HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/10/2000 - Regular Minutes - Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee WOLF PEN CREEK iERSIGHT CMrnEE
Membra Present: Kay Henryson, Design Review .ard; Marsha Sanford, Alternate - WPC IV ::;40ard;
George 'Dresser, Alternate- Parks&Recreation Erd, K ,r1 Mooney- Pilannin &Zoning
MêniIs,ers Absent James Massey, Dennis Maloney - City undi; Phillip Kelby, Alternate - • ign Revie
Judith Warren,Alternate-Planning z Zoning; Sharon Colson, WPC TT Board
St-,ft Present: Steve chy, Pete Van -k parks & Recreation, Mark Smith, :013 M.sley Public
Works; Kelly Cole Public Relations; Jim Callaway, Sabine Kuenzel - Develop' -nt
Service ; Charles Cryan-Fiscal Services; Pamela Springfield, Committee Secretary
Vlsitra: Mike McClure, Mcaure Engineering
rivr. Steve :-achy, in James Massey's 'Ilsence, can-, the meeting to order with a quorum
present at 12:17 ,.m.
A.-tro Mutes: - Airge *lesser made a motion to approve the minutes from the May an•
June 2000 meetings, and Marsha Sanford secondeeh There was no discussion. The motion was voted
on and passeel unanimously.
A r ber Re!uesfor bences: Karl Mooney made a motion to accept the Member
Requests for Absences of Sharon Colson, Judy Warren, Dennis Maloney, James Massey, and Phillip
Kellby. Marsha seconded and hearing no discussion,the motion pass • unanimously.
3. Pres-ntat7-i. an P _Concernin• torrent „.„''olf Pe Creek
Develoiine-t Pr i7ects: Steve said that Mark Smith would re.•rt on all but item"r.
a WPC'Fa 'Ay B Site ImprovementsProject No PK 992: No change in status.
b. Parking Improvements - Project No0 PK - 3. No change in status.
c. Trans and ',ridges— Project WP P95. The channel improvements must be complete in order
to define the limits of the project. • ze the final elan for the channel improvements has been
complet-0, a reviseel fl••/plain or WPC Rervation Area will OA' j. "fished and all the trails will
have to fit within that area. The trail designs (elevation and location relative to the water) can be
starb4 after that definition has E.een made. The design charette pr ss will give some directiin
and guidance on the amenities such as lighting, •--nches, signage, material consistency and so on.
d. George Bush East Extension — roject No. ST 9916: The aty has come to terms on the final
parcel of property. e project should go out to bid within the next week or two and construction
should begin shortly. Kay asked if the treedwould be protected when the brisge extension was
done. Mike McClure said yes, on the drawings there were various areas that the contractor ha
• -n instructed to protect.
e. Channel Improvements, Texas Avenue to Tributary The City has ask-• the Consultant to
move ahead with the design on that, but there is nothing to report at this time.
'1,3 Riparian Restoration — Project No WPO el.: This is the area of work around the lake that
was done by City staff Some of the landscapin• has not en complet-• -there are trre that will
it- planted in the fall and early winter. Also, a contractor will e installing keystone block around
WPC light CommitteeJuly,2000 lieztes
Page 2
the edge of the lake surrounding the amphitheater to give it a more finished look. In terms of
functionality, the lake is in and the Corp of Engineers is satisfied with the orosuct.
go Hotel/Conference Center— ProjectOG 9701: Steve stated that the City's consultant is in
the process f identifying potential candidates for the hotel/conference center project and is
scheduling interviews with City staff.
Kay Henryson ask o if the Pooh's Park information had Een receivt Mark said that it has. :•-,ob
Mosley said that the Notice to Pr.c 0 on the me -ling had been given to McClure Engineering. A
duplicate m,.Ji has to be done first, an at 'resent FEMA is in a 60-day review o-riod of a corrected
model that Nathan Meier sent in for the 19U study. FEMA has to approve that mo eel and then
McClure will dupili te it, adding any revisions. Mike McClure stat .1 I nat the duplicate me id is what
they've been given and will use to define the floodways. He said that although that model hasn't en
formally approved, everyone •-Heves it is accurate enough t. move fi.rwardo b said informally he'd
• n toff that there were a couple of people wh,o had filet*I oppositions to some of the details with that
plan, so it will prooably take the full 61 says before FEMA will rule on it.
Steve statei that the last estimated dates of completion given to the City Council on these projects
s: the channel desion - completion iy ctoer, 2000; trail iesign completion by Asril, 2001; an,
construction of George Bush East completion by May, 2001.
