. Specific Goal #4 - Implement the approved Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan. Specific Goal #5 — Implement the approved W.A. Tarrow Park Master Plan. Specific Goal #6 - Implement the recommendations presented in the 2001 Intergenerational Parks report. II-2 CITY OP COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION RECREATION, PARK, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2006 - 2016 Specific Goal #7 - Implement the approved Greenways Master Plan. Specific Goal #8 - Implement the approved Neighborhood Park Improvements Plan. Specific Goal #9 - Develop a master plan for the zone 9 community park site and existing landfill area. Specific Goal #10 — Develop an integrated trail system for the community as stated in the approved Bike and Hike Master Plan. Specific Goal #11 - Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance every three years and implement investment of available resources. General Objective #1.2 (Programs) - College Station should continue to develop the high quality and wide variety of leisure programs available to residents and visitors. Specific Goal #12 - Implement the recommendations of the Senior Programs and Facilities Report approved in January 2002. Specific Goal #13 - Implement the Specific Goal #14 - Develop and implement programs related to Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Specific Goal #15 — Plan for future park sites and their acquisition ahead of need. Strategic Goal #2 - College Station should continue to maintain high quality parks, recreation facilities, and leisure services. General Objective 2.1 (Maintenance) - College Station should continue to maintain parks and recreation facilities at a high standard. Specific Goal #16 - Achieve and maintain a 90 percent or higher rating on all approved park maintenance standards. Specific Goal #17 - Achieve and maintain a 90 percent or higher satisfaction rating for the Parks and Recreation Department on the annual citizens' survey. Specific Goal #18 - Develop and implement a plan for the Athletic Renovation and Improvement Fund. Specific Goal #19 - Develop and implement an urban forest management plan. 11-3 4.4 CITY OP COLLEGE STATION COLLEGE STATION RECREATION, PARK, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2006 - 2016 Specific Goal #20 - Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks General Objective 2.2 - College Station should continue to provide high -quality, leisure programs to meet the needs of its population. Specific Goal #21 - Establish an on -going appraisal of leisure services provided by the Parks and Recreation Department. Specific Goal #22 — Conduct a comprehensive, community -wide needs assessment every five years. General Objective 2.3 - College Station should continue to provide facilities and programs in cooperation with other public agencies, including Texas A&M University (TAMU), College Station Independent School District (CSISD), the City of Bryan and other organizations. Specific Goal #23 — Develop a plan for collaborating with the College Station Independent School District to provide recreation facilities and leisure programs. Specific Goal #24 - Develop a plan for collaborating with the Arts Council of Brazos Valley to incorporate public art into the park system. Specific Goal #25 - Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with TAMU on facilities and programs, especially at Hensel Park, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Lick Creek Park, and other areas. Specific Goal #26 - Develop a plan for collaborating with the City of Bryan to provide recreation facilities, leisure programs, and special events. Specific Goal #27 — Develop a plan for collaborating with the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Board to develop the Memorial Pathway. Strategic Goal #3 - Develop greenbelts to connect park and residential areas. General Objective 3.1 - College Station should develop a donation/purchase policy to acquire portions of the 100-year floodplain on properties that have been platted or developed to provide natural corridors to be used