HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/20/2002 - Regular Minutes - Senior Advisory Committee Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, May 20, 2002 College Station Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road MINUTES Members Present: Phyllis Dozier, Annie Lee Finch, Billy G. Lay, Mary Jo Lay, Carol Parzen and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Laura Holmes, Bill Kling, Haskell Monroe, Neal Nutall, Suzanne Reynolds. Visitors: Robin Stover, Volunteer Staff Present: Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator I. Call to order. Bill Lay, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 10:05am. II Hear visitors. Robin Stover was introduced as a volunteer. III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on April 29, 2002 Annie Lee Finch made the motion that the minutes be approved. Carol Parzen seconded the motion. The motion passed. IV. Marketing Sub-Committee Report (see attached report) Carol Parzen presented the report for the sub-committee. The plan lists different sources for the staff to use to effectively market the programs and events sponsored by the City. New ideas created from the sub-committee included a fall and spring "Kickoff' reception at the Teen Center. These events will highlight and promote upcoming events and classes offered for seniors. Mary Jo Lay made the motion to approve hosting a kickoff reception in order to allow seniors an opportunity to view the selection of upcoming classes and events. Phyllis Davis seconded the motion. The motion passed. The plan also includes listing a separate phone line located at the teen center to be manned by a senior information attendant. The number would include a recorded message listing events for seniors when the attendant was not on duty. The committee gave names of organizations to be considered for the Golden Eagle monthly calendar. Marci will contact the organizations and pass along information to the Golden Eagle. V. New Member Applications The committee reviewed the applications received to date. Joanna Yeager made the motion that Frank Camplone, Yvonne Stevens and Betty J. Wilborn be considered by the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on the Senior Advisory Committee beginning July, 2002. Mary Jo Lay seconded the motion. The motion passed. The committee will also consider a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman to serve in July, 2002-2003. The new member recommendations and new Chairman and vice-chairman recommendations will be placed on the July 9, 2002 agenda of the Parks and Recreation Board for approval. VI. Senior Services Coordinator report (See attached report) • Seniors Expo—Wednesday, May 29, 2002 ® Day Trip to Calvert—Thursday, May 30, 2002 VII. Next meeting date and agenda. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 24, 2002 at 10:00am. Agenda items: Chairman, Vice-Chairman and new member recommendations, more information on Fall Kickoff at Teen Center. VIII Adjourn The meeting was adjourned at 11:05am Senior Services Coordinator Monthly Report May 2002 Senior Police and Fire Academy The academy will end on Thursday, May 23rd. A lunch will be served from 11:00-12:00. The participants have enjoyed the sessions and evaluations will be submitted to Officer Kemp. I will have those results at the June meeting. Computer Club The Computer Club for seniors meeting dates is Wednesday, May 8 & May 22 at the Public Utilities Department Training room. Attendance averages at 30. Walking Club The first scheduled walk will be held at Central Park on Thursday, June 6th starting at 8:00am. Participants will register at the Central Park Pavilion, hear a speaker and begin their walk on the new .72mile paved bike loop. Water and fruit will be served. Participants will be given a logbook to record their miles and/or time walked and reports their progress each month. Seniors Expo 2002 Wednesday, May 29, 2002 at the Brazos Center, Free Admission. Thank you to the volunteers who agreed