4. Pre nta' Discussi,!,n p#ssible_Actio Con _the_ no_ Qrksho a t
!!si! CikLwrc Steve said the workshop had been a go• one. He stat-0 that Tom
We•On was present to discuss that, along with several of his students who would involv in the
charette Tom said it was the design stisoio group that he had with him, as well as a colleague,
Dr. Chan-Shan Wang, whi would actually be conducting the charette in Octolser. Tom stat- that the
workshop had --n useful I.ecause a lot of very sedfic gui•ellines had come out of it.
Tom said he'd received several Auto=CA digital files of information from David Wo Ivo with the Parks
Recreation Department. He to that a lot of work had been done anal the group was hiking at all
the information. They are trying br: (1) decide h-w to put the ..-ckage together so that the
information is clear and not intimidating to, some.ne without * design backgreune, and, (2) decide
how to market the charette to pull in players that are not the most active right now. He added that
since the second semester had starte. July 5th, he didn't have anything to present. He stat4, that
once the engineering 4.4a -eters amal sisecifications are received, the walkways and s .roz,. *sum ',-
design-0', with the design charette *a tributing to the character of the'soft details'''. He said the 111
year floe stifle in the WPC area may ale controversial and have an imo ict on some of the private parcels
that could ale develoo-4, however that should not affect the City's and the citizens' commitment in
terms of the other dimensions of the corridor.
Tom said that the project is marketing — selling it to the citizens, and that Dr. Huang had suggested
that the oocumentation for this - a web sive, which would be accessed by more • ople than you
coulal afford to make o/o Met for. He sail. the project doesn't suffer from * lack of commitment from
anyone involveal in it, but it does suffer from a lack of understanding on the part of the it .pile not
actively involved in it. That is the market share that neeals to ale captured.
Tom said that he appreciated e opportunity to work on this. He said a contract neesed to •-
written. He said when service projects are done, half the money ges into a scholarship fun. with
TAMU Development foundation to pay for scholarships for students. He said they are over halfway to
having an endowed scholarship at this t.int. The other funds would be used to .ay for the graduate
student who will help Dr. Huang make sure that the workshop runs smoothly, coordinate with City
staff, and provide the final documentation — build the web page and scan in everything that is
Steve asked Tom to go over what would be taking place over the summer to build up to the charette
on October 2021,- 2000. Tom said they will decide how to convey the information that has • -n
generated into a packet to ale used by the desion charette teams. He said the information will be clear
regarding which areas i.e.ple will have in out in, should be fairly detailed, and will ale in bulleted form.
WPC 014, ight Committee—July,2114 ItAnutes
P -
Tom said he had a call in to S.. t Shafer with the Greenways Council regarding demographics. He
said one of the dimensions for attracting private investment is to know who the users are. One of the
tasks for his students will be to show socio-economic data. Torn said the Greenways Council was very
interested in connecting this project into the neighborh s. He felt it was int- rtant to ground this
district in an im oiate neighs orhood context and then to the rest of the City. Steve said once the
channel is reahgrws t will be opened u* and will be a lithe more typical f a park project. Tom said
once it. is oi-ned up visually it iiH be a - re olace for tile to go, and safety and surveillance
issues are important
Steve asked when the summer work would be completeo. Tom stat- that the last class day was
Monday, Auust 7, 2011. Steve stat- that the next schedul-o meeting for the committee would be
on that same day and asked if the class would have something to present to the committee on that
day. Tom sa* yes, a ivehminary review could - present-a.
Marsha made the comment that the marketing was one of the most mi.x.rtant parts of this project and
that it would be g :to have a theme that would tie the aty an the marketing to _ether to get the
commerce goin I. She said the Historic reservation Com- itt- had discuss trying to find an old
train station. She said she could see how that theme could be tied in together with the Wolf Pen
project even if it was a contemporary station. Karl Mo-oney stated that ;,-'njamin Knox had recntiy
received approval from Planning and Zoning to recreate the College Station railroa* dei it on
University Drive and woula m'vim: his studio there. Marsha said a sc.n.i des-t, ti--* in at Wolf
Pen creek, would a g , thin* - use that was what College Station was and is.
One of the students ask if there was any background information that should be included in the
charette cket. Steve said there was information available and having some Alit of con o-ns-s,
information would e gio idea.
5. Pr-s tiO I ISCUSSIO ar ion__Co_zeruhr._ _ut-re -:eethl Dates _an'
Airtg4ajterns Steve stat that the next meeting date was the first londay - August 7, 2000. He
said if it was okay with Tom, his class could do a presentation at that time. He told everyone to make
sure an* include the design thartte on 41, 'otxr 21-21, 2111 on their calendars. Steve 4id that room
127 was reserved from 1:00 p.m. on the Thursday the 19th, through 2:00 p.m on the 21st.
6. Ad r,,: George Dresser made a moti.n to adjourn the meeting. All were in favor, nd the
meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.