for open space and passive recreation uses that will link parks to one another and to residential areas. College Station should also accept dedications that are consistent with the greenway characteristics specified in the plan; utilize City funding sources, including bond funds, to acquire land and monitor the Park Land Dedication Ordinance as it is applied in order to determine if additional changes are necessary to support the Greenways Master Plan. II-4 Cin OC COLLEGE STAUON COLLEGE STATION RECREATION, PARK, & OPEN SPACE MASTER PLAN 2006 - 2016 Specific Goal #28 — Review park land dedication proposals to determine where greenway connections are feasible. Specific Goal #29 — Develop a greenway connection along Lick Creek from State Highway 6 to W.D. Fitch Parkway, linking the old Luther Jones landfill site to the new community park/BVSWMA landfill site, and on to Lick Creek Park. Specific Goal #30 — Incorporate greenway-related requirements into the Unified Development Code. General Objective 3.2 - College Station should designate selected portions of the 100- year floodplain on undeveloped properties as "natural corridors" that are to be used for open space and passive recreation uses that will link parks to one another and to residential areas and provide for access to unique areas along greenways where people can enjoy and study natural processes. Specific Goal #31 — Designate the portion of Carter Creek from State Highway 60 to the confluence with the Navasota River, as a "natural corridor". Specific Goal #32 — Designate Lick Creek, from Pebble Creek Subdivision to the confluence with the Navasota River, as a "natural corridor". General Objective 3.3 - College Station should acquire adequate funding for greenway development from various sources; design and construct trails by following development and maintenance guidelines; develop a program for long term maintenance of publicly held greenways; and incorporate maintenance costs into future year budgets. Specific Goal #33 - Support the implementation of the approved Greenways Master Plan. Specific Goal #34 — Develop the trail system in Lick Creek Park, with connections to Pebble Creek Subdivision. Specific Goal #35 — Develop the trail system in Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, with connections to the TAMU Research Facility, to Carter Creek, and to Hudson Creek in Bryan. Specific Goal #36 — Develop the trail system in the Wolf Pen Creek corridor from Texas Avenue to State Highway 6 (Earl Rudder Freeway). Specific Goal #37 — Develop the trail system along the existing utility and pipeline easement from University Drive (State Highway 60) to Rock Prairie Road. Specific Goal #38 — Complete the trail system and bike path from Bee Creek Park to Central Park. II-5 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION Parks & Recreation Department Goals & Objectives FY2007 (Not Prioritized) • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues • Cooperative Efforts • Implementation of the CIP Program • Leisure Programs • Special Projects • Continuation of Staff Development Implementation of City Council Strateaic Issues o 1:3 o E E] Develop Alternative Revenue Sources N A+ Proposal submitted on November 1, 2006 Develop Cemetery Master Nan N A+ Design contract signed; site tour completed; visioning process November 2006; Cemetery Phase I Plan N A+ Cemetery Phase I construction documents complete and project bid out N A+ Cemetery Marketing and Licensing N A+ Cemetery Rules and Regulations created N A+ Cemetery Option Sales ,.