to work a two-hour shift at the Parks and Recreation Department booth. We are expecting a large number of visitors! (See list of entertainers and seminars) Day Trip to Calvert I expect 30 participants on Thursday, May 30th as we travel to Calvert. We will tour a Victorian Home and have lunch at the Calvert Inn. We will also have time to shop on Main street. We are renting an air-conditioned A&M Charter bus. The cost is $12.00 and the deadline to make reservations is Friday, May 24th. Marketing Plan For Senior Programs and Facilities The purpose of a marketing plan is to implement the goal, approved by City Council in February 2002 to increase marketing and advertising for the senior programs. The use of"free" marketing opportunities such as radio, television and newspaper public service announcements and College Station's cable channel and newsletter, will be utilized. The staff will also place an emphasis in marketing the community as a senior friendly city. The plan will communicate to the older adults in the Brazos Valley the opportunities available to enrich their lives. The following sources were identified as good marketing tools and places to advertise. • The Golden Eagle monthly calendar • TV Guide weekly insert O City of College Station web site • City of College Station Cable Channel 19 • KBTX TV: Noon Show and Senior Report • The ABC affiliate Channel • Cox Cable ® Radio • City of College Station Newsletter included in Monthly Utility Billing • Surrounding county newspapers • Senior Organization Newsletters -Retirement Communities -Friends of the Library -A&M retired professors -Senior Centers -RSVP -Local Churches -Pastor's Associations • Movie Theater • Grocery Stores • Doctor's officies • Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center New Ideas: e Senior Information Center with a part-time attendant • A phone line with senior information New Programs • A special event held in the Fall and Spring to "Kick-Off' upcoming programs. This event will be held at the Teen Center and refreshments served. Tables would be set-up with information on upcoming programs, classes and events for seniors. in -,- ------.-7,,:;',-----.---;:s,',,,,,':_,,„:.::.:.i.',7;',.•..: -`"'.. ''- , ,'''''''',',,':-''''''•:.,-;:'.‘..,'::,:::'',"`''''''' ' '''':'' . ., :4.0„.,,,,-,-''''''.' a,.,„,,,,,:,,,,,,._ ,,,,,:::,,,,, ,_,_,.„,,, ,,,,-..,,,a,,' ,,,,,,.s.,,:,,,''....„':•,,,‘, .. ',-..,.'.:,,,,TA'''''''.4,2‘,.'1;,'"'','- •,-''':. 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O Review proposed park conceptual plans and make recommendations for intergenerational features (VS4S3a). O Review and develop recommendations for Urban Forestry Plan (VS3S4a) (June 13, 2002. Will be presented to Council for consideration on June 27, 2002). O Review preliminary cost estimates for CIP prepared by Staff. More interaction between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and Planning and Zoning Commission, and shared vision with the City Council (VS4S8a). El Assist with the review and preparation of the Unified Development Ordinance (November 13, 2001). El Review and recommend possible changes to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance (October 9, 2001). E Conduct a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission to discuss goals (September 20, 2001). El Conduct a joint meeting with the City Council to confirm goals (December 6, 2001)® Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program. • Castlegate Park site review (November 13, 2001). El Lick Creek Park site review (December 11, 2001) • Madeley Park site review® (Februaly 19, 2002) O Woodway Park site review. O Shenandoah Park site review (On Hold). Planning and coordination for the next bond issue. l Identify and assess the needs for future park facilities. (February 5, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (February 5, 2002) El Determine priorities for development. (February 12, 2002) O Develop a recommendation for consideration in the 2002 bond program. Review