HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/2002 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee (2) Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, May 20, 2002 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road MINUTES Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Annie Lee Finch, Billy G. Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Carol Parzen and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Suzanne Reynolds. Visitors: Robin Stover, Volunteer Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. Bill Lay, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:05am. II Hear visitors. Robin Stover was introduced as a volunteer. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on April 29, 2002 Annie Lee Finch made the motion that the minutes be approved. Carol Parzen seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Marketing Sub-Committee Report (see attached report) Carol Parzen presented the report for the sub-committee. The plan lists different sources for the staff to use to effectively market the programs and events sponsored by the City. New ideas created from the sub-committee included a fall and spring "Kickoff" reception at the Teen Center. These events will highlight and promote upcoming events and classes offered for seniors. Mary Jo Lay made the motion to approve hosting a kickoff reception in order to allow seniors an opportunity to view the selection of upcoming classes and events. Phyllis Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed. The plan also includes listing a separate phone line located at the teen center to be manned by a senior information attendant. The number would include a recorded message listing events for seniors when the attendant was not on duty. The committee gave names of organizations to be considered for the Golden Eagle monthly calendar. Marci will contact the organizations and pass along information to the Golden Eagle. V. New Member Applications The committee reviewed the applications received to date. Joanna Yeager made the motion that Frank Camplone, Yvonne Stevens and Betty J. Wilborn be considered by the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee beginning July, 2002. Mary Jo Lay seconded the motion. The motion passed. The committee will also consider a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman to serve in July, 2002-2003. The new member recommendations and new Chairman and vice-chairman recommendations will be placed on the July 9, 2002 agenda of the Parks and Recreation Board for approval. VI. Senior Services Coordinator report (See attached report) • Seniors Expo—Wednesday, May 29, 2002 • Day Trip to Calvert—Thursday, May 30, 2002 VII. Next meeting date and agenda. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2002 at 10:00am. Agenda items: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and new member recommendations, more information on Fall Kickoff at Teen Center. VIII Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 11:05am STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR 2002. lm.piii,gkANiifilgipiusua3Ecro•oy.giiTEAMISIS14JANIEIIlliglgIBIIIERIIIIllialtmARcHtiaoisfigiARmwsotEssoal,MAYIIEsiiaag4v.Ngjr,ggggitigig:itjm4yaiagggfigiAualiagggt,g.? ggrtigaitiogOcr.gggivigagi:.N:QVoi::Nog.:Egipgcgiiittlio Initial consultant Submit • VS 3 presentation to Presentation of draft Determine plan implementation Parks Board consultant's report to based upon plan for Council S 4.a Urban Forest Plan Ross March 5th. C-F,:ta:T= Councils direction consideration if ' required Board review of future Complete Board review Complete future Maint./Forestry recommendations Board review of 2nd Board review of 3fd of 4.quarter VS 4 Maintenance&Forestry recomm.05 2/12102. for future parks quarter, quarter. and year end. S 2.a Parks Maintenance recommendations. Develop recommend. 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I can give you the names of the officers selected. Eleanor Williams-Chairwoman Mabelene Canto-Robinson -Vice Chairwoman Debra Thomas- Secretary Andrew Daily Sr. -Treasurer Lance >>> Kris Lehde 06/03/02 11:49AM >>> Lance, You had requested that an item be placed on the June Parks Board agenda for the election of new members to the Lincoln Center Advisory Committee. Can you please send me their applications(you may want to fax them), so that I can include them in the packets that I send out this week? 1191 send you an agenda once complete. The meeting will be held on Thursday, June 13th, at 6:00 p.m.,at the Conference Center, Room 105. I have to warn you that we have a lot of big items before you, so it may be over an hour until we get to that portion of the agenda. Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks& Recreation (979)764-3414 CC: Niecey Harris Mission Statement On behalf of the citizens of College Station, home of Texas A&M University,the City Council will promote and advance the quality of life of the community. Core Values • Collaboration and cooperation • Excellence in customer service • Regionalism • Fiscal responsibility • Active member of the Brazos Valley e Promote health, safety, and general well community being of the community • We support activities that promote • Promote involvement and participation of municipal empowerment the citizenry • • Identified Strategies 5/29/2002 11:44 Vision Overall Core Services Rank Rank 1 1 High level of quality and reliability for Streets,Utilities,Technology,with the capacity to meet current and projected needs. 2 2 Provide high quality public health and safety 3 4 Promote well planned neigborhoods suited to community interests and lifestyles a. !proactive code enforcement 3 3 Be effective communicating-interdepartmental and to the public a. Televising and web-cast Council and other important meetings and other initiatives. b. Up-to-date website c. E-Government Implementation Parks&Leisure Services 1 9 Maintain a high quality parks system 3 15 Integrate the community with a system of Greenways and bikeways 4 14 Promote cultural arts a. build a performing arts center b. promote public art c. library 2 12 Promote comprehensive pro•rams and related facilities that target all age groups Planning&Development 5 Pass/implement UDO(update at set period) 2 11,Regurarly update the comprehensive plan a. small area plannng b. UDO c. Guide growth through planned annexation d. close coordination between economic development and development services 5 16 Regularly update the Park System Plan 3 10 Develop an Intermodal Transportation Action Plan 4 13 Promote revitalization and redevelopment of declining areas Economic Development 3 7 Promote tourism a. stand alone CVB 1 6 Promote 30/60 corridor plan a. Hotel Conference center b.Zoning 2 8 Promote and strengthen diversification of the tax base and job base a. Support Economic Development Corporation(provide good paying diverse jobs(pay and benefits) b. Pursue development of second business park c. Promote development and redevelopment in targeted areas Identified Strategies 5/29/2002 11:44 Overall Rank 1 High level of quality and reliability for Streets, Utilities,Technology, with the capacity to meet current and projected needs. 2 Provide high quality public health and safety 3 Be effective communicating- interdepartmental and to the public 4 Promote well planned neigborhoods suited to community interests and lifestyles 5 Pass/ implement UDO (update at set period) 6 Promote 30/60 corridor plan 7 Promote tourism 8 Promote and strengthen diversification of the tax base and job base 9 Maintain a high quality parks system 10 Develop an Intermodal Transportation Action Plan 11 Regurarly update the comprehensive plan 12 Promote comprehensive programs and related facilities that target all age groups 13 Promote revitalization and redevelopment of declining areas 14 Promote cultural arts 15 Integrate the comi unity with a system of Greenways and bikeways 16. 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' -he.quality'of-fife?of'tha'.coMM.ynitY;4*,,:, :'',,,'•...,‘n.,,,,..,.,‘,,, ,,..-„„,...... : .. \,.....,,... Development Code, which• • "Wheifthey go through the falls under the planning and . ':',',:...''...i.:11':::.',:':.,.:,,.....•..:',...., -\'''.'..-,.,:.:‘,2..'1'...::.,:'-_.-:.-...:),.'...,'::'•-:::*'''...:':,:'::IV.;',45i,....- ::' ';',:::'-':-..1.'.:.:-.-.'..',_::-).-StaftlePort --..budget process, they're•going ... ... 'tr. , - -'• . ,'-: ,...,:,.:`,.**:•,:--'•. ,..,...•;Y:V=.1A,-:;,,,,,,.,....,--,.,:,. • -;•..J'.':, ,, ,. ... - .-, -- • try i.--,', .• -6,-; • ,p. • development category, 'drew : ''. ..r.--,f:.• - ':. ::!'',:..:-,-;‘..:.'. ,. .,,.::;,,,,,;:,6k.f0,4.;.;.:,-,..;.t. i;.:;.„.:.::::.,:,!.,....:':.-.:i.,..:.-,_. : .: . to ,-.and, 0-:it.,,a1L;.- Council --7 (1) special attention from. the ,- - --- : - • - ,'''•'1.--:.-....,:::::—; -, , •.•.:--° ' '''': i'-'•—•-''-' mat). Scott MearsLsaid. 6`.'But.if council. .-. . 'fion's:,:,-...'ea§i',:'.'..,iide'.that•.tsiiii1456'1'.. iiiiif6::t..-§iitioilty.,..‘i...Developing nioney..;-7'kets'fight,- that's why „ -',-..':::-•''' , ...