► A+ Set Cemetery Space Prices N A+ Parks Portion of the Comprehensive Plan (Parks Master Plan Updated) N A Senior Committee report to Council on Conceptual Design on January 11, 2007 N A ❑ Succession Planning ", C Four superintendents attended; HR provided list of retirement eligible employees ❑ Director Position Replacement Process N C Cooperative Efforts ❑ Support Brazos Valley Senior Games Games held the weekend of April 19th - 22"d 2007. Continue to support Grimes County Regional Park efforts Project on hold pending action from TMPA. ❑ Complete the update of the CSISD Joint Use Agreement Final draft prepared. Updated: December 6, 2006 Page 1 of 4 Complete improvements at Pebble Creek Park CSISD collaborative efforts on future CIP projects Meeting scheduled November 8, 2006. EiContinue implementation of Veterans Memorial master plan Trail grant request prepared for memorial pathway and submitted to TPWD May 2006; Trail grant approved. Implement Park PALS (Park Advocacy, Leadership, Service) Program Complete the transfer of Library responsibilities to PARD Preparation for Kid's Klub 20th Anniversary Celebration of Lights on After School Assist Bryan ISD Swim Team operation Host Annual International Scholars Picnic at Veterans Park Implementation of the CIP Program Ej FY 2007 CIP Projects Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board. FY 2007 list has now been distributed. FY 2007 Park Land Dedication Projects Ongoing. Monthly report given to Board. El Design Wolf Pen Creek water feature Design new Forestry Shop Ej Bid out new Forestry Shop Begin operations at new Forestry Shop Reallocate and redesign Central Park Maintenance Shop Engineering and design of Adamson Pool Bathhouse Determine operation costs for proposed new parks (Edelweiss Gartens, Nantucket Cove, Woodland Hills, and University Parks). El Determine when proposed new parks should be built (Edelweiss Gartens, Nantucket Cove, Woodland Hills, and University Parks). Completion of Crompton Park Phase II Construction underway. El Complete Oaks Park Renovation Updated: December 6, 2006 Page 2 of 4 Leisure Programs Determine priority of service for provision of leisure programs. ED 25th Anniversary of Public Pool Trout Fish Out at Adamson Lagoon 0 Get web -based information database for teens up and running 0 Reinstate the Teen Advisory Board S ecial Projects Li Continued implementation of Park Maintenance Standards Ongoing El Park Land Dedication Ordinance Revision El Investigation of UV systems for city pools. El Determine role of PARD in public health issues Implement RecWare on-line registration In progress - working with CS MIS and Active Community Solutions. Expected to be functional by April 2007. El Update library book check-out system at the Larry Ringer Library. 0 Host 25th Annual Texas Public Pool Council Implement Junior Trail Ranger Program at Wolf Pen Creek. Implement the operation of new facilities at Wolf Pen Creek El Implement the Wolf Pen Creek Trail Interpretive Program Ei Implement the operation of new facilities at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Ei Implement the operation of new facilities at WA Tarrow Splash Park Host ASA tournaments EI Review and finalize Concessions Operations proposal Ei Implement the transfer of the Greenways Program to PARD Job description revised and pending approval from Human Resources. Updated: December 6, 2006 Page 3 of 4 E] El ❑ ❑ Continuation of Staff Development 0 Attend Supervisory Academy N September - November 2007 Amanda Putz, Scott Deffendoll, Melvin Lange graduated. ❑ Attend 2007 Management Academy ❑ Attend 2007 Emergency Management Academy 0 Attend Arbor Master Training 2007 (Irving, TX December 8 & 9, 2006) Curtis Schoessow, Daniel Tice, Bryce Bloodworth 0 Attend the 2006, 13th Annual Southeast Texas Grounds Maintenance Conference Thirteen Parks Operations and Forestry division members attended the conference on October 26, 2006 Coordinate prepare for and attend 2007 TRAPS Regional Workshop Attend 2006/2007 Texas Turfgrass Conference First conference in December 2006 — Second during summer 2007 N Attend 2007 Trends in Recreational Facilities Conference Attend the 2007 College Station Leadership Institute Attend Community of Respect training Peter Lamont Investigate feasibility of NRPA Departmental Accreditation Assigned to Geri Marsh. Attend 2006 NRPA Annual Congress Steve Beachy and Ric Ploeger in October 2006. Attend Licensed Irrigator continuing education class in January 2007 Pete Vanecek, Ross Albrecht Attend Landscape Architect's Conference in April 2007 Pete Vanecek Attend the Texas After School National Conference for Middle Schools Kids Klub, Lincoln