and update the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan. EI Review of Section II (Goals and Objectives) of the plan (February 12, 2002) E1 Review of Parks and Recreation Department 5-Year Strategic Plan. (February 12, 2002) o Review of Sections I, IV, V, and VI of the plan. o Review of Section VII (Prioritization of Needs and Plan Implementation) o Review and comments regarding Section III (Plan Development Process). o Review of Revised Master Plan Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:June 7,2002 Page 1 of 2 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex, Phase II Development. EI Review needs for future facilities and programs (December 1/, 2001) El Determine priorities for development. (February 5, 2002) 1 Develop recommendations for implementation. (Februaly 12, 2002) El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff. (March .5, 2002) Skate Park facility planning (VS4S5b). 1 Develop recommendation for scope of project. (November 13, 2001) 2 Develop recommendation for facility use. (November 13, 2001) 2 Develop recommendation for implementation. (November 13, 2001) Review funding sources for the installation of two backstops and two batting cages at Bee Creek Park. (Note: A service level adjustment will be requested for FY03). El Review preliminary cost estimates prepared by Staff(November 13, 2001). O Determine needs for program requirements. O Develop recommendations for scope of project. O Develop recommendations for implementation. Review funding sources for the repair or replacement of the jogging track at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park. El Review proposed project cost estimates (December 11, 2001). Et Review funding alternatives (Completed by Staff). 2 Develop recommendations for implementation. Support implementation of the Greenways Master Plan. El Receive update report from Greenways Coordinator (October 9, 2001). O Review Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan as it relates to greenways. Support the City Council's Interagency Plan in any Park and Recreation related issues. O Continue dialog with the College Station Independent School District regarding future school/park developments. O Continue dialog with Texas A&M University regarding Hensel Park and Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Develop programs and facilities for Senior Citizens. El Receive input from fall Eisenhower Leadership Development Program group. (December 6, 2001) • Determine priorities for programs and facilities (January 8, 2002). O Develop recommendations for implementation (Jimmy 8, 2002). Parks&Recreation Advisory Board FY2002 Goals and Priorities Parks&Rec.Advisory Board Approval:October 9,2001 Updated:June 7,2002 Page 2 of 2 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 5 Major Goals PARKS&RECREATION DEPARTMENT FY02 GOALS 36 Milestones 25 Complete '1. Implementation of the CIP Program > Implementation of Special Projects Continue to Improve Staff Development El Implementation of New Programs • Implementation of City Council Strategic Issues Imslementation of the CIP Pro.ram O Complete 90%of the CIP Program -Refer to FY02 CIP Project List(32%complete) Continue to Improve Staff Development f Complete Management Academy(three(3)PARD Superintendents)(Graduation February 22,2002) El Complete Supervisory Academy(six(6)PARD personnel)(Class graduated on November 13, 2001) o Complete Certified Playground Safety Inspector re-certification from the National Recreation and Park Association(two(2) PARD Supervisors)(Curtis Bingham,Parks Operations Superintendent, was recertified) O Send one(1)PARD Supervisor to the National Recreation and Park Association sponsored Park Maintenance School(Scheduled for August 2002). El Complete the Weapons of Mass Destruction training course(seven(7)PARD personnel)(Training December 17h, 18th, and 19th) Ei Complete the Principles of Emergency Management course(PARD personnel)(Graduation held on November 18, 2001) El Participate in the Brazos