HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/14/2002 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board **AGENDA** College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,May 14, 2002, at 6:00 1).m. Parks and Recreation Department Conference Room 1000 Kreriek Tap Road College Station, Texas 1. Call to order. 2. Pardon —possible action concerning requests for absences of members from meeting. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Discussion, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of April 9, 2002, and from the Park Tour that was held on April 30, 2002. 5. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Issues. 6. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the current Capital Improvement Project Report. 7. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning the future Capital Improvement Program. 8. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a letter of support for a trails grant request to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. 9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding a recommendation for the Parks and Recreation Department's 2003 User Fees. 10. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the Board's Fiscal Year 2003 budget issues and priorities. 11. Discussion of next meeting dates and possible agendas. 12. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Page 1 of 1. Kris Lehde - RE: Meeting Reminder From: Jon Tutton <jturtonOmaiLstiosephaorg> To: 'Kris Lehdec <kiehde@ci.college-stationibc us> Date: 5/14/2002 9:00 AM Subj RE: Meeting Reminder Kris- My work travel plans have changed and I am going to be out later this week and weekend. As a result,I would like to be with my family tonight I am sorry for this inconvenienceI hope that you still have a quorum for tonight Thank you,Jon Turton ----Original Message-- From:Kris Lehde[maiito:kiehderd.coi/eae-station.tx.usi Sent:Monday,May 13,2002 5:37 PM To:gschroeder@aggiecatholic.org;ALLISON©fabtexas.com; jturton@mail.st-joseph.org;bill@pianoplace.net;jpn©tamubedu; Ifarns@tca.net Cc:David Gelling;Peter Lamont;Pete Vanecek;Ric Ploeger;Steve Beachy Subject:Meeting Reminder Just a reminder of the Parks and Recreation Advisory;*.rd meeting that will be held on Tuesday,May 14th,at 6:00 p.m.,at the Central Park Office. :-) I have confirmations from the foil* ing members: John Nichols,Jon Turton,Don Allison,Glenn Schroeder,Larry Farnsworth, and Bill Davis. I have absentee requests:Glen Davis and Laura Wood. Attached is a copy of the agenda. See you tomorrow: ) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks et Recreation (979)7643414 College Station.Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future. file:HC:\Documents and Settings\klehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW)000041{ 5/14/2002 Page 1 of I Kris Lehde Parks Board Meeting From: "Glen Davis" <DAVISG@fabtexas:.corn> To: <klehde©ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 5/14/2002 1008 AM Subject: Parks Board Meeting . . _ I have another meeting tonight at the same time. I will not be able to attend the Parks Board meeting.Please excuse my absence. file://CADocuments and Settingalehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00004.HTM 5/14/2002 Page 1 of 1 Kris Lehde - Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation From: <LCW20177@aol.corn> To: "Kris Lehde" <klehde@ci.college-station.bcus> Date: 5/2/2002 10:35 AM Subject: Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation I will not be able to attend the meeting on May 14th but I will be able to attend on the 21st. Laura file://C:\Documents and Settings\klehde.000\Local Settings\Temp\GW}00004.HTM 5/2/2002 ramou Kris Lehde - Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation From: "Glen Davis" <DAVISG@fabtexas.com> To: <klehde@ci.college-station.tx.us> Date: 5/2/2002 1:42 PM Subject: Re: May 7th Meeting Cancellation Kris, Actually,the 21'st works better.I have another meeting on the 14th that I was just made aware of. >» "Kris Lehde"<klehde@cicoileg ionbus>05/02/02 12:5 >» Thanks Glen...would the 21st work if we had to have a special m "ng? Lehde Staff Assistant College Station Parks& • .tion (979)7643414 >>> "Glen Davis"<DAVISG@fa - . com>05/02/02 12:51PM>» May 14 looks clear for me. >»"Kris Lehde"<klehde@ci.coll- station.tx.us>05/02/02 10:06AM>» Good morning. The Special Board meeting that was scheduled for next Tuesday,May 7th,has been canceled. We wont receive the draft Urban Forest Management Plan until May 10th(the plan will be distri - to you that day). Cu - y,there are t .options: 1. Review the draft plan at the Regular Board meeting that is scheduled for Tuesday,May 14th(please note that this will give the Board and City staff days to revi- the plan). 