Center and Teen Center will attend. Attend the 2006 Texas Trails Conference in Grapevine, Texas Scott Hooks and Sheila Walker attended November 2-4, 2006 Participate in the State Hurricane Exercise April 30 - May 5, 2007 I V Item Complete Pending/On Hold I X Item will not be done I Updated: December 6, 2006 Page 4 of 4 College Station Parks and Recreation Department P ment Administrative Approval Form fr Required Park/and Dedications Less than Three Acres 1. Applicant Name: Brazos Gateway Place Development, LTD. Address: - P.O. Box 4508, Bryan, TX 77805 Phone: 979-779-7209 E-mail: 2. Development Name: Gateway Villas, Phase 4 Development Location: CLS Drive on Forest Dr. - North of University Dr. 3. Dwelling Units are in Park Zone 2 and are: Single Family Units 78 Multi -family Units 4. Required Land Dedication: .624 acre Single Family @ 101 Dwelling Units per Acre Multi -family @ 125 Dwelling Units per Acre OR Fee: $ $160 x $78= $12,480 Single Family @ $198.00 per Unit Multi -family @ $160.00 per Unit 5. -Total Development Fec: $452-x 78= $35 256 Single Family @ $358.00 per Unit Multi -family @ $292.00 per Unit Comments: This development is located within 1 mile of University Park University park is being planned for development over the next year to 18 months. College - tion Parks & Recreation Department Approval: 1, v ame 11-21-06 Date O:/Board/Park Land Dedication/PARD Approval Form for Less Than 3 Acres.doc College Station Parks and Recreation Department Administrative Approval Form for Required Parkland Dedications Less than Three Acres 1. Applicant Name: David Schuler Address: Spirit Custom Homes, P.O. Box 305, Wellborn, TX 77881 Phone: 979-690-0456 E-mail: 2. Development Name: Autumn Chase Fourplex, Phase 3 Development Location: Autumn Chase Loop- Off Cornell Street 3. Dwelling Units are in Park Zone 3 and are: Single Family Units 20 Multi -family Units 4. Required Land Dedication: .16 acre Single Family @ 101 Dwelling Units per Acre Multi -family @ 125 Dwelling Units per Acre OR Fee: $160 x 20= $3,200 Single Family @ $198.00 per Unit Multi -family @ $160.00 per Unit 5. Total- Development -Fee: 452Single Family @ $358.00 per Unit 292 x 20= $5840 Multi -family @ $292.00 per Unit Comments: This development is located within a mile from Wolf Pen Creek Park New parkland would not be required for this area. College S a>zion Parks & Recreation Department Approval: Name 11-21-06 Date O:/Board/Park Land Dedication/PARD Approval Form for Less Than 3 Acres.doc TEXAS AVE. S. 1 "-I VICINITY MAP PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT & PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY `07 December 1, 2006 Capital Improvement Projects Capital Improvement Projects Adamson Bath house Design AFOH Cemetery Central Drainage improvement Central Fence & Gates Central Water Fountains Central Park Life Trail Ex Fauipment Central Park Shon Renovation Crescent Pointe Park Develooment Forestry Shop Gabbard Improvements Lincoln Reception Desk Lincoln Shade Cover to Parking Lot Lincoln Additional Parking Oaks Basketball Court & Cover Oaks Improvements Pebble Creek Drainage Improvements Soccer Fence at Southwood Southwood Water Fountain, Senior Center Qesian Southwood e18v Unit Ljniversity Park Develooment Veterans Phan II Veterans Park Phace II R Wolf Pen Creek Amnhitheater Additions Wolf Pen Creek Water FeatureA Woodland Hills Park Development Richard Carter Park Imo Status Pending In Design Completed Rebid Out to bid Pendino Const. Cont Pendino In Desinn In Design In Design Pending In Design Pending In Desinn In Design In Design Rebid Rehid In Desinn O It to aid On Hold Under Constriction Pen jnn Under Construction Penrjinn Pendino In Dg8jgn Project Project Manager # Budget Ric PK0701 $90,000 Ross GG9905 $4,000,000 David PK0718 $10,000 Pete PK0300 $7,000 Pete I PK0300 $10,000 $40.000 Pete 1 I $200.000 Pete I $81.000 Ric I PK0520 I $670,000 David PK0704 1 $140,000 Pete PK0703 $15,000 Ric PK0602 $45,000 Pete PK0702 $99,000 David PK0706 $230.000 David PK0705 $143,000 Ric PK0616 $50,000 Pets PK0300 $9.000 Pete PK0300 $20.000 Petgrl QG0601 175.500 .5-000 p PK041 1 '. ' 1 1 -000 Ric PKO . 