Valley Regional Leadership Forum Conference(Director of PARD)(Complete April 16, 2002) El Asst. Director to complete the Texas Forest Service's Incident Command Training (Complete March26, 2002) Imslementation of Cit Council Strate.ic Issues O VS3S4a-Complete Urban Forest Management Plan(Initial presentation to the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board on March 5, 2002. A second meeting is scheduled for June 13th. Scheduled for Council consideration on June 27, 2002). EZI VS4S2a-Implement Park Maintenance Standards(to track performance)(1st and 2nd quarter reports complete) O VS4S3a-Implement Intergenerational Park Facilities(In progress) O VS4S4a-Develop recommendations for developer incentives to provide adequate park land (Draft recommendations complete. Met with local developers on February 28, 2002.) EZI VS4S4b-Complete development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex,Phase I,and conduct needs assessment for future facilities Needs Assessment approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on February 12,2002. Presentation to the City Council on March 28, 2002). El VS4S4c-Update Parkland Dedication Ordinance(Ordinance revisions approved by Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on October 9, 2001. Adopted by City Council on January 24, 2002. The revised ordinance will go into effect on July 24, 2002). 121 VS4S4d-Develop facility needs for future community park(November 29, 2001) IZJ VS4S5a-Develop plans for senior programs and facilities(Council approval on February 28, 2002)) EZI VS4S5b-Prepare feasibility report on skateboard park(Report presented to Council on December 20, 2001) • VS4s7b-Implement greenway-park connectivity demonstration project(Bee Creek and Lemon Tree parks) VS4s8a-Improve communication between Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission (Parks and Recreation Advisory Board met with the Commission on September 20, 2001. A joint meeting with the City Council was held on December 6,2001. Future meetings will be scheduled accordingly). Implementation of Special Projects O Review and update the Recreation,Park,and Open Space Master Plan(In progress) O Develop recommendations for future Capital Improvement Program projects(In progress-preliminary recommendation complete) El Replace irrigation at Lemontree Park(February 1, 2002) El Implement public art at Wolf Pen Creek phitheater(Bronze Wolves)(Dedication held December 17, 2001) O Investigate the possibility of Departmental accreditation(In progress) 2 Conduct dedication ceremony for the Wayne Bryan Bike Loop(May 11, 2002) El Coordinate Veterans Memorial Project at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex(Groundbreaking November 12, 2001) El Complete pond renovation at Brothers Pond Park(Complete in December 2001) El Installation of lightening prediction systems at parks(Complete April 2002)) RPTS Student Study for the Development of a Visitor/Nature Center at Lick Creek Park(In progress. Is scheduled for to be presented to the Board on June 13, 2002) it Assist with The George Bush Drive Extension Grand Opening Event(April 6,2002) Implementation of New Programs El Investigate the potential of joint programming with the City of Bryan Parks and Recreation Department(Ongoing) El Implement monthly PARD newsletter(First edition complete in October 2001-Ongoing) El Facilitate the Northgate"Back Porch Concert"Series El Conduct Fall Special Olympics Bocce Ball El Implement Starlight Concert Series at Wolf Pen Creek(1st Concert held on April 13, 2002) Pali-15 T.iecreation City 01 College 31tion Updated:June 7,2002 Parks and eer in Department COP Project List FY 2002 (updated 6/7/2002) f}roect t~und'nr�. IExpected - Actual .F.incl . 6'eet•:.................::.....................Stataas:..........•Maria'ei•:. '•P:r®`e:ci#: ........ iad'et.:..::..•.. i�''c ......... :. . Pr J g. ,t �•S 9 �� ur a• •'Cori�plefiiori flake• 'Corn:pletidri•Date•: .'Cost-. s es :Center La ds n Pro ct e. - Bu �n s n ca Com let GG9705: $250,000: 'G:O. .. 