HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/01/2003 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board -"' A.e Star; • • 01 Minutes Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Tuesday, August 12, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station— College Station, Texas Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Curtis Bingham, Parks Operations Superintendent; Kristin Lehde, Staff Assistant. Board Members Present: John Nichols, Chairman; Don Allison; Glen Davis; Glenn Schroeder; Larry Farnsworth; Ken Livingston; Jodi Warner (arrived during item #8); Gary Erwin, Alternate. Guests: Bill Lero, Developer Morris Hamilton, Developer Joe Schultz, Engineer 1. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 6:56 p.m. 2. Swearing in of new (Ka . Livingston; Gary Erwin, Alternate) and re- appointed (Larry Farnsworth; Don Allison) Board members: Ken Livingston, Gary Erwin, Larry Farnsworth, and Don Allison took the Oath of Office and the Statement of Appointed Officer. 3. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting: All Board members were present at the meeting. 4. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 5. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from Regular Board Meeting of July 8, 2003: Don Allison made a motion to approve the minutes from July 8, 2003, pending the amendment of the word evasive in item #10 to invasive. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning park land dedication requests for: + The Villas of Harvey Subdivision — Eric Ploeger introduced Engineer Joe Schultz and Developers Morris Hamilton and Bill Lero. He pointed to a site map of the proposed multi-family, 600 dwelling-unit development, which is located north of Highway 30, east of Veterans Park and Athletic Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 12,2003 Page 1 of 5 Complex (bordering FM158). Eric stated that central to the development is a potential park land dedication of 5.69 acres, with the possible addition of another 2.15 acres of a park detention/retention area. (The total required land dedication requirement for the development would be 4.8 acres.) At this time, it has not been determined how much of the proposed dedication is in the floodplain. Also, as part of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, it is desirable that a minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the perimeter of a park abut a public street. Eric said that approximately 25% of the proposed 5.69 acres would border public right-of-ways. That percentage would increase to approximately 50% with the addition of the 2.15 acres of detention/retention. Eric suggested that the Board take a tour of the site with staff. The Board discussed the following issues concerning the proposed dedication: - How much usable park land there would be. - How the detention/retention pond would be incorporated into the park. How access to/from the park site would be provided. Mr. Hamilton showed the Board a conceptual plan for the development. He was asked if the developers had considered developing the park prior to developing the property (similar to the development of Castlegate Park). Steve Beachy responded that upon further review of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, the Legal Department has determined that there are some wording changes to the ordinance needed for this type of project to be possible again. After some discussion, the Board was in consensus on taking a site tour of the property. The Board was also in consensus on having the tour the same day as the tour of Northgate. ogm Richards Subdivision - Hampton Estates — This park land dedication item was brought to the Board on July 8, 2003. During that meeting, the Board accepted the fee in lieu of land for the dedication. Eric pointed out that the number of lots has been reduced from eight (8) to six (6); however, nothing else has changed. He added that staff still recommends the acceptance of the fee in lieu of land. Glenn S. made a motion to accept the fee in lieu of land for the Richards Subdivision — Hampton Estates. Larry Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a Board tour of the Northgate area: A tour had been scheduled with the Board and Economic Development Director, Kim Foutz, for Thursday, August 7th, for the Board to visit potential park land in the Northgate area. However, due to a scheduling conflict, that tour was canceled. The Board was in consensus on Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 12,2003 Page 2 of 5 rescheduling the tour for Tuesday, August 19th, at 4:00 p.m., the group leaving from Saint Mary's Catholic Center. The Board was also in consensus on touring the Villas of Harvey Subdivision on this date as well. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standards: Curtis Bingham gave an update to the Board on the third quarter Park Maintenance Standards. He stated that overall, there was not a lot of change from the second quarter, and the Department is steadily making progress towards meeting its goal. He noted changes in the following three (3) categories: • Athletic Facilities (Competitive Fields) - The percentage of standards met decreased in this area because crews were not able to mow the grass due to recent rains. • Tennis Courts - The percentage of standards met increased in this area due to the resurfacing of the Bee Creek and Central Park tennis courts. • Basketball Courts - The percentage of standards met increased in this area due to the resurfacing of the Oaks Park basketball court. Curtis noted that there are some categories that do not have a lot of standards listed, so if standards change within those categories, there will be a definite fluctuation. One problem category is the ponds. The problem occurs because some of the standards within that category are set high, while the conditions that the crews have to work with are often problematic (i.e. clarity of the ponds and vegetation). Curtis will present the Fourth Quarter Maintenance Standard report to the Board in October 2003. During that presentation, he will give the Board a detailed status report on where the Department is in relation to its goal of meeting 90% of the stated standards within five (5) years. After some discussion, Glenn S. made a motion to accept the Third Quarter Park Maintenance Standard report. Glen Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding recommendations for appointment of additional new members to the Senior Advisory Committee: Peter Lamont stated that after appointments were made to the Senior Advisory Committee during the July 8th Board Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 12,2003 Page 3 of 5 meeting, the Committee was still three (3) members short. More applications were received, and the Senior Advisory Committee met on July 28th and recommended that Raymond Reed, Joe LeCour, and E.E. Burns be appointed to serve three (3) year terms on the Committee. Peter said that after that time, Mr. LeCour declined the nomination to serve on the Committee. Glen D. made a motion to appoint Raymond Reed and E.E. Burns to the Senior Advisory Committee. Don A. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 10.Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program: Eric updated the Board on the status of the current Capital Improvement, proposed future bond election, and Park Land Dedication projects. Current Capital Improvement Projects: • Bee Creek Light Pole Replacement - The Department is in the process of bidding the project out now to get an early start on it, and to get the equipment ordered and installed during the winter. • Hensel Park Playground Replacement - The project is ready to bid out so the construction can begin once the funds are available in October 2003. • Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements - An additional $350,000 from Community Development funds was allocated to the project to help build the covered basketball court that was included as part of the WA Tarrow Park Corridor Master Plan. Proposed Future Bond Election Projects: • Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II - Council voted to add three (3) soccer fields to the bond election (for an approximate additional cost of$1.3 million). • If the City Centre project is approved in the bond election, the Parks and Recreation Department Administration staff will be relocated to that site, and possible uses for the existing Central Park office will need to be determined. • Council voted to add $310,000 for park facility upgrades (intergenerational features) back into the bond election. Staff will prepare detailed information for the Board concerning the projects that are being proposed for the bond election. Jodi W. stated that early voting would start in October 2003. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 12,2003 Page 4 of 5 Park Land Dedication Projects: 4. Zone 4 - Two (2) projects listed in this zone are on hold because there are really no established projects yet. + Zone 6 - Four (4) projects are on hold in this zone because of the potential for using those funds to build a future park on Southwest Parkway, by Wellborn Road, depending on Board approval. If a park where to be built in that area, it would provide park service to those residents that is not provided at this time. 4. Zone 7 - Eric stated that he hopes that there will be public hearings for the design of Woodway Park in the fall. The Department has hired an intern, who is working on some design concepts for that park. This item was a report only, and no motion was made. 11.Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan: The Board's Fiscal Year 2004 goals will be an item for discussion on the September 9, 2003, agenda. The ..oard was in consensus on also holding a special meeting (tentatively set for September 23rd) to discuss their goals. Kristin Lehde will send the Board background information for review (i.e. the City's Strategic Plan and PARD projects) before the end of August. This item was intended for discussion only, and no motion was made. 12.Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agenda items: + Monday, August 18, 2003: Board and Committee Orientation. + Tuesd.q, August 19, 2003: Board tour of the Northgate Area and the Villas of Harvey. + Tuesday, September 9, 2003: Regular Board meeting scheduled for 7:00 p.m., at Exit Teen Center, + Tuesday, September 23, 2003: Tentative Special Board meeting to discuss Fiscal Year 2004 goals. Sunday, October 19, 2003: City of College Station 65th Anniversary Celebration at the Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater. 13.Adjourn: Glenn S. made a motion to adjourn. Jodi Warner seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 12,2003 Page 5 of 5