2. Scheduled a Special Board meeting on the following Tuesday(May 21st). This will allow some additional time to review the plan. Could you pl - let me • the foil 'ng as as ible: 1. Your availability for both dates(May 14th and May 21st). 2. Which date you tuld prefer to r- *- the draft plan(14th or 21st). Thank you so much for your help! :-) Kris Lehde Staff Assistant College n on Parks& - on (979)764-3414 College Station.Embracing the Past,Exploring the re. College Station.Embracing the Past,Exploring the Future. file://C:\Documents and Settings\kiehde.000\Local SettingsVremp\GW}00004.HTM 5/3/2002 el The City of e CollegeS Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. P.O.Box 9960 • 1101 Texas Avenue ® College Station,TX 77842 ® (979)764-3500 www.ci.college-station.tx.us May 14, 2002 Mr. Andy Goldbloom Manager of Recreational Trails Programs Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, Texas 78744 Dear Mr. Goldbloom: The City of College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board strongly endorse the application for trails grant funding for the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor project. The Wolf Pen Creek Corridor Master Plan was first approved by the City Council in 1988. The plan was updated and revised in 1998. Implementation of the Master Plan began in 1992 with the financial assistance of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and from private donations. On May 9, 2002, the City Council approved a construction contract in the amount of $1,161,584 for the first phase of a major trail system within the eastern portion of the corridor. The design of an additional one mile of trail in the western portion of the corridor is currently in progress and will be under construction within twelve months. The purpose of this grant request is to design and install an interpretive program along the trail system throughout the corridor. These interpretive signs will enhance the visitor's experience through educational displays related to the flora, fauna, and the important roles of wetlands in an urban environment. The City of College Station has a long-standing commitment to this project. The addition of the interpretive signs will be very beneficial to our residents and visitors to the community. Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this request. Sinc-rely, Allf , or Dr. Dr. John Nichols Chairman, College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Home of Texas A&M University DRAFT TE S RECREATIONAL T ILS FUND PROJECT APPLICATION DUE JUNE 1, 2002 PROJECT NAME Wolf Pen Creek Trails and Interpretive Facilities CITY/COUNTY College Station/Brazos County I. SPONSORING ENTITY College Station, Public Works Department CONTACT PERSON Judith A. Downs (person TPWD may contact for further information) TITLE Greenways Program Manager MAILING ADDRESS PO Box 9960, 2613 Texas Avenue CITY College Station STATE Texas ZIP CODE 77845 DAYTIME TELEPHONE (979) 764-3844 FAX NO. (979) 764-3489 May 23, 2002 Authorized Signature Date 2, INTENDED USES (Check One) Motorized Use Non-motorized Use V Combination Motor-Non-motorized Uses 3. TYPES OF USE (Check All That Apply) • Bicycling 1./ Jogging/Running V • Mountain Bicycling • Skating/Skateboarding V • Hiking/Walking V Motorcycles • Equestrian • All Terrain Vehicles • Wheelchairs • Four-wheel Drive Vehicles • Provisions for Disabilities V • Other educational V TRTF 2/99 4. PROJECT LENGTH New construction 2.75 miles (miles or feet) Renovation of existing (miles or feet r� 8h/ 5. G NT FUNDS REQUESTED 