07131101:.. `. 10/19/2001 : :$256:,348 m o m t Y'01 i e �u d f ve en s F 0 e . . : <... . >: >:. M�1 nn m Wm s r Com let _HM0104 _ _ 7'1.95 _FY 41:: 08/31101. 7f31I2001 ' :17,665 as le a e ParkDesi nand or}struct�on_ ete __. :. ... _ .. __ _. _._:. ___:. __:..___:_ _.., . _.. ...:. C t g t g C Ccampi N/A NA NA Developer 5102 $300,000 Hallaran <o e H a n olFilt rs <. - e . ::, ;. ,> P Com let Rrc P.K0106 1:$120,000" FY!O1 >. '.3 02 o lace e : Gabbard"Park Pla rand Re a m n G P k t ,. Corn fete _ Davi ;. , d _P K0120 ,>$34,124 FY:01>-Re lacernent.:_.:. .::E3/02:.. y9 P p p $34,124... ou Lights FY 01 High coo Tennis rt _ to c ;. ,. .. Hi S h l n C .> _..Com le P.K0.109._- _; 9'1.500.-.__ ._____. .. FY.01. .._.. . ___;.. _.4102 _, :2/28/2002« 6 g , ( ) p Rt ;.. $ , $72.,5 0. _ Georgie:Fitch Playground:Re lacement _. Complete Pete PK0207 - $30,000 E EFY'02.:Replacement::Acct. 3/02. >E 4/3/2002::EEEEEE:: $26 9 Oaks Park Brid.:..,e Complete: Pete: :. 0' __ : : _ __ ; P_ PK0 67 _ :$284000 98 G.O: 5102> '5/7/2002. ',' 45 500 Madeley Park In Design( Ric PK9706 $48,000 98 G.O. 8/02 Lick Creek Park Development In Design Ric PK0069 $478,000 98 G.O.(TPWD Grant) 12/02 Thomas Pool Renovation In Design Ric PK0205 $277,255 FY'02 3/03 Anderson Playground Replacement In Design Pete $30,000 FY'02 Replacement 10/02 Cemete Land Ac•uisition On Hold Ross GG9905 $275,000 98 G.O. Unknown Thomas Pool Shade Cover On Hold Ric PK0104 $19,000 98 G.O. 12/03 C.S.S.C.Agreement(clubhouse) [ Pending Contract NA C.S.S.C. Unknown Hensel Park Pla •round Re•lacement Pendin.Contract Pete PK0210 $40,000 FY'02 Re.lacement Acct. 8/02 Woodway Park Development Pending Contract Ric PK9803 $600,000 Park Ded.Zone 7 Unknown Lincoln Center Expansion/Improvements Postponed until FY03 Ric Gabbard Park Im.rovements Under Construction David PK0102 $78,000 98 G.O. 4/02 Brison Park Improvements Under Construction David PK0100 $54,600 98 G.O. 3/02 Merry Oaks Improvements Under Construction David PK0103 $37,000 98 G.O. 7/02 Lincoln Entry Improvements Under Construction Ric CD1292 $90,000 FY'01 C.D.B.G. 9/02 Pebble Creek Park Improvements Under Construction Pete PK0061 $27,420 Park Ded.Zone 11 5/02 5/15/2002 $27,051 Veterans Park,Phase I Under Construction Ric PK9941 $2,936,800 98 G.O. 11/02 Richard Carter Park Improvements Under Construction Pete PK0202 $13,500 FY'02 General Fund 9/02 Jack&Dorothy Miller Jogging Track Under Construction 5/25/02 David ST0200 $29,250 FY'02 General Fund 8/02 Total Amount $5,594,644 Summary Pending Contracts: 4 Postponed 1 In Design: 4 Out to Bid: 0 Under Construction: 8 Complete: 8 . : On Hold: 2 Total: 27 Parks and Recreation Future Project List tl::dr$M#1,00111:11;P;tli#1111111NiteitllIllgIIIIIIIIIritIIIirgIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP:1111,P1:111ittttifWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII,IIIIPIIIIII:1111111111111,111PPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ' ''f*iiiZlltaitIW;.lhtraii !!;ritkit4:etllitilIlIllittillIlli.IIIIIIRtIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINtAtdllgllttitlillIllIligilitti,M.:64.iit:sll'itlllrilligtilil:ltfi*tii.wiid%AIWilirllIllft Nei.hborhood Park Develoament IniFER Eingiiiiliii'iiiiiigagi'::::$1tOil#6.40.0bi.if.AMISigiii.ii$iiiii$iiiiii:::$.i•$iii,.i$Iiiignaigigiiiii.i':iiggiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiI$iiiii.iiinniiiiiiiii iiiiIii.881:$31FPOViiiiiiiii.j .: ,i:::IniiiMigiiiiiIiii!iiirigliggiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill :iili.ireigg: V.9,000MMiiiiiiNgereiilliNE: 2l:Pili!i.:.:;,:-M::::::::Mniii:::::4q:Pg.g:::t Eigiga. :;.,:::',Iiii:iiiii!:;',..41',At:..':,1:::....liiiii':iiiiiiiiiiiii'.gaggliiNniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMini ig.....!..piiing,..$314:i000RleiggNiii.,..i.:,..ppqp.i.;•.ouipsi!iiiiigitsi:miiii:;:lioli':p,..iii,.iiiimmiglii,:iiiiis...tiiiiiii•goi,:',iigi,,onsw,,:iiii,..iiiiiiiiiimpiiilligi*tamovigiiignigliginiging 3 5 3 Spring Loop Park $315,000 Delay until new elementary 4 4 4 Cypress Grove Park/Westfield $415,000 school is developed. 