1.000 Ric $750.000 Ric WPO s $1.200.000 Ric $1.7Q0,0Qn Pete PK0523 $315000 PK0722 $25.000 Pending/On Hold In Design Out to Bid / Re -Bid Bids Received Pending Design Contract Pending Construction Contract Under Construction Funding Source FY '07 GF GF '07 Replacement Acct. '07 Field Redevelopment Field Redevelopment CDI3G GOP '03 G.O @ CQ3G CDEiG CQac COG CDBG COG GF '07 Field Redevelopment Field Redevelopment FY'(.7__GF Replacement Acct '07 GF '07 GO '03 GOB `Q3 WPC TIP tivpcSIF GF '07 Reolacement Acct 07' 10 9 6 0 0 0 2 30 Completion Date Final Expected/Actual Cost 11/06 8/07 8/07 12/O6 8-07 5-07 4-07 5-07 11/06 $10-685 Park Land Dedication Projects Park Land Dedication Projects Prioritized ZONE 1 - $212,545 ZONE 2-$98,208 ZONE 3 - $77,389 Cy Miller Pond Wall Wolf Pen Creek —Interpretive Signs ZONE 4 - $29,019 Raintree Walk Windwood Park Improvements ZONE 5 - $5,430 ZONE 6 - $98,468 Southwest ZONE 7 - $212,230 Project Project Status Manager # Under Construction 1 David PK0618 In Design Pending Const Cont Pending Const. Cont. On Hold Crompton Phase II In Design ZONE 8 - $44,275 Emerald Forest Park Improvements ZONE 9 - $36,064 Woodland Hills Development ZONE 10 - $418,423 Edelweiss Gartens Development ZONE 11 - $2,550 In Design In Design On Hold Pebble Creek Park Shade Covers Pendin ZONE 12 - $47,626 Nantucket Cove Development ZONE 13 - $605 ZONE 14 - $63,389 ZONE 15 - $18,908 ZONE 16 - $0 Contract On Hold Sheila WP0602 David David PK0068 PK0710 Budget $40,000 i $20,000 R14 nn9 1 $13,000 Pete I PK0712 $263,000 David PK0713 $41,000 Pete PK0523 $34,000 Pete PK0613 $366,000 Pete PK0715 $25,000 Pete $34,000 Funding Source Park Land Dedication Summary On Hold In Design Out to Bid 1 Re -Bid Bids Received Pending Construction Contract Pending Design Contract Under Construction Under Contract 3 6 0 0 1 0 0 11 Zone 3 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 4 Zone 7 Zone 8 Zone 9 Completion Date Expected/Actual 12/06 10/07 08/07 05/08 Zone 10 08/07 Zone 11 12/15/06 I Zone 12 08/07 Final Cost I - Intergenerational Project O:/Projects/CIP/CIP & Park Land Ded Project List.doc Page 2 College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, November 27, 2006 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: Patricia Boughton, E.E. Burns, Dorothy Hernandez, Laura Holmes, Edgar Jones, Robert Meyer, Neal Nutall, Colleen Risinger, Yvonne Stevens, Doreen Todd, Joanna Yeager and Donald Pirwitz Members Absent: Joyce Davis, Rick Heaney, Jack Hernandez, Haskell Monroe and Raymond Reed Staff Present: Kathy Merrill, Assistant City Manager; Steve Beachy, Parks and Recreation Department Director; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:09am by Robert Meyer, Chairman II. Hear visitors A student from Texas A&M was observing the meeting III. Introduction and Welcome: Kathy Merrill, Assistant City Manager Kathy Merrill was introduced IV. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on October 30, 2006 Pat Boughton made the motion that the minutes be approved. E.E. Burns seconded the motion. The motion passed. V. Discussion, consideration and possible action on Senior Center Conceptual Design project presented by Tom Parker, Architect with BRW Ray Holiday, Tom Parker and Katie Collier with BRW presented a conceptual design of the senior center. A power point presentation and a model were presented. The architects asked for comments and suggestions from the members. A site plan showed the location of the proposed center to be off Krenek Tap road to the west of Central Park and connecting to existing trails. The design included the Dartmouth street extension and a lake (borrow pit filled with water) and other municipal buildings in the area. The architects used a barn theme in the design of roof forms. The architects discussed "Leed" Construction and a "Green Building" will be incorporated into the design in order to be environment friendly. Comments on the design from the committee for the architects to consider included: • Access to locker rooms from exercise rooms • Permanent stage area in multi purpose