3,>206- 6_ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT. Please provide a clear and concise description of the proposed project in the space below. Include a description of the trail loogtb, widtb, surfacing, and configuration (loop, linear, network); trailhead and trailside amenities. Detail all work to be performed; any right-of-way easements or ��u� ts to be acquired; the relationship between pject and any other work planned or existing; partnerships and/or community involvement; and educationaUinterpretive aspects of the project. The Wolf Pen Creek Special District in College Station has been on the drawing board for many years. The city is now on the verge developing the area including 2.75 miles of urban multipurpose trail that will connect apartment complexes to parks, restaurants and shopping areas. Once developed,this district and its trails will be heavily used by the community for bicycling,walking, shopping, dining and special event attendance. College Station has set aside money in the district for the trail design and construction and will be spending over one million dollars in the first phase to put trails in place. The area also offers an excellent opportunity to educate thousands of local citizens and visitors about the natural features and processes that occur along an urban creek and its related floodplain. This application is to request assistance with funding for the development of educational information and the placement of that information along the trail with interpretive signs. In order to help foster the benefits of trails, and the environments through which they pass, a strong educational message is needed. This project would provide permanent signage that would convey messages about plants and animals;the importance of the native landscape and how human activity influences it; the benefits of floodplains in stormwater management and water quality;the recreational/health benefits of trails; and the Recreational Trails Fund. The first phase of the trail system is currently out for construction bids and the second phase is under design. Awarding this grant would make it possible to integrate the signage and provide the educational messages from the first day that the trail opens. Because this project is in the heart of College Stotion,the benefits of the education will be significant as thousands of people will view the signs every year. Educating people about the importance of trails and helping them to notice and understand the environment they are passing through is a critical part of building support for trails and a stronger environmental ethic in the future. TRTF 2/99 \ ) 7. ITEMIZED BUDGET. Provide in the space below an itemized list of all activities to be undertaken and the cost of each activity. Provide as much detail as possible (consider materials - surfacing, lumber, stones, etc.; labor - volunteer or paid;. service contracts; equipment/tool rental and/or value of in-house; land acquisition. Design, engineering, or architectural services may not exceed 10% of the total project costs; resource surveys/site assessments may not exceed 15%. Sponsor's administrative costs cannot be included. Please call with questions or for clarification. 20 signs panel profice @$300 each $6,000 20 signs artwork @ $700 each $14,000 20 signs graphic design @ $700 per panel $14,000 20 signs mock up photo ready copy @$450 per panel $9,000 Fabrication: Porcelain enamel 20 @$1405 $28,100 Subtotal for 20 signs: $71,100 Design Services 5,000 Total Project Costs $76,100 (See attached cost estimate for various sign types) TRTF 2/99 3 8. PROJECT COSTS AND REQUESTED FUNDS. Total Itemized Project Costs (from item 6 on previous page) $ 76,100 Federal Funds Requested(80%or less of above line) 55,000 Local Match Required (at least 20%of top line) 21,100 9® PROPOSED METHOD OF FINANCING SPONSOR'S SHARE. Please describe in the space below the source of funds, donations, or in-kind contributions that will make up the sponsor's match (at least 20%). You may include government appropriations; private donations of land, easement,cash,labor,materials,and equipment;or in-house labor,equipment,and materials. The City of College Station has a tax increment financing (TIF)zone in place for the Wolf Pen Creek overlay district. TIF funds are generated as development occurs in the corridor. These generated funds will provide the match for this proposal. The Wolf Pen Creek Oversite Committee met on April 29 to review and approve submission of this proposal. 