- ,; ,the :• - -- . „--4:-, ,, :,. :. Other development issueS'.'-. home'to hotel, and cOnterg ,•recreatioti.:-..-.programs:.for peo-, we'diti/sivhatwe'did”: : :•.---:: - c 1 ,,,,,.... . .., . . . . pinpointed by council mem-":'., eriCe'ceryter,-.,:','AttractiOgtithetaiijlebfiAltOges,,'::e0rinecting.,the. . And while'.-thei•-•council'.was . . bers are to update the city'ss•'i:::deVetbpth6fitgIAVf:•..fh4f6af.Wifi:.i-W,,:;-,:d•oaditifittk4;.vv'itti4tg.trliSike*.aY'',''' atiSfie&With'the'liSt of priori- ( ......,___...„........ 4,,....- -lIk'''..'N';',`,,*.•,,,,,,,•'•' t,„.,:,.: A!,.••.,,.., ,. ... , ,., , , comprehensive plan,„ develop'.'ibenefit-trietf.`iit4.,;:fitiall.Q07r.cliStritt.,.,-,,,,sygtetiVoildtriromosting?.0.tutara f,tie§;qiinernberS7:.iaCknowledged an Intermodal Transporfationthat'...;:-fia.4e-Oggfillgf_tgidlitigalibilitt/IMirte4,6i6A1§t6e1.'ag'.': i5thei::. .tht.:'.i.tiifor6s6eii-'•_events ebtid, • Action Plan, 'update. the park'',,,;'.thet6'.::•A,-:,t-:-,'W'':':-;Cgvgt::::F:.iotpAT;4:ok.4)M*04(ofi.o,txi... ei:OS,iii14t...:'.'oati '.**64.§iiiiie...':,ifeiiii.,:.,.to.:,be adde&, .., „ :),,,,,t,,,,3,,,....,4., ,1 ..,,,?,'.4 ., , ,.•'.,./, ,.. . . system plan\and promote rede--:::-..Other44•e-cob.. 1.6.A.I.J,',1 vele' also:4`expressed,,aif strong inter-.', or eliminated velopment in older, declining„;:::'llierit..goal4tite'dilithel,Ctii&I.,10gtOlt,,I,VOliting::'.tdtket-i':a:j:tet.:::::T. ,,I,'C.!!rhi§:i§just 64,'plan.,” Mayor:: ..._ „ , , ,,,, , v,i, ,to--..-,-...„-(.'.. .„a....,, -.:-..,-,11,,y,..: .---,*_ „-:-, . - - .• - areas. - , .-, - ,-lY'cil are.to.:TromOtettourismI.iaricr;',;:-forming arta center.011 t near Ron said 'And like all . . ,:.,,„ , .-.4-,,, $. p. ,*.,''',,'I:' • ''' .., ,•,',S' ',,,:r.,•',.;,..e..'(,;c,:, •, . .', • • .. .,..i.r,— ' The top. economic -develop-f.,:,1?ringi..in.:s.;4,tOvvrg,',4i,:Aigt:i,oz:?:paying _,',,tn0) 'conference.cet.i:ter.,!„,.site.,.,,.,,,,,.1.,•,., .'.:,,t)lah§'41t...is subject to change'e.""•,:), A . ment priority is.' the.. city's jobs ;.•'!.::.„..-;:Aik';4.1:0,,i10114,,Oth.t, ,. ,,,tiiiiii01:,,.iiierribeitA,taid::i.;thel::*.iii;4,Ftig:;,,',,,,;,,,',.,:',.:,'•'.', ,,.•,'. ...',..:.,.' . 0#?",..1:,?,,,, - , iiiiik ,,,,,:,‘, ,,....,,, ,-,,,,p,,••\,•.,&•,,,'.,,c,,,x,I.: ,..!'' •• . „,,iy,,,,;• ,.,,,.,:•.,,•,' .,,,:!.''''••,-.1.Christopher•.•'a!'' -:•':••• •'' t 1,..0,1'l'''''.• 30/60 Corridor” plan, which'..•,..-:JMainta in :',., . .-,citY.,,•$,,,,',pati,&•eity,.,k,:;;Rshould' .have,,,, ::.'enough.,;,-,-M.t.:,,,,. ., Ferrell s e-.mail'. is the area on the College Sta.: 'sy'§tem*ai'degigfiated-',.thdioli. ::nion6i'i!.::i0r•covPr.bil:::16'ijointS'i'addre§t,is cferreli@theeagle.corn;,:.. . ...:. .:' .:.,.,s.Jik,0-::: : :',:?,,i,.,',,-,'4:,,,.,,,,..0,..,!,,y0', .',.'.:',;.i.. ....,.::•....,.,..„;',.,,r,-,-,::,;.-::::,t.'-:,'....,..".::„:,,:.:;-..'‘.::,t..,..'.,,..'•-...',:' : -',.: .• ' ..,'. ,,:-.'",.i,-',-:..,:.'..,:,..',.,•:',..:-..-:.: ':•...,:': •',.,•!.,,..,..,*',..::,::•:.:.. -; ... . • , • , ;', ..,:,-,2.:',.,..,•-.',.'':-, (.'• t Staff Comments on Urban Forest Management Plan Meeting of Monday,June 10, 2002 Central Park Conference Room at 3:30 p.m. Staff Invited Bill Cody, Carla Robinson, Glenn Brown, Steve Beachy, Jane Kee, Judy Downs, Kelly Templin, Mark Smith, and Nanette Manhart. Staff resent: Steve Beachy, Eric Ploeger, Judy Downs, Carla Robinson, Ross Albrecht. Ross state that the chapter pertaining to Risk Management was expan.ed to include wor•ing on hazardous trees, site •istance, and street tree management. He suggested that if a Risk Management policy is created,then it should address trees on electrical easements that can cause hazards. Carla asked if the idea of the plan was to centralize tree maintenance. Ross said that maintenance will I.e interdepart ental. Steve said that if implemented, there would be a plan in place to address any future pro•lems that could occur. This would allow the City to be more proactive than reactive. Judy said that it is important for people to know that the City only has two employees working on tree care at this time. She agrees with the incentives for planting trees on private property, an. recommended that the responsibility for maintenance be placed on the •roperty owners. She thinks that hazard evaluation and risk management are important. She suggested that the Greenways program take on the education, habitat, and community awareness issues if the plan is adopted. She asked if the City's Electrical Division has been trained on tree prunii%. Ross said that they contract this service out. Judy suggested ed cating people