room • BBQ pit area on patio • Name for the facility and rooms within the building VI. Discussion, consideration and possible action on Promotions Sub -Committee Report (report on file) Rick Heaney, Jack Hernandez, Laura Holmes and Joyce Davis attended the meeting held on November 9`". The committee discussed plans to promote public awareness of the new Senior Center. The group discussed the Senior Friendly Award and agreed to put this program on hold until the completion of the senior center. A theme for the new senior center will be presented to the committee to review in the upcoming months. VII. Discussion, consideration and possible action of Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcoming programs and events. (report on file) VIII. Appointment of Goals sub -committee for 2007 Yvonne Stevens volunteered to serve. Joanna Yeager and Rich Heaney will be asked to serve. The sub -committee will review current goals and recommend goals for 2007. IX. Next meeting: Monday, December 18, 2006 X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:55am Meeting: The Promotion of Senior Activities Sub -Committee Meeting Date: November 9, 2006 Attending the Meeting: Rick Heaney, Jack Hernandez, Laura Holmes, Joyce Davis, and Marci Rodgers Purpose of the Meeting: Discuss plans for public awareness of new Senior Center The group discussed the importance of informing not only senior groups, but all age groups on the importance of a senior center in our community. Discussion took place on best ways to reach public and build support within the citizens of College Station. Suggestions included: • Developing a flyer to be inserted in the utility bills • Educate senior residents in retirement communities • Churches • Insert in the Eagle • T-shirts • Brazos Bounty Directory • Lifeinthebrazos.com • Information booths at special events and fundraisers • Professionally designed logo The group discussed the "The Senior Friendly Award" program. The sub -committee unanimously decided to put this program on hold until the completion of the Senior Center. Senior Services Coordinator Report November 2006 What we did in November: • Senior Leadership Brazos met on November 2nd. The Senior Services Coordinator was asked to speak and explain the programs we have for older adults. • Hospice, "Holidays Without You" was held on November 9th. The Senior Services Coordinator was asked to attend and explain our programs and have a booth with information for distribution. • Lincoln Center had two guest speakers this month. The College Station Police Department meets with the seniors on the First Friday of each month and discusses safety topics. Dee Dee Mathews, Extension Assistant with the Texas Cooperative Extension Agency, shared nutritional tips with the seniors and will meet with the group monthly. • Exploring History Lunch Lecture: 71 attended the lunch/lecture to hear Clara Mounce on the history of our Community Library System • Senior World Passport Programs were held on November 8 & 14th. India was the country discussed on the 8th with 47 attending and Puerto Rico was the topic on the 14th with 37 attending. • "Singing with Seniors": College Station ISD Headstart and Pre-Kindegarten classes traveled to Terrace Pines and Lincoln Center to sing to the seniors. Refreshments were provided by Senior Services. • Computer Classes held at The Teen Center: Computer Tips, Basic Internet and Email, Quicken and Computer 102 • Public Hearing: Master Plan for proposed new municipal cemetery, November 27, 7:00pm, City Hall Council Chambers What we have coming in December: • December 1-January 2: Christmas in the Park Free cookies, hot chocolate, hayrides, entertainment and visits with Santa. Enjoy the lights nightly and entertainment on the weekends of December 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 16 • December 4: Citizens Congress meeting held at the Hilton at 6:00pm. Citizens are invited to have input on the Comprehensive Plan. • December 5-21: Beginning and Intermediate Computer Classes offered for Seniors • December 13: Computer Club for Seniors The Computer Club