10, • INTEN CE. In the space below, briefly describe the identified commitment to continued operation and maintenance of the project. Include who will be responsible for which tasks and who will finance them. Maintenance for the facilities proposed here will become part of the ongoing responsibilities of the College Station Parks and Recreation Department. TRTF 2/99 4 11. PROJECT USE AND BENEFITS. Provide in the space below a brief description of the benefits of the proposed project in terms of the project's quality,geographic scope,recreational needs met,and expected amount of trail use or population to be served. The City of College adopted the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan in 1988. The intent of the plan was to provide a combination of floodplain conservation, recreation and tourism in the targeted area. The exisitng and proposed trail system is located in the heart of College Station. The project has received strong, repeated community support for a central focal point in College Station. This area is adjarice to the regional mall and provides regional entertainment and activities at the amphitheater. 12. T i' i IL CO' i' i DOR INFO' ATION. Describe below the ownership of the trail corridor. If the land is currently in public hands, identify the name of the public land. If the land is not in the sponsor's ownership, include a statement of permission to construct trail project from the landowner. If land, easement, or other property interest will be acquired,describe how this will be accomplished. If acquisition in fee,include a statement of why easement was not possible. The majority of the property required for trail construction is currently owned by the City of College Station. The Wolf Pen Creek Overlay District requires developers to provide easements across their property as development occurs. Since the City is now intent on getting the trail in place ahead of development, we are pursuing easements and acquisition on a few remaing tracts. QnQrll d 'i (t1-Y. !I On Ce (1-CUj?2 r1 n f _ Iii (yA (di A (97Piyi 611u, TRTF 2/99 5 , -- -------__ ------___ , ,(..„:„..._.......„.._,.,.,..„,„„)‘ - , ----__...,........, l I . . . (5 --; ,,,.?„, ,,,,, •,/,(..,6911T[TT`iu,:ii,, . s I ,1 ., 6 i T 1 ,111111104://7 d .&,/1 I ( ----- 1 -I r-1 : `-'. l: 1., , ( .'''''',•-, 41;P,1, / ! 1 ni ,.! Lr- \k- )1 (..., ,......_, ---'\..\.,,,...\_-_,sc--;D, (..1)„../ ,,,,,•' ,,,,,,, ._xi. ,,,,,,,, q! F.--.) t ..'"----i— 1-11:::3\ ('-',,.)- ''''''',/,/ /. ''''-i''''''.' ,.., te' (.1 i i Li t,J1 Li 1 b.......__ j. __\, , _- .„".'...•n .1,,0 r,...3 ,:i ,,, ,,,, : , -,.. 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City of College Station Greenways Head Lake Revitalization Concept Andrew E.Schultz&Lance Permenter Professor:Dr.Jon Rodiek Department of Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning Texas A&M University Contents Project Aim Land Parcel Information Concept Vision Concept I Ptogram Program Details Walk-through Concept II Program Program Details Walk-through AIM This Concept Zoning Plan sets out to develop a viable design that addresses the four specific goals outlined in the February 1999 Master Plan document for the City of College Station Greenways. 1. Land Use Goal:To encourage a kind of land use on public and adjacent private property that provides an open space,natural landscape more in harmony with the surrounding natural environment. 2. Community Appearance Goal:To promote in College Static land uses that create aesthetically pleasing and safe environmen.for its citizens. 3. Transportation Goal:To promote the development of altemative means of traveling within College Station along bicycle and walking corridors away from vehicular traffic.These pathways should,wherever possible.strive to connect neighboMoods,schools,par.,retail/office areas and the university in a safe and pleasing manner. 