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09/23/2003 - Special Agenda Packet - Parks Board
- ?t, Agenda Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Special Meeting Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 7:00 p.m. The EXIT Teen Center College Station 1520 Rock Prairie Road — Embracing the Past. Exploring the 1 mute College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon — possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning park land dedication request for Southwest Park (Park Zone 6) 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives and City Council Strategic Plan. 6. Adjourn The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. k -__ ii--- EC:- ' [1--- Parks and R-creation Advisory Board Suggested 2004 Goals and Objectives ______------ 7",,, .," ., Accelerate the continued development of off-street bikeways. (Parks r1.. ,/ and Leisure Services Vision Statement, We will maintain and integr.ted parks systee- driven by connectivity) (Ken L.) 'f.:•:' . (i\ its) Restore the Arboretum at Bee Creek Park to former value as a v - ---! repository of knowledge about Texas grasses, plants, and trees; provide (L,t) safer use of the nature trail; restore signage; restore the identification of Texas grasses and weed the plots; repair bridges as needed; and, remove the pond scum on a more frequent basis. (P,..rks and Leisure Services Vision St,.:tee,erit, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks C.spital Lrprov- ,eent Projects) (Ken L.) (3) Establish a recreation/mini meeting center for seniors. Ideally, provide for public transportation several times a day. (P., rks ,: A Leisere Services Vision State re 't„ Strategy 2b - Review Leisure Service 'rograves) (K-n L.) '( Develop botanical gardens in existing or proposed new parks. (Glen D.) b(ej\z Implement the design and development of the Lincoln Center Expansion. (Parks and Leiser- Services Vision State -eet, Str..,ter)y 2e ' ',evel. .p ne, fivt--year P.'rks Cam ital I,:,icrove,e ent Pr-jects) (Glen D.) ) Assist in the 2003 Bond Election approval and implement the funds if approved. (P• rks aei L-isere Ser. ices Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - ,:evelop new five-y.-ar '''arks Capital L. prove'eent Prtjects) \':. i;v" (Glen D.) r7j Provide oversight of the development of Veterans Park Phase II. (Parks / and L-ist ,re Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2d - Development of Veterans Park Phase II) (Glen B.) (f-- c ) Develop recommendation on Greenways Master Plan implementation. -):\#, (Planning and Development Vision Statement, Strategy 2d - Update Greenway Master Plan) (Glen D.) 09 Develop program to systematically be informed, educated, review and d consider additional sources of revenues such as grants, donations, etc. ( 2 -) (Promote fiscal responsibility) (Glen D.) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals 2004 Revised 9-22-03 Provide oversight for the implementation of the CIP plan. (Parks and ' 0,. Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new ° five-year Parks Capit,1 Improvement Projects) (Gle., D.) zi,„-----, ,A , )A.L1)Explore the feasibility of allowing developers to develop park land with '-? the assistance, coordination, and approval of the Parks Department. (Planning and Devel. pment Vision Statement, Strategy id - Update Park Land Dedication Ordinanc-) (Glen D.) 4 \ 42)Provide oversight and support for agency accreditation with the National Recreation and Park Society. (Promote excellarce in customer service) (Staff) 3_., Assist with the November 2003 Bond Election. (Parks ad Leisure Services \'isio:. St,t-:,,ent, Strategy 2e - ! 'evelvtp new five-ye,,r Parks Capit.1 Improvement Projects) (Staff) riff- ,, kf!)Provide guidance and support for the implementation of a regional park (11) .--1; site in Grimes County. (Parks .: ,' Leisure Services Visio,: ,0 ,AV. Statement, Strategy 4a - 1, ;pkm,-.,t regional pl., 'rang ..:rid devel'tvler,t initiatives) (Staff) O. Review and update the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. (olanning a, cl Develsp:i.ent Vision St..:te:':ent/ Strategy id - Update P-Irk Land Dedication Ordinance) (Staff) 0-'---- , Review and assist in the development of a policy for street trees and >c& hazard hazard trees. (Parks nd Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 1v - Implementation 41 the Urba,. Forest lvia;•age:, ..-nt Pl..:n) (Staff) (-- 1 , \A k 7 Overseethe design process for # neighborhood parOin Park Zone 7. tc (A (Parks and Leisure Services Vision State..'e.,t, Stratgy 2e - 1.-x- 'p Develop new five-year P. rks Capital L-prove !I-lit Projects) \--°' (Staff) Oversee the design process for a neighborhood park in Park Zone 9. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (Staff) ,„.. ,..„ , ,. . Oversee the development of a new Five-Year Capital Improvement A\ *0 program. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Capital Improverne t Projects) (Staff) 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals - 2004 Revised 9-22-03 Provide oversight and support for the continued implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy la - Continue implementation of Park Maintenance Standards) (Staff) 2i. Develop support for a statewide $500M bond authorization for conservation projects as stated in House Bill 2779. (Parks ad Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4a - Impl - rnent regio,,al pl-n .i-g and development initiatives) (Staff) on previous list - Establish policies and standards for re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and services offered by the Department. Review and appraise outcomes of quarterly parks maintenance standards; -k1 u identify critical needs and develop plans for addressing them; integrate '11Q with budgeting process; follow up on implementation of Urban forestry plan (Parks and Leisure Services Visis n St.te ,,ent, Strategy la Continu- impeentation of Park Mtailance Standards; Strategy lb - I •:ple ,entatit: of Urban Forest Manage: e!:t ,!