on how to prune trees properly. Steve said that the plan tries to address a process for trimming and pruning trees. Carla said that from a Risk Management point of view, any liability that the City could incur would be the result of the City's awareness of a hazardous condition, and negligence in correcting the problem. The question arose whether the City would be more liable if a plan were in place. She said that as long ts there are pruni g and trimming procedures in place, the City could be lia.le if something happens. Judy suggested that the plan be adopted in its entirety. Carla said that compared to having a plan or not having a plan in place, it would be more beneficial to have a plan in place. She added that the City would be in a better position to decrease liability. (Although, she would have to confirm with Harvey.) The question was asked if the City did privatize tree planting, would the property o ncr be liable for trees planted on private property that may pose a hazar. to the public? Also, how would this be enforced? l$y999p - % s y M � - -..,..,„ 6'1 ''',,, t„. I ..,„ I iV, 1 t,..,.‘,.„ lt,:44'''''', J. i( ,------„,'--:-,- ec-, i__itt 31- C r y C,,,,,,,,-,',,,,1,..,, O 1 -` kfid. '','-7-iic.. ' -t:_e,t,,,,i, ,iiii t �. � - ,,... ,z,,,, g iii i filf----ii,-,-,-:. „...--_,..''''''''..---''C'''i'l-''''--''''''-t,-,:i: ('''''''''Vit--,.<1 (----7''''' l'--1:2-ci,,,,.,et.,,,,,,----!.-c.,, ti,i'' L.,,,,-,,,r,,,...---( , r t 1:,,.. 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Develop/implement/maintain a Risk Management Strategy for: -All trees on municipal property(street ROW,parkland,drainage/utility ROW,and greenways) -Tree management in electrical easements(private property) -Trees that originate on private property that effect visibility,traffic flow,electrical distribution,etc. a. Should address hazard trees and trees that are creating a hazard b. Need to include: -Systematic inspection -Hazard id and evaluation training -Documentation -Control of the hazards in a timely manner -Review of program and its ability to meet goals,with recommendations to meet goals 2. Develop/implement cyclic pruning for: -Parkland,municipal building,greenway sites - Street trees -Electrical easements (already in place,but specifications need to be updated) a. Include review of these programs and ability to meet goals,with recommendations to meet goals 3. Tree Planting Initiatives -Continue tree planting efforts at new facilities/parks -Develop/implement reforestation plans for older facilities/parks -Street tree planting(?),or incentives for plating on private property a. Planting efforts should strive for species and age diversity at all locations b. Development/implementation of planting and clearance specifications(attach to UDO?) -Tree set back from curb lines -Tree spacing along street ROW(?) -Minimum root zone size -Sight distance triangles -Various sizes dependent on intersection type -Min/max heights within the triangles -Visibility of traffic control devices -Roadway speed dependent - Street layout dependent -Minimum height clearance for sidewalks,curb lines,center line of streets 4. Tree Preservation -Require tree plans on all projects(public and private)that could effect municipal trees -Develop educational material on working around existing trees to be distributed to: developers contractors architects engineers 5. Emergency Management -Incorporate emergency tree management(after debris clean up/removal) 6. Community Awareness -Development and distribution of educational materials addressing FA 's Conduct annual Arbor Day Ceremony 6/7/02 RECOMMENDATIONS RE: URBAN FOREST DRAFTPLAN FROM JANE KEE & NANETTE MANHART 1. Make development of the GIS data/process a priority as soon as possible. 2. Expand Streetscape Ordinance Street Tree requirements to include Single Family developments. 3. Analyze resources to see if inspection services can be provided to insure that required tree barricades and/or other tree protection methods are in place prior to and during all construction phases. 4. Coordinate with other agencies (public, private, or non-profit) who have jurisdiction or interests within the City to promote and protect the Urban Forest. Le. TxDOT, TAMU, BGC, etc. 5. Assess economic impact of the Urban Forest on the City as a whole. Be able to quantify the value of these trees. 6. Recommend an expanded tree list of species appropriate for this area to increase diversity. 7. Recommend completion of Tree Preservation Planning section that was not complete in the draft version of report.