for Seniors meets at 9:00am-10:30am. The topic is "Ebay for Dummies" • December 14: Christmas Dance for Seniors The dance will be held at the College Station Conference Center, 7:00pm-9:30pm. The cost is $5.00/person. Refreshments and door prizes are given away. • December 14: 42 Players meet at the Teen Center from 9:30am-11:30am • December 1 & 15: Friday Bridge Group meets at the Teen Center from 9:00am-12:00noon • December 5, 6 & 12: Christmas Lights Tour set for Villas of Rock Prairie, Terrace Pines and Lulac Oakhill • Beginning and Intermediate Computer Classes offered December 5 — 21st PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEETING DATES 2006-2007 December 12, 2006 January 9, 2007 February 13 March 6, 2007 April 10, 2007 May 8, 2007 June 12, 2007 July 10, 2007 August 14, 2007 September 11, 2007 October 9, 2007 November 13, 2007 December 11, 2007 Items for agenda submission are scheduled on a first -come, first -served basis. If a large number of items have been submitted for a given meeting, items can be scheduled for the next available meeting. If you have any questions, please contact the Parks & Recreation Department Assistant Director or Staff Assistant at 764-3415 or 764-3414. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD ABSENCE REQUEST FORM FOR ELECTED AND APPOINTED OFFICERS I will not be in attendance at the „QP,- ;-06 cukeil/ meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for the reason(s) specified: Date Ree'd t l- t " ©% o P6fref`eq `S�G��rNvra-s t a- C C --off 1 ,k412 Requests for Absence must be submitted to the Parks Staff Assistant at 764-3414 prior to the meeting date. (12/8/2006) Pam Springfield - Re: December Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meetin Page 1 From: Kathy <irishmist2@verizon.net> To: Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> Date: 12/8/2006 10:06 AM Subject: Re: December Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Hi Pam, I'm sorry, but I can't make the meeting. It is the graduation for the Police Academy. My last one, so I should be able to make all of the meetings next year. Merry Christmas! Kathy >From: Pam Springfield <Pspringfield@cstx.gov> >Date: 2006/12/06 Wed AM 09:21:47 CST >To: Gary Erwin <Erwin74@aol.com>, Harry Green <harjrag52@gmail.com>, Jodi Warner <jodiwarner@gmail.com>, Shawn Rhodes <shawnrhodes71 @gmail.com>, Joan Perry <dbajoan@hotmail.com>, John Crompton <jcrompton@tamu.edu>, Kathleen Ireland <irishmist2@verizon.net>, Jody Ford <thefordz@verizon.net>, Gary Thomas <olarmy58@yahoo.com> >Cc: Bridgette George <BGEORGE@cstx.gov>, Curtis Bingham <Cbingham@cstx.gov>, David Gerling <Dgerling@cstx.gov>, David Wood <Dwood@cstx.gov>, Glenn Brown <Gbrown@cstx.gov>, Kathy Merrill <Kmerrill@cstx.gov>, Mandi Alford <Malford@cstx.gov>, Peter Lamont <Plamont@cstx.gov>, Pete Vanecek <Pvanecek@cstx.gov>, Ross Albrecht <RALBRECHT@cstx.gov>, Ric Ploeger <Rploeger@cstx.gov>, Steve Beachy <Sbeachy@cstx.gov> >Subject: December Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting >Good Morning! Attached is the agenda for next Tuesday's regular meeting of the Parks Board, along with the minutes from the November meeting. Please let me know your availability for quorum purposes. Thank you! >Pamela Springfield >Staff Assistant >College Station Parks & Recreation Department >(979) 764-3414 >pspringfield@cstx.gov >College Station. Heart of the Research Valley. Page 1 of 1 Pam Springfield - Re: December Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Ild 11411 l!111111Jllll 1149I imm,id,i LlJll„u1 IlIL 11 II Oli ellplpl Jlllpll I tl uIIlu O1 plll I 1111111111111 IIiJ Il1ul l Il 1l III I p II 111111.111 From: Gary Thomas To: Pam Springfield Date: 12/11/2006 9:52 AM Subject: Re: December Parks & Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Sorry, I will not be at this meeting. Gary Thomas JIIIII III li61, Ili II Ilulilll 1 11111111110 II Check out the all -new Yahoo! Mail beta - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster. file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\pspringfield.CSTX\Local%20Settings\Temp\XP... 12/11/2006