5 3 5 Woodland Hills $150,000 6 6 6 Pebble Creek Park,Phase II $150,000 No site has been dedicated Support Facilities i.glifiiinglliiig:ggieiiBBNBN;iilAii'..i',B.iq:g:,:;iiiiiiiiiiiiiFdtOSt':.::;::::',iii$h.dl!ifi',i!i':iiiiiiiagi:iMiiiiiiiiBiiMniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii',ii,gMiii.::!ililiiiiiMeniiiiii:;::,iii':iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.!iiMiM:BiBiM:g iii.iiii!iii.:..iiiiiiii$$070,,,000,:ii'il,iii!ii.p[iiiimmiiiiiiiiiimmogiuggi-:...iiIiii,..iiiiiigigiliggigigiiiigiiiiiiiimogiggiii,:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigii,ois . gs$4pRisigioseggsdingsi zegiiiiiiiiimu:.iiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiniiiiiiiiiiig giii!iiiiigiii!ii.,.iii!iigiii.,iiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiiii i:::•,..:-.-..1...-......".: :,..::.;,.... ,:.T.,..1....i.'......::fi".:: . : . :iiiiii!iiiiiiiiiosiimiiiignimiiiiiiimimiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiin. otitfootigi-;,..i.,:$i,...,iiiguaii$870000iiR iiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiniiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiii•oinuommiiii,sommiiiii,iiii.,.iiiiiiiiii!iiii,.......ii,..,:imiisiii,:iiislii:::iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,:inniiiiiiiiiiiii,:iiiim,,,imitai.,::m.:::::gginim::::::1.,i,i,,,,i,iii::iiiini,..,:: rigoggE 1,-.1:?...iiig:iiiiiii.::!:,,:inam,:iiiii,l..?,iiigi:iimiiiill',iiIiiiiimituiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiil iiRetidVatei!,CefititatiiPAtki',Shoi7i'..i.iiiiiiiiiiMiiii'..iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!i'gii.iii',.ilMiggi.l.iiMiiiiii.ii!iiiii!iii!iii:,:ginaiiii!f,iiiiiiliiiiiiN iii:::::iiii':!i!iliiNlif,...ii$.200.::00.01.1.itigliiiiiiiii.iiiMiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiMigi::igfiifii$Mig:HEN.i:..i$igin:Mii.iiiiceiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIi!iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiilinriiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiii,iinEiiii,:iiiiiIiini,:iIiilf,iii!iii:ii!i!.ili:i$TRiiiiii:iiiiiniiiiiig.iiiiiingiiiiiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiininig-] 4 4 5 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Shop $500,000 Delay until Phase II Development 5 5 4 South District Satellite Operations Shop $360,000 Neighborhood Plan Implementation Mill':iiilli.,Jnit.::giii!i iii.:8::;:,K,Miii6M::::ii',IiiiiiiiY::;!:::iiI01.:...iiiP:ii1Iniiiliiiiiii'...lidiidtitili?PatiCiiiM:Big..$iiiii'iiiiiiiii:iiiiiiini:::::iii:Iii',iiiiiiiiffii:iiiiiiggiiii.iiiii'..iiitaigniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiEniiiiilii,:igGiBingiiii i,:iiiiI:iiiii.....iiiniin$4770Cfaiiii iiiililliiiiiiilitiiiigllippapAiptylaggliaiiefieitgep,. ZiNigliiii::i:,1',1'..iti ii:...::::iiiii:N:iiii:1::i5Siili.::',Ii!,.!::iiii0i::iii,iiE::::::iiiii:Iiii,:jiZ.giigiiii::1,..1';,,Rithaitt CitterRAtkitiiiittiVettidtittigiinlisliM•MiNtiiiiiniiiiiiii:,iiilliiiili'SE,Now$21rooxiii:,,,ili'llia:::::...iii,:ig.::::::,::::::,::::::.::::,.........11:::::::a:m.:..J!..,.....1:,•...i$i,..mil.:.;:::::,i::::::mi:::::::,........m::::,..iniimiT...i.iiiiiii:,i,..iiii$i$iiiIiiiisiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii,..ii i$i$iiiii,:iiisiiisiiiiiiiii.,..ii.iiia.,!ii.::,..,:iiig.iiiimiii!tz:nooliiiinimiiiiii,...momigni:1,..giiiii May be requested through 3 3 4 Thomas and Merry Oaks Parks Shade Structures $20,000 FY2003 budget request 4 4 3 Raintree Park Basketball Court $30,000 5 2 7 Thomas Jogging Track $100,000 6 7 6 Eastgate Park $150,000 • Could be added to 7 1 5 Park Benches $21,000 intergenerational upgrades. Community Facilities 1liiisfaiiiiiiiS:naiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig1iiiiiiiii!i',111E motor.4qcfoitkii...4.:.:AttljOt100061,7:10kiiiP40$kjjaniiiiiiiiiiiiii:MiiiiiiigiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ifiT,iiiiiiii$15::''.02!2$0.1i.ii:i