4. Parks and Recreation Goal:cone,Station should enhance its system of parks,recreation facilities,and open space and encourage additional connections by a systern of linear parkways,which utilize creek beds, drainage ways,and other natural features. Land Parcels Pa r cDoenla tled—byaApapmrcohx.7.05 Church r.h.facreshnst Existing Access Road Creek/Drainage Chan. Vegetation ..-'''''''':"N•Z*,itg'Ellialiallifi ,,:...:,:nlirgriff:.1....,•-''i..::::;:;: 01,111,1111 41.;;a1.1.;; ;;#4,.'iiiiiiti!! 1411111111111:14 Iiii2211111111 111111.601 :17. Mile.OF.4111 it*I'2.."4'''' ,7;::#1434201 alla 11641411111 it.1tA V1111, Iletftt.:Nittik •mitiMe.,*:,;t;iiiii*.*taik'hg'iVkiiiiiii:,4:', 3•!:;.,;4T41: *OF:4:'0•*5'7'..'1,,Z*.:Wri .111al 41101111 x.27 acres Parcel 2—aPPr°Owned by Swoboda; ed purchase by C.S. Key Features: , Creek/Drainage Chan. Dense Vegetation Open Grassland Floodway einettitaqaq': Connection to Emerald Forest Park :, )..,'::441011214.441 41th'ftitritil --, .,,,,,,Vi4,iihKi-iMOVItr,:•44;, :14,44044111111 I'f'44Mttlige 1:;::!•ftt.W.40.$r, *:1*.;i1.,:';'•::'''"'I''.':Af&O'''.i F4#41111444141114 tfi0:4*:1%1'.41 lillabilt:614:k ..lt,,,'_,.,„,::,,•.it:Zillt ,14,*0. :. 111111111 2 Currently owned Parcel 3—appro_xy._8w0.5.08..acres Key Features: Vtsibility from Hwy 6 Frontage to Emerald Plaza Open Grassland Dense Vegetation/Forest ;.., 1 ,..f.*.1.410,11221? Owned by Swoboda; Parcel 4—acP.nPtrra0c,Xp.e nt8n gaw?tr,eD:ntist Key Features: rth aTPDgr a:rine eielsnleimtn:k:anePgtgreew's:oiet r vit'eo'Itttinia:enlNfp:nding Concept vision Habitat Preservation Restoraflon Bkeway Unkage Recreaton 0 Bikeway Trail—a multi use trail system lkir..034%1 t'fifr''.43:t11:414. ils9;tiOtt:74-t:,.**Offigt. 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Introduce wetland°ant 0 .: species lake,101 111111:1411110,1,01,1tilfg e shoreline hanks 11111111/PAMIr04411111110 Enh:1°"' lialligttilj1111114 1111011t.i. =V:ocoroMer: i ''.i...7::NWilifiV'Al*M11311.1! 41411,1111.111".' ()Concept Zone Plan I tijil71:2; Typical Section.Unstable Bank v 1 it-rj--A ! n severe on banks .:rt:tTizeo wit„concrete rubbie it i 'I I' :NeQatree aesthetic appearance kr • ), ^• —.... -,,,,,,, ..,,,,... -- 6 i 0 Concept Zone Plant Typical Section:Concrete Rubble Banks 0 5 ,0 i5 .:-:,•:: .?,,,ic..'"i 11',:ile:". C txrent Concit on. e ad,acent to R.,,,,6 :'syteagi:::,t;;Ioncrete rue. :ttceclea(tt4"rsttl'etnnpspe.anc. .S, ,,,: 1 iNfi,',,.. ' .'''''':' \‘‘t .77177, ,si,e.':MN'''',:,-, ''',,, i• '''•t#irf,A*aWttkqir,s -, ,t;-------- _ .....- - _.!..,:,.:... .---:-.,--.:. --;-- ,----- SS Y..freo5s9.6 . Concept Zone Plan I %spx i Primary Habitat iApproximately an access to Interior 1111111111.0k:Mi.,MN4:5'0$0.4itiliiiil tely„% 110111PAIIIIIIIIIIIIIInil No Preserve dense forest .ne 1111,11111111111NOW:211P.S1014 7 suff'"°'un'und'"th"1°I"rn N , .:ta Substantial wildlife arwerross ,.'•,:::i,::,R1,,!ij;::l.ta3g:',.N1:a..,'e, ,:IZ.!.4;iiirn;*epllit Two short spans?f: irilalt:E1601111111trigratitP c°nnedIvRY MILINIV5114.1100.11111111 ; ..,°.7 d ara (thdd,:tene:r:,:t.eaptotn.t In,the forest g ililleilkilltillAilellth! ii1111101111,11011•11. 1 111111111'211101111,"' :1111.111,1914al :.::':::'.::•.:•,.-, 0 Concept Zone Plan I _ it ,,,,..,, Secondary HabiApproximately„v);;g,Il Approximately 41% q4-00K,A*4-,,,pkvatit MAt..•:ii Human,,4 wildlife access Pr°mote Birdiag NEMINDIE.,.4.tign;g1 throug„„Abitai protact,aa and MOS111111118•111051;1 nauc!..”*rna!":::::"17::°' :53111111111111111111111112401. Bryan} sgathes.(Et,Lick r , Grassland fl c 0 dwaY URI4 N rrow vegetated area 111111111,,r"ItitottlmliLlti,11 Hauman Access !l4oa,:mtaoiifoor4%*t4ztoi lifrtllitl,L111111V,x„M , :isitsg, :4:oitot• „,,,,,,,,,,,,,,n ..-Kiltiomo!,...74,:;,,zi.,72i 7.— . Niett,;:iiiiurtml Hea7d :,,,,:.d.t.,...iveacce3. ,Promote wetland succession 7 0 Concept Zone Plan I —,,,,:,,,,,K,7"n • Active Recreation Area 71,177,710.1•111.111,0111.111 Approximately 6%111:1! grassland Op Tree Puantings Pliallegallellitra.A4M: 13...la"."