„) , Continue interaction with P&Z and Council to improve co munication ` and planning. (Previous #2) (Promote co *raioi an* tt2' co4 )eration) (3 ‘11 , N.) 2y Capital Improvement Program: Encourage successful support from citizens for launching new bond-funded CIP projects; provide oversight tf for planning and completion. (Previous #3) (Parks ns Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop ne',- five-year P-1-ks Cpita I pr,v,-,;1-nt Projects) (John N.) Continue oversight and emphasis on further development of VPAC. (Prey. #6) (I want to continue to keep this as a separate goal, even though it is part of CIP) (P-rks ad Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2d - Deveo ,nient of Veterans 9Nark Phase II) (John Na) 2)3`. Support continued efforts to implement Greenways Plan; integrate into u> considerations for all new parks and emphasize connectivity. (Prev.#9) (Planning and Develop ent Vision Statement, Strategy 2d - Update Greenw:y Master Plan) (John Na) Support City Council's Interagency Plan on any park and recreation related issues; support planning for possible region-wide parks; increase discussion of cooperative projects with CSISD as they enter critical stage of building and renovation plans (be proactive, present 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals - 2004 Revised 9-22-03 ideas to them). (Previous #10) (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4a - Impl-ment regional planning and development initiatives) (John N.) i -12Identify potential new sources of revenue. (Previous #11) (Promote fiscal responsibility) (John N. _ . Complete planning for Woodway park and begin construction. (Parks --( and Leisure Services Visisn Statement, Strategy 2e - Develop ( new five-ye...r Parks Capital Improvement Projects) (John Na) \*-L4 Create plan for reconstruction of Arboretum conditional on Bee Creek restoration project; identify and implement short-run improvements. (Parks and Leisure Service,, Vision Statement, Strategy 2e Devel Il ) new five-year c..irks CapitA I:, ,prove;-e ,t Projects) (J,,hn N.) Richard Carter Park: Review and prioritize needed improvements; ,(- 11 identify possible sources of funds; implement improvement plan. ( r.rks and Leisure Servicr's Visi,:r, Stat-fient, Strategy 2e - Develop e ,',' five-year Parks Capital .I! proveeet Projects) Chil:; :'.i ) Reconsideration and development of park plans to serve area between 11 Barron Rd. and Graham Rd. (Parks and Leisure Services Visi ,, ' State!.:ent, Strategy 2e - Devel*p ne - five-year Perks Ca )it.4 I rovev:ent Projects) (lehn N©) )(Continue to engage Seniors' group to assist in developing improved -i recreational and leisure services; monitor and review the ) implementation of plans for co-locating programs at The EXIT (Parks and LeisHr- Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2b - ;eeview Leisure Service Progras) (John N.) 34. Provide oversight for, and review as needed, the planned 'L , ' implementation of on-line registration services. (Parks -,nd Leisure fy.4 Services Visioi State- est, Strategy 2b - Review Leisure Service Programs) (John Na) 35. Maintain and further develop dialogue with recreational sports user groups, including Little League, to identify long-term needs and monitor short-term issues. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 2b - Review Leisure Service Programs) (John N.) 11, : 'LId.. . ,We should aggressively see< additional park land for future growth and l " development. (Planning and Development Vision Statement, We 11 will promote well planned neighborhoods) (Gary E.) t . 0 /B,Jarci/GrJais/Suggr-i- C Pard C:al,' 2001 Revised 9-22-03 #. We should assist in the rewriting of the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. kl, (Planning and Development Vision Statement, Strategy id lips ate Park Land Dedication Ordinance) (Gary E) *. The board should continue to assist the Parks Department in the -,s implementation of the Park Maintenance Standards. The Parks Board (3 /should use all of it resources to insure that funding is made available so these standards can be met.(13rks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy la - Ccntinu,- i -ple:, entatism of Park r tali, tenance Standar, 's) (Gary E) ,5 . The board should continue to assist the Parks Department in the 61,:) implementation of the Urban Forrest Management Plan, ( arks and ' Leisure Services Vi,14,n St.te ':e ,t, Strategy la - Continue iple- ,entatioi , if Park Maintenance Standards; Strategy lb Implementation .f Urban Forest F-! .'nage' le -t Plan) (Gary E®) si 46. The board should continue to assist the Parks Department with -edevelopment of the Parks Capital I, provement Projects. (Parks and --)Leisure Services Vision Stater-e,-t, Strategy 2e - Develop new five-year Parks Ca;rital I.:1:irov-me A Projects) (Gary E.) The Parks Board should continue to support and assist the Parks ( )Department with its efforts to implement regional planning and develop initiatives. (P,..rks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Str.!tegy 4a - L, ip,1,-,,i —t regional pl.,nning and development initi.itiv,$) (Gary E) ' The Parks Board should continue to provide interaction between the (1 ,., Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and other city boards. (ProP ste -2.2 collaboration and cooperation) (Gary E.) ..,3 The Park Board should continue to support the city council's interagency ,t /Plan on any parks and recreation related issues. (Parks and Leisure Services Vision Statement, Strategy 4a - I,nplement regi.nal planning and development initiatives) (G. ry E.) c_.-------- , 0:/Board/Goals/Suggested Board Goals - 2004 Revised 9-22-03