iii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieniiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiinag iiiiiii.....Mingniiiii..iiiiiiiii:Iiiiiiiiii..iigeigniBiiiiini:,.1:::iiql..iiiiiiiigal iiiiiiiiiiiMiliiiiiiiiiiiiingiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii$05MOggiggeggiiiiiiIiingiiiiiiin giiiMEGEZEigiV,:fi.iiii.,:iii!.::iiiiiiiniiiiiiie4Ingiik iliiii.:::iliiiiiiiiEiii2iliii!iiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiii tiOkicitOOkig#40:Ph#0.03.1tMi:,ii,.i:,..,:,.1:ii!i:iiiiii'..iiNiiiiinii:iiiiilii:::i.,iiiiiRinnii::.iiiii:Min=iireiNiiii..iiiiniiiiiii:Eliiiiiiiiiiiii!ii ii.iiiiBBRIS$78'000S:AiiiiIiiiii$6A01;2:54iiiii iiiigNeiiiiiggiggiiiiiiiii$iii!iiiiiinigiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigniniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiN:iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiggiiiiiiiilliiiiiiiii$MEM$20m0011MiiiiiiiiiiiiffinGianimi 41,:e::::ig...gigg:..'imin:::,gg2nigtii=1,..:,iiii,..1,:1::1,im::::.i:Aii',..:.:...iiil,:i:,i,...!,..i*Miii'isti.w.:.....:,ClettieteTi7":.i.RhAt:t Ilinigeiiiiii.;IiiiiiiNSiginigiMil:M::::iinNiiiiliNgiiiiiiiiiiiitang'ii:SEliiMiLiiTiiii:iiiiiiig':',ii$A00'00CW,..,iii;iiI:g:MiNi..illifft.:::::,:liiiiiitiiM..i.ii::::g.:::::::A1:::%:::ii:...t...i:Ne:::::ii....i::i.,i.iii::i.i:ii:::.1...i.iisCiii*O.:,iiii:iiiiii!i'...i..,i'iiinggiiiiiiiiiiiIi iiiiNnii''..,.':::8iiiiiiiiiiiii$:::ii'::::::::Ofi:.:IiiitiiiiMi$66'..:000MMESMilinis:':igniNiiigliiii Possibility of using Community 4 3 3 Lincoln Center Expansion $570,000 Development funds 5 5 5 Cypress Grove Recreation Center $750,000 Delay until next bond issue 6 6 6 Luther Jones Landfill $239,000 7 7 8 Neighborhood Pool for the new"South"Community Park $1,000,000 Delay until landfill closes 8 9 7 New"South"Community Park,Phase I $2,000,000 Delay until landfill closes Delay until the new hight school 9 8 9 Potential Tennis Court Project with the new high school is developed. Park Im:•rovements riginggANNE:o...lii,iiy::::...m.:::::::::::,:i..:@ilignii.l!iii,:l.: Intergenerational Upgrades foiti§kit#Ott#4tittfftigiNgi.gng...:Piiniral.....,:i:::::iiiiii.,:::ii.i':iiiiiiii':',.$300;000.#..:;:iii:,:g:ic::Sinip..0%Dooliiil!..iii•li....:,:iiiii:,:iiiii,:ii•:::,,.....;.,:,,:::mi,:ii:miii,:::,..::::,;:g.,.ipm:::::0:1:::::::,....,.....:,..liglmiiiii...11100,:,..,:.:::::::,:::::::iii.:::::::i.m.:,...Riminimiiiiiiii•ii,:gps..,iiii$040qpiRigels:iiiiiiiiii$iiiiiisignigiNgirilig L ,':2 4 2 Provide Playground Equipment Shade $144,000 May be requested through the 3 2 5 Emerald Forest Li.hts $30,000 FY2003 Budget Process May be requested through the 4 6 3 Batting cages and backstops at Bee Creek Park $25,000 FY2003 Budget Process. 5 3 6 Woodcreek Park Lights $35,000 1 6 5 4 Cover basketball courts at Southwood Valley Athletic Complex $330,000 Pool Improvements 1 4 1 Adamson Lagoon Shotgun Slide $50,000 2 3 3 Additional shelter at Adamson Lagoon $40,000 3 4 2 Thomas Pool bathhouse renovation $150,000 through Facilities Maintenance 4 2 4 Adamson bathhouse pitched roof _ $85,000 budget Park A.cquitision dedication or Community Northgate Park $1,000,000 $1,000,000 Development funds 11111111111111111101:11111111111111,111,1111111111111701011e)10tItylq00,111111•111•11111111111111111111111111111111111EIS81574;250inglononinialolli1111111111111:1111111111$197,000IIIIIIIIiggiiiiiii Updated:6/7/2002 May 2, 2002 MrStevegeStationBeaParkschy, &DirectoCoileRecreationDirector Department 1000 Krenek Tap Road College Station, TX 77840 Dear Mr. Beachy, I am writing this on behalf of the South Knoll Elementary School PTO. We are currently addressing the need for a running track to be located on our campus. The physical education teachers came to us with a proposal for a 1/5 mile cement based track with a rubberized surface. The PTO Board unanimously voted to approve $10,000 towards the track and agreed to assist in securing outside funding to complete the project. At this time we have met with Steve Johnson, Superintendent of CSISD and Mike Ball, Deputy Superintendent for