°°dVntn 1111,1111111P*rnitemitip 7HluthResear7cluties IliettAllealttileainicning a "11111111.511UNIIII* StglPick 11111111111111t1171 7 VqttI0e•rNSI 111.14,,AMMIRIO.,"1* M ---- kiiii*I''''''''''' 0 Concept Zone PlanI Trail Head„,, Approximately 1% •7c.i.'7W.CAM7,4•Itil parking Facilities Vm$4,41011111111 „------ -- k''N''''iliOA'c.a , lsottiliv,,,,.,..: ,..:: *:_,...........,,,,, picalckin. Facilities bellitibelOINI, Picniti2 lighting 11111111111011111010111,11 7 T""711..„*...'waee„aunthins'9 'itiall11111111411111:11111 Staging.PZ21.1:,T 11111111121*474411•1114 1111111111161111WisOi inkirm ,ati°:::/maP P111:411011111111.411111.11 :::::::.„..tmati'” ee piant,ngs d. ii,i,,:,,giggp,,,q*Atlletblt:qltillgt, Tr 11121•10114aViiMr4 ?„::::::4"..tsimil.„''se Plant Connection to 0 Concept Z7ne_T__ ,.., liege Station .,_,. , to.*:,,,,,,,...,ii ,0Network IIIIIIMMIIIII,,,IN Bikeway orized 1111111110111114 Multi-use'n°n-m°shoulders 1111111, ES111400410 10'Path'min-2'sh'" ..,..„,.......,,.,:.:,..A.N.„„„'.''''.. antignigtogaaillMallOin <""“'"9* Elinitallit nittilMfOall 1411Etdtttggqlif,7:11.1lnlitll pliaNalqiii* ,,...,-,,,,,,,g10. 44111111MItlieM SiltZia.:.4.1 Zesitalak IN''I'4246li".'4.4.:IVINITA:ii.41** ViliMptli,aliatOnk?iNgg intil,;!IIii lHii.4,V2L_,?qf',,4:SWA'ctiV :;44:','..5,'''',.:•.::.17.7,iii*t:,,i4Z''''''''' 8 away tion:E3°<e Plan TyPL use Zone a d "Die 1 wiz.vehicle Concept 0 _ er,;:sarc;a:c=e— • ma „ I. §: -771 qt,t01131(1,614 1 4.110W Concept Zone 1111411;'''''T n I 11111111111111,10I1 2 1114,4111111111111 ..,4,41111114,1111; klillANSIktitlinifill ,4,,a11114' all111.11011111/11*.th 11111111111:1111101141111111 tailk,41101111%4111.1tlek - S'S 55 4 flia*Itisimax,,„-- Ikthro v Trail u wa 4tvt."!,.°A.,,,,.- • Zone Plan °— * .:,„,°,,„441:i Concept . 4 +4,44111 IMIlliellitit„„„•„'„„';""gli 541.004 -`44,4151%111144111" kl11111,41111,11kil'0:14,:itiski .411114111L 6 Walk .itoiti*ttooskt: Trail a ke th Bikeway y 0 Concept Zone Plan I 7 minseinsmoll 511101.tit littrovArpso 171:7-11:""""711,177111164,1%, "' 11111111111114111.011101111 8 iii111,11111111111M141,11 111101112!*;iiii,r111 !!".itgR4:1.0,111." 11111.1111111112111111 11111111111111 111111,0111,11111111 !!!!"115!"%! 1111.111111111,..,OMIIIR4 9 iiii?;,:?:,71,611141! 1,11.kfollabile 11111111111111111111 1111111111111111 ""'"aatetteraVatt •, Waikthrough Bikeway Trail ilifinfallat ()Concept Zone Plan I 15111.1111111111•1011111 1° 11111111111111•10111i0U1 lattioidoo iaiaifABNinatihtaNaZP:o::;:V.;- Okg eletionto ationos 1 I Piqiiii54014 lrIIIr;P11110111lPitil Ir • ISCLA 11111161111ANtilig,4 1,141111 111111111•011111/11 11.11111111111 Walkthrough-Bikeway Trail 0 Concept Zone Plan I 12 1.11111111110,t1314,1111 13 11114111161 1,111,11111111111 011111111111111110eZnitra:411 P11111110;11*Iiiiinikiitqlt 111,11„,„„.:Ziktin '040D-WASUMM:51 '..,101111,5111811 i'llit$11111111111111,1011 111111111111-M eg:r1111111111111114!"111111116„: Allitli' 1O11111111.* 11111,1•01,11111, Walkthrough-Bikeway Trail Eiliallinst I0 9Concept Zone Plan I IIIIIIIORT77,,,,— 111 1111111111,11111,UPP”11.0111011.11i011501 '••''''''''''"„N"'„' ''"'"''Vsev.,40; 44:1!'!,A 11111111,111111,1111111 iiiiiiiiiii101110101.46e-!;411 111111.1110,1101WM011 ••"'''.4',„„„„ 4.406. 011.000 15 111111relr00:11, ....,::::,.. li'llitediligliPAIIRPAII Ifirir,Igem„,„,..,,,,.„. !"111,11111101111 11115317511111 011110101101111101 Ilitill., f• ,w1k.th rough tw!f:i'''' 111!11.1.4iriWaip.!Bkt:! a:,7! •,--144.40.0110"W., Y Trail 0 Concept Zone Plan I Typical Section:Footpath S 4411.41313.4iiiii, u - 5 '15iNle U" '''''',:r.1'‘i,,,'i,. 4,i,',. .,.,..,..c3 '',,,•,,,A,, .7:69„, ). ! $,',1,1/-11.. tti ..,i'.:rlii...„,:,...,..„.. ,:o 'f,•?, li 4 ,,,., - ___•_._ . ,,,,, _:,,::, , : 7,.....,„. 0 Concept Zone Plan I iairifdlrPMNVew,,,,, // // 16 :',"::!'..?.. 711-16,,,,,,, 01111110i'Si*"114,4*A.0"1% 0t,"*-00Pigii,v4A3,,,,,,korig Prilwolooa00004pefr;J sorsomooto rto3oggi"",,Rolnsoosgev;::Ato gowitspolo geopvtakotom 111411015110411110011 17 \ I .:i77-,, ii4i774'.:1!!! llillfa.7111.111 1001.111111111141 .,ittippiipookNi 01•00111110110 liopopoopill 11111111110111010 18 i:,;;:rrillie 6111,11.10,11100101 li* Walkthrou ---'''''''''llii $P1'4•P*Id; gh-Footpath 111L011011 Vigialta#101 1 1 ()Concept Zone Plan I 9 1111,11-111/11P4:,<UfAPIII 44,111tOliaMiii ItteiPir;',IntOPORMR:' - - MIE1111111111,1101".P111113 20 11111.111.11111111•61111010 10 afainiFaNettgagl[4.4r,-2:nag illigligell."11•101t ,1:11111:5111111111119111# trE!.49,..