Finance and Business Services at CSISD and they have agreed to fund the cement portion of the track. The 'TO promoted the track with a Family Fun Run/Walk as a kick off to the annual fundraiser, "Spring Fling" on April 13th. Profits from donations and T-shirt sales were earmarked for the track fund. We are requesting that the city consider partnering with the school and the PTO with their financial assistance in this project. We see this as an opportunity to demonstrate the strong connection between schools, parks, and the recreational and fitness o•portunities they both provide in our community. We would like to base our request for funding from the College Station Parks&Recreation Department on the precedent set by many school/park partnerships evident throughout our community. -Existing partnerships between our schools and community parks Examples: A&M Consolidated Middle School Tennis Courts and Lightin. lectricity, Electricity for lighting of high school tennis courts provided by the city, College Station Middle School Natatorium. -Where school and parkland are adjacent to one another and a partnership exists: Examples: Jack and Dorothy Miller Park at Rock Prairie Elementary, Pebble Creek Elementary. -Where the School Supports Community Recreation Example: High school and middle school running tracks and tennis courts, Elementary school playgrounds for play, soccer, baseball, football and softball practices, Kids Club programs, swimming lessons, recreational swim, and water exercise classes in the Natatorium. -Park, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Under Strategic Goal 2 within this plan it states: General Objective 2®2 College Station should continue to develop and maintain parks and recreation areas jointly with other public agencies including Texas A&M University, College Station Independent School District and Brazos County. Specific Goal#12 Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with the College Station Independent School District. South Knoll Elementary is the only elementary school in CSISD that does not have a track. Recent research shows that students at Rock Prairie Elementary have significantly higher scores on cardiovascular fitness tests (timed, mile run) compared to students at South Knoll. Rock Prairie has been able to implement a successful running program with the use of the track that is jointly supported by the city and the school. At a time when childhood obesity is at an all-time high and continues to rise, Type II diabetes is increasing at alarming rates in children, and physical activity has decreased among children, we feel it especially critical that we provide a safe venue for children and families to engage in physical activity. We believe the surrounding neighborhood would benefit from the track since at this time there is no park in the area that provides a ru ingjwalking track. Gabbard Park's trail has not been maintained. Presently, the bid for rubberizing the track is $21,648.00. The PTO has approved approximately $11, 212.00. We are asking the Parks and Recreation Department to consider contributing $8,000 to complete the track project. CSISD will fund the cement portion of the track at approximately $23, 500. The PTO is very excited to be able to contribute this amount of money to the track project. South Knoll serves a significant number of families that have many socioeconomic challenges, so the fact that we have the money to do this from our fundraising efforts, gives us a treat s eal of pride in our school and the families that help to support it. This request presents another opportunity for our schools and Parks& Recreation Department to combine resources and services to benefit children and the community. We look fov ard to hearing from you and would welcome the opportunity to schedule a meeting with you to continue this discussion. Sincerely, Debra McCandless Shafer PTO :oard Member 696-6379 (H) 4582724 (W) cc: Dr. John Nichols, Parks Board Chairman Mr. Ron Silvia, Mayor College Station