*11111111111,1*., RRIIIMPAR0- 11111.11i!;11111•5011P314 21 anifirleagiSSSS ,11144* 711:4111.#14,Mtigata Waikthrough-Footpath Concept ZoneuPlan 1 by Lance Pennenter Concept Zone Plan II 4 . .1; Five Zones Riparian/Aquatic Enhancement 11.11F,':1-5:ei,;:g;Z.tif14.i , Forest g::41111:ti.k.1:::!4111?':',40#4.77:: :fi:E6;1.71'..-:;, Grassland Active Recreation Trail Head ---• 12 ()Concept Zone Plan II •Riparian/A• uatic q Create/Restore habitat Clean up garbage Channel stabilization Provide educational opportunities about Riparian liniitle74i,f!e::i;:!111115; 4.Pi"4 and Aquatic ecosystems Head Lake 1143154.*41.17$4141(?g Re.„,„ed Intli911,11,414PAI;i prom..we„and ;1111111::1?;1111alitt'SP;IPArt:A. O Concept Zone Plan II .11',fsNetCP,p410,1, • • ,7. • < "I 0 Concept Zone Plan II Wetland Enhancement introduce wetland plant ve 9011111ia01.1.11,1181•11f 11111111:1Z<t;i4ttil to il .i1181110i4:441111 dv an 13 ()Concept Zone Plan II '.:li.-7,14,-INI:WN5555__ 555 ..,,.., ,,,:,,,„ •., : ,-:,.,,:..,..r, ,;.- ..4,„•„,.:, 1 ''',.:•;,,,..„.i.:.,,,,,,,i- -. .:,:! i ....,.:1 ,--:,,,,,:,.::•::.,,1;i:::::,.:,:,-;.si,:1 -.H.''..':;•1'1,.•::::-z:i.'.:::.:..:,:.,• .::,::.4.:.':,..,, ,....,.... ----\N --- ,....„,,..„: 0 Concept Zone Plan II 060111:1111100110a0ORilTli mittill!nrAlliA .. Forest -----iiii0SNIZni!i0,: ::"ar ;1 ',1V. Minimal human 807Ca-fil,rA Interior access to Ite;e4ffa*VZd Pfrs.-‘...OriM Pr"e"e dens.f°rest -.'"'''''''•4 ;7:.;'..,1''''- ;::1:::47. Substantial wildlife cover 11!nillIPSIMW',1,Z6: etr.4fri4:'.:::t:.., .4 lif0,„:*•Hikiitsj Small,low impact trails introduced for walking only I 110i1,:,.14:,n„Ort415151,17!"*".*,410:Y 111,1P11417;iriViAid1013:1; Pr'vier?catirIF EF 4'04k*04 PPIutn ties a c'uorested .6 Atnitj;P:'1:nnil:',titLP;:iaSVO'XS', ec°sYs ems 41 Concept Zone Plan II Vellin1111,101141111111Grassland Etaltiliiii01111140.Y111"141. APPr'xi W, 4matelY 21% pg.vvv,Iiig,!,;;,,.1,0.,,L,u,k,4,-,:,:tl Human access with least ,;?,,,.::M,,,,,,Ipc4 amount of impact to site's '.::.'i,i,:•;:!'10i:110,1111111"4:7:bicittlq. existing habitat illii,IlitiligliggilIVAilljt,7;'. Pr'vidrce e;It?catiaI rtG I d rilillill'::"!:A.:114131;$101%.*OP opportunities a nu ra"an Vi 111,1::::i-14,1111411it‘g;;AlitteleM !11:41:111411:ZZEE:RWall07,-tt) .‘,.,i:,:i...•.f.,..liiiwtity7:40,347-"Kii. .;,1 t§.r.1m'iturtv::ti.. ,,,•-,::- od,.,:i4A:4 ',.---:,•'-- , ::'.'-:'''..':';',:i::',,:',:mi.;:,,,i.::.'''::,-....0-4-1,,,a. -iii:',,,; 14 t zone Iltiqii .ve Recreat cb conceP ,42.4t11,4, Act' 1 5, App d Plan II Trail Head 1111:1111i1t11111*,,.?4”4"!!A open gra' 0„,,,,natural gi"Mallitiltrki ."'''''N,V1:4#14,11,41 'ra rema:7,—authk:ft.,. s",:mi:Ate4iNi,,?:4if.:,,tt 0-7;f.,4 P.- „ant... ,,..... ion Area il, 1 , ., Tree 7 sot.."'7::::..'"edni. '..,., .40tiikr,L.... -411TI,V itlittitiglitiSittmt,!-. (..-...--, Fad„ties rti.#3,-. 1.:904.0' eatmg/Pidnick eg .5LNAAlilifIP..;ifiti .:445.44,” $ 'Tables *t'ie,tt44.5%:.tt,rl Benches f**1.1.4i''';:t :444, 04',:k1 ing Paydinn '"I'I''''tligT.: 'Stag it Plan II Trail Head Concept Zone rking ,,, ,:%1Atim, Pa , 1, .....,,,,,,,:i:,,,,:', '.P.).4-4.>,.:,:',,-.*:o4,;agA,,,,,,,, roximate Y :,...,,e,,,,,4v,,4",r,..,,, ,.., :,,,,,,.. APP Facilities iitiMIN'ta ..84 Parking '''N ::,,.% '' 7 vohicular '''., ,;.E.i.11111.1111iiiil'Illiblin, litik.„glettii. Amen Ines h.. ,",",,,:""M7,.'•',;ft„,„''„„''''''''. ,•I , '''''' ' Tables,Rent fountun. "'"4111111111111.11;t410ali,rolL ,c, in Kiosk „:11!illia'''hili'gk:444:44:liNttil*4t''' 7 Educ''"al in il''i,';611.!!;11,111110;:illieprAt..1 pw:4:!'irl..:4N1.4t4i..i.:,-i-yilc;;‘,0,,I.;*.. ;II A,riiilj'ii'.''''..;',,.'T.' j r3:205P7klnk 7..1ft:.:',77.'• till'•''''''''''''''.„„'' to Plan II Connectionstation ()Concept Zone ".,,,,,,,,,,,,-4,,,,,..57:•,'174ip c oi leg e Station N(*)Can 1k4WirAt.::-''',1 Bikeway Ne-mild 0ke „.i,.,;,-,:,„,,, anoor liaillilliplifillialiltikilli ML,Alti:e;:n.Tshouiders ‘,..„'„''' ..*ti,,t 10 Pa V:: :gt.p',..*:,Z:ik;If'it 11111111111;111118114%?:)ritl,V 1111111111111111:1111141 ?fliiiii;I:Oiligli .,., & 7:kiithiritaibaillift ' ' ' ' ''''''''''',A,:•'''::7'-;"161::',.',"-:.W"..,, 14444,:gitikir ''''' hillt4:::iii.:14:414*".i'•':.:::,,401.4: .4111M4.,•-•.'1:'•';'•:';•. :'''''''' '! T ''''''''41"Iti';',1:1?..::';', :''.:- ":4 '...;:;:itiV:;'ir.77::Li4l,.*Zit.;IIII,'"...alif'til:': ;:..ff'4'f.*•.t :::',;14,455 ::''''":4'.''''''''' ir.,'.21FIN.;;..:4::t.:',: .:' :E,1 :_ ,.. .' ....4:,,,,..<.',....aitj,,..,,4::.,4;tf,, • 15 41'1':'''''''•''''''„' ()Concept Zone Plan II P7ConSe:nection to Green rowx itbit .Aiternative tra system waY ,....r ,-,... n'n-al'i.lzed="'s ';',::,,::::---'",--z,,,\,-,•.---L, .,,,,,,-- •,that,. --:. ...,‘',.'4':--',--„,,a,":„•,:.4, m ' '',:,.:•:'Z:'''''f::'•':':: gr/f'I''';',% -":'1:-.z:.'-',,,,-7,, 'ter'''. 0 s Concept Zone Plan II iliglidillirref. ..-,, • ,• I *,... : ,-.,•:•,:„,„,,,:::„,.:.......,_ 1111111FAII*711141 1111.itlillial 1110.1111111110VPIQi1A 111011111111111 01011111Nalig 4Li:**g,i 010-01111111110 tz34.41.0.04,,: ,0 10,00,061tai litillialliiV00,4#1,4101 mairifaigirtelit "-r0110,40:10 2 011100141§:::;: ltid:,!-1::: .1111111110$01 -4::•.: 4,,.i.*.;:t 1111011;* 011111M00, Aftlit;',1;',4iS 1111111111111111111- 1 .,,,.11111111NP. 41,..L. , --;;;;;:!"1"11111111111 kili11111110:144-44;;I :::,'":: :::*,:eil; 010.11,11,011 ' - :'••••:!i'41..:::1 glii011,11#1 Walkthrough-B i ke mis'aY 4* Tra 1 Sitigear,14 ... Concept Zone Plan ll ViriligliMp,,,,m- 111111011111111.0111, ',itiliirai'ittl‘fl '''',i,i001111118"114.0.i>004::,,:i SatiON,16,1111 itIVIIIIIIIIIIIq0"4Wltg::ijtli 11111111111111101 11111111.11,- atelli 5 • Ifari,lf 011111111111101 41111t;iirglietWt$ 1,1:j 1100,111.11.11 ,ittl10!.!'rit:t'O*;1;4;<4 1,4f.,,P5-241 !:'illilifillie!ti .;;',fr:*.::ril":):. #0;1114#41114 '1:15:11i6:c.7111;;A:.:41,:-:•:;,i,z4.;"17, 6 Walkthrough-Bikeway Trail ikeway Trait 10,iiiiataglifi .:........ 16 0 Concept Zone Plan 11 - ..-,..,,,..•,,,,,,,,,,,, 1•rIE"0 11 BEI',r:'''W'tj'irN' NN & A4 ' 1111161010611IN -- "0,"""""oz,,,,< N frtoW ::. erourgonsmos Illignagi ;.:,,,vvi,J,i.s.,,i,.::: ,409;;-!„$ ivamatigoemen gittillatingifMntoN $01010111111 rllttjier44;tjitilfi 8 kif,*-;,,:i74i.: miiii",1:,:.!;::".':::-.,,P'i,'::-.';',:•45, ..4.:.!$,,;:m it ilile,a,p,:::-,14,:64to 1111:0100% 1-5i51'7.: t: 1111111111111111 " t.11111111;litt.`lf.. .;,:::4::,:iii•::::::iv.,„4 ., r,,,•;:,,,,-4 9 .t.,1111"t7h:'::•'.42:'''::j',.*- 10W.*: ,,•' .1',"g""""'..:,"",",'"'i,",:., .2:111110CA:W>‘Z . #01iiigti:,,,A01011 Walkthrough-Bikeway Trail 314001111011 Concept Zone Plan 11 IIIIIIIEVAPWA, --, 10 PPIVICIAV 001,11111154111",,0.0.1, Or) *itallit '''''''''Im'''''4.:WIILIII,Pg."6, lalli.,AOSIMOI 113111110114Pii4V,e5,4 anitanialli Nalltill011111441111:1 i 1111111161511 11.141111111,003,311011 11•11111111% rilalleellikeia0;71 s -- Oqiip.:Fte?Ifit1410410;177:1:?::,*t: --.1.'7,z''''4..,fi,,,,•:i,,,,,,,, ;',:tri.7,,:,'''''':4,,,V.:::..*'''',.::.*,,I, diaigibt;,,,,,„:..y.411:::.ii', .,...:11,,,...40,1..,i,',•,!,,,,;-,::::.::.,:....:'.1',4.0:4:,,,,* tastalitapatannii ..dcgitlitiriti:;;;V:k: ::'!;';.: ::V4 VIIIPPPINSI illILi,!::A._Iffiki::,4:41r,,A 1111•0111i itilinick;i:V4* aciriiiinisaamot Walkthrough-Bikeway Trail gfiMl*ka,i";t;M' ()Concept Zone Plan 11 _ 0\0M-iNt WI. Purpose: irritt2itivoan kr"a" 'C:.;,:',--,- ; :'.7.",':Z.'".•,..1 ,7,-.L:1,5,-, .,minimu m Pa' • .A10-1';';',7'''''''''.; ',.7::ASII:1 -.'- 'II",• c4.t,?*7;-i--. .„..-:-..:,.: :7," \1'i'' \. , g,„ NI:: (Y kl: e, --,:.,,.''..,',,,,'„',,i, w ;7.., v•pl!q ,...—c,......„- 17 Concept Zone Pian H Purpose: w____ �,fE i - �y •Provide service aacess #{b-rY +1` ;PONii onto site fi msµ^ . !: •Move people to and from :_ • ;..,r r r �.. interpretive signage and t �" t observation paints along Ci; y t.'S•' ::\ 't7 et, ��`��,�".�� pond x -'i'+e F.r c^`','f.,'' • Dimensions: '->,'‘3' . f, ti •10'minimum path �` • •no shoulder t,"t*,v `'`max✓w� r.: � Materials: < f' t 4, •ty�hh i�''-,.../•' ,mow "4 �,,r`r'" •Deaampased Granite r Y =' [[ �-r � .� ? •Constructed io support �'^'�"�+, � ''`�� ,1.:;,..""i-� -"r'; weighs of vehicles ,...4t.f: r • 4 r- • arta?t ? l a c l�hl�'I 1:..-:!:::, r i.t P ..""M,.,e ,•' '•„. t�/Y\1`:•r.,64.. �#t Y